Night Journey (24 page)

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Authors: Goldie Browning

BOOK: Night Journey
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“Honey, are you all right?”

Ivy nodded, but then gasped when she saw a movement at the edge of the road. But Harry’s reflexes were good. He saw the buck in time and successfully applied the brakes before the animal stepped into the road. Her heart pounded as she watched the deer stare at the car before shaking his head with its massive rack and ambling to the other side.

Harry exhaled. “Maybe we need to stop somewhere for the night.”

“I think that’s an excellent idea,” Ivy agreed. “Aren’t we coming up on a town pretty soon?”

“I think so. We passed Pine Ridge a while back, so we can’t be too far from Mena. Do we have enough money for a tourist court? Or do you want to see if we can stay with Lum ‘n Abner?”

“We most certainly do.” Ivy laughed and squeezed his hand. “I don’t intend to spend my wedding night in either this car or at some silly radio comedian’s place.”

When they reached the outskirts of town Ivy pointed to a neon light in the distance. “Look, Harry. I think that’s a motel right there.”

Harry pulled the car into the driveway and parked in front of the office. Ivy gazed at the dingy little buildings. It was a far cry from the Ritz Carlton where Jared had said he’d wanted to take her when he married her, but she wouldn’t have traded places. She’d rather live under a bridge with Harry than in a palace with Jared.

When Ivy pressed a bill into Harry’s hand he gazed at it in disbelief. “A hundred dollars?” He picked it up and stared at Benjamin Franklin’s face. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of these before. I never dreamed Tyme would give us this much.”

Ivy smiled at his innocent wonder. She hadn’t told him about the rest of the money yet because she wanted to surprise him when they got to their room. She thought about the little farm they would buy in Texas—and the home they would make together—and the family they would raise.

“Why don’t you wait here and I’ll go get us a room?” Harry climbed out of the car, but Ivy opened the passenger door and followed him.

“I want to go with you.”

She took his arm and followed him into the motel’s office. The bell above the door jingled, and an obese man glanced up from his newspaper, hitched up his pants, and waddled to the front desk.

“C’n I help you?”

“Uh, yes sir,” Harry replied. “I’d like a room for me and my wife.”

“Yer wife, huh?” The man cocked an eyebrow at Ivy’s bare ring finger and sniffed. “That’ll be two bucks, in advance.”

Harry handed the man the hundred-dollar bill.

“What’re you, some kinda wise guy or somethin’?” The man picked up the bill and held it up to the light. “I ain’t got that kinda change. And besides, how do I know it ain’t counterfeit?”

Harry turned red and fumbled in his pockets. He counted out three quarters, a dime and four pennies. Ivy reached over, snatched the bill out of the desk clerk’s hand, and emptied the contents of her purse onto the desk. When he was satisfied with the correct amount, the clerk handed Harry a room key.

“Check-out’s ten a.m.” He turned, glanced over his shoulder, and then waddled back to his chair.

“Sorry, Ivy.” Harry opened the car door and then hurried around to the drivers’ side, preparing to park the car near their assigned unit. “Ain’t never stayed at a motel before.”

When Harry found the room, he unlocked the door, flipped on the light switch, and deposited their bags on the floor. Ivy started to walk in, but he put his hand on her shoulder and stopped her. She turned and stared at him, wondering what he was doing.

“Wait a minute, honey.” He swept her into his arms and carried her into the room, kicking the door shut behind him.

Ivy wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. He carried her into the room and laid her on the bed, without their lips breaking contact. There was a tingling in the pit of her stomach, a raw, aching need unlike anything she’d ever known before.

She felt his hands moving up and down her body, propelling her senses beyond anything she’d ever experienced. He tore his lips from hers and began kissing her neck and caressing her limbs, sending fire through every nerve in her body. She felt his male hardness pressing against her thigh and she trembled in his arms.

He pulled away and stared at her. “I’m sorry, Ivy.” His eyes were filled with worry. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“Oh, Harry. I love you so much.”

They didn’t have to wait any longer, now that they were married. No more kissing and feeling the passion, but being forced to withdraw. She wanted to know for herself what it was her body yearned for, to quell the burning fire in her loins. She reached for him and their kiss deepened. Her senses throbbed with the strength and scent and feel of him.

He fumbled with the buttons of her dress and she reached up to help him, anxious to be rid of it. She wanted to feel her bare skin against his. He raised himself off the bed to remove his own clothing.

“Would you turn off the lights, please?”

Harry walked over to the light switch and flipped it off. Ivy pulled her dress over her head and then removed her chemise. She felt her temperature rise in anticipation when she heard the thud of his belt as he dropped his clothing onto the floor, and felt the bounce of the mattress as he joined her on the bed.

His hands set her body on fire as they traveled across her naked flesh. Her nails massaged his back and she trembled at the feel of his hard, aching need rubbing against her belly. Primitive desire consumed her and she gave herself over to him with sweet abandon. A hard knot of desire twisted in her stomach when she felt him enter her, thrusting slowly at first, and then harder as his passion increased.

She gasped at the sudden pain, and felt the warm blood flowing down her thighs. But seconds later, the pain was forgotten as she reveled in the incredible power of his surging body. Instinctively, her hips lifted in a sensuous invitation and the moment of ecstasy exploded around her. She felt him jerk inside her and was consumed by a dizzying, uncontrollable burst of joy.

