Odd Coupling (10 page)

Read Odd Coupling Online

Authors: Jaylee Davis

Tags: #romance, #science fiction, #erotic romance

BOOK: Odd Coupling
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Vren didn’t know if he should stop or
not. He didn’t want to hurt her. However, he really didn’t want to
use his hand to ease his need. She felt so good. At the moment, she
clung to his shoulders and her legs were wrapped around his waist
so tight he couldn’t pull out of her. It gave him the impression
she wasn’t done with him.

You didn’t come?” She
sounded surprised.

No, do you want me to
stop?” He paused, dreading her answer.

Her hold tightened. “No. Please don’t

Joyful relief poured over him. He
stood, taking her with him. The vise-like grip of her legs around
his waist kept his cock firmly entrenched in her pussy. She threw
her arms around his neck and drew his head down to meet her lips.
She tasted sweet and smelled of arousal even after her climax. The
small human female was full of surprises.

He ended the kiss to carry her around
to the end of the couch. His cock stayed buried to the hilt within
her. The backrest was a perfect height for what he had in mind. He
tested it by placing her bottom on the edge. Perfect. Bethany
looked at him, curiosity shining in her blue eyes, then she smiled
as if she understood and sank back to lay on the top edge of the
backrest. He growled at the sight of her laid out for his

Is that a happy growl or a
bad one?”

Very happy.”

He couldn’t silence another one as he
gripped her hips to keep her in place. He held her steady and slid
his cock almost completely out of her sheath and paused. She
uttered a soft moan and attempted to sit. He thrust into her hard,
sinking deep. Bethany gasped and fell back, her eyelids closed
halfway as she watched him. He unhooked her legs from his hips and
repositioned them over his shoulders, freeing him to ride her
harder and faster. He rocked back and forth, slowly building speed
until his shaft pumped piston-like into her hot slick sheath. Her
gasps turned to lusty groans of pleasure as he worked his cock in
and out of her while his hands roamed over her body, exploring her
breasts and teasing her nipples until they hardened into pert

Yes, Vren. Oh yes.” She
panted the words, and he knew his efforts pleasured her.

Her hands covered his, following his
movements. He was ecstatic. Her channel gripped his cock tight,
rippling along his thick length as she neared climax. He was close
to his own release as well. He lifted his heels off the floor and
leaned over to make sure the rough skin at the base of his penis
made contact with her clit, stimulating her more. The position
pushed her legs toward her chest and opened her wider to allow him
sink just a bit deeper. With each thrust, the tip of his cock hit
the bottom of her channel. She was absolutely perfect for

She screamed his name and her inner
muscles gripped him so firmly he had to force his shaft into her
tight channel. He took a final thrust and came. His roar of
satisfaction echoed off the walls as his cum jetted deep inside
her. Her sheath gripped his cock hungrily and forced him to give up
the final measure of his seed. His hips jerked involuntarily as the
last shots drained him. For a moment, neither one of them moved.
Once her vaginal walls released him, scrotal tendons deep within
his pelvis automatically contracted, withdrawing his semi-relaxed
penis out of her and back into the safety of his pouch. He reached
down and slid the triangular portion of his tapa back into

Afterward, he gathered her into his
arms and carried her back to the front of the couch. He sat with
her on his lap. Bethany snuggled closer and pressed her cheek
against his chest. He could tell she slept lightly, but she seemed
comfortable in his embrace.

He nuzzled her hair, taking in her
scent with each breath. He didn’t believe he could ever grow tired
of her fragrant smell. His scent was on her now, distinctive in its
own way. Any male of his species who knew him would recognize it,
and those who didn’t would, at least, detect that a male had been
with her. To his surprise, the idea pleased him, but the fact that
he took any pleasure from smelling his scent on a female troubled
him. Until now, it’d never been important to him.

He closed his eyes and enjoyed holding
her while he could. He stroked her hair and trailed his fingertips
down her back. She sighed contentedly. The little female did things
to him he didn’t understand. He’d never roared after coupling. Only
mated males reacted that way. She was very unique and very
distracting, he decided. He hoped they’d couple again soon. The
desire to mount her as he would a female of his own species was
almost overpowering.

His tail twitched to remind him he
needed to shift his weight to ease the pressure. It was a common
problem for all D’Lyrians. Cut off the blood supply or depress a
nerve for too long and their tails would drag on the floor behind
them as they walked until feeling was restored. It was humiliating.
He sat firmly on his at the moment with Bethany’s added weight. He
dropped his head lower to nuzzle her neck and took in her scent.
She shivered as he licked the tender skin, but didn’t wake. He
purred, softly at first, and then gradually increased his tone to a
full out growl.

Bethany jerked awake and struggled.
Vren chuckled at her feeble attempt to free herself. Fully alert,
she stopped and turned her head to glare at him. He lost his humor
and winced. Her expression was less than happy.

Stop growling at

You didn’t mind a few
moments ago.”

That was a different
growl. This one startled me.”

I had to wake you to ask
if you wanted to sleep with me.”

Really?” She huffed and
rolled her eyes. “No wonder you crashed,” she muttered.

He made a mental note to not wake his
female so forcefully and immediately choked back a snarl. His
female? Impossible! He stood, then carried her into the bedroom.
Along the way the tip of his tail flicked back and forth, a sure
sign of agitation.

