Read No Bra Required! Online

Authors: Nikki Ashton

Tags: #Humor & Entertainment, #Humor, #Love; Sex & Marriage, #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy

No Bra Required! (19 page)

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Lucy looked at Ed and nodded – a steely determination in
Katie’s eyes showed she wouldn’t leave until she’d had a drink; plus Lucy
couldn’t be bothered to argue.

“I’ll go and get you a glass,” Ed said.  “Cupboard on
the left, is that right?” he asked.

Lucy nodded again and watched as he strode off toward the

“So Lucy…is it Lucy?” asked Katie leaning her chin on her
hand as she looked at Lucy.

Lucy smiled and nodded.  “That’s right.”

“So Lucy, how long have you and Ed been together?”

Lucy thought carefully about how to respond to Katie’s
question.  “Long enough to know that it’s the real thing, and long enough
to know that I love him, and Nate.”

“Well, I’m sure Nate’s adorable.  Of course, you would love
Ed; he’s pretty remarkable, bloody good in bed as well if memory serves me
right.  I believe you work at the surgery for him, how quaint, the lowly
receptionist bags the handsome doctor with a gorgeous son, quite a ready-made
family for you.”

Lucy clenched her hands together tightly to stop herself
throwing her beer bottle at Ed’s ex-wife.  “If that’s how you want to look
at it Katie, but it wasn’t like that.”

“Well how was it then?  Don’t tell me you’ve been
friends for years and one day realised you loved one another?”

“No, we were instantly attracted but did try and stay on a
professional footing…Christ, what on earth am I telling you for?  It’s
none of your business.”  Lucy stood up to go and find Ed, she couldn’t
stand being in Katie’s company any longer, with her stupid accent and humongous

“No need to get huffy about it honey, but just remember he
was mine first, and I intend to get him back, I hope that we’re clear on

Lucy stopped in her tracks and turned to face Katie. “What
about your children.  Don’t you want them with you as well?”  Lucy

“Ed wouldn’t want Luke’s children here.  In fact, he
wouldn’t want any more children here, even if they were his own.  He told
me just after we’d had Nate that one child was enough, so how does that fit
into your plans?”  Katie smiled and examined her finger nails.

Lucy knew that Katie was trying to put her off Ed, but,
unfortunately for Katie, her announcement didn’t upset Lucy in the slightest.

“Oh well that’s understandable.  It’s a good job that I
don’t want any either.”

If the wind had been taken from Katie’s sails, it didn’t
show in her face.

“It won’t be an issue anyway, you’ll soon be kicked to the
curb when he realises it’s me he wants, and Louie and Amelia will be happier
with their father anyway.” Katie replied.

“You’re not worried that he’ll get violent with them like he
did with you?” Lucy asked.

Katie shook her head.  “No.  Luke may get a little
rough sometimes, but he would never hurt the children.”

Lucy shook her head in disbelief.  “I’m going to find

“Before you go, can I ask something, please?  If you
two are so loved up and serious with each other, why do you live with your dad
when your partner has his own house that you could move into…hmm it’s been
puzzling me that one.”  Katie stood up.  “On second thoughts I won’t
have that glass of wine, things aren’t quite as problematical here as I
imagined, plus Georgina will be thinking I’ve drowned in the bath – well hoping
more to the point.” 

With that, Katie left as Lucy stood with an open mouth
watching her go.

Lucy was still frozen to the spot when Ed re-emerged a
minute later.  He placed a glass of wine on the table as he looked around
the garden.

“Where’s Cruella de Vil?” Ed asked with a huge smile on his
face.  “Has she gone to kill some puppies?”

“I wouldn’t put it past her,” replied Lucy as she sat
down.  “She’s just told me that she you belonged to her first and that she
intends to get you back.  She means what she says Ed, and I’m worried. 
I think she knows we haven’t been a couple for long, she made a comment about
us not living together, and the situation wasn’t ‘as problematical’ as she
imagined.”  Lucy jutted out her bottom lip; Katie was seriously getting on
her nerves.

