Read ... not in love with Kale Eddison Online

Authors: Joanne McClean

Tags: #teen, #school, #actor, #fiction, #romance, #famous

... not in love with Kale Eddison (4 page)

BOOK: ... not in love with Kale Eddison
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“Em, why are
you looking at him like he’s the best thing since sliced bread? The
guy’s an idiot.” Kale told Izzie as they made their way to two
empty seats near the back of the room.

Izzie glared at
him, “How can you say that? You don’t even know him – he’s really
nice actually.” Kale didn’t look convinced but smirked

“Um, hello? Pot
– kettle – black … anyone? You don’t know me but are quick to judge
probably from what you’ve read in the media about me.”

Izzie smirked
back, “Everyone’s entitled to an opinion.” she echoed back at

Kale grinned;
he had met his match. “Exactly, therefore so am I about Mr Jackass
over there!”

Izzie laughed,
“I guess two can play at this game, eh? All I’m saying is give him
a chance he seems really nice.” Kale didn’t fail to notice that she
had implied that Jake
to be an ok guy. He didn’t
mention this but he wasn’t going to skirt around the issue of her
a chance.

“Well all
saying is give
a chance or at least try.” he
smiled down at her and she rolled her eyes in defeat.

“Fine but one
strike – just one - and you’re out.” she half-smiled at him and
returned her attention to the chapter of the novel they were
supposed to be reading.

“I can live
with that.” Kale told her and he followed her example and started
his work also, smiling to himself; he sensed he was going to like
this experience.




When it came
around to lunch time, Kale wondered if asking Izzie could he join
her, would be too much and push her over the edge. He needn’t have
worried though, Maddie had took it upon herself to invite him to
sit with her and Izzie; the latter had not looked too happy when
Kale accepted Maddie’s invitation. That’s why when she got the
chance; Izzie dragged her friend to one side while Kale signed
autographs for some of the younger students.

“Why did you
have to ask him to join us Maddie? Is this just so you can stare at
him all through lunch? Because I don’t want to have to make
conversation with someone who’ll not be listening to a word I say,
you hear me?”

Maddie clearly
wasn’t listening, “Uh-huh, whatever you say – come on, he’s sitting
down now!”

Izzie rolled
her eyes and groaned as Maddie tugged on her arm and directed her
over to the table where Kale was now eating his lunch.

“Sorry,” Maddie
apologised to him; her eyelashes fluttering furiously in what Izzie
presumed she thought to be a flirtatious manner, “Izzie couldn’t
decide what to get. Anyway, how have you liked Hartside High so

Kale took a sip
of his bottled water, “Oh erm, it’s great. I think I’ll like it
here.” He looked very uncomfortable at the way Maddie was looking
at him; like he was a piece of meat. Izzie noticed his panicked
expression and found herself enjoying watching him squirm.

“So Kale, you
never got around to telling me what you’re studying? I do the same
as Izzie; English, English Literature and Drama. I want to be an
actress whereas Iz wants to be a writer.”

Kale looked at
Izzie interestedly, “Really, a writer – that’s really cool.”

Maddie looked
annoyed that he had ignored her and talked to Izzie instead; she
cleared her throat purposely so that he would answer her

Kale noticed
Maddie’s forced cough and quickly looked away from Izzie who had
merely nodded when he had spoke to her. “Oh sorry, I didn’t answer
your question … I’m actually doing the same three - I really love
literature; you know how words can convey emotions, how you can
escape into a world all of your own. It’s really something else …
it’s why I started acting; to get the chance to actually perform
what the author was saying – well, it’s really kind of

Maddie nodded
but Kale didn’t fail to recognise the look of confusion on her
face; she clearly didn’t understand his passion for the written
word. However, a quick glance at Izzie showed she knew exactly what
he was referring to; she did dream of being a writer after all.
Kale didn’t say anything else and neither did Maddie but Izzie
surprised them both by nodding at Kale and saying, “I know what you
mean; I grew up with a love of books – my father owns a book shop,”
she explained to him.

