Omega's Unexpected: MM Werewolf MPREG Romance (Lucky Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Omega's Unexpected: MM Werewolf MPREG Romance (Lucky Book 1)
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Noah hasn't slept that well in what seems like an age, and he wakes at the softness of sunlight dancing over the bed, flitting warm and refreshing across the impossibly cozy space he's sleeping in.


There's an additional source of delightful heat that's no doubt kept Noah's temperature from dropping throughout the night, since he's in the center of the bed without the blanket over him, and Noah finds that the band of sturdy weight across his middle is actually Adam's arm. The alpha is curled around him, wrapped up close and comforting beside Noah.


He's in Adam's bedroom. Noah remembers being found by Adam, remembers the alpha attempting to console him and then Noah had requested to stay with the firefighter, making himself at home in his bed. And in wolf form too.


His cheeks bloom with rosy color as he realizes how unreasonable his demand had been, and now, in the light of day, Noah feels abashed at having essentially pushed Adam into allowing him to stay. He'd imposed himself on the alpha. Baby or not, they know nothing about each other save from their names and phone numbers. It's…
to be staying in the alpha's room.


After the phone call from his sister and the knowledge that he had been
tracked down
by his family, Noah had been too despairing to care for courtesy. He'd needed company and relief from the aching bitterness that his family always creates inside of him. He doesn't
them but he doesn't want them in his life anymore.


Especially now.


They'd be ashamed of him and they'd make him fully aware of that. An omega expecting a child but without a mate? Preposterous and a stain on the family name that Noah begrudgingly carries. An illegitimate heir isn't a taboo that his family will tolerate.


A breath pours out of Noah, heavy and laden with exhaustion, despite having just slept.


The steady rhythm of Adam inhaling and exhaling air, still spellbound by sleep, has Noah lulling out of his thoughts, and there's something so calming about the gentleness of Adam's face as he rests that has most of Noah's worries flitting away for now, like blowing on a dandelion and watching the seeds disperse and float away. They'll come back, inevitably, and with a vengeance, but for now Noah wants nothing more than to be content and secure beside Adam.


The omega pushes his weight up, balancing himself, and he slips off Adam's arm from around his waist, eyes trained to the alpha's face to ensure he won't wake with the disturbance.


He doesn't, luckily.


Though it has only now come to Noah's attention that despite climbing into bed as wolves, they're both now human. And very, very naked.


He shouldn't look. But he wants to look. But he
But he wants to look


Noah feels his willpower crumble so quickly that he's almost ashamed, but that doesn't stop his eyes from darting down and then back up again, so fast that he only catches a flash of the more intimate bits of his bed partner. Which, of course, is unacceptable. This wolf is the father of his child and he wants to see how things got this way.


Swallowing, Noah tips his head and his gaze travels south again and then stops there. And… hell, the alpha is


He knew that, logically. He knew from the extremely intense heat sex that Adam would be something special and he
is. Perhaps they may both be considered male, but that means absolutely nothing when it comes to 'junk'. Noah's so used to looking at himself that, even flaccid, Adam is devastatingly large.


"Enjoying the view?"


The voice is cocky, mirthful, and has Noah jumping out of his skin, and embarrassment bolts into the omega's mind coupled with the very strong sentiment of
Oh My God
and Noah scrambles back and falls off the bed.


His face is hot and his body doesn't appreciate the sudden collision with the carpeted floor and the alpha overhead is laughing—damn well
at his expense—and it sours Noah's mood a little as he rights himself and covers his nudity with a humble hand. "Well


He's surly and wronged and he's not about to hide it.


"Thanks for excusing me," Adam quips, throwing Noah off guard.


The omega scowls up at him hoping it doesn't appear that he's pouting but then Adam throws down a fluffy blanket with which to cover himself and it lands atop Noah's head. The omega pulls it down and wraps himself in it, indignant.


"You're in a better mood, I see," Adam observes, reminding Noah that there had previously been a
mood. But before he can wilt at the memory the alpha continues with, "I bet you want an old-fashioned, home-style breakfast, huh? Lots of meat and eggs?"


Noah swallows, immediately salivating at the thought. "I, um… yes."


"Alright," Adam decides, ruffling Noah's hair as he pulls himself out of bed and does absolutely nothing to cover himself up. The omega tries not to appear scandalized by this. "Why don't you take a shower and then once you're done washing up and eating we can talk. Sound good?"


"Y- yeah," Noah gets in as the alpha grabs some pajama pants off the floor and shoves his legs into them, clearly not noticing the way the omega wrinkles his nose.


"Okay, see you in a bit," Adam tells him with a smile and a wink as he wanders out of the bedroom.


Noah resigns himself to the slow simmer of embarrassment at having been caught
outright staring
at Adam's nether region and tries to scrape together some dignity by hiding himself in the bathroom and waiting a decent amount of time before emerging again. But that endeavor is promptly dashed once Noah's sees his reflection.


He an utter mess, hair wild and eyes rimmed red from crying.


