Once Found: The Pocket Watch Chronicles (17 page)

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As they left the store, Elsie remembered something. “Angie, you said you made Gabe a gift. Is it customary to give someone a gift on their birthday?”

“Man, you really have forgotten everything. Yeah, people get gifts on their birthday. I made him a collage of photos from when we were younger. He had his guitar or mandolin in almost every picture I found, so I wrote
Music is the voice of the soul
on the matting.”

Elsie frowned. “I don’t have anything to give him.”

Angie looked thoughtful for a moment. “I’m sure he doesn’t expect anything from you, but I know something little that you could give him. Something he really likes. But we have to drive to a different store.” She glanced at her watch. “We have just enough time.”

Angie took her to a huge store that seemed to sell everything. “You have your choice. He really likes these chocolates called Baci—that means kiss in Italian.” Angie grinned, and Elsie blushed.

She took Elsie to another aisle. “He also likes these shortbread cookies. Mom doesn’t buy them very often because they’re a little pricey compared to other cookies, but they are really good.”

Elsie took Elizabeth’s wallet from her purse. “I hate to ask this, but I’m not good with money yet. Do I have enough to buy both?”

Angie looked in the wallet, laughed, and said, “Yeah. You have way more than enough.”

After paying for the treats, Angie drove to the train station. “I’m taking the back way. Traffic on Route One will be crazy now and Mom will kill me if we’re late.”

They weren’t at the train station yet when Angie said, “Darn. It’s 5:30 now, and we’re about five minutes away. Here’s hoping the train is late.”

When they pulled into Hamilton Station about five minutes later, Nick was waiting in front. Angie stopped the van, pushed a button, and the side door opened.

Nick shook his head. “Hi, Elizabeth. Angie, I should’ve known you’d be the one picking me up when no one was here.” He put his overnight bag in the back, pushed a button inside the van to close the side door and walked around to Angie’s door. “I’ll drive.”

“No. I’m driving.”

“Get in the back, Angie. Elizabeth may have a death-wish, but I don’t.”

“I’m driving, Nick. Mom said I could.”

He stared at her, arching one eyebrow. “I can stand here all evening.”

Angie’s chin began to tremble. “I’m a good driver.”

“Come on, Angie. Don’t cry.”

She continued to sit there, her eyes filling with tears.

Nick huffed. “Fine. You can drive.”

As he closed her door and walked around to get in the back, Angie cast a sly look at Elsie and winked. It was all Elsie could do to contain her laughter.
Wrapped around her little finger indeed

Chapter 19

Gabe always enjoyed time with his family, but this birthday had been one of the best in years. There was no mystery as to why. Elizabeth being there and fitting in so smoothly with his family was what made it most memorable.

Nick left at the crack of dawn to make it to his office by eight, but Gabe and Elizabeth took a late morning train to avoid the rush-hour crowds. It was a blustery, cold day, and with a large bag of leftovers and other homemade delicacies as well as several bulky birthday presents, Gabe decided to take a cab back to the apartment.

Once they were inside, he’d barely put down his things before he pulled Elizabeth into his arms and kissed her until she was flustered and breathless. “I’ve wanted to do that for ages.”

She laughed. “Ages? We haven’t been gone a full day.”

“But I have gotten quite used to having you in my arms. I’m sorry Mom made you sleep in Angie’s room”

She swatted at his chest. “Gabe, did you really think your mother would do anything else?”

He shrugged. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I guess I’m going to have to ask you to marry me soon.”
Christ almighty, did those words just come out of my mouth?
He hadn’t considered marriage to anyone, since…well, years. “I mean…uh...not immediately…but soon.”

She rested her head against his chest and said, “I’m sure you’ll know when the time is right.”

. She didn’t jump on his declaration or slam on the brakes. “At the moment, the time is right to take you to the edge of bliss and let you teeter on the precipice until you beg me to send you over.”

“No, at the moment, the time is right to put away the delicious food your mother sent with us.” She ducked under his arm and made to grab the bag he had dropped on the floor.

He looped an arm around her waist, pulling her back against him. He kissed her neck and then sucked her earlobe before nipping it lightly. “
are the most delicious thing I brought home.”

She laughed. “Five minutes.”

He growled. “Fine. Five minutes.”