Chapter Six


Bethany couldn’t believe how
incredible the sex was with Vren. He’d made her come so hard she’d
almost passed out. She’d never felt anything so intense before, and
unlike the few men she’d been with, he smelled wonderful, and his
kisses were delicious. His body was so large he could practically
wrap around her twice. Afterward, he’d held her. She’d felt
protected and special within his embrace. She had only one
complaint. She’d never gotten a good look at his penis, but it felt

She couldn’t resist running her
fingers through his hair, smoothing the silky strands to lessen his
wild look. He was a giant compared to her, handsome and strong. She
wanted to fall asleep again, wrapped in his arms, safe for at least
one night before reality intruded on her dream. He smiled, then
shook his head, fluffing out his mane right after she’d tamed it.
She had a suspicion that under different circumstances, he could be
as playful as a kitten.

He gently placed her onto the bed,
then lay beside her. He circled his arms around to pull her close
until they were chest to chest. Bethany snuggled even closer and
pressed her lips to his neck.

I really enjoyed coupling
with you. Thank you,” she whispered, wanting to make sure he

His chest vibrated with a deep laugh.
“I should thank you, little female. You surprise me.”

She lifted just enough to be able to
see his face. His eyes glinted in the dim light filtering into her
room. They’d forgotten to turn off one of the living room lights.
It wasn’t a concern right now, because Bethany loved to look at
him. She didn’t see an alien anymore. To her, he was just Vren, a
man not of her world, and for tonight, she’d pretend he was her

Well, instead of thanking
me, why don’t you tell me more about yourself?”

What would you like to
know?” He propped his head up, waiting for an answer.

We had sex, but you didn’t
show me your…penis. Could I see it?”

Now? While we’re in bed?”
His cat-like eyes widened in surprise.

Once again, she’d shocked him, but
Bethany wasn’t about to let him off the hook.

Yes, now. You’re not
aroused like before so you should be able to show it to

You’re naked and pressed
close to me. I am aroused.” His expression grew troubled, as if the
revelation was alien to him.

She couldn’t suppress a smile. “Then
you’re always horny?”

He cocked his head, looking uncertain.
“What is horny?”

Bethany sighed in exasperation. Dragging information out of
Vren was a lot like trying to pull teeth out of a

Please show me your
penis.” God, she felt ridiculous at making such an outlandish
request, but she was on a mission. “I think you should. It was
inside my body a few minutes ago. Don’t you believe I have a right
to ask?”

He huffed. “When you put it
like that, I agree.” Although his mannerism clearly said otherwise,
he rolled to his back and tucked a pillow under his head so he
could see down his torso. Using one hand, he slid the triangle
section of his tapa
to one side and held it
in place against the inside of one burly upper thigh.

Bethany scrambled to sit up and peer
down at his groin. There was nothing between his legs but velvety


Patience. I must
concentrate. This is very difficult for me to do in a sleeping
area.” He groaned. “My penis is enclosed in a protective pouch
inside my body. Once I’m fully aroused it swells like all humanoid
sex organs. Before coupling, the pressure of the erection pushes
against the opening, which helps relax certain muscles that allow
my sex organ to emerge.”

I’m sorry. Keep trying,”
she urged.

We may need to go back to
your couch.”

As lovely as that sounds,
I’d like to see your penis first.”

You’re being

And you’re being

If you were not so
appealing…” He snarled.

Bethany was almost ready to
give in to his suggestion about the couch when she saw a narrow
slit of an opening appear between his legs. Just as he’d promised,
the tip pushed out. She couldn’t tell if it was already stiff or
just grew hard as it emerged from the opening. After it jutted out
completely, Bethany gaped in awe at his extremely impressive dark
red cock. Unlike a human’s, the head was streamlined, not mushroom
shaped at all. The long shaft was thick and smooth all the way down
to where rough ridges ringed the base of his cock. Bethany recalled
how he’d used it against her clit. One thing she didn’t see any
sign of was balls.
Make that two

Um…where are your

Inside,” he said tersely
and threw his head back against the pillow. After a few deep
breaths he explained, “They don’t descend like a human

Oh,” she said. Since he
seemed to be struggling to answer her questions, Bethany decided
not to press him for any more information. Instead, she chose to
compliment him. “You’re so big. I don’t see how you fit inside

He swallowed hard and groaned.
Apparently the effort of revealing his cock took a physical toll.
Bethany reached for it, thinking to stroke the length a few times
to see how the skin stretched tight over his steel-hard dick might
feel. He shook his head and growled.

No! I am not in control.”
His deep voice sounded harsh and dangerous.

He rolled over onto his side away from
her, keeping out of reach. His sides heaved in and out while his
panting grew louder. Bethany had no idea what to do at that moment.
She really wanted to touch him and stroke her palm over his striped
hip all the way down his thigh, thinking to soothe him, but an
inner warning told her to stop. He seemed to be struggling with
some internal demon. After each gulp of air he took, a soft growl
accompanied every breath he let out. The lower half of his tail
thumped out a frantic rhythm against the mattress.

Vren, I’m sorry I’ve upset
you. Do you want me to leave?”

Do not leave!” he ordered
in a harsh sounding tone. “You’re safe here with me.”

Bethany sank back onto the
bed. She pulled the covers over both of them and then rolled away
from him before curling up into a knees-to-chest tight ball.
Apparently, her pretend lover needed some time alone, even if he’d
told her not to leave. She was safe in her bed, safe with him in
her bed. What would happen if she left it? She knew the
Sex would happen.
Wonderful, amazing blow-your-mind-away

She simply couldn’t stop thinking
about how incredible he’d made her feel, and no amount of scary
noises he made could convince her he’d ever harm her. Maybe he was
truly concerned about her safety, and for good reason.

Caleb was a huge threat, but the
purist asshole didn’t frighten her. What scared her the most was
the possibility that he and his goons might capture her alien
lover. Her lover. She really liked the idea. Right then, she’d give
anything if he’d roll over and hold her.

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