Ed knelt down next to Lucy’s chair and took hold of both her

“I’m more than happy for you to move in with me if that’s
what you want, but I don’t want to rush you.  Plus, I have to think of
Nate in all of this.”  Ed leaned forward and kissed Lucy tenderly.  “But,
that doesn’t mean I don’t love you and want you.”

“God Ed, don’t be silly, I totally understand, and I totally
agree.  No matter how much we want to spend every moment together, we
can’t be selfish.  Nate needs to be secure in our relationship as much as
we do.  I would never, ever, want to put him through what Katie did.”

Lucy did understand and agree.  As she looked at Ed’s
face, she knew her feelings were growing deeper by the day.  She would
love to be able to say they were ready for that level of commitment, but no
matter how they felt about each other they had Nate to consider.  Plus she
needed to get divorced first!

“That Lucy is why I love you,” said Ed interrupting her
thoughts.  “Oh, by the way, your mobile was flashing when I went into the
kitchen; I think you’ve got a missed call.  Here you go.”  Ed reached
inside his jeans pocket for Lucy’s mobile.

“Oh thanks, it might be Dad ringing to catch up.  I’ll
go inside and ring him from the landline, I won’t be long.”

“Okay, I’ll be here.”  Ed kissed Lucy as she got up to

As he sat down Ed thought about what had happened earlier,
and how Katie had found him.  She was right, it was a small town, and if
she didn’t go soon then maybe a holiday with Lucy was a good idea, he had some
time booked off in a couple of weeks.  They could take Georgina to Wales
and stay there for a few days and then move on to somewhere else with Nate, a
family holiday perhaps.  Maybe that was too early, maybe they could spend
time in Wales and then he and Lucy go on somewhere for a few days.  Ed
decided he would think about it before he mentioned anything to Lucy. 
Then his thoughts turned to Lucy.  She was being amazing about all this
with Katie, obviously she’d been worried, but that was his fault.  He
should have realised that by him staying away she would fear the worse. 
She was so different to Katie in many ways, not just in looks, but her
demeanour.  Ed could see now that Katie had always been selfish and petty,
whereas Lucy was kind and compassionate.  Ed knew that if this situation
were reversed Katie wouldn’t have spoken to him for weeks.

After around ten minutes, Lucy reappeared, worry etched on
her face.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Ed asked as Lucy sat down next to
him.  “It’s not your dad or Richard is it?”

Lucy shook her head, staring into the distance.  “No,
it wasn’t Dad, it was Brian my neighbour.  Apparently Simon has been to
the house this afternoon and taken his stuff.”

“That’s okay, isn’t it?  Or does it make it all seem a
bit final?”  Ed took hold of Lucy’s hand.

“No, it’s not that.  I don’t care about him, but Brian
has a spare key, so thought he’d better check everything was okay once Simon
had gone, and well…he’s cleared the place.  There’s nothing left.” 
Lucy looked at Ed with tears in her eyes.  “Brian didn’t want to snoop too
much, but as far as he can see he’s taken every stick of furniture.”

“Christ Luce, he can’t do that, surely?  You should
ring your solicitor and find out what you need to do.”

“I’ll call him in the morning.  I can’t believe he’s done
that,” Lucy whispered.  “I’ve nothing left Ed.”

“He probably thought that because he’s let you have the
house he’s entitled to the rest.  What a tosser!  Did he suggest in
any way that’s what he was going to do?”

“Nope, he said he only wanted a third of the equity, and
that was it. I should have realised it was all too good to be true.”

“I don’t know,” Ed sighed, “between us we’ve got a real pair
of rotten ex partners, haven’t we?”


The next morning when there had been a lull in patients,
Lucy gave Mr Devine a call to inform him of what Simon had done.  He’d
been sympathetic but had informed Lucy that unless she could prove that the
things he’d taken were gifts to Lucy, or paid for by Lucy, then there wasn’t a
lot she could do.  He suggested that she changed the locks to avoid Simon
entering the property again.  It seemed a little late if what Brian said
was true, there wasn’t anything left for Simon to come back for.  One good
thing Mr Devine had told her was that Simon had paid his half of the mortgage this
month – scant consolation though for Lucy, who potentially had nothing left but
the bricks and mortar of the house, and her clothes.

