Nocturne 040 – Scions 02 - Patrice Michelle - Insurrection (29 page)

BOOK: Nocturne 040 – Scions 02 - Patrice Michelle - Insurrection
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Cupping her hand on his jaw, she turned his face toward her. “Don’t do this! I didn’t share my father’s journal with you to make you feel even more guilt.”

Pain and regret filled his expression. “If I had just paid more attention. I don’t understand how I didn’t smell his blood. I know why I smelled the Lupreda in your blood, but not why I didn’t notice it in him.”

She was curious what he meant about her, but right now they needed to remove the wedge between them. “Caine told me everything that happened in the park that night as well as the things you’ve done to make up for it ever since.”

Landon flexed his jaw. “Caine has a big mouth.”

“He wants you to be happy. He knows how much you love me.”

Landon squeezed her hand. “I do love you, Kaitie, very much. I’ve always felt connected to you and I couldn’t explain it. That’s why I stopped working with the police. You grew up before my eyes and these past few years…my feelings were changing from protector to wanting you fiercely.”

She smiled. “The feeling is very mutual. And that’s why this…this between us has been so hard. I know my father’s death will always be a tragic, sad part of our past. It will always be a part of ‘us,’ but I don’t want it to be between us.”

When Landon didn’t speak, she continued, “Caine said that it was raining hard that night in the park. Doesn’t the rain affect your ability to smell as keenly as you might’ve otherwise?”

Landon stared at their locked hands and ran his thumb rhythmically along the bend of her thumb. “It’s true that the rain does hinder our ability to track, but I was right over him, Kaitie—”

“And you were covered in Caine’s and your own blood.”

His green gaze narrowed. “You’re not going to let me hate myself, are you?”

She touched the dent in his chin, then kissed the same spot. “I think you’ve done enough of that for the both of us these past eighteen years. My heart mourns for my father and for all that you put yourself through for me. It makes me love you even more for it.”

Landon brushed his lips against hers lightly, then gave a half smile. “I’ve never been more proud of you than I was today. You commanded the Lupreda and had them eating out of your hand like an Alpha’s mate should.”

“Quite literally,” she chuckled and held up her wounded hand. Landon ran his fingers across the faint pink scar that remained, then pulled her palm to his lips. Kissing the scar gently, he said, “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted in a mate, Kaitlyn McKinney. Everything.”

She touched his face and made him look at her. “Does that mean you promise not to hold back on me anymore?”

Landon frowned. “I don’t know what you mean.”

She snorted. “I know you touch me lightly, Landon. I’ve felt the difference when we made love. Your grip was harder, more fierce. I want you to be yourself with me. I don’t want you to treat me like I’m some kind of China doll. Just like I expect you to understand that I still have a life in the city, that the kids at Handleburg still need me and my job—”

He held up his hand. “I got it.” Then his expression sobered. “I know you’ve been out of the loop with your mom’s funeral, but the government reestablished the Garotters. The other self-funded Garotter organization will go down, just like Remy, Kent and his men did, but their Mafia ties seem to have faded into the woodwork.”

She shook her head, disappointment settling in her stomach. “I should’ve known it wouldn’t be that clean.”

Landon touched her cheek. “As far as the whole cop thing is concerned, we made a great team. I was hoping you’d consider partnering with me at my agency. I enjoyed working with the police on cases, so I plan to reinstate myself there.”

She was surprised and a bit excited by his suggestion. The thought of sharing ideas with Landon while working closely with all the police officers she literally grew up with really appealed to her. She’d have the best of both worlds. “And when are you going to have time to work in the city while you’re being Alpha here?”

He raised an eyebrow. “I killed that one panther from the hospital, but there are still other Velius out there. Garius and the other Omega made it very clear that as Alpha I’m responsible for resolving this panther issue before any more attacks happen. When we’re not helping the police with cases, we’ll use our contacts to help us find the Velius pride. We will find them.”

Kaitlyn nodded her agreement, then scooted away from him on the couch. “Now about this whole touching thing,” she began with a smile as she swept off her shirt and tossed it to the floor.

Landon’s nostrils flared when her musky arousal and violet scent filled the room in a wave of erotic temptation. “I set the pace to keep you safe, Kaitlyn,” he said in a stern tone.

