No Strings Attached (The Escort #1) (6 page)

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Jagger’s hands stayed on my hips, directing them, and I hooked my arms around his neck. His forehead rested on mine and I could only look at him. The rest of the room spun on a different axis. I hadn’t had too much to drink, I was drunk off of Jagger.

“Can I have this dance?” Kari managed to wedge herself between the two of us and I grabbed her arms to steady myself from the shock. She swung around, offering a hand to Jagger. “I’m Karina Gomez. Leah’s best friend. And I’m a United States prosecutor, so when I say I know where to hide the bodies…”

“Kari!” I jerked her away from Jagger before she said anything I regretted.

“I’ve heard all about you. Nothing but wonderful things of course.” Jagger ran his fingers under my chin. Kari didn’t release her death grip on my arms. “I’ll meet you over at the bar.”

My new dance partner spun me around. “First of all, he’s insanely gorgeous. I don’t get intimidated by many men, but it’s hard to breathe looking at him.”

“Where have you been?” I asked. I wanted to change the subject before it turned into a lecture.

“Here, for like a half an hour.” Kari rolled her eyes. “You were too busy eye-fucking your escort to notice anyone.”

My head whipped around the room. “Oh God, who else is here?”

“Pretty much everyone, and you
the topic of conversation.”

“Why?” Another quick scan of the room, but I didn’t spot Rich or Shelley.

“Because the two of you look like you’re going to crawl inside of each other. We’re all choking off the pheromones. Would you please go upstairs and fuck his brains out before some of the single ladies in the crowd abduct him?”

Nobody had to tell me twice. “Yes, ma’am.” I headed off the dance floor, but Kari still had my hand.

“Don’t ever call me ma’am.” Kari yanked me back into her. “Leah, please be careful tonight.”

“I will, ma’am.” I laughed when Kari looked like she might puke. “I brought protection.”

She squeezed my hand. “That’s not what I’m talking about, and you know it.”


Chapter Nine



I Wish We Were In Miami Right Now
. I’d take you out Salsa dancing.” Jagger moved my hips in a circular motion, grinding against me as he planted a kiss on my cheek. “You have hips made for Salsa.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck, melting into the movement. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” If that was anything like child bearing hips he was going to find himself back in Miami much sooner than he expected, on the hunt for a new dancing partner.

“It means--” His forehead rested against mine as he kept moving my hips in that slow motion, his groin circling in rhythm with my body. “--that if you make love anything like you dance, I am a very lucky man.”

“You are a very lucky man.” I bit my lip. “Kari kicked us out of here.”

“Really?” His face lit up. Without another word he threw money up on the bar and tugged my hand, leading me back to the lobby, past the same grumbly old bitch who sneered at us before. “I want to show you something,” Jagger said as we got back on the elevator. This time, he didn’t fool around and hit the three button for his floor.

“What is it?” We didn’t have time for a repeat of last time, but I still stepped in closer, resting my hands on his chest. “Tentacle porn?”

“What? Oh.” Jagger laughed. “No, that wasn’t it.”

“Every time I walk past Raven’s room and hear one of her movies playing, that’s all I can think of.” I shuddered as we walked down the hallway. “I can’t bring myself to actually Google it.”

I followed Jagger into his room. This was probably the closest I was ever going to get to seeing how he lived. The bed was already rumpled, and his laptop laid at the foot of it. Otherwise, the room was practically untouched. No sign of a mess anywhere. Maybe he was really that tidy. I’d wanted to see a part of him he couldn’t tell me about. One of the little quirks that no one ever noticed about themselves.

He crawled on the bed, turning on the computer. I curled my leg underneath me on the edge, watching him type.

“Come here,” he said, his tone low, and I didn’t care about the computer anymore. I stretched out beside him but didn’t get close enough to touch him. “Your wish is my command.” He hit play.

A cartoon of a young girl, naked, spread-eagle, and very pregnant, lay writhing on the screen. I watched with the same fascination I would watch one of those cable network reality shows, like I couldn’t quite believe someone created this. After about a minute, something that looked like a giant snail slithered out of her lady parts. And she wasn’t pregnant anymore. Until it went back in. “Oh my God!” I couldn’t close my mouth. Jagger rolled on his back, laughing hysterically as I positioned the computer toward me to make sure I was seeing this right. “She’s covered in snail sauce, or whatever it is. How can they show
and not a dick?”

“I guess when they were making the rules, they didn’t quite anticipate this.” Jagger shook his head. “Seen enough?”

