Off The Clock (3 page)

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Authors: Kenzie Michaels

Tags: #contemporary erotic romance, #erotic romance ebook, #contemporary erotic romance book, #contemporary romance, #Kenzie Michaels, #An Anderson Chronicle Novella

BOOK: Off The Clock
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“Wait. My phone’s ringing. Austin,” she pleaded and forced herself to pull away.

“Can’t you ignore it?” He panted, reaching for her waist.

“I can’t. This one is important.” Cara stepped to the side and fumbled with the clasp with shaking hands. Doreen wouldn’t have called unless something happened! One look at the clock on the outside told her it was past ten o’clock. “Hi, it’s Cara.” She cleared her throat to sound normal. “I’m sorry, Doreen, I just looked at the clock–What?” She reached back for Austin’s hand to steady herself. “Oh my god, which hospital? Thanks. I’ll be right there.” She snapped her phone shut and whirled around. “I have to go.”

“Wait a moment, Cara. Hospital? Let me go with you.”

Cara shook her head as she tried to shove her feet into her shoes. “No, this is something I have to do. It’s my responsibility. Besides, you have guests.” She gave up on her shoes and picked up her coat.

“Here.” Austin helped her when she struggled with finding the sleeves and fastened the buttons on the lapel. “Cara, you’re shaking. Let me take you. You’re in no shape to drive.”

“Neither are you,” she pointed out. “You’re still drinking champagne. I’ll be fine.” She bent to pick up her shoes again and brushed past him.

“Cara.” Austin caught her wrist. “Let me help you.” Tenderly, he lifted her chin and planted a soft kiss on her lips. “Please.”

She crumpled against him, giving in to the offer of brief comfort. She felt his arms encircle her, holding her close. Cara wiped her eyes and raised her head. Austin’s dark eyes met hers as he brushed the lingering tears from her cheeks. She took a deep breath and pulled away. “H-how do we do this?”

“Easy. I have my driver for the night.” Austin took her hand and led her to the foyer, stopping to leave a message for Roxie with the coat-check girls. “Let’s go.”

Chapter Six

Cara burst through the emergency room doors, followed by Austin. She rushed to the admissions desk and gave her name. The young nurse nodded and buzzed the door, motioning for her to go on through.

“The doctors are still working on her,” the nurse warned as she led the way to the curtained area.

“What about the nurse who was with her?” Cara stopped abruptly at the sight of Doreen’s black eye and split lip. “Oh my God…what happened?”

“Your brother arrived and attacked your mom. When I pulled him off of her, he punched me and threw me against the dresser.” Doreen flinched as the nurse adjusted the dressing over her forehead. “Someone must have bailed him out. You said he was still in jail.”

Behind Cara, Austin cleared his throat. “I’ll go call Grant and let him know.”

“No,” Cara turned and placed a hand on his arm. “He’s having a good time at the dance. This will wait until morning.” She faced Doreen again, and felt Austin’s fingers entwine hers. “Where’s Mama?”

“In the next cubicle.” The nurse ushered them to the next curtained area and paused. “As I said, the doctors are still working on her.”

“Have the police been called?” Cara leaned against Austin.

The nurse nodded. “They’re already here.” She pushed the curtain aside and poked her head in. “The daughter is here, okay? Cara, the police want to talk to you first. Come with me.” The curtain fell closed and Cara gasped in shock.

“Can’t I see her yet?” She gripped Austin’s hand tight.

“You will in a few minutes,” the nurse reassured her.

“Sweetheart, let the doctors finish with her first. I’ll go with you,” Austin murmured in her ear.

She raised moist eyes to his and whispered, “Thank you.” Skirts rustling, she moved around Doreen’s cubicle to take the seat the nurse indicated.

Austin let go of her hand and located another chair for himself. Cara jiggled her foot impatiently and felt a jolt when Austin placed a hand on her satin-clad knee to calm it.

“Relax. I’m here to help you. I’m sure everything will be okay.”

“Okay? How can you say that? My brother assaulted our mother!”

The police arrived. Cara answered their questions to the best of her ability and Doreen provided more information. Austin excused himself to get some coffee. When he returned, Cara was at her mother’s bedside, trying to blink back tears as she spoke to the traumatized woman.

“Austin, I am so sorry to drag you into this.” She released her mother’s hand and stood up to walk towards him. “Her nose is broken, along with two of her ribs and her jaw. Her jaw! How could my brother do this?” The unshed tears spilled over her lashes.

Austin set the coffee on the table and gathered her against his chest. “I don’t know.” She welcomed his comfort as her sobs subsided. “Are they going to admit her?”

“Yes. I really need to go home and get some shoes that don’t make my feet hurt. And I felt so happy tonight…” her voice trailed off as she recalled what had been happening when the call came in.

