One Night With the Billionaire: Book Two (2 page)

BOOK: One Night With the Billionaire: Book Two
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The apology surprises Kaia. Not that she has any experience with it, but she didn’t think that men in his position apologized all that much.

“Here to check up on your laptop, then?” she asks icily, cringing at the way her voice sounds. She’s being a bitch to him, and she knows it.

She doesn’t want to be a bitch, she’s just...confused.

Jason’s eyes soften. “That’s
laptop. And no. I’m here for you.”

She feels a pull deep in her belly. It’s excitement, and a little bit of hesitation.

“What?” she says, not fully understanding.

Jason steps forward, into Kaia’s personal space. He reaches up, and traces his fingertips along her hairline, making a shiver run up and down her spine. She closes her eyes against his touch, remembering all the lovely things his fingers can do, what they felt like running across her body…

“I should’ve never let you leave that morning. I can’t stop thinking about you.”

Kaia revels in his touch, before opening her eyes and taking a step back. She can’t let herself get too wrapped up in this man now that she knows how easily this whole thing can slip between her fingers.

The movement surprises Jason, and Kaia sees his expression fall before he’s able to hide it.

Kaia squares her shoulders, wanting to be strong here. She feels like so much is riding on whatever happens next, and as much as she wants him, she knows she can’t just give in.

“So what does that mean? You want a relationship with me?” She goes right for the jugular, for what she knows will make him uncomfortable, so she can read his true intentions.

It works; she can see his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows. He recovers quickly.

“I was thinking more of a trial run.”

“You mean more sex, with no commitment.”

“No,” he says shaking his head. “I mean dating, more sex, and possible commitment.”

Kaia presses her lips together. All-in-all, this doesn’t sound like a bad offer, as long as it’s a sincere one.

“You mean it, you’re not…you’re not just trying to get me back into bed.”

Jason narrows his eyes, and looks at her intensely.

“I’m definitely trying to get you back in bed.”

Kaia turns, not wanting to play any games, but Jason tangles his fingers with hers before she can get away.

“Don’t walk away from me, Kaia.”

She doesn’t want to. But she doesn’t want to be screwed around with, either.

“If that was
I wanted I would tell you. I’m a complicated man, Kaia, there are…there are a lot of things you don’t know about me. Things I’m not sure I’ll ever be willing to share. But I won’t lie to you. Not ever.”

“Okay…” Kaia says, still not sure where exactly he’s going with this.

“If this was going to be a casual thing for me, I would tell you that up front.”

Kaia nods, she understands this. She believes him, too, because he’s already been up front with her about his intent to keep things casual.

He continues. “I’m telling you that I’m trying to make myself open to the possibility of more, but don’t want to miss my opportunity.”

Kaia takes a deep breath, and absorbs everything he’s telling her. “So, what you’re saying is that you’re trying to get yourself used to the idea of dating someone, and you want me to be available to you, you just don’t want me to date anyone else.”

Jason stares at Kaia, his eyes dark and deep and full of possessiveness.

“Yes,” he replies, his voice raspy. “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

What he wants is for her to hang on to maybes, and Kaia isn’t sure she wants to do that. But the sex was
good, and she’s been living with this inexplicable nagging ache of ‘what if’ in her belly ever since she left his hotel room that night. It’s not like she has any other prospects at the moment…

“Jason.” Her tone is a little pleading, because it’s a difficult situation for her. Then again, saying yes to maybes, means saying yes to more of some truly excellent, mind-blowing sex.

“I want you,” Jason says firmly. “I don’t want anyone else to have you.” He cups her face, then lets his hand slide down the curve of her neck, across her collarbone, down the swell of her breast.

His thumb brushes across her nipple, and even through her shirt and her bra, it makes her shiver. All the resolve she’s been holding together just…crumbles.


Jason leans forward, with a sly, seductive grin on his stupidly handsome face.

He kisses Kaia long, and slow, and deep, ’til she thinks her heart might beat out of her chest.

When Jason pulls away, he whispers, “I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”


“What do you mean you’re not coming?”

Chase Jennings, Jason’s oldest friend, sits beside him at the bar, gripping a frosty bottle of beer between his fingers.

Jason takes a pull from his own bottle, then sets it down in front of him.

“I mean exactly what I said,” Jason replies. “Something came up.”

“It’s not like you to cancel on me last minute, especially not for a party like this. Remember all the models that showed up last year? We can have our pick.”

Jason takes a deep breath, then tilts his head forward, trying to loosen the knot that’s forming between his shoulder blades.

“I can’t,” he says again, adamantly, while smiling at his friend.

“You’re missing out.”

“Doubtful.” The words came automatically, and if Jason had a second to think about what he was doing, he never would’ve let himself say them. But, it’s too late.

“What is going on with you? If I didn’t know better, I’d think you…”

Jason sees the look of surprise on Chase’s face, even out of the corner of his eye.