Why it matters, Noah doesn't know—it's not as though he's here to impress Adam, they're not going to be entering a courtship purely because of the pregnancy. And, yes, Adam is attractive and… not without the
to pleasure Noah but that's no foundation for a healthy relationship.


Yet Noah dives into the shower and scrubs himself clean nonetheless, sparing a passing glance to his flat stomach—he checks for if there's signs of a bump showing daily now, it's a subconscious habit that he doesn't dwell on—but other than a little weight gain there hasn't been any change.


When he's done, he decides he'll have to dress himself in his clothes from yesterday… until he realizes he has no clothes from yesterday, and he certainly won't be wandering into the kitchen in no more than a towel, even if he had stumbled stark naked in front of Adam earlier this morning.


He feels momentarily guilty in sifting through Adam's drawers in search of clothes but the alpha will forgive him. He
Noah, after all, for the next eight months. And the rest of their lives.


Noah pads into the kitchen wearing an obscenely large t-shirt and loose pants that wouldn't stay around his hips if it weren't for the drawstring waist.


Adam offers him a wry smile as he peers up from the eggs he's cooking over the hob, clearly amused by Noah's fashion selection. The omega would bristle and kick up a fuss but he's honestly too comfortable in these oversized clothes that may or may not carry the spiced scent of the alpha.


"I hope you're hungry," the alpha says, and it's all the warning Noah receives before he's served the biggest breakfast he's ever seen, let alone been presented to eat. He's not deterred however. In fact, he's delighted. Noah's been eating as though food is becoming extinct recently, and he'll no doubt finish this delicious breakfast with space to spare for seconds.


"Thank you," the omega replies, heat returning to his cheeks, but it's less so out of embarrassment and rather that he's enjoying being doted upon by Adam. There's a rightness about it all, a soft, lilting contentment that settles over him with the ease of a spring morning, lifting an ache he never realized he had.


Noah tucks into his breakfast, ravenous.


Adam doesn't try to make conversation while Noah's eating, for which the omega is grateful, and when he finally slows down on helping number two, pushing scrambled eggs around his plate as his stomach tells him that it's full but his brain points out how delicious the meal had been, the alpha finally speaks:


"You know… I've been thinking."


Noah looks up at that, tensing a little, but he's listening and the alpha doesn't seem upset or grim so the omega hopes it's not going to be bad news. He's not sure he would be able to take it right now if Adam told him off for coming over unannounced or rescinded his offer to help with the pregnancy.


Luckily the other werewolf continues without any prompting, "I don't think you should be left alone anymore."


Noah regards the alpha quietly.


"Do you have anyone in your pack that you can rely on?" Adam prods gently.


Shame wires hot in Noah's stomach and he looks down at his lap, his hands, and says, "I'm sorry I came over like this. I won't do it again if it's been bothersome."


The alpha exhales a breath, "Oh, that's not what I meant. I just don't like the idea of you being, well,
. But I'd look like a creep if I just told you to move in with me. I'm probably some big, bad scary alpha that got you preggers, right? You'd probably want to get to know me first."


Noah blinks up at Adam, bewildered. "I don't see you like that!"


The alpha laughs. "That's not what you said when you first found me, you know."


to know what I think," Noah huffs, agitated that words have been put into his mouth. Adam's right, of course—he's being sensible about this while Noah's not. But that doesn't change the fact that the alpha's writing himself off on Noah's behalf.


Sucking in a steadying breath, the omega prepares himself.


"I don't… have a pack at all, actually," Noah admits.


Adam's expression is one of disbelief. "What? Of course you do! You're an omega."


Noah shakes his head, "I—… I ran away from mine, actually. Um…" And then, "Yesterday my sister found me. That's why I came here. I don't— I can't… I
to be caught. I refuse to go back." He looks at Adam head on, stubborn, prepared to defend himself if the other werewolf objects like he most certainly will. He can't understand Noah; he can't know that this solution, while simple, would kill the omega.


To his surprise, however, Adam just says, "Okay."


"Okay?" Noah echoes, brows climbing into his hairline. "That's all you have to say?"


It isn't what Noah had been expecting. An omega without a pack is unheard of and it might as well be forbidden, considering the condemning nature of it for the omega in question, because, of course, an omega can't possibly survive without their pack. Yes, Noah might have gotten himself into somewhat of a sticky situation but he's survived well enough thus far and he'll continue to be alright with his baby.


Though he isn't going to deny the help Adam's offering as that would be foolish.


For the other male not to be alarmed has Noah rather confounded, however, and it seems too good to be true that the man's pride, headstrong and
hasn't scolded Noah and demanded he reunite with his pack, since they're clearly looking for him.


All Noah receives from Adam is a shrug and, when the alpha looks at him, there isn't a hint of judgement in his eyes.


Noah's reeling, stunned.


"I'm not going to force you to go back to your pack if you don't want to," Adam states, as if it's really that simple. "But I meant what I said about you being on your own. I need to know that someone is keeping you safe."

BOOK: Omega's Unexpected: MM Werewolf MPREG Romance (Lucky Book 1)
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