“You’ve had a shock, sweetheart. And you look beautiful. As soon as they get her settled, I’ll take you home so you can get some rest.”

“I need to go back and get my car, so I can take Doreen home.” Numb, she padded back to her mother’s side and picked up the fragile hand, holding it to her cheek.

Austin handed her the coffee. “It’s not a latte, but I think I got plenty of cream and sugar in it for you.” He picked up his own cup and settled himself in one of the chairs.

An hour passed. Doreen was released, and Austin offered his car and driver to take her home. He left to make the arrangements and when he returned, Cara’s mother was being moved to Intensive Care. He carried Cara’s shoes while she took the bag of her mother’s belongings and they followed the orderly through the corridors of the hospital.

“The limo will be back in about thirty minutes.” Austin’s hand squeezed her shoulder as they waited outside the room for her mother to be transferred to new bed. “Why don’t I take you home after they get her settled so you can get some rest? If you want, I’ll even drive you back here first thing in the morning.”

Cara looked down at her evening gown. “I really should at least go home and change clothes. But I want to be here when she wakes up.”

“We’ve got her sedated, sweetie. You should be fine to go home and come back in the morning.” The floor nurse called them inside as the ER gurney was rolled away. “Listen to your young man. We’ll call you if anything happens in the next eight hours.”

Cara watched as the floor nurse settled her unconscious mother. When the thirty minutes were up, she placed a kiss on her mother’s bruised cheek, and left the hospital with Austin’s arm around her waist.

Once inside the limo, she sat staring out the window. Guilt was beginning to take over her thoughts.

If only she’d stayed home. If only she’d left the party on time. If only her brother hadn’t been such an ass. If only Shelley had been there. No, she couldn’t blame Shelley for this one, she was entitled to her days off. This one was strictly Cara’s own fault, for putting her own wants ahead of her mother’s.

“Cara? Sweetheart?” Austin’s gentle voice invaded the fog of self-punishment. “I need to know where you live so I can tell the driver.”

“What? Oh, yes.” She told him the address and barely noticed anything more until they pulled into the driveway. “But what about my car?”

“I’ll bring it to you tomorrow,” Austin promised and walked her to the door. “The police have your brother in custody again, so you’ll be safe for the night.” He helped her open the door and off with her coat. He closed the door behind them and watched her hesitate beside the door with the yellow police tape across it. “Honey, why don’t you go upstairs and get changed? Or take a hot bath?”

She nodded woodenly. “Yes. My pantyhose are probably ruined. Will you stay with me for a little while?” The thought of being all alone suddenly terrified her.

“Let me tell my driver. I’ll be right back.” Austin went out the door.

Cara dragged herself up the stairs and dropped her purse and shoes on the chair just inside the door of her bedroom. Turning on the bedside light, she sank down on the soft comforter, exhausted with the evening’s turn of events. She heard the front door slam and footsteps ascending the stairs. Momentarily alarmed, she was relieved when Austin entered the room.

“Oh, thank God. You scared me.” She touched the necklace and shook her head in confusion.

“How long have you been your mother’s sole caretaker?” Austin removed his tuxedo jacket and laid it on the chair with her shoes. Rolling up his sleeves again, he crossed the room to sit beside Cara.

“Two years. Mama started getting worse my final year of college. My older siblings were off pursuing their careers and Cody’s never been responsible. So, it was either plop Mom in a nursing home or do it myself. And so far it’s worked out fine.” Cara’s fingers fumbled with the clasp on her necklace.

“Here, let me get that.” Austin brushed aside her hands and easily unfastened it. After placing the delicate jewels in her open hand, Cara felt his lips brush the side of her neck.

She trembled as he placed gentle kisses around to her jaw. His right hand moved to her cheek and turned her face to slide his lips over hers.

Passion slammed through her. Cara opened her mouth and welcomed the invasion of his tongue. The tension, which held her so tightly for the past three hours unleashed itself in a fury of raw, suppressed emotion. She unfastened Austin’s white dress shirt and slipped her hand inside to caress his torso. It was lightly sprinkled with crisp hair. She heard him groan and felt herself being pulled to a standing position. Her dress slithered down her body as Austin unzipped it, freeing her arms from the sleeves. Her bra followed, and for the first time in over two years, Cara felt the electrifying touch of a man’s hands on her bare skin.

Finished with the buttons, she gasped as his mouth left hers to fasten on a taut nipple, and moisture gathered at her center as he lightly bit it and rolled the other between his fingers.

Cara shoved the shirt off his broad shoulders. He let go of her long enough to fling it to the floor, and knelt down, sliding her ruined pantyhose and underwear to her ankles.