“I need bleach for my eyeballs.” I pushed the laptop back to him. “Show me something pretty now, please?”

Jagger ran his teeth over his bottom lip. He entered something on the keyboard and once the site came up, he turned the screen toward me.

“Is this your website?” I asked and he nodded, face alight. I wasn’t sure he was breathing, so I needed to stop looking at him and check out his art before he passed out.

A slideshow scrolled slowly in front of me. Black and white images mixed with bright colors that jumped off the screen. Some of the photos were very clear what I was looking at, and some I got absolutely lost in once I realized what message they conveyed. Jagger knew just how to use the composition of what had been left behind, blending it with natural light to tell a heartbreaking story.

“You’re good,” I said softly as I scrolled through. “Really good.”

“You like it?” Jagger was the only thing that could possibly be more beautiful than his photography. “Because you’re going to get laid either way tonight. You can tell me the truth. I want your honest opinion.”

I swatted at him, laughing. “I mean it. Your composition is amazing. What you do with natural light, I have no idea how you make it happen. You even placed the photos in the right order so it evokes some crazy emotions. Some of the things you’ve made them into a completely different image. Just through the lens, you’ve created a whole other layer. And that’s not bullshit.” I laced my fingers between his. “Because you were getting laid either way tonight, too.”

The fear had melted away and now Jagger’s smile was genuine. “That means a lot coming from you because you’re a professional artist. So if the color, composition, and arrangement speak to you,“ he shook his head, but the smile remained, “ that means I actually might know what I’m doing.”

“Don’t you have any photographer friends? Or people in the industry that you can talk to?”

He shrugged. “I went to a few meetups, but most of those guys were looking to shoot models, more so they could try to get laid.”

“And you don’t have that problem.”

Jagger pressed his lips together. “No. They didn’t care about the art at all. When I’ve worked with teams they’re all so focused on their own job they don’t always understand what I do. Even though we don’t do the same thing, you understand the components of what’s going on. The big picture.” He took a deep breath. “I’m not going to lie, it’s sexy as hell.”

I propped myself up on my hand and cocked an eyebrow. “I thought you said you weren’t doing this to get laid.”

The light in his eyes changed, from sparkling to smoldering. My breath caught in my throat. Already I was lost to him, and the closest we’d come to each other was on the dancefloor. “I’m getting laid tonight.” He reached over and pulled a curl away from my hair, wrapping it around his finger. “I guarantee it.”

“You keep saying that.” I closed my eyes, loving the sensation of his fingers in my hair. “But I have yet to see any evidence of this being true.”

Jagger let go of my hair and moved the laptop over to the table. He settled much closer to me on the bed. The heat from his body radiated against mine. I didn’t move. I wanted to see what he had in mind. Just trying to anticipate his next move had me coming off my hinges.

His hand landed on my leg, running up and down the length of my thigh, a little higher each time until he cupped between my legs. He eased them apart, continuing to work through the denim. I writhed under his touch. The floodgates had opened and it would only be a matter of minutes before he’d feel it through my damp jeans.

He’d buried his head in my neck and my pulse went wild under his warm lips. I clutched his shoulders and we’d started moving to the beat of a band that didn’t exist anywhere besides our frantic heartbeats. He’d pinned me down with his body and I had no escape from the relentless attack of his fingers.

If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.

Jagger groaned when I raked my fingers down the length of his back. He was still fully clothed, so I didn’t make contact with his skin, but the sensation was enough to make him toss his head back. I’d thrown him off the rhythm, and I took advantage that, releasing myself from my boots and pushing my jeans down my legs. Jagger slid the lace of my panties away from me. His slow journey was exquisite torture.

He went right back to work, his hand covering my labia. He didn’t move right away, instead he pushed the damp curls away from my face. He traced the outline of my eyebrows, then his hand slipped in my hair. I had a hard time staying still with him holding me by my girl parts and my hips started circling. Jagger positioned his thumb against my clit, but I did all the work, pressing my body against his fingers, moving up and down. He began to follow my rhythm, slow circles hitting all the right places.

“Jesus,” I managed between strangled breaths. “That feels so good.”

“You showed me everything I needed to know.” Jagger gazed down at me, his fingers continuing their relentless journey, his thumb still pressed against the swollen nub and his fingers threatening to slip inside. “I watched every move you made the last time we were together. All the little things that made you jump, and make that noise.” He nodded as I cooed. “They played over and over in my mind because I wanted to make sure that when I did it to you, you liked it even more.”

