Nightshade on Elm Street: A Flower Shop Mystery

BOOK: Nightshade on Elm Street: A Flower Shop Mystery
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Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-one

Chapter Twenty-two

Chapter Twenty-three

Chapter Twenty-four

Nightshade on
Elm Street

A Flower Shop Mystery

Kate Collins


Praise for the
Flower Shop Mysteries

To Catch a Leaf

“This story is multifaceted and complex and perfectly paced. There are twists and surprises along with the comfort of the characters we have all grown to love…. This story is a must read!”

—Dollycas’s Thoughts

“Ms. Collins has a devious and creative mind when it comes to each new Flower Shop mystery. Her plots are ingenious [and] Abby and Marco’s chemistry is alluring.”

—Once Upon a Romance

Night of the Living Dandelion

“Great plotting and interesting secondary characters add depth and humor…. Abby and Marco’s relationship strengthens and sizzles.”

Romantic Times

“A heartwarming cozy…. Fans of the series will feel mesmerized by the plot.”

—Genre Go Round Reviews

Dirty Rotten Tendrils

“Each book in this series contains murder, continuous mayhem, a bit of sizzle, and one justice-seeking amateur sleuth.”

—Once Upon a Romance

“Abby is an excellent heroine who finds herself in some of the most unlikely, entertaining situations.”

—The Mystery Reader

Sleeping with Anemone

“A nimble, well-crafted plot with forget-me-not characters.”

—Laura Childs, author of the Tea Shop mysteries

“A treat not to be missed.”

—Kate Carlisle, author of the Bibliophile mysteries

“Foul play fails to daunt a lively heroine who knows her flowers. A clever, fast-moving plot and distinctive characters add up to fun.”

—JoAnna Carl, author of the Chocoholic mysteries

Evil in Carnations

“Collins isn’t losing steam in her eighth foray into the world of florist and part-time accidental detective Abby Knight. The fun, family, and romance are still fresh, and the mystery is tidily wrapped up, with just enough suspense to keep readers flipping pages.”

Romantic Times

“Ms. Collins’s writing remains above par with quality and consistency: fun and breezy, intriguing and suspenseful, excitement and sizzle.”

—Once Upon a Romance

Shoots to Kill

“Colorful characters, a sharp and funny heroine, and a sexy hunk boyfriend.”

—Maggie Sefton, author of the Knitting Mysteries

“Once again Kate Collins delivers an entertaining, amusing, and deliciously suspenseful mystery.”

—Cleo Coyle, author of the Coffeehouse Mysteries

A Rose from the Dead

“The latest Flower Shop mystery is an amusing graveyard amateur sleuth that will have the audience laughing.”

—The Best Reviews

Acts of Violets

“A delightful lighthearted cozy.”

—The Best Reviews

Snipped in the Bud

“Lighthearted and fast-paced, Collins’s new book is an entertaining read.”

Romantic Times

Dearly Depotted

“Abby is truly a hilarious heroine…. Don’t miss this fresh-as-a-daisy read.”


“Ms. Collins’s writing style is crisp, her characters fun…and her stories are well thought-out and engaging.”

—Fresh Fiction

Slay It with Flowers

“What a delight! Ms. Collins has a flair for engaging characters and witty dialogue.”

—Fresh Fiction

“You can’t help but laugh…an enormously entertaining read.”


Mum’s the Word

“Abby Knight [is] rash, brash, and audacious. Move over, Stephanie Plum. Abby Knight has come to town.”

—Denise Swanson, author of the Scumble River Mysteries

“A bountiful bouquet of clues, colorful characters, and tantalizing twists…. Kate Collins carefully cultivates clues, plants surprising suspects, and harvests a killer in this fresh and frolicsome new Flower Shop Mystery series.”

—Ellen Byerrum, author of the Crime of Fashion Mystery series

“As fresh as a daisy, with a bouquet of irresistible characters.”

—Elaine Viets, author of the Dead End Job Mysteries

“This story was cute and funny, had a good plotline [that] entwined a lot of interesting threads…an enjoyable read and a fine debut for this new mystery series.”

—Dangerously Curvy Novels

“A charming debut.”

—The Best Reviews

Other Flower Shop Mysteries

Mum’s the Word

Slay It with Flowers

Dearly Depotted

Snipped in the Bud

Acts of Violets

A Rose from the Dead

Shoots to Kill

Evil in Carnations

Sleeping with Anemone

Dirty Rotten Tendrils

Night of the Living Dandelion

To Catch a Leaf


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Copyright © Linda Tsoutsouris, 2012

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To my late husband, Jim, for all the wonderful,
golden years we had together


I’d like to thank my family and friends; my editor, Ellen Edwards; and my agent, Karen Solem, for their continued support. I’d also like to thank Donna Phelps, owner of Seasons on the Square (women’s boutique), for assisting me with Abby’s shower outfit; Keith Gurley, owner of Bon Femme Restaurant, for his delicious signature martini mix called the Bon-tini; and two officers on the local police force, Lieutenant Brian McDonald and Patrol Officer Michelle Kodicek, for their helpful information. A special hug for Julie and Jason for their loving devotion.


BOOK: Nightshade on Elm Street: A Flower Shop Mystery
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