Once Bitten (19 page)

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Authors: Olivia Hutchinson

BOOK: Once Bitten
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A short
balding man in a starched red uniform stood behind the desk. He looked around
at everything except them, but when Gabriel cleared his throat even he couldn’t
continue to ignore them. He didn’t hide the distaste on his face when he
finally looked from Gabriel to Lila and back again.

may I…help you?” He was actually smirking at them. Oh, if only the stubby
little man knew who he was fucking with, Lila thought.

looked down his nose at the man. “My wife and I would like a room for the
night. A suite, if possible.”

hell. She tried to hide the confusion on her face as she looked up at Gabriel.
His wife? A suite? Something had come over him, but she didn’t think that it
was just a sudden need to be close to her. Maybe he found the man’s attitude
just as rude and annoying as she did, but he didn’t have to go broke trying to
prove a point.

our suites cost a minimum of three hundred dollars a night.”


had to pick her jaw up off the counter. She looked at Gabriel, her eyes wide,
trying to figure out what had come over him. She didn’t know if she liked this
version of him. She didn’t like how his snap decisions were going to impact her
bank account, of that she was sure.

concierge looked just as shocked as Lila felt. “Are you sure, sir?”


need a credit card and a form of identification,” he said, quickly regaining
his composure.

handed him a platinum card, catching Lila completely by surprise, and his Maine
driver’s license. She didn’t say anything as the man typed in his information.
When he was satisfied, he handed Gabriel a little envelope containing two
plastic room keys.

are on the fifth floor in room 502. I hope that you enjoy your stay and if
there’s anything either you or Mrs. Azarov need—anything at all—please don’t
hesitate to let me or one of the hotel’s employees know. We wish you the very
best stay at…” The concierge’s voice drowned out as Gabriel held Lila’s arm and
steered her away from the desk toward the gold elevators.

waited until the doors closed before confronting him. “What the hell—”

don’t say anything.”


pissed me off, okay? Happy? I got to wipe that ridiculous smirk off his face
and I feel a lot better for it, so please let’s just drop it.”

“All right…”
She wasn’t going to argue with him and if he was footing the bill, then the
choice was his. She couldn’t tell him how to spend his money

he said, turning to face her. “Staying here isn’t going to break my bank, so
don’t worry about the money. This is the perfect location.”


elevator doors opened to the fifth floor and he grabbed her arm, pulling her
out of the elevator toward their room. “Let’s go order some room service. I’m


* * * *


filet mignon and a bottle of wine later, Lila was having a hard time hiding her

had been fine when they first got to the room. He had ordered them room service
like he had planned while she went and soaked in the tub that was big enough
for four people. She was sitting on the couch watching some pay-per-view action
movie he’d ordered, dressed in her pajamas and smelling of lilacs when the food
finally arrived.

He hadn’t
said anything to her since they had gotten into the room and Lila was
struggling not to corner him and demand to know what his problem was. The past
day had been long and tiring. She was quickly reaching her breaking point.

How had
it turned into this?

ate their meal in complete silence while the credits rolled on the television.
When he ordered another over-priced movie, she snapped.

know, all of this was totally unnecessary,” she said, her arms wildly gesturing
to the room around her. “There’s no need to show off.”

not showing off.”


still wouldn’t look at her. “Think of it as a vacation.”

“I am
on vacation, but I never thought I’d be spending it here. Or with you, for that

finally got a response from him. He turned in his chair to look at her, his
eyes darkened. His voice dangerously quiet, he asked, “You don’t want to be around

course I do.”

corner of his mouth lifted and he leaned back in his chair, his ankle slung
over his knee as he regarded her carefully. “Why?”

Of all
the ridiculous things to ask her. “Why do you think?”


missing my point.” She did not want to explain to him how those hours with him
in the car had been the most fun she’d ever had. Or how being near him made her
feel safe and practically invincible. Or how amazing it was to be wrapped in
his arms. To be cared for.

Tell me why you want to be around me.”


frowned, his brows drawing together. “That’s not an answer.”

shook her head and got to her feet. Walking around the coffee table, she went
over to the mini-fridge and pulled out a five-dollar bottle of water, her mouth
suddenly dry. “I’m done with this conversation,” she said after swallowing half
the bottle, “I won’t give you the satisfaction of—”

anything but satisfied.” The irritation in his face stung.

That’s your own fault.”

It was
his turn to get up from the chair. Her back was against the wall when he
stopped in front of her. He loomed over her, his face dark. “What is that
supposed to mean?”


Chapter Nine


tell you what it means!” Lila cried.

let his eyes wander over her skin. The flimsy T-shirt and boxer shorts she
liked to call pajamas did little to hide her curves. In fact, the skimpy
clothes made her all the more appealing. All the more difficult for him to stay
away from. “Then, by all means, enlighten me.”


waiting.” The color that splashed her cheeks traveled down her neck to her
chest. The pink of her skin made touching her all the more inviting.