My head fell to the side, I couldn’t answer him. It didn’t matter, he already knew exactly what I was thinking. His face disappeared and I couldn’t see what he was doing with my scarf still on. Hot breath against my clit sent my hips flying off the mattress, but Jagger caught me, slamming me back down. The time to be gentle was over. Just to make sure, I squirmed against his hands, but he tightened his grip, making sure I had no escape from whatever he planned to do next.

Jagger quickly ran his tongue the length of my slit, settling on my clit. He rolled his tongue across it, and then began sucking, still pressing against the most tender spots. I cried out, raking my hand through his hair hard, pushing his head against my throbbing body. Not being able to move was going to split me in two. It didn’t stop me from trying, but Jagger wanted what he wanted. The next push on my hips sent my head off the foot of the bed.

He didn’t notice, his hands were too busy kneading the soft skin on my hips, and his tongue just wouldn’t stop. He tickled just below my clit, licking and sucking and driving me to the point that I couldn’t even think in words. Just in colors. Mostly reds and oranges as he ignited everything inside me that had laid dormant and starving for so long.

His tongue swirled around my opening so slowly, not missing a drop of my arousal before pushing himself inside. God, I was so ready for this. Jagger pressed hard against my inner walls and I squeezed against him, wanting to hold him as tight as he was holding me. He moaned against my hot, wet skin, and the vibration was all I needed to trip the explosion.

Fireworks appeared against those hot colors painted on the inside of my eyelids. Fuzzy black splotches that vibrated the length of my body, singeing every nerve ending on the way down. Those explosions coursed through my body, taking no prisoners. I had no escape with my head hanging off the end of the bed and Jagger still holding my body down.

The release split my brain in two. This amazing peace took its place as Jagger drank down every bit of it. I panted, my breaths in time with the movements of his lips. I was too limp to move when he let go of me.

I couldn’t see what he was doing, but his shirt floated past my head, landing on the floor, followed by the pants. No underwear followed, so either he still had them on or he hadn’t bothered with any. I took the opportunity to peel off the rest of my clothes. As his hands landed on either side of my shoulders, his erection bumped against my stomach. Nope, no underwear.

“How are you doing?” Jagger’s words came slow between gasps of air. He melted down against my body, his rigid cock burning between us. I still hadn’t caught my breath, and he pushed my damp hair away from my face to plant a hungry kiss on my open lips.

Breathing was overrated, anyway.

And I couldn’t believe how good I tasted as I licked myself off of his lips. At first I cringed at the thought, but Jagger’s words echoed through my brain. No apologies. Getting Rich to go downtown had been such a monumental campaign that it was hardly worth the reward. Sex with anyone else since hadn’t meant enough to care. This guy had already become a part of me and it was going to be absolute torment when we had to tear ourselves apart at the end of the weekend.

But now we were together and I was going to savor every drop of passion that beaded against our skin until I had to scrub myself clean. Free to move, I wrapped my leg around Jagger’s hips, slowly moving it against the high curve of his ass. I couldn’t wait to see his body totally bare. I already knew he was going to be perfect, deliberate and sculpted. To think he was on top of me, inside me, and I didn’t even know what every part of him looked like was so exciting. The best was yet to come. I knew it.

Jagger trapped my leg with his hand and rolled back up off my body. Something ripped open and he let go of me. When his cock moved against my sex, we were only separated by the condom and again we were moving in the same rhythm. He had me wide open, my leg pressed against his back as he positioned himself. Inch by inch he stretched me, and I moaned as he buried himself all the way inside. He stayed there, not moving and I held onto his cock for dear life. It was the only thing keeping me on the bed. My back curled up off the mattress when his fingers grazed against my nipple so lightly it burned instead of tickled. A few lazy circles and a firm motion over the rock hard nub before he rocked his hips back and slammed into me.

I hadn’t expected it. Clutching big handfuls of the comforter, I did everything I could to stay with him as he rammed into me again and again, his balls slapping against my swollen lips. Jagger was absolutely relentless and I loved every second of it. Drops of his sweat mingled with mine, but he kept time like a double bass drum. I knew I was crying out, but I didn’t hear myself. The only sensation I could concentrate on was his body moving in and out of me so many times I didn’t know how I hadn’t dissolved into a puddle or how he hadn’t drowned in it yet.

I barely even registered that I was falling off the bed from the momentum of his thrusts. I had enough wherewithal to put my hands down to aid the slide. Jagger didn’t even slow down as we landed in a heap on the floor. I crawled back to give him room to work and gasped.

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