“Safe from you?” She unsnapped the front of her bra and slid the straps down her shoulders. Tossing the scrap of lingerie to the floor, she said in a husky tone, “Not tonight, you don’t.”

When Landon reached for her, she quickly stood and backed up just out of his reach. “Ah, ah. Promise first,” she said, unsnapping her jeans and stepping out of her boots.

Landon’s gaze skimmed her beautiful body and his groin instantly hardened. He loved how her red hair swept her shoulders, an alluring contrast against her alabaster skin. From that sexy, confident smile on her face, to the slope of her shoulders, to her rounded breasts and her tiny waist inside unbuttoned jeans, his gaze devoured her perfection. At that moment, he realized that when his mate taunted him, her ethereal beauty literally radiated from her. She was so beautiful, he couldn’t stop staring at her.

“If you need more encouragement…”

Before he could say, “No, I want to do it,” her jeans and underwear were on the floor.

“Kaitlyn, you need to stop,” he gritted out while his wolf roared in his head. Take her. Her arousal is musky-sweet and ripe. That’s a mating call.

Kicking her pants away, she opened her arms wide. “I’m feeling a bit underdressed. Want to join me?”

She can handle you. Trust me. I will keep her safe, his wolf demanded. Landon clenched his teeth. Shut up, he yelled at his wolf.

“Maybe I’ll just go climb into the nice comfy bed upstairs and think of all the naughty things I want to do to you,” she said in a wistful tone.

Kaitlyn had just started to turn toward the stairs when everything blurred and cool air stirred around her. The next thing she knew she was on her back on Landon’s bed. He hovered over her, his hands beside her on the bed. The intense look on his face made her shiver deep inside. “You really shouldn’t push me, Kaitlyn.” Running his finger down her cheek, he continued, “Lupreda blood might flow through your veins, but you’re not as tough as a female werewolf.”

Anger welled, making her stomach twist. Kaitlyn shoved at his chest, taking him by surprise. While she had the advantage, she pushed him over onto his back and straddled his stomach. Her gaze narrowed.

“Watch who you’re calling weak, werewolf.”

Landon tugged on a strand of her hair, then gently cupped the side of her face.

“I know you’re tough as nails here.” His thumb slid across her temple, then his other hand moved up her rib cage to stop below her left breast, where her heart thumped a heavy beat. “And here.”

The look of love in his eyes dissipated some of her indignation. Sliding both his hands to her waist, he finished, “But if I truly let myself touch you the way I would a female werewolf, I could crush you, Kaitlyn. You’re too precious to me.”

Tears filled her eyes and she pounded her fist on his chest. “But I don’t want you to have to be careful. I want your primal self totally involved, not some shadow of a lover.”

Landon swiftly sat up until his face was an inch from hers. “Is that what you think? That I’m not giving you my all when we make love?” His warm hands slid up her back and he pulled her fully against his chest. “You’re wrong, my little mate. I’m very aware of every breath, every scent, every damned sweet sensation until I can’t think straight.”

She tugged off his shirt and tossed it on the floor, then met his hungry gaze. Placing her hands on his shoulders, she trailed her fingers down his hard biceps and across his chest. When he tensed beneath her touch, she leaned close and whispered next to his ear, “I want to hear you breathing hard and know you’re as into this as I am. Don’t think, Landon. Just feel. Making love should be free and unnerving.” Kissing his jaw, she rubbed his hard nipples with her thumbs.

A deep growl rumbled in his chest before Landon captured her lips with his. Kaitlyn was surprised by his ferocity, but she wrapped her arms around his neck and welcomed his warm mouth pressing against hers. Landon’s hands slid around her back and his thumbs pressed against the sides of her breasts. As he melded her body to his, he delved his tongue between her lips. The moment their tongues touched, an electric spark ignited between them. Her head swam with his scent and a sensual euphoria flooded her body. How can he hold back? she wondered, wanting nothing more than to melt into him and absorb his wonderful, masculine scent. To wallow in it.