It was
something that he couldn’t do, no matter how much he wanted to. No matter how
much he wanted to strip her down, to bury his face between her thighs and drink
at her heat. He needed to hear her scream his name again, to claw him again. To
bite him again.

torturing me!” she screamed at him, her pink skin quickly turning bright red.

spoke of torture so freely. There was no way she could possibly understand what
he had gone through the night before. What he went through any time she was
close to him. What he was going through right now. He needed her. He needed to
claim her.

His jaw
tightened. “I’m the one torturing you?”

Her breathing came in rapid bursts and he could hear the frantic beat of her
heart. He wasn’t scaring her, but he knew he was frustrating and intimidating
her. She was so small next to him. So breakable. So delicate.

“I don’t
think so. I’m sorry to say, but it’s the other way around. You strut around
here in nothing but shorts that show off your ass and a T-shirt that is so thin
it leaves nothing to the imagination. Do you know what you’re doing to me?” he

was nothing he could say that would explain to her what he was going through.
He couldn’t put it into words. The need to be with her, to claim her, was
overwhelming. How was he supposed to stay away when all he wanted was her? All
he had ever wanted was her. He could have left her to fend for herself after
she had jumped in to help at the gas station, but he couldn’t bring himself to
leave her alone. He was weak where she was concerned, he was even weaker now.

voice shaky, she asked, “What am I doing to you?”

growled and snatched her hand, sending the bottle of water flying across the
room. He ground her palm against his cock that was straining painfully against
his pants. It had never fully gone down since the night before.

that?” He heard her breath catch in her throat. He affected her just as much as
she affected him. And that was the problem. “If you don’t go in there, put some
fucking clothes on and shut the hell up, I’m going to fuck you right here.”

prayed that she would take his advice. Claiming her was out of the question,
but if she approached him…he didn’t know if he would be able to stop himself.
She smelled so good, the clean scent of soap and the beginnings of arousal
wafted up to assault his nose. Every muscle in his body was tight, straining to
keep him from tearing the clothes from her body.

“Do it
then,” she challenged him.

dropped her hand and took a step back. It was what he had feared. But maybe…maybe
it was possible. So far everyone thought she was a witch, perhaps they could
keep it that way. Maybe this was his chance, the chance he had always wanted to
have with her. Like she had said in her kitchen, he could have his cake and eat
it too.

his head, he covered his eyes with his hand. It couldn’t be that simple.
Eventually they would be caught. Eventually they’d have to pay for their crimes
and then what? They would both be killed. And all because he couldn’t control

he honestly continue to live like this? The constant need to touch her. He felt
her in his veins. She was everywhere and it still wasn’t enough. The softness
of her skin. The full lips that were just begging to be kissed. How was he
supposed to stay away? “You don’t know what you’re asking.”

“I know
exactly what I’m asking for.” She took a step toward him as he backed away. If
she touched him, he wouldn’t wait for her approval. He would take her on the

Lila, you don’t.”

think I do.”

dropped his hand from his face and stared at her. They had so much going
against them. Beyond all of the bullshit laws of the Netherworld, could she
consciously agree to forever with him? Did she even understand that was what
another night together would entail?

“Do you
want me to claim you? Is that really what you want? Do you want to be tied to
me for the rest of your life, because I swear, that’s exactly what will happen
if you don’t get in there and cover yourself up.”

It was
his last ditch effort. He didn’t know if he wanted her to run into the bathroom
and slam the door between them or to strip down where she stood and beg him to
finish what she had started last night.

she asked, “Claim me?”

claim you! Just as you claimed me last night. Do you know how much I’ve
suffered in these past few hours? I can’t look at you without wanting you so
bad that it’s physically painful. It’s all I can do to keep it together. I can
feel you without touching you. I can smell you even when you’re not in the
room. I can’t get you out of my head or out from under my skin, so don’t you
dare stand here and tell me that I’m the one torturing you.”

He was
fixated on her. Sweat beaded on his brow as he struggled to keep himself from
reaching for her. As much as he wanted it, he wouldn’t force a mate-claim on
her. She would have to make the decision. It was something that he realized he
was unable to make himself. She was in this just as much as he was.

“Do it,”
she said finally, her voice barely above a whisper.

what?” He couldn’t be sure he had heard her correctly.

took another step forward until she stood chest to chest with him. Craning her
neck to see him, she said, “Fucking claim me then. If it hurts you so bad to
not be able to then I want you to.”


Gabriel. I won’t see you hurting. I won’t.”

not that simple,” he said, needing to tell her exactly what she was getting
into by agreeing to be his. He could feel the beast pushing inside him,
struggling to come to the surface. Her acceptance was enough for that part of
him, but his human part needed her to fully understand.

isn’t it simple? You want this, I want this. That’s simple.”

come for us. Maybe not now, maybe not ten years from now, but eventually they’ll
find out you’re human and what we’ve done. We’ll both be killed.”

She didn’t
hesitate. “I’m willing to take that chance if you are.”

have to continue to practice magic, any kind of magic, but with a witch just so
that we can keep your human identity concealed.”

realize that this isn’t an easy path, but I’m willing to do it if you are.”