“Holy shit,” Chase says with a laugh.


“You’re seeing someone.” Chase says it with a hint of accusation, like he’s certain he’s figured out something that Jason’s been hiding.

And he has.

“I’m not.” He and Kaia haven’t seen each other since he left her apartment the night before last, but he’s seeing her tonight, and the lie feels wrong coming out of his mouth.

“Bullshit. You are.”

Jason doesn’t want to lie again, so he says nothing.

“Never thought I’d see the day.”

When Jason turns and looks at his friend, he’s grinning like a moron.

“What day?”

“You in a relationship. Even though it’s been fun being your wingman, I have to admit that it’s good to see that you’re admitting you might be wrong about your rule.”

“I’m not admitting anything.”

With a smile, Chase shakes his head, and brings his bottle up to his lips. “Elise finally get through to you?”

Jason isn’t really sure how to talk about this. He’s not big on expressing his feelings, and he definitely doesn’t want word circulating that he’s seeing someone. He trusts Chase, it’s just that this is all so new, and he didn’t make Kaia any promises about what would come next. It could be over by this time next week for all he knows.

And it would be safer if it’s a secret. But the more he denies it, the deeper Chase will try to dig.

“I met someone,” he says carefully. “But it’s new, and none of your goddamn business. So keep it to yourself.” He tries not to grin as he says the words, but Chase understands.

“Really? Wow.”


“Does she know about everything?”

“Chase,” he warns. His friend is almost as bad as Elise.

“You’re going to have to tell her, you know that, right? If she hasn’t asked already because of the-”

“I’ll tell her when I’m ready to tell her. If she’s still around by that point.”

His oldest friend looks him in the eye, and Jason knows he’s not going to like what comes next.

“It doesn’t make you damaged goods, you know. Not everyone is Skylar, man. Not every woman is going to disappear when they find out.”

Jason isn’t so sure that he’s right, and he’s not willing to risk it yet. “I said it’s none of your business. When I’m ready to tell her, I’ll tell her.”

“Hey,” Chase says, holding his hands up in mock surrender. “Your secret’s safe with me. But I’m happy for you, man.” Chase reaches over and claps Jason on the back. “I’m gonna have to find another partner in crime, though.”

“Somehow I think you’ll live.”

“I might,” Chase says with a laugh. “Have fun tonight.”

Jason grins. “I plan on it.”

* * * * *

“Wow,” Kaia says, looking up at the ceiling in his loft. “This place is…wow.” She walks over to the windows, and takes a look at the view. The light from the skyscrapers around them are bright around her silhouette.

Jason was nervous about bringing her up here. He’s never had a woman in his apartment before. Since he’s so accustomed to one-night stands, he usually goes to the woman’s place, or makes use of the room the Drake has on hold for him.

His home was his sanctuary.

And now Kaia is standing right in the middle of it.

It feels comfortable in a way that he never thought possible, and is a little weirded out by, considering they’ve only just met.

Jason is holding a glass of wine for each of them, the stems anchored between his fingers. But as Kaia stands there and watches the city below them, he stands there and watches her.

She’s in a figure-hugging black dress, her hair tumbling over her shoulders, looking just as breathtakingly gorgeous as he remembered. He wants her
much, wants to taste her skin under his tongue, to feel the wet warmth of her as he sheathes himself inside of her body.

He surprises himself by wanting to sit down and actually talk to her, too.

Jason walks up behind her, then leans forward and presses a soft kiss against her shoulder. She hums, and he can feel her shiver.

“Is red okay?” he asks as he hands her a glass.

“It’s perfect.” She turns and gives him a soft smile before she takes a sip, then lets out a soft hum after she swallows. “Thank you.”

“You look beautiful.”

God help him; she blushes as she gives him a soft smile.

“Thank you.”

He leans in and gives her a kiss because he can’t help himself, his free hand sliding up into her soft hair. Their tongues tangle, and he has to reel himself in before he gets lost in her.

When he pulls away, he rests his forehead against Kaia’s as he catches his breath.

“Wow,” Kaia breathes.

“You seem to be saying that a lot tonight.”

She leans back, her eyebrows furrowed. “When did I say it before?”

“Shortly after you walked in,” Jason replies with a grin.

“Oh, yeah. Well, this place is
. It’s not at all what I expected.”

Jason takes her hand and leads her over to sit beside him on the couch. “What were you expecting?”

“Armored guards or something?” she says, laughing a little with embarrassment. “I mean, I don’t know how rich you are, but you own a building in Manhattan, and obviously have money, and I thought…oh God, I’m going to shut up.”

Jason finds himself charmed by her candor. “Please, keep talking.”

She really is blushing now, and Jason thinks it’s lovely.

“I don’t want you to kick me out.”

He reaches up, and cups her cheek. “I would never. You’re actually the first woman I’ve had up here.”

BOOK: One Night With the Billionaire: Book Two
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