Read No Home for the Holidays Online

Authors: Lillian Duncan

Tags: #christian Fiction

No Home for the Holidays (7 page)

BOOK: No Home for the Holidays
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“He'd have to explain how he was kidnapping you.”

“Oh. Makes sense.” She looked outside. “Where are we?”

“On your way home—your home. And we still have several days before Christmas. If everything works out, you'll be home as promised.”

“We can't go there. I don't want my family in danger.”

“Don't worry. I've got a plan.”

“What is it?”

“I'll tell you all about it later. When you're a little more awake. Hungry?”


“I figured. You've been asleep for about thirty hours. We'll make a pit stop at the next gas station.”

“Thirty hours? You're kidding.”

“Not kidding. I told you not to take the pills.”

“I can't believe all you've done for me. I don't deserve it.”

“Yes, you do.”

“When all this started I was sure you wanted…well, you know, wanted something from me. Money or….something. But you really are just a nice guy.”

“There's a lot of us out there.”

“Maybe in your world.” She thought back to those party days. Never again would she live like that. How could she have turned her back on her parents? On God? “Not in my world.”

“I understand that. When I was an agent I was never sure who lied more, the criminals or the agents. Everybody had an agenda.”

“Is that why you quit?”

His voice was quiet. “Partly.”

“What's the other part?”

“That's a story for another day.”

She climbed over the seat. “This isn't your car.”

“Very observant, Pink. My car had the windows blown out which wouldn't make it very comfortable to drive in.”

“Did you use a credit card when you rented this car?”

“I didn't rent it. It's a friend's.”

“Wow, you must have really nice friends.”

“I do.”

“And I slept through the whole thing?”

“Drugs will do that. How are you feeling now?”

“Still a little groggy. And hungry. So what about this plan?”

“It won't work if I don't know the identity of the mystery man.”

The ball was in her court. Trust him or keep on running?

He'd proven that he could be trusted and that he was capable. But could he really help get her home?

“Ramon Rivera.” Peace descended in Chloe's heart again.
Thank you, God.

“The actor?”

“One and the same. I told you it was complicated.”

“So you did, but I didn't expect it to be someone so…famous. That really does complicate matters, doesn't it? But a promise is a promise.”

“If you want to change your mind, I'll understand. And you don't have to keep your promise. It's an impossible situation. I know that. I can go find a new place to—”

“With God, all things are possible.”

“You sure like quoting the Bible, don't you?”

“Best book in the world.”

“I absolve you of your promise. It could be very dangerous. And…and I don't want anything to happen to you.”

“That's so sweet, Pink.” He grinned that charming little smile. “I'm ready if you are!”


Colton opened another motel door with a flourish. “This is definitely not the Beverly Hills Hilton, but it's not too bad. Welcome to your new home. At least until I can get you back to your real home.”

“Not bad at all. And the room has windows. California sunshine! I've really missed that. I had no idea Ohio was so dreary. If I had I might not have chosen it.”

“But then you wouldn't have met me.”

“Oh, and I would have missed this great adventure.”

“God always has a plan.”

“I guess He does at that.” The trip had given her time to talk to Colton about her new relationship with God. “How about you, Colton? What do you think God's plan is for you?”

“Let's not go there.”

She met his gaze. “Let's. Every time I talk about your past, you change the subject. I have a feeling I'm not the only one who's been running.”

“And no bed bugs. At least that's what the guy said.” Colton grinned.

“There you go again. Changing the subject.”

“Let's not worry about me right now.”

“But I do worry about you. I care about you, Colton. Not because of what you're doing, but because of who you are. You're a good man, a godly man. God wants you to be happy too.”

Sadness shone in his eyes. “You don't have to worry about me.”

“Have it your way.” She gave up. “Do you believe him? About the bed bugs, I mean.”

“If you find any, we'll definitely move. I promise.”

“You sure do promise a lot of things.”

“And I aim to keep them all, Pink.” Colton handed Chloe a key, then tapped his watch. “If you're to be home for Christmas, we need to get things moving.”


He walked into his own room, still smiling.

Chloe had changed over the past few days.

In spite of the difficult situation, he'd enjoyed the cross-country drive with her. He could fall in love with her—but he wouldn't allow that to happen. He would give her back her life, and then he would go on with his own.


He tossed his bag on the bed and paced the room.

Ramon Rivera. The famous actor was a murderer, or at least involved in one. And apparently more than willing to commit another to keep his secret safe.

He'd had his ex-partner do a little research. Turned out that there was a bounty on Chloe—a big one. No wonder John Smith had been so determined to get her back to California.

Robbie had also told him John Smith was now in custody. He had several warrants out, so he wouldn't be causing any more trouble for Chloe.

Colton should have asked Robbie to come out to help, but he didn't want to put his ex-partner in a difficult situation that might cause him to lose his job. Robbie had already done more than he should have by getting them a car.

Ramon could possibly have someone inside the FBI giving him information. That might have been how he'd found the safe house and then found Chloe again in San Antonio.

To bring down Ramon Rivera and get Chloe home by Christmas, it would have to be done without backup from the authorities. But he could call Robbie to see if they could brainstorm a better idea. He pulled the burner phone out of his overnight bag and hit redial.


California sunshine. She'd missed it. A part of her was still terrified to be here, but Colton was right. She couldn't live the way she had been forever.

And she trusted him. He hadn't shared his plan with her yet, but promised he would soon.

She paced around the hotel room.

He was talking to someone. Within minutes, he knocked on the door between their two rooms.

She opened hers.

“Come on—say it!” A smile graced his face.

“Nope. You had your chance to sleep in the same room with me but no more. I'm back in tough girl mode. Being home will do that.”