Was he
really going to let her agree to this? He should be running as far away from
her as possible to live in torment alone, not considering her willingness.

can’t just walk away from this,” he tried. “There are no ‘break-ups’. This is

voice was low. “Who said anything about walking away?”

Lila,” he groaned. He rubbed his face with his hands, trying to block her out
so that for at least a second he could think clearly. He was so confused, but
through all of it there was her. He had always wanted her and would always want
her. He couldn’t imagine being with anyone else, especially now.

He had
explained it to her the best way he knew how. And still she was agreeing to
spend a lifetime with him. She barely knew him and yet, it just felt right. All
the rules he’d been raised with. All the dangers that they were going to have
to face. Fuck, he was really going to do this.


* * * *


Lila silently begged.
I can’t imagine not
being with you.
She couldn’t stand to see him struggling. Couldn’t bear to
see him in pain. She understood what she was agreeing to and the risks
involved. But it wasn’t just about her. She could see on his face that he was
already doomed from the moment she bit him and started whatever it was that she
had started. He wouldn’t be able to survive without her.

And she
didn’t want to survive without him because that’s exactly what it would be.
Surviving. How had she fallen in love with him that fast?

heart warmed at the thought. Death sentence or no, she wouldn’t deny him
anything. She loved him.

“I want
to be with you and whatever comes with it. Fuck the Council and their

mouth crushed over hers, effectively silencing her. His lips bruised hers as he
lifted her from the floor and into his arms in one smooth motion. She held on
to him, her arms wrapped securely around his neck, refusing to let him go. The
taste of wine on his tongue as he dueled with hers. The scent of the pine tree
air freshener from the car that clung to his skin, even that had her wanting

He held
her tight against his chest, her heart bruising the inside of her ribs. She
curled her fingers in his hair. Desperate to keep hold of him. Scared that he
would change his mind.

He didn’t.
He threw her back on the bed and quickly descended upon her. Her shorts and
panties were ripped from her legs before he even flipped her over onto her
stomach. He gripped her hips and lifted them into the air. The cool air hit her
bare sex and made her feel exposed. Then there was nothing but the heat of his

lips danced over her folds, his tongue probed her as if desperate for the taste
of her. The rasp of his stubble sensitized her skin to a height she could have
only imagined. His fingers kneaded her ass, holding her open for him. Clutching
the thick blanket that covered the bed, she moaned loudly, encouraging him.

His thick finger replaced his tongue as
his mouth found her clit. He swirled his tongue around the sensitive bud until
she was pressing herself against his mouth. When he removed his finger, she
felt empty but then she felt an unfamiliar push against her ass.

lurched forward, the sensation of his invading finger unfamiliar, but he
stopped her by latching onto her clit and sucking until she screamed.

fight me,” he said when he released her throbbing clit. “Relax and let me in. I’m
not going to hurt you.” He spread her juices around the tight hole and an
entirely new sensation overcame her, and she felt a fresh gush of fluid escape
her pussy as he teased her.

When she was slippery enough, he pushed
against the tight rosette once again and this time she did what he said. She
forced herself to relax. His other hand found her clit, stroking her with
enough pressure to make her cry out as he entered her, only a little.

It was
enough to send her over the edge. Her body tightened as she came, her pussy
gripping nothing and making her that much more desperate to have him inside
her. She was pleading with him before she even realized it.

thankfully, he heard her.

hips still in the air, he pulled his hands away from her. There was the telltale
sound of his zipper followed by rustling as he pushed his pants out of the way.
Rough hands gripped her hips a second later, steadying her as he pushed his
cock against her pussy, probing at first. In one swift motion, Gabriel buried
himself balls deep inside her aching cunt.

groan mingled with her loud cry as he pumped into her. Releasing her hip, he
tangled his fist in her hair and pulled enough so she lifted her upper body off
the bed, arching her back as he pulled her toward his chest.

one arm around her waist and pinning her against him, he tore the neck of her
shirt, exposing her pale flesh. Glancing at him over her shoulder, she saw his
teeth elongate in his mouth.

sorry,” was all he said before he sunk his sharp canines deep into the tender
flesh of her shoulder.

surprised yell met his growl. With each thrust, he lifted her knees off the bed
and still he didn’t release her shoulder. The sharp pain subsided quickly,
replaced with something else entirely.

started where his teeth gripped her, the connection moving as slow as honey
through her veins. The pure pleasure made her feel drunk. Her head rolled back
onto his shoulder, her eyes heavy. A long moan escaped her lips and she thought
she heard him growl again but at that moment, she was floating. They were

felt the heat between their bodies as if there were a thousand sparks going off
on her skin. Every muscle in her body felt as if it weighed a thousand pounds
and he had to hold her tight to keep her from falling forward.

When he
came, his cock twitching inside of her, filling her, she didn’t care that she
hadn’t joined him. She could feel him in every cell of her body and it was ten
thousand times better than any orgasm she’d ever had.

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