Read Once Upon a Fiery Christmas (Return to Avalore Book 3) Online

Authors: Elianne Adams

Tags: #paranormal erotic romance

Once Upon a Fiery Christmas (Return to Avalore Book 3) (10 page)

BOOK: Once Upon a Fiery Christmas (Return to Avalore Book 3)
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Chantelle’s heart fluttered at the thought. After the ceremony, they wouldn’t have to wait anymore. She’d be able to mark him, or rather, allow her phoenix to mark him, and finally make Sebastian hers in every sense of the word. “Is it time yet?” Her eagerness must have shown on her face, because both Katie and Rhia burst out laughing.

“Are we going to need to clear out the gardens as soon as you’re joined?”

Chantelle’s cheeks heated. “Am I that obvious?”

“No more than I am when it comes to Drake. And I’m sure Katie will be the same when she decides to be joined,” Rhia reassured her.

“Besides, we know you better than most. No one else will suspect a thing.” Katie grinned. “Unless you start growling again.”

“I was not. I was merely clearing my throat.” Chantelle tried to keep from snickering. “Okay, maybe I was growling, but that woman had no business near my mate.”

“Mrs. Wilson has to be at least a hundred years old, and she was fitting him for his joining day tux.” Rhia gasped the words out through her laughter.

“The poor woman’s eyes bugged out of her head.” Katie doubled over, laughing at the memory.

A soft rap at the door sobered them up. “Five more minutes, ladies,” Rhia’s father announced through the door.

“Thank you,” Rhia called back. “I guess we’d better get down there, huh?”

Chantelle nodded, as she adjusted the intricate beadwork covering the swell of her breasts and coming up to wrap around her neck. A sudden lump formed in her throat. This was it. Today she’d join the man who’d invaded her every waking thought for months. “This is really happening.”

“It is. Are you ready?” Katie smoothed out Chantelle’s hair where it had come out of place, giving her a wobbly smile.

“I am. Let’s go.” Chantelle linked arms with her two best friends as they made their way through the castle and to the dais in the south garden.

With Michael and Evan at his side, Sebastian scanned the crowd at the many new faces. He hadn’t realized how many people had left the city to find solace in the forest and mountains before Rhiannon’s return. Every day, more people were coming back to claim their ancestral homes. He spotted Jonah, his childhood friend, near the back and his heart jolted. He’d disappeared nearly a decade before, and had been presumed gone from this world. He gave the man a quick nod and smile. They’d have to get together and catch up later.

When the crowd hushed and parted in the center, his breath caught in his lungs. Chantelle was more beautiful than ever. Her silky hair shone in the sunlight. Her long white gown hugged her every curve, before flaring at the bottom. It was sweet, and sensuous, and it would drive him insane. Part of him wanted to rush over to her and drape his jacket around her shoulders, while the other was proud of the beautiful woman who would share his life.

“You look stunning, Chantelle.”
Her eyes lit up at his words, and he smiled at her. If only she knew how quickly he would get her out of that pretty dress once they were alone.

“Thank you. You look pretty incredible yourself.”
She nibbled at her bottom lip, drawing his attention to her mouth.

She reached the dais, climbing the stairs with Rhia and Katie following close behind. Just when he would have stepped toward her to bring her to the center, the Elder woman who’d been standing behind him came around, drawing everyone’s attention.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we, the Council of Elders, welcome you to this wonderful celebration.” The white-haired woman waved her hand toward the remainder of the group at the back of the dais. “As of late,” the woman said as she looked at Rhia and then Evan, “our ceremonies have been somewhat less than traditional, but today, we celebrate the joining of Chantelle and Sebastian.” She looked at Chantelle. “I assume there are no surprises waiting for me as we continue?” Her sharp tone spoke volumes.

“No, ma’am.” Chantelle’s voice trembled a little, but she looked the woman in the eye as she said it. “I’m more than ready to be joined with my mate.”