His gaze followed her into the kitchen. He’d intended to help her, but the sight of her exquisite ass in snug jeans mesmerized him. He imagined one round cheek in each hand as he buried himself in her. To him, she was flawless—soft and round where she should be, amazingly responsive, and surprisingly uninhibited. He’d been her first, and there hadn’t been many before her in his life. They had been, for the lack of a better term,
friendly fucks
, intended to make everyone feel good, but with no deep emotional attachment. He believed Elizabeth was the first and perhaps only girl he had ever
made love
to. Even so, the connection between them now was beyond anything he’d experienced with her before.

She shut the refrigerator door and turned to face him. “What are you doing?

“Looking at perhaps the most perfect ass God has ever made.”

“Stop teasing.”

“I am absolutely serious. In fact, there is only one thing wrong with it.”

“What’s that?”

“It isn’t naked.”

“Oh, well, as much as I strive for perfection, I find it a little difficult sometimes with this.” She waved her casted arm. “Perhaps you’d like to help?”

He groaned and grew even harder. “I think I’d like that very much.”

She took a step toward the bedroom, looked over her shoulder with a sly grin, and twitched her hips.

He arched an eyebrow. “And just where do you think you’re going?”

“Into the bedroom in the pursuit of perfection.”

“Oh, no you don’t. Stay right where you are.”

He stepped toward her from behind, reaching around her waist to unbutton her jeans and unzip them slowly.

“You don’t mean to undress me here?” she squeaked. “In the kitchen?”

“That’s exactly what I mean to do.” He hooked his thumbs in the waistbands of her jeans and panties, easing them over her hips and down to her knees. “Lean over onto the counter.”

“Gabe, I…”

“This is all in the pursuit of perfection.” He cupped the cheeks of her luscious ass in his hands and nuzzled the back of her neck. “Do it,” he whispered in her ear.

She leaned forward until her stomach was against the edge of the counter, her hands resting on the surface.

“Good girl.” He went down on one knee and lifted her left foot from the floor. He untied the laces of her boot, pulling it from her foot. He removed her sock and then stroked his thumb up the center of her foot.

She squealed and jerked her foot, but her jeans trapped her legs. “You’re wicked.”

He laughed, nipping one cheek and causing her to squeal again. He placed her bare left foot onto the floor and repeated everything with the right foot.

She started to straighten up and remove her jeans the rest of the way.

Gabe stood, grabbed her arms gently, and placed them back onto the counter. “Not yet, precious.” His hands returned to her creamy thighs, massaging them and moving ever higher. He brushed his fingers ever so lightly over her mound, gratified to hear her sharp intake of breath. He continued his slow exploration, stroking her center lightly, coming ever nearer but never quite reaching the spot.

She squirmed, trying to push against his hand.

He took his hand away. “Not yet.” He reached around her, unbuttoning her blouse and allowing his hands to roam over her bra. He slipped his fingers under the edge of the lacy garment and lightly squeezed her nipples, eliciting a moan of pleasure. “These are nearly perfect, too. Shall we add them to our pursuit?”

“Yes,” she said breathlessly, and that was all he needed.

He unhooked her bra and then pulled her away from the counter. “Raise your arms.”

She did, and he pulled her blouse and bra off, dropping them on the floor. He pushed gently on the small of her back until she was leaning on the counter again.

“Almost,” he whispered.

She gave a mewling moan.

“And so needy. I’ll see what I can do to fix that.”

He slid her jeans to her ankles and removed them, spreading her legs wider when they were free of constraint.

“So very beautiful.” He massaged her ass and then her breasts. “Perfection.” His right hand slid down her belly and cupped her mound. “Absolute perfection,” he whispered as his finger slipped between her legs and circled her apex.

She drew in a ragged breath, trembling with desire. Just as she was about to climax, he took his hand away and stepped back.

“Gabe,” she practically wailed.

“Don’t move.”

He kicked his shoes off and removed his shirt before moving close again. A shiver ran through her body.

“Let me see if I can warm you up.” Again, he let his hands slide over her body until he reached her clit.

She panted and arched her head back. So close.

He moved his hand away, stepping back one more time.

“No…please.” She started to turn.

“Stay as you are. Don’t move. We’re almost there.”

He pulled off his jeans and briefs, pausing long enough to sheath himself in a condom from his wallet.

He turned her around and lifted her onto the counter. He wouldn’t tease her any longer. He lowered his mouth to her, licking and sucking on the swollen nub until she was at the edge once more. He straightened and entered her in one hard stroke. She cried out as her orgasm overcame her. Locking her legs around him as he thrust into her, she rode the waves of her climax even as another built.