Kale nodded; he
was clearly impressed, “Wow, I’ll have to check it out sometime –
I’m always reading something.” They all ate the rest of their
lunches in silence but Kale couldn’t help but furrow his brow when
he wondered why Izzie seemed to go from being rather unfriendly to
perfectly pleasant as quickly as she did; he didn’t know which
reception he was going to be met with next. He shook his head and
finished eating his burger.

Izzie sensed
that Maddie was mad at her; that was why she didn’t continue on
with her conversation with Kale. She picked at her sandwich and
only half-paid attention to the small talk Kale was making with
Maddie. She was extremely relieved when the bell rang to signal the
end of lunch; she really wanted to be alone - away from Kale and
away from Maddie and her fluttering eyelashes – it was a good thing
that she had a free class now. Izzie looked at Maddie; she knew
that she had a free class too but she hoped that Maddie wouldn’t
annoy her too much.

“What you going
to do this class?” Izzie asked her friend as Kale pretended not to
be listening to this little exchange.

“I agreed to
tutor one of the younger students in English so I’ll be in the
library. I hope you don’t mind.” Maddie told her politely but Izzie
could tell she really didn’t care if Izzie

Izzie nodded
and watched Maddie leave, then she sighed; it was totally obvious
that Maddie was pissed at her but Izzie failed to see what it was
that she was supposed to have done wrong – she’d just have to make
Maddie forgive her later on. She sighed again and noticed Kale
looking at her with a sympathetic smile on his face.

“You okay?” he
inquired, wondering if Izzie would respond with a friendly answer
or not.

Izzie rolled
her eyes, “I’ll be fine - Maddie just gets this way sometimes. It’s
just best to let her cool off a little while and then I apologise
for whatever I’ve supposedly done – whether I’m guilty or not.”

Kale frowned at
her “That doesn’t seem fair. You shouldn’t have to take the blame
for something you didn’t do.”

Izzie laughed,
“It’s easier this way, trust me. Now, do you think you’ll be able
to find your next class? It’s just I’ve got an essay to finish
since I’m working later and won’t get the chance to do it.”

Kale followed
her as she made her way down the corridor, “Yeah, I will since I’m
in the same class as you … I have a free period now too.” He
laughed lightly as this fact dawned on Izzie.

Izzie forgot
that he had the same timetable as her; she would not get the peace
and quiet she had wanted. She sighed and didn’t protest when Kale
took the seat beside her in Mr Jackson’s classroom; it was
inevitable that she would have to stay up late again to finish her
homework. She took out her notes as Mr Jackson entered the room and
told them to do some work while he tapped away on his computer
doing who knows what. As usual, the rest of her classmates took out
their mobiles or iPods and did no work whatsoever while some others
actually went to sleep for a while.

Kale looked
about him in disbelief; he really was shocked that Izzie was the
only one actually doing something that was productive while the
rest of their classmates lounged around relaxing. He glanced back
at Izzie; he didn’t want to disturb her but he was curious as to
why she didn’t seem to give herself a chance to relax or have a
break like everybody else was doing.

Izzie felt
Kale’s eyes on her and she sighed, she turned to look at him,
“What? I know you’re dying to annoy me … so what is it?”

Kale smirked
slightly, “You’re really are a feisty one, aren’t you? I was just
curious why you never seem to let yourself have a break or relax?
If everyone else can do it - why can’t you?”

Izzie sighed,
“I do relax!” Kale raised his eyebrows at her defiant tone and she
jumped to defend herself, “I do! I’m even going to the cinema with
Maddie tonight - if she’s talking to me again …” she added as an
afterthought; Izzie knew how stubborn Maddie could be.

The corner of
Kale’s mouth pulled up into a half-smile, “Sounds to me like you
think relaxing is a chore. Haven’t you ever just had fun?”

Izzie felt very
irritated at Kale’s suggestion that she didn’t know how to enjoy
herself. She threw him a dirty look and didn’t answer; when she
really thought about it though - he was right. Izzie didn’t tell
Kale this of course; she just turned back to her essay.