Just before she left for the day, Lucy caught up with Ed in
the staff room and explained everything to him.

“So, that’s it, there’s nothing you can do about it.” 
Ed sighed and gave Lucy a hug.  “I’m really sorry, you must feel like crap
about it.”

“It’s not the furniture I’m bothered about, it’s the other
things he may have taken.  There were photographs of Lottie, and a few
things that were my grandparents.  I just don’t know if he’s taken those
as well.”

“Maybe Mr Devine is right, maybe you should get the locks
changed.  Plus, it might not be a bad idea to go home and find out exactly
what he’s taken.  We could go together if you like?” Ed suggested.

Lucy smiled broadly.  “That would be lovely Ed, but I
don’t want you to get involved in all of this.  If someone spotted you and
told Simon, well you may get dragged into the divorce.”

“So what? I’m not bothered.”

“But I am,” said Lucy. “He’s the one that cheated, I didn’t
and I’m not giving him the opportunity to get off with the responsibility.”

“Who’s likely to see me and tell him, I thought you said
he’d moved out of town?”  Ed caught hold of Lucy’s hand and interlocked
his fingers with hers.  “It would be good to have a few days away.”

Lucy shook her head.  “I can’t ask you to do that
Ed.  A friend of Simon’s mother lives a few houses away; she’d spot you
for certain she’s always twitching at the curtains.  Plus she’d revel in
telling him or his mother.  Anyway, you’re busy here, and I want to get it
sorted as soon as possible.  I’ve already spoken to Callie, and she said
Margery won’t mind coming in for an extra day.”

Ed’s face fell.  “Are you going today then?”

“I thought I’d go tomorrow morning and come back on
Thursday.  It’s only one night Ed,” said Lucy.

Lucy realised that Ed looked genuinely disappointed that she
was going away, even just for one night.  She really didn’t want to; apart
from being away from Ed she didn’t want to leave him alone with Katie. 
She trusted him, but certainly didn’t trust Katie.

At that moment, Callie bounded in.  “Right pet, all
sorted.  Margery is more than happy to work tomorrow.”

“All sorted then I guess.”  A frown appeared on Ed’s
face.  “I’d better take you out for a lovely dinner tonight to make up for
not seeing you tomorrow.”

“Blimey, loves young dream,” Callie laughed.  “She’s
only going for one night man.”

“I know, but I will miss her.”  Ed laughed as a blush
appeared at his cheeks.

“I’ll be back before you know it, but dinner out sounds
lovely, thank you.”

“Eeh, I don’t know pet, I think that should give you an idea
about your future.  Why don’t you put that house up for sale and move here
permanently,” said Callie as she left the room.

“Maybe she’s got a point,” said Ed taking Lucy into his
arms.  “It’s something to think about.”

“Perhaps,” said Lucy smiling.  “But we’ll see how good
dinner is first.”

Chapter 17

The inky black sky overhead seemed to indicate that the rain,
which had started at the beginning of Lucy’s journey at seven-thirty that
morning, would continue for a while yet.  She hadn’t wanted to leave Ed,
or his bed.  As usual he’d made it difficult for her to leave, making love
to Lucy slowly, showing her what she’d be missing that night. But now after an
arduous journey, all that was forgotten.  Her head fuzzy from
concentrating on driving, Lucy shuddered as she got out of the car, amazed at
how her mood had darkened from the moment that she turned into the road. 
As she looked up at her house, it seemed unfamiliar after nearly three months
away. Brian’s car wasn’t on his driveway, so Lucy made a mental note to call on
him later, to thank him for looking after the house and garden, but at the
moment she was glad that she could look around alone.  She approached the
front door and put the key in the lock, turning it with apprehension, scared of
what may face her on the other side.

