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Authors: Meghan Quinn

Newly Exposed (23 page)

BOOK: Newly Exposed
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“Leave for a while.”

“I need shoes!” Nolly called out, as I was about to shut the door.

I picked up a pair of flip flops, her purse, phone, and keys and tossed them out the door.

“We would prefer it if you stayed at Blaze’s place tonight.” And with that, I shut the door, leaving Adam and me alone.

When I looked up at him, the smile that crossed his face, with that unbelievable dimple, made my heart beat rapidly in my chest. This man, this strong, sweet, funny, nerdy man wanted me, and I couldn’t be luckier.

“That was quite forward of you, Miss Cohan,” Adam teased, as I walked him back to my bedroom.

“Oh, do you want to watch a movie instead?” I asked, as I took off my shirt.

Adam’s eyes blazed with heat as he took in my lime green bra.

“Uh, what was the question?”

I undid my pants and stepped out of them, giving him a glimpse of the matching thong. “I asked if you wanted to watch a movie.”

“Nope,” he shook his head as he closed the distance between us and took off his shirt. “Definitely don’t want to watch a movie.”

I side-stepped his advance, turned around to give him a great view of my ass, and shut the shades of my window. When I turned back around, he was biting his lip, showing off his white teeth, while his eyes were fixed on my ass.

“Were you just staring at me?”

“Fuck yes,” he responded in a strangled voice.

With confidence, I walked over to him and gripped his belt loops to bring him in closer.

“Good, you better keep it that way.”

“No chance in hell I could ever act differently.”

With that, he pushed me against my bed, letting the cool comforter caress my skin, which was a stark contrast to the heat running through my veins.

His lips met mine as his hands ran up my sides to the underside of my breasts. His touch was like hot coals running along me. His touch burned me in all the right ways.

My hands found his zipper and played around with taking his pants off. It wasn’t until his hands covered mine, pushed them away and undid his pants that I finally freed him of the denim confines. His boxer briefs didn’t hide the blatant erection he was sporting, making me giddy with what was to come.

The smooth skin of my thigh rubbed against him, spurring him on even more, making his eagerness to take me that much stronger. Knowing what I was doing to him, I repeated the movement, and was rewarded with a thrust to my center. A moan escaped my throat from the act of simulated sex. I needed more, and apparently he did too, because the next thing I knew, he was reaching around me and freeing my breasts like he was a damn bra master.

Cold air caressed my nipples, making them pucker on the spot. Adam’s eyes lit up when he took me all in. His head shook in disbelief as his head fell down and his lips caressed my ear.

“You are, by far, the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen. I’m so fucking lucky, Solo.”

“I want you, Adam,” I moaned, as my hips bumped up against his.

A growl escaped his lips and his hands ran down my sides, grabbed ahold of my thong, and pulled it off in one swift movement. His eyes feasted on me with delight, while I squirmed for his touch.

His lips worked down to my mouth again, along my jaw, down my neck and to my collarbone, a movement that sent goose bumps screaming along my skin. With a little lick between my breasts, my hips shot into the air, just as he made his way to my right nipple and sucked it between his teeth. With a light nibble, he sent my back arching into the sky, and made a moan fly out of my mouth with ease.

Holy Fuck. Need coursed through my body as I yanked, begged, and tried to pull him closer, to get him as close as possible.

My pussy throbbed with need, the need for his touch, for his love, for his massive hands to do more than just touch my sides. I wanted him inside of me, now.

“Adam, please.”

“What do you want?” he asked, nibbling on my nipple some more. It was a sexual act I never had performed on me before, but fuck if it didn’t turn me on, feeling his teeth graze and bite down on my now extremely sensitive nipples.

“I need you to touch me, to fuck me, Adam.”

He shook his head and pulled away from my breast. He looked down at me and ran his hand up my side. With his index finger and thumb, he grabbed one of my nipples and pinched it with authority, making me scream from surprise, then from pleasure.

Pleased with my response, he said, “We don’t fuck, Solo. I fuck people who I don’t care about. I fuck people who I don’t plan on seeing ever again. I fuck women who share absolutely zero connection with me, which means instead of fucking, we make love. So, ask me again, Solo. What do you want?”

I gulped and looked him directly in the eyes, baring my soul to him. “Make love to me, Adam.”

That panty melting smile spread across his face as his lips came down on mine, but this time with a gentle understanding of what had just transpired between us. This wasn’t a one-time thing between us, no, this was fucking serious, and frankly, I couldn’t be happier.

My hands traveled down to his briefs and I pulled out his erection, which was straining to be touched, to be freed. The minute I wrapped my hands around his cock, his head fell