“Good, then let us proceed.” The Elder woman stepped back, indicating with a sweep of her hand that Chantelle was to stand next to Sebastian. If it weren’t for the smile Chantelle gave him, he’d have set the woman straight on how to speak with his mate.

The Elder woman turned to him first. “Sebastian Robins, you have been brought forth to be joined with this woman. Do you wish to be joined on this day?”

Sebastian couldn’t contain his smile. “I absolutely do. I’m ready to be joined with this woman.”

She then turned to Chantelle. “Chantelle Warren, you have requested the aid of the Council of Elders in selecting your mate. Is it still your wish to complete this joining?”

“Yes. There is nothing I want more.”

The woman nodded her approval, then took a step forward and faced them, gesturing for them to move closer together. The filigree of her tunic sparkled and shone as she stood before them, her hands weaving and dipping in an age-old dance.

“Light of new and light of old,

Bring forth two halves and make them whole.

Soul to soul, and light to light,

Allow the love to burn strong and bright.

Give them knowledge and faith to see

What lies before them is meant to be.

Ancient souls unite to tell who is meant to be joined.

The decision brought down from mother to daughter, and father to son.

For this woman there is only one.

The light cannot lie or mislead what is true

Let us celebrate the joining of the two.

Light of new and light of old,

Join the two and make them whole.

Bring forth your light as it is meant to be.

The two, now one, never shall it be undone.”

The woman’s tight features relaxed as the words poured out of her, giving her an almost serene look. Energy of all colors encompassed them, swirling and shining brighter than anything he’d ever seen. As the last words were uttered, fire raced through him, and if Chantelle’s small gasp was any indication, into her as well. Her life’s source reached for his, drawing him in before fusing them together soul to soul.

Once the energy dimmed and the cheers erupted, he knew the joining was complete. He didn’t have to look to know he’d been marked. Smiling wide, he took hold of her hand and lifted it to his lips, breathing cooling energy into it to ease its sting.

“When can we get out of here?”
Her words had blood rushing to his cock and he had to shift to keep it from showing.

He half considered taking her to the air and avoiding their friends entirely, but as much as she said otherwise, she wanted this celebration.
“Not soon enough. But I’d hate to disappoint everyone by leaving right away. Besides, I don’t think we’re quite done.”

As if on cue, the Elder woman stepped close again, turning toward the crowd and holding their hands up for all to see. More cheers rang out before Chantelle was whisked away in a big hug between Katie and Rhia while Michael clapped his back and Evan shook his hand. “Welcome to the club, buddy.”

Chapter 13

Happy as she was, Chantelle couldn’t take another hug, couldn’t make herself smile even one more time. The wait to claim Sebastian had gone on too long, and her patience was running thin.
She reached out to Rhia. Surely, she would come to her rescue. She grasped Sebastian’s hand, unwilling to let anyone else grab a hold of him. Every time she made a move to get them closer to going home, someone else came by to congratulate them and start a whole new conversation.

“What do you want me to do?”
Rhia’s panicked words rushed into her mind.

“I don’t know, but distract them, create a diversion.”
Chantelle laughed, garnering a quizzical look from her new mate.

“Announce your big surprise.”
It was brilliant. Once Rhia told everyone she was pregnant, no one would care that they had snuck away.

Rhia, who was standing a dozen feet away, swung her gaze to her.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to take away from your day.”

“Please? I really want to get away with Sebastian now, but I can’t move a foot without being trapped by someone else.”

“Shoot. Okay. Give me a minute. You owe me so big for this one. You know how much I hate speaking in public.”
Rhia was silent for a moment.

Chantelle watched Rhia, then glanced at Drake just in time to see his jaw drop and take Rhia into his arms. When they broke apart, Drake looked over to where she and Sebastian stood, then smiled at his mate before making his way to the platform, clearing the way for Rhia as he went.

“May I have your attention please?” Drake spoke loud enough to be heard over the din of the crowd. “Our queen would like to say a few words.”

Sebastian circled Chantelle’s waist, pulling her close with her back to his chest so they could both listen to Rhia.