The post lay on the floor, so she picked it up and shoved it
into her handbag - it could wait until she’d checked the house out. 

As Lucy moved down the hall toward the lounge, she sighed
with relief.  Simon had at least had the decency to leave the coat stand
that had belonged to her grandparents.  She slowly opened the door into the
lounge and gasped at what she saw – or more to the point what she didn’t
see.  Simon had indeed taken everything, even down to the box of matches
that were used to light the gas fire and were normally found on the
hearth.  All that was left was a pile of Lucy’s magazines that had
obviously been emptied from the now non-existent magazine rack.

Every room was the same, empty apart from the items that
Simon evidently didn’t want, or belonged to Lucy.  He’d left a few
knick-knacks and a rocking chair that had been Lucy’s grandma’s, and in Lucy’s
wardrobe were the clothes that she’d left behind when she’d gone to stay with
Gerald and, to her delight; the large box of photographs was where she’d left
it.  Then she felt sad as it appeared Simon hadn’t wanted any pictures of
Lottie, it wasn’t as if he hadn’t seen them, because he’d taken a vase of his
grandmother’s that had stood next to the box in the bottom of the
wardrobe.  Then as she walked into the bathroom Lucy laughed emptily,
Simon had taken the towels and even the shower gel from inside the cubicle.

She made her way downstairs and slumped to the floor in the
hallway, taking her phone out of her bag to ring Ed.

“Hi Luce,” he answered.  “How is it?”

“Oh Ed,” she cried.  “It’s awful, there’s hardly
anything left.  I haven’t even got a bed to sleep in tonight.”

joking?” he asked incredulously.

Lucy shook her head.  “No, he’s even taken the shower

“He can’t get away with that, surely there’s something you
can do.”

“I doubt it; I wasn’t working, so he paid for everything, so
officially everything belongs to Simon.  I’m going to have to stay at a
hotel tonight, unless Sarah will let me stay there.”

“Oh sweetheart, I wish you’d have let me come with
you.  I don’t like to think of you all alone facing that,” Ed sighed.

“I’ll be fine, I kind of expected it anyway.  Simon
doesn’t do anything in half measures.   I’ll hang about until I can
see Brian and then shoot over to Sarah’s.”

“Are you going to see your Mum while your home?”  Ed

, anyway it’s July, she goes to France with her
friend Guy in July.  So, if she’s not gone already she’ll be getting ready
to go.”

“Surely she’d want to see you though, she could spare you
some time.”

“Not likely, there’s a lot to do to ‘look super for
Antibes’,” Lucy mocked Annabelle’s cultivated voice.  “She’s probably
having her back waxed as we speak.”

Ed let out a laugh.  “You really don’t get on do you?”

No, we do not.
” Lucy said emphatically. 
“Anyway, what about you, how’s your day been so far?”

They continued talking for another ten minutes until Ed had
to see a patient.  Apparently Callie’s back pain seemed to have eased, but
Dr Kindler was suffering with a migraine, so Ed was going to be extremely busy
for the rest of the day, and probably into the early evening.  Just as
they were saying goodbye, Lucy heard a knock at the door.

“Oh, there’s someone at the door,” she said.  “I’d
better go.  Call me later when you finally finish at the surgery.”

“Okay, will do.  Speak later and I love you.”

“Bye darling, love you too.”

Lucy rushed over to the front door and opened it to find a
grim faced Brian standing before her.

“I’m so sorry Lucy, if I’d known I would have rung the
police or something.”

“Come in Brian,” said Lucy ushering him in.  “Honestly,
it’s not your fault, and there isn’t anything the police could do. 
Legally he’s entitled; it’s just morally that he’s a shit.”

Brian smiled and rubbed Lucy’s arm.  He was a retired
train driver, and he and his wife Maureen were gentle souls and Lucy knew that
he would feel dreadful about what had happened.

“This has all been awful for you, hasn’t it?” he said. 
“Simon leaving and now this.  How have you been coping?”