* * * *

“Sit down,” he murmured, his voice hoarse. Austin raked his eyes over her exposed body, his cock aching to be free of its confined space. He finished removing her clothing and raised his eyes to meet hers, now cobalt with desire. He unfastened his tuxedo slacks and slid them down, stepping out of his shoes at the same time.

She reached forward to run a finger up his length, to the glistening tip peeking over the waistband of his black boxer briefs. Cara grasped it in her fingertips as she tugged the final barrier over his hips. She ran the tip of her tongue over the broad head before enclosing her mouth over it.

Austin moaned as her teeth lightly scraped. He kicked off his underwear and pushed his hands into her hair, releasing the pins and clasp which held it on top of her head. The silky golden blonde hair swirled around his groin as it fell to her shoulders. He wasn’t going to last much longer, and pulled free of her mouth.

He urged her backwards onto the bed and covered her body with his own. Forcing himself to slow down, he feasted his mouth on her breasts. But when he felt her fingers curl around his penis, he realized she needed him.

“Hold on,” he whispered, and moved off of her to retrieve the condom strip from his pants pocket. Thank God he’d had the foresight to grab them from the car! Ripping one open, he smoothed it over his distended member and climbed in beside Cara, who blushed, but reached for him.

“At least one of us remembered,” she murmured. “It’s…been a long time for me, Austin, so go easy?”

“Anything you want,” he promised. He eased a hand between her thighs and stroked her damp petals, kissing her when she jumped. Moist heat closed around his finger as she panted. He slipped in another finger and was rewarded with a small cry of delight. God she was tight! He teased her some more with his fingers before withdrawing and slipping the tip of his latex-lined cock into her. “Are you sure you’re not a virgin?” He gasped as her muscles gripped him.

“Maybe it grew back?” Cara slid her palms up his arms and guided his lips back to hers, spreading her legs wide and arching upwards. “Ohhhh…”

“Sweet Jesus.” Her passage opened further, and he slid all the way to the hilt. Kissing her deeply, he mimicked the action of his lower body. He plunged in and out, each time hearing her cries grow louder. “I can’t hold back anymore, Cara. I’m going to come, baby. Are you there yet? Are you? Oh, Cara….” Breaking out into a sweat, he poured his essence into the protective sheath and felt her answering spasms milk his cock as she screamed his name.

He collapsed on top of her, gave her another scorching kiss, and rolled to the side, not wanting to crush her with his weight.

She rolled with him, snuggling against his damp chest as her lower body continued to pulse around him. “Thank you,” she sighed. “I feel alive again.”

Austin laughed and raised her face to kiss her again. “I was trying to go slowly, but someone had other ideas.” He eased himself from her dripping entrance. “Where’s the bathroom, sweetheart?”

* * * *

“Across the hall, second door to the left.” She admired the lines of his backside as he left the room and with a sigh, stood up to pull the covers back from the pillows. She gathered up the clothing on the floor and draped his over the chair to smooth out any wrinkles, hanging her dress in the closet. Noticing the abandoned strip of foil packets, Cara bit her lip and placed them on the nightstand. The toilet flushed; she slid between the cool sheets

Austin joined her and held out his arm. Grateful, she nestled against him, relaxing in his warmth. “Is this going to be a problem at work?” she asked. “I mean, your last one didn’t exactly turn out so well.”

“That was completely different.” His arm tightened around her shoulders. “I knew from day two that you and I worked well together. I don’t feel I have to second-guess you, and for an owner and manager, that’s a great asset in an assistant. And the fact that I’m in your bed, well, I’ve been fighting my attraction to you for the past month.” He placed a kiss on her forehead. “I was hoping to break through your reserve tonight. I never dreamed I’d actually end up making love to you.”

Cara sighed. “But now you see why I can’t get involved with anyone. I have my mother to take care of. A jailbird for a brother. And it’s not fair to burden you with that.”

“Why don’t you let me decide what’s fair? I get to see you every day, and while you’re taking care of your mother, I’ll stay out of your way, or even help with whatever you need. So, see? I’m not that bad.”

“But if I hadn’t been with you tonight, this wouldn’t have happened.” The words popped out before she could stop them.

“Cara, you can’t blame yourself. If you had been home, that would have been you in that ER with a mild concussion, a black eye, and stitches in your forehead. You can’t beat yourself up for this.”

“And what happens if you get tired of my family drama?”

He shifted and turned her face toward his. “Will you quit it? Let’s just see where this goes and enjoy it. You said so yourself, you’ve shut yourself off from friends and companionship ever since your mom needed you. Give yourself permission to be a woman, Cara. You’re an amazing individual, and one that I find most fascinating in an intimate way.” Austin moved his hand to play with her breasts as his lips took command of hers again.

Her fears dissolved as he proceeded to show her he had no intention of being anywhere else.

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