An idea suddenly occurred to her—how she could guarantee he wouldn’t be able to hold his wolf completely back from her. Pulling away, she slipped from his embrace and lay down against the pillows in a relaxed pose. Lifting her arms above her head in complete surrender, she said,

“I’ll let you set the pace only if you’ll fulfill one request.”

While Landon stood and shrugged out of his jeans, his gaze swept her body. The look of possessive heat in his dark green eyes made her skin prickle. He sat on the bed beside her and slowly traced his fingers down her stomach and along the indentation at her waist. “What’s your request?”

His magnetic gaze held a sexual prowess that demanded a response. When she looked down her body where his fingers lingered, she was shocked to see that her legs had spread wantonly without her knowledge. Setting her jaw, she crossed her legs and met his gaze that now held amused male satisfaction. “I want you to speak in my mind while we make love.”

Landon’s eyes snapped to hers. His jaw flexed and his fist clenched over her stomach. “No.”

She let out a heavy sigh and trailed her fingers down her own chest, tracing them over her sensitive nipple. “I suppose we’re at a stalemate, then.” His ravenous gaze devoured each brush of her fingers against the hard pink tip. She could’ve sworn she heard him swallow several times. Just to make sure, she pinched her nipple and closed her eyes, moaning at the arousal she experienced with him watching her.

Landon brushed her fingers away and his warm palm cupped her breast in a firm hold as if he were claiming ownership. She waited a couple of seconds, but she only heard her own wants and desires in her head. Sighing sadly, she met his gaze as she skimmed her fingers down her stomach. Nervous butterflies fluttered inside. She was trying to establish a give-and-take rhythm between them, which wasn’t going to be easy with a dominant Alpha like Landon.

Her eyes stayed locked with his as her fingers reached her sex. Landon grabbed her hand, his expression hard as granite. This is dangerous. For me to speak in your mind, I have to let my wolf share my conscious thoughts.

She smiled and turned her hand in his. “I know.” Moving his hand back to her breast, she said, “Every time you touch me, I want to hear you say something to me mentally. Quit fighting him and let your wolf have free rein.”

Landon’s fingers involuntarily squeezed her breast. She heard his shallow breaths and raised an eyebrow.

This is blackmail, he growled, sounding very put out.

She laughed and skimmed her fingers across his thigh. “But what a glorious way for you to share yourself with me. Hearing your voice in my head while you’re kissing me everywhere would only arouse me more. Think how explicit you could be,” she said with a chuckle. Landon moved over her on his hands and knees, his expression intense. Placing his knee between her thighs, he set his hands on the bed, bracketing her in.

“I don’t hear anything,” she sing-songed, enjoying this sensual dance with her mate.

“I’m not touching you,” he shot back in a gravelly voice. Kaitlyn lifted her leg and slid her thigh alongside his.

“Now you are.” She enjoyed the different textures of her soft skin against the hair on his muscular thigh.

When her knee touched his sac, Landon’s deep green gaze lit with sparks of light green. He gritted his teeth and narrowed his gaze. You said when I touch you.

“Don’t you want to?” she breathed out and lowered her hand toward his chest.

He caught her hand before she connected and pinned it to the bed. She started to move her other hand and he gave it the same treatment. Dammit to hell, woman. I can’t keep doing this. His voice sounded rougher now. It was music to her ears.

She raised an eyebrow. “What’s your issue? You’ve got me pinned to the bed, at your mercy. You can set the pace however you wish.”

Landon growled low in his throat then dipped his head and captured her nipple in his mouth in a rough, yet pleasurable squeeze. She moaned and arched closer to him. “More.”

The tension between them made her heart thunder in her chest. “Tell me what you’re thinking,” she gasped when he began to suck and nip at the sensitive skin.

That I want to feel your body clasping me tight with nothing between us. He wants this even more than me.

Kaitlyn moaned when he moved his mouth to her other nipple and licked teasing circles around the tip. “Wh—why does he want it more?”

His gaze collided with hers and she gasped at the color. It was a brilliant light green. She’d never seen it so bright before. Landon’s smile was downright feral. He hasn’t been allowed free rein. He’s vibrating with the need to slam into your body, to make you fully his.

BOOK: Nocturne 040 – Scions 02 - Patrice Michelle - Insurrection
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