Colton's expression turned serious. “That's good. I have a feeling that will come in pretty handy.”

A pit opened up in Chloe's stomach. “God is with us. We will overcome this world, right?”

“Now look whose quoting the Bible.” He grinned. “I love hearing you talk that way.”

“Thanks, preacher. Is there something bothering you?”

“We're about to bring down one of the world's most famous actors and apparently one of the most evil, as well. What could be bothering me?”

“Yeah, well, other than that.”

“Now that we're back on your turf, you have to stay out of sight. We can't take the chance of you running into anyone you know.”

“What's the plan?”

Colton sat down on the easy chair. “It's simple. Nothing complicated. Nothing dangerous.”

Anything to do with Ramon was dangerous.

“So what will we do?”

“We are not doing anything. I will find our dear, sweet boy on my own, tell him that I have a special package for him, and make arrangements. I'll record all of it. Give it to the FBI. Nightmare over and then you'll be home for the holidays.”

“It sounds too easy. Are you sure that will be enough to get him arrested?”

“It's not my first rodeo, Pink. I know what it takes to get an arrest and a conviction. Remember, I did work for the FBI.”

“As if I could forget.” Christmas with her family. Her eyes filled with tears at the thought. “Do you think it will work?”

He bumped his shoulder against hers. “'Tis the season for miracles.”


“I need a gun.” Chloe stood beside her bed, hands on her hips.

Colton handed her a satchel full of clean clothes. He'd gone out to do laundry and some shopping.

Apparently, she'd had too much time to think.

“Excuse me?”

“I said I need a gun.” Her chin went up and her eyes glittered with pent-up energy. Maybe even a little anger. “What part of that don't you understand?”

“You need no such thing.”

“If you leave me here all alone, I need to protect myself.” Her mouth trembled. “I don't mind admitting I was terrified while you were gone. I need a gun.”

“Nobody knows you're here. That means you're completely safe. Besides, you told me you've been studying self-defense.” He mimicked a few karate moves of his own in an attempt to lighten the mood.

She rolled her eyes, obviously not appreciating his humor. “I didn't say I was good at it. That's why I need a gun. To protect myself.”

“Do you know how to shoot?”

She tossed her satchel on the bed, then turned back to him. “How hard can it be?” A short pause, then an evil grin. “After all, you know how to use one. So, it must be easy, right?”

“Very funny, Pink. But it's plenty hard. Did you know that more people get killed with their own handgun during a home invasion than from the bad guys?”

“OK, then let me borrow yours.” She glared at him as she plopped down on her bed.

He stared at her.

“It won't be my gun, it will be yours. Therefore the statistics won't apply.”

“At least you still have your sense of humor. Sort of.”

“My real point is I should be coming with you. You don't know the party scene. You need me to help you. You probably won't even be able to get into a club.”

“Great idea. Let's go out and have a good time at the clubs. It would probably take all of five minutes before someone recognized you.”

“Not even my mother would recognize me after I'm done. I'm a master of disguise. Give—”

“Not happening.” He touched her shoulder. “I can't do this if I have to worry about you and me. Did you make me that list I asked for?”

She held up a piece of paper. “But what if he's not at any of them?”

“Then I try again tomorrow.”

“He might not even be in town.”

“You sure do worry a lot.” He winked as he pulled his phone from his pocket. “According to his social media, he is. And speaking of social media, there is something else you can do.” He handed her a smart phone he'd just bought. His bank account would be zero when the bills came in.


“Keep checking them and if he says where he's at, let me know.”

He handed her a piece of paper. “This is Robbie's number. My ex-partner. If something comes up and you can't get hold of me. Call him. He'll help.”

“Colton, I don't want to put you in danger.” She stood up and paced the room. “This is not a good idea. Let's forget the whole thing. I'll just find a new place to hide. And you can go home.”

“Stop worrying about me. He won't do anything to me in front of his adoring public.”


Chloe stared at the phone.

It would be so easy to press in the numbers she knew so well. To hear her mother's voice or her father's, or even one of her sisters. Would they know her voice? She could just say “Hello. I'm all right. Don't worry about me.” Then hang up. She bit her lip as tears filled her eyes. She wanted to go home. Her mother's arm around her…well, that would feel almost as good as Colton's. She brushed that thought away.

Colton had made it clear he had no romantic interest in her.

She got the feeling he was attracted to her. Stop it, girl. No use thinking about him like that.

He was a preacher. It was obvious his bride was the church. No room for her in that life. He was just being nice to her. Colton was a man who lived out his faith. Every day, in every way. Just like her father. Both were men of integrity. Both did what had to be done—even when it wasn't easy. Both of them had been central in her journey of faith.

Faith. It felt so good to reconnect with God—thanks to Colton for helping her through her moments of doubt and helping her to trust God again. For that she would be forever grateful. Reading the passage about the prodigal son had made her see the truth.

God still loved her and hadn't turned His back on her. He loved all of His children.

A comforting warmth filled her. Whether she got back home to her family or not, she was glad she'd found her home with God again. If that was all she was to have, it would be more than enough.

She flicked the phone. “Not going to happen.” Chloe wouldn't do anything to endanger Colton.

She hit an icon that took her to Colton's new social media account. She scanned for posts from Ramon. The man loved to post about himself.

And just maybe that would be his downfall.


Chloe opened her eyes. Light filtered in from the closed curtains. It was morning. She rushed over to the shared door and knocked.

No response.

She opened the door. The room was empty. The bed was still made up. A sick feeling took her to her knees. She prayed until she had no more words.

BOOK: No Home for the Holidays
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