Afterward, they lay in silence, just holding each other. Ivy sighed happily. She hadn’t known it would be like this, never dreamed the act of love could be so wonderful, so totally fulfilling.

She turned toward Harry and kissed him. And then it all started over again.
Harry’s stomach growled when he awoke the next morning. He thought about the little café across the street. It had been closed last night, but he figured they’d be serving breakfast now. He and Ivy had both been more concerned with satisfying a different kind of hunger last night to worry about the dinner they had missed.

He turned on his pillow and saw his angel there beside him. His heart swelled with love for her and he reached over and ran his finger down the curve of her breast. Her nipple hardened and she squirmed beneath his touch, then opened her eyes and smiled. She was even more beautiful this morning, with her hair spread out on the pillow, and the glow of their lovemaking still fresh on her face.

He leaned over and kissed her deeply and a fire in his loins soon replaced the growl in his belly. They made love again, and this time was no less sweet than the others. When they were finished he held her tightly, and she curled into his arms. He didn’t want to let her go, but his empty stomach betrayed him.

“Sounds like you’re as hungry as I am.” Ivy sat up and stretched.

“There’s a diner across the street. You wanta go get something?”

“Would you mind bringing the food back here?” Ivy pulled the sheet up to cover her breasts. “I’d like to freshen up before we leave.”

“Don’t hide ‘em from me.” Harry playfully jerked the sheet back down and buried his face in her chest.

“Would you stop it and get out of here?” She swatted at his head and giggled. “We’ve gotta get out of bed sometime.”

“I don’t wanna get out of bed.” Harry nuzzled her neck.

“Go on, now. Put your clothes on and get out of here.” Ivy laughed and gently shoved him. “If we stay too much longer, that big goon’ll be demanding another two dollars and we’re just about out of small change.” She emptied out her purse and he put the coins and the hundred-dollar bill in his pocket.

“What would you like to have?”

“Scrambled eggs, toast, and coffee. Cream and two sugars, please.”

“Okay. Be right back.” Harry kissed her goodbye, walked across the road, and entered the diner.

He went to the lunch counter, sat on a stool and placed his order, making sure to let the waitress know he needed it to go. He glanced around the room, noting the people scattered throughout the café, sipping coffee and eating breakfast. It seemed to be a popular place for the locals, as well as travelers.

The waitress brought out Harry’s order and he’d just reached in his pocket to pay when he noticed a hush fall over the diner. He glanced over his shoulder when he saw the expression of alarm on the waitress’s face. Three men in uniform with shiny badges walked in and went straight to Harry.

“You Harry Fuller?”

“Y-Yes sir,” Harry stammered. “Is something the matter?”

The officer chewed his tobacco and hitched his fingers in his belt loops. “Got a warrant fer yer arrest outa Carroll County.”

“For what?” Harry stared at the officer and then glanced around the room. Everyone was looking at him like he was some kind of criminal. He had no idea what this could be about.

“We’ll get to that later, boy. Just turn around now and let me put the cuffs on ya.”

Harry put his hands behind his back and turned around. But the sound of a woman’s screams from outside caused him to jerk around. Something was wrong with Ivy!

He shoved the officer as hard as he could, knocking him off balance, and ran for the door. He heard Ivy scream again and when he looked toward the motel he saw her. Two men had wrapped her in a blanket and were forcing her into a car, kicking and screaming.

Panic rose up in his throat and he ran toward the car, trying desperately to reach her. He made it to the car and banged on the window just as it began to pull away. He saw her face through the window and heard her terror-filled cries, but he was powerless to stop it. He didn’t know what else to do, so he ran.

Until the report of a gun reverberated in his ears—and the pain in his left leg rose up and burned him like white-hot fire—and the beat of his heart as he lay on the ground drowned out the haunting echo of his wife’s frantic screams.
Harry’s leg hurt. Bad.

He groaned and blinked his eyes, then tried to sit up. Cold steel chains at both wrists held him fast.

“Hello? Is anybody there?”

He glanced around the darkened room, noting the rows of metal cots lining the walls and the bars that covered the windows. Where the hell was he? His nose wrinkled at the stench of disinfectant, mingled with human waste, and he heard a moan from the other side of the room. He tried to twist his body around to see, but the pain stopped him cold and he lay back, gasping for breath.

His left leg throbbed painfully, his hair was drenched in sweat, and he felt like he hadn’t peed in a week. He didn’t know where he was or how long he’d been there, but relieving the pressure on his bladder was his top priority at the moment.

“I see you’re awake now.” A heavy-set woman in a nurse’s uniform peeked through the door. “Need a bottle?”

“Excuse me?” Her
expression startled him. He licked his dry, chapped lips and tasted the sourness of his own breath.

The nurse took an empty milk bottle out of a cabinet near Harry’s bed, pulled back the sheet and held it in place. Humiliated, Harry turned his head so he wouldn’t have to look at her. He couldn’t decide which was worse—the pain in his bandaged leg or the embarrassment.

Thank goodness she wasn’t the talkative sort. Her task complete, she marched out of the room and left Harry alone. He pulled again on the restraints. The chains clinked against the metal bed frame. He tried to move his left leg, but agony overcame him. Chains or not, he wouldn’t be able to get very far on that leg.

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