Lucy smiled.  “Better than I thought to be honest
Brian.  In fact, so much so I’m thinking of selling up and moving up there
permanently.”  Lucy hadn’t actually thought about it since Callie’s
comment yesterday, but she suddenly realised that it was actually the right
thing to do.

“Oh no, Maureen and I will be really sorry to lose
you.  But, you should do whatever is best for you, and I must say you look
much better and healthier than when you left.”

“I feel happy to be honest Brian, and maybe Simon has done
me a favour by taking everything, it means I can make a totally fresh start.”

“Well that’s good Lucy you just make sure you keep in

“I will Brian, I promise.”


Lucy spent the rest of the day at the house, packing up the
remainder of her clothes into the empty suitcase that she’d brought with her –
lucky she had, Simon had even taken the spare ones that were in the loft. 
Everything else that was left was either piled into her car, or if it wouldn’t
fit in the car Lucy put it in the dining room, ready to collect at a later date. 
After slipping out to get a sandwich from the local shop, she then rang a
locksmith and arranged for him to come and change the locks.  She’d paid a
large amount of money for him to come that afternoon, but she didn’t care, at
least Simon wouldn’t be able to get back in now.  Finally, Lucy found the
time to call Sarah to ask if she could stay overnight, which Sarah had been
overjoyed at.


“Are you sure it’s okay?”  Lucy asked as she followed
Sarah up the stairs.

“Of course it is silly.  There’s no way you were
staying in a hotel, when there’s a spare room here.”

“It’s a pity the boys aren’t here.  I would have loved
to have seen them.”

“They would have loved to see you too.”  Sarah opened
the door to the spare room.

Sarah’s in-laws had taken the boys on holiday for a couple
of weeks, so Lucy wouldn’t get to see either of her godsons.

“How are Ben’s parents anyway?”  Lucy asked as she
unpacked her pyjamas.

“Oh they’re great; I don’t know what I’d do without
them.  They help out with the kids such a lot.  Anyway, enough of all
that, let’s get downstairs with a bottle of wine and discuss the men in your
life.”  Sarah hugged Lucy tightly.

“I’ve lots to tell you Sarah, so we may need quite a big


Lucy told Sarah the whole story from the Sunday evening,
when Ed hadn’t been in touch because of Katie, through to Katie’s appearance at
Gerald and Richard’s house.  Finally, regaling her tale of Simon taking
everything from the house.  Lucy had been right, there was a lot to tell
and Ben had been despatched to buy another bottle of wine.

“What a pair of slime balls,” said Sarah.  “It’s a pity
Simon is with Jennifer ‘bloody bitch face’ Grayson, it sounds as though Katie
would be an ideal partner for him.”

Lucy laughed.  “With his track record I wouldn’t put it
past him to try it on with her if, they ever met.”  Lucy sighed
heavily.  “There is something else I need to tell you though Sarah, and
I’m not sure you’re going to like it.”

“What?”  Sarah frowned.

“Well, I’ve decided that I’m going to sell up and stay in
County Durham.”

Sarah’s face now broke into a smile.  “Lucy, I’m just
glad that you’re happy.  Of course, I’ll miss you like crazy, but it's
only three hours away, it’s not the other side of the world.  I just need
you to be sure it’s what you want, it is isn’t it?”

Lucy smiled and nodded vigorously.  “It is.  I
just can’t imagine my life any differently now.  Going back to the house
today made me realise, it’s definitely what I want.”

“What did Ed say when you told him?”

“I haven’t had the chance yet, he’s been so busy
today.  Anyway, I’d rather tell him in person.”

Sarah smiled at Lucy as she lifted her glass in
cheers.  “Well, here’s to your new life and I hope that both you and Ed
are extremely happy.  Will you move in with him then, or buy something together?”

“Blimey Sarah, I don’t know until I’ve spoken to Ed, but I
won’t be leaving Dad’s for a while yet, unless Dad and Richard don’t want me
there and then I may rent.”

Sarah looked at Lucy quizzically.  “I thought you meant
you were moving in with Ed.”