He was perilously close to his own orgasm when he whispered, “Come for me now.”

She threw her head back and soared into ecstasy with another cry, taking him with her.

He wasn’t sure how long they stood like that, completely spent, but when his brain began to function again, he lifted her into his arms and carried her to their bed. Still in a haze of post-orgasmic bliss, he disposed of the condom and climbed into bed beside her.

“Absolute perfection,” he whispered, pulling her close.

“Mmm. Perfection,” she purred.



Chapter 20

Saturday dawned cold but sunny. Knowing Gabe had to work that night, Elsie intended to let him sleep as long as possible, so she padded into the kitchen to make a much needed pot of coffee. As it brewed, she glanced into the living room and grinned. Her small suitcase, Gabe’s backpack, and the shopping bag containing his birthday gifts still lay where he dropped them by the door.

After they recovered from the incredible kitchen counter sex, they revived long enough to eat his mother’s homemade clam chowder while curled up on the couch in front of the television. Then they had another round of soul shattering sex and slept in each other’s arms for the rest of the night.

Once fortified with coffee and a banana—oh, how she wished bananas grew in Scotland—she tidied up. She put the toiletries away in the bathroom, added the dirty clothes to the hamper, and started a load of laundry. Then, she unpacked the bag containing Gabe’s presents. His mom and dad had given him a new pair of trousers, a nice shirt, and a sweater. She would hang them in the bedroom closet after he woke.

Angie’s collage was beautiful. It was a wonderful thing to be able to take photographs and hold on to memories in such a tangible way. She thought about her parents. She couldn’t remember what her father had originally looked like, and she only had fading memories of her mother. She knew with certainty that when she returned, her memories of what Jo and Aldous looked like would also eventually wane.

And Gabe? With memories of him making love to her so vivid, she didn’t want to believe that someday she would be unable to remember his face, his smile, the sparkle of his eyes. But if these emotions she felt were Elizabeth’s, perhaps those memories would be even more fleeting.

She looked at the words written so beautifully around the pictures.

Music is the voice of the soul.

Her thoughts turned to Geordie and the night she had met him. He had said something about how much he loved to see the pleasure his music gave people.
When the tune leaves my fingers and reaches the hearts of those listening, it gives me joy. When it stirs their feet and they dance, becoming one with the melody, we are connected in an extraordinary way. It feeds my soul.

Gabe’s guitar stood in a stand in a corner of the living room, but she had never heard him play it. She would like to hear him play at least once before she had to leave.

She sighed, laying the collage aside and pulling out the cookies and chocolates. She chuckled when she looked at them. She hadn’t realized it when she purchased them, but the cookies had been made in Scotland and the chocolates in Italy. It was really kind of perfect, but just like the card with the drawing of the bird in the nest, she was the only one who would ever know what it meant.

She retrieved the card from the bag and opened it. She didn’t know many words, but she had very carefully copied the words
Happy Birthday
on the inside of the card and added
Love, Elizabeth
. There was so much more she wanted to say. Thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for teaching me letters and numbers. Thank you for the day at the flower market. Thank you for pizza and pasta and bagels and bananas and peanut butter. Thank you for letting me glimpse this incredible love you have for Elizabeth.

She tucked the card back in the envelope and put all of his birthday cards in a stack for him on the table.

The last gift she removed was Luke’s. He liked woodworking, and like Angie, he had made Gabe’s present. It was a wall clock, the back of which he’d fashioned using old, weathered wood. It was rustic and very beautiful. The rough wooden background reminded her of the knot representing the pocket watch, carved into the tree of life on the Sinclair’s doors. A tear slipped down her cheek as she looked at the clock. Time was passing. She couldn’t stop it, and this was the first time she had allowed herself to admit that she didn’t want to go back.


She didn’t want to leave her parents. And she didn’t want to leave Gabe.

But it isn’t you he loves, Elsie.

At that thought, she couldn’t hold back. She put her face in her hands and gave into sorrow. She fought desperately not to sob, fearing that it would wake Gabe.

Eventually, she managed to regain control and stop the flow of tears. She washed her face, poured another cup of coffee, and put the laundry in the dryer.

By the time Gabe awoke, all evidence of her breakdown was gone.


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