Questions for Talking with Locals
[Take a peek at these questions and add anything else you’d like to ask people who live in the neighborhood you’re considering—for example, good places to run or eat Sunday brunch. It’s best to talk with adults (don’t ask kids, especially young ones) who are already out and about (gardening or walking, for example) or local shopkeepers. Introduce yourself and explain that you’re thinking of buying in the neighborhood. Make sure people know you’re not doing a survey (don’t ask for their names and phone numbers!). If you sense any resistance, back off. You don’t want potential neighbors to think you’re a weirdo.]
What do you like most and least about this area?
Which streets are considered the best to live on?
Do you feel okay about walking outside at night? Is there much crime in the neighborhood?
What’s parking like around here? How’s the traffic?
Do you have kids? Do they go to public school here?
Are there any changes planned that will make the neighborhood better or worse (such as a new development, changed policing system, or pending school initiative)?
What kind of person would be happiest living here?