“It’s a little soon for that, I’m not even divorced
yet.  Plus he’s got Nate to think of.  Besides, even if Ed and I
don’t go the distance, I love it there.  I feel healthier and happier than
I have in a long time, even before Simon left.”

“I suppose you’re right.  I’m just excited for
you.  Whatever you decide I hope that you’ll be happy.”

“I hope so too Sarah, I really do.”


Lucy had called Ed from the motorway services to tell him
what time she’d be back, and he was now waiting at his house in anticipation. 
He hadn’t thought that one night apart would be that difficult, but he’d missed
her so much.  For nearly six weeks, they’d spent almost every night
together, even if it hadn’t been the whole night.  He was supposed to have
had a home visit during the two hour surgery break, but Dr Kindler had offered
to do it instead, as Ed had covered for him the day before. Ed was grateful for
the time to see Lucy and had eagerly accepted.

Lucy was just as excited about being back with Ed, she’d
driven the last hour in hot anticipation, eager to tell him her news, and
desperate to have his body against hers.

She knocked on the back door as she opened it.  “Hi,”
she shouted.  “I’m back.”

Ed appeared in the kitchen and gave her a dazzling
smile.  “Hi baby, God am I glad to see you.” He walked towards her,
actually how glad was evident in his trousers.  “I thought you’d never get

Lucy dropped her bag on the floor and allowed Ed to pull her
into his arms.  Immediately his lips were on Lucy as he kissed her hungrily
down the length of her neck, pulling the thin straps of her summer vest off her
shoulders until Lucy’s breasts sprang free of the white cotton.  Desperate
for Ed’s skin against her own, Lucy pulled at the buttons of his shirt and
opening it pulled it from inside his trousers.  Once his shirt was opened
Lucy moaned with pleasure at the feel of his chest against hers, then as Ed
started to circle one of her nipples with his tongue Lucy felt a tingling
sensation between her legs.  As Lucy rubbed her crotch against Ed’s
erection, he reached down and pulled up her skirt and felt bare skin.

“Please tell me you’ve driven all the way here without any
underwear on,” Ed moaned and he gently squeezed Lucy’s buttocks.

“Since the motorway services I have, I wanted to be ready
for you.”

Ed moved his hand and started to feel between Lucy’s thighs,
marvelling at how ready for him she was.

“Bloody hell Lucy, what are you doing to me?” 

Lucy unbuttoned Ed’s trousers and pushed them halfway down
his thighs.  “I want you now,” she groaned into Ed’s ear.  “I’m ready

Ed manoeuvred Lucy towards the dining table and then gently
lifted her onto the edge.  As he bit gently at her breast he moved her legs
apart, his hands lingering at the top of her thighs for a few seconds, and then
he pulled Lucy towards him, and moved inside her.  Lucy gave a gasp as he
entered her and gripped his shoulders as Ed made love to her.  They were
both so highly charged that, within minutes, they both let out a moan of
pleasure, climaxing together.

Lucy and Ed hung on to each other, panting and sweating,
their skin sensitive from the intensity of their orgasms.  Ed kissed Lucy
lazily along her collar bone and then as she leaned back to expose her breasts,
his mouth moved down towards her nipples once more.

“Christ Ed, I’m not finished,” she whispered taking Ed’s
hand and putting it between her legs.

As Ed’s fingers played with her hard clitoris Lucy could
feel her whole body start to tremble until finally she bucked her crotch
towards him as she orgasmed once more.

“That’s what I call a welcome home,” Lucy panted.

“It was worth a night apart,” said Ed as he pulled his
trousers up.  “I need to get a shower before I go back to the
surgery.  Fancy joining me?” 

“I’m not sure my body would stand much more today, but I can
always come and wash your back for you.”  Lucy pulled her straps back over
her shoulders and jumped off the table smoothing down her skirt.

Ed took hold of Lucy’s hand and pulled her towards the
hallway, to make their way upstairs to the bathroom.  Just as they reached
the bottom step, they heard a knock and then a shout from the kitchen.

“Ed, it’s only me.  Callie said I could find you here.”

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