“I want to thank you all for coming. It has been wonderful to see so many new faces in the city, and I look forward to getting to know you all.” She smiled and put a palm to her belly, taking Drake’s hand with her other. “I’d like to congratulate Chantelle and Sebastian on their joining. They both deserve all the happiness in the world. Although our time with them today draws to a close, I would like to invite you all to stay and celebrate with us a little longer.” She glanced at Drake, smiling at his quirked eyebrow. “It seems there will be yet another new face coming to Avalore soon.” When no one reacted, she flushed and tried again. “Drake and I are expecting our first child.”

Drake grinned and kissed Rhia’s cheek. Absolute silence filled the garden, not even a bird daring to chirp for several seconds, until a high-pitched squeal cut through it. Katie bounded up the steps and threw her arms around Rhiannon before laughing and doing the same for her brother. “Are you kidding me? I’m going to be an auntie?”

As though only then catching on, the crowd erupted with cheers. William made his way to the dais, shaking Drake’s hand and giving Rhia a hug of his own.

Chantelle stared at the dais as Rhia’s brothers joined them on the platform. Part of her wanted to do the same, but the other, more insistent part of her wanted to take her mate home and be his in every sense of the word. Guilt niggled at her. She couldn’t just leave.

“Go. This is your chance to make a run for it.”

Chantelle couldn’t even see Rhia anymore for the sheer number of people gathered around her.
“I’m so happy for you. Promise me we’ll get together soon to celebrate.”

“Of course we will, as soon as you disentangle yourself from that mate of yours. So, maybe next month?”
Rhia’s laughter followed her words.

“Give me two, just to be safe.”
Chantelle turned in Sebastian’s arms. “Take me home, mate.”

As soon as the words were out, his lips descended on hers. Pure energy seeped into her from his chest. Heat flashed through her, making her pulse throb. She couldn’t catch her breath.
“We’re in the middle of a garden filled with people. You want to make me into a puddle right here?”
She pressed closer to him, the hard length of his cock nudging her belly.

“Maybe not. Let’s get out of here.”
With his arms still around her waist, he lifted her from the ground, teasing her with little nips and kisses to the spot he had marked but had stubbornly refused to even breathe on in the weeks since. By the time they reached her house, she was panting, barely able to keep from ripping his clothes from his body.

The moment the door closed, she pulled his shirt out from the waistband of his suit, then grasped it with both hands. With one good yank, little white buttons skittered all over the floor. She’d leashed her phoenix far too long, and now given freedom, it wasn’t holding back.

A sexy rumble vibrated in his chest, coaxing the phoenix closer. He snaked his hand up her spine to the base of her neck, taking a handful of hair and tugging until her face tilted up to him.

Chantelle gasped at the slight sting, her phoenix surging forward. Craning her head to the left, she exposed her neck, holding her breath. He had to do it. She needed it so much she didn’t think she’d survive without his bite. Every inch of her skin tingled, a portent of what was to come, and she welcomed it. As much as she needed her mate’s bite, she needed to mark him more.

“Do it, please.” Her breathless voice barely rose above a whisper.

Sebastian leaned in close, dipping his head so that his breath teased her skin. Her heart pounded and her hands shook as she held on to him where his shirt lay useless at his elbows. “Do what, Chantelle? Kiss you? With pleasure.” He proceeded to put his words to action, his lips gliding over the pulsing bit of flesh where her shoulder and neck met.

She leaned into him. “No, not that.” She almost regretted whispering the words when his lips came off her skin.

“Do you want me to touch you, Chantelle?” He brought his mouth close to her ear. “I’ll touch you with every part of me, Chantelle, my lips, my tongue, my
, my hands, and my cock.”

The way he said the word
made the muscles of her pussy clench and her nipples pucker. He knew exactly what she wanted. He flicked her earlobe with his tongue before he sucked it between his teeth and tugged.

BOOK: Once Upon a Fiery Christmas (Return to Avalore Book 3)
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