After school
had finished, Izzie rushed to get to the bookshop as quickly as
possible. She managed to make it there just ten minutes later and
she took her place behind the till; she felt that six o’clock
couldn’t come around quick enough. The shop wasn’t very busy and
Izzie found her thought drifting to Kale and what he had said; as
much as she hated to admit it, he was right. She couldn’t remember
the last time she had actually had fun or just relaxed; she shook
her head to clear her thoughts and decided that going to the cinema
with Maddie tonight would be the start of the ‘new’ Izzie. She
smiled to herself and was even more pleased when Jake came into the
shop and headed directly for her.

“Hey Isobel,
how’s it going?” he smiled at her and Izzie found herself blushing

“Hey, I’m ok,
what’s up? You need a book or something?” she grinned at him,
trying not to look too love-struck.

Jake shook his
head, “No, I was just wondering if you want to come to a party at
my house tonight?”

Izzie frowned;
Jake had had house parties before and every single time, she had
failed to receive an invitation. She wondered what had made him
change his mind; could he possibly be beginning to like her or was
there some catch? Just as Izzie was about to accept his invite, her
question was answered when Jake spoke his next words; unfortunately
for Izzie the latter part appeared to be applicable here.

“You know you
can bring someone with you too, if you want. I mean, I really won’t
mind …
at all, you can bring them.” He flashed her a
flirty smile and Izzie found her initial pleasure at him actually
asking her to his party quickly evaporating.

She just
Jake was referring to Kale but it’s not like she
actually knew him well enough to call him a friend let alone invite
him to a party after knowing him one day!

Izzie nodded at
Jake and muttered, “Sure, it’s just I’ve actually made plans
already. Sorry I won’t be able to make it.”

Jake looked
extremely disappointed and quickly left the shop without saying
much else. Izzie sighed, how could she be so stupid to think that
Jake was taking an interest in her? She really needed to focus on
something else; something more productive, like her school work –
it was far more important than boys. She tried not to think about
how Jake had tried to use her to get friendlier with Kale; she
really didn’t know what the big deal was anyway – he was just
somebody who was paid far too much for something so


When her shift
had finished, Izzie went home and ate her dinner very quickly as
Maddie had sent her a text saying the movie she had picked started
at 7 o’clock and she had just half an hour to get ready. Izzie was
glad when Maddie had still gone ahead with their plans; it was a
sign that she had forgiven Izzie. She smiled to herself as she
picked out some jeans and a dressy shirt to wear and happily got
changed; she was just very glad to have her friend speaking to her

At 6.45pm,
Izzie heard Maddie beep her horn and she looked out her bedroom to
see Maddie’s black Mini waiting. She grabbed her bag and headed out
to meet her, when she got into the car, Izzie knew something had
changed from when she had gotten Maddie’s text; Maddie was all
dressed up and looked furious.

Izzie glanced
at her friend curiously, “You ok? You look kinda pissed off, what’s

Maddie sighed
heavily, “Nothing. Hey, why aren’t you dressed up?” she glared at
Izzie angrily while the latter looked confused.

“Because we are
going to the cinema where it’s generally very dark and nobody can
see you. I should ask why you
dressed up? Did I miss
something?” Izzie frowned at how angry Maddie seemed; what was her

Maddie hissed
angrily, “God Izzie, we aren’t going to the cinema! We are going to
Jake’s party! I told you in my message earlier!”

Izzie reeled
back, “Jesus, what’s jumped up your ass? You didn’t say we were
going to a party, you said earlier we were going to a movie!”

Maddie rolled
her eyes, “Yeah, before I knew Jake was having a party! God you’re
stupid; my message clearly indicated that we weren’t going to the
cinema anymore!”

Izzie was
furious now, “Don’t you patronise me! Your message ‘clearly
indicated’ that you were picking me up to catch the film at 7!” she
took out her mobile and brought up Maddie’s text again, “I quote
‘Movie starts at 7.’ Now unless there’s a secret code to unscramble
this message to tell me we were going to a party, I’m going to
assume we were still going to the cinema. Now, are you going to
calm down and apologise?”

Maddie looked
livid; it was obvious to Izzie that she knew she had done wrong but
didn’t want to admit it. Sure enough, Maddie shook her head and
continued to rant.

“No I’m not
apologising, now are you going to change or not?”

BOOK: ... not in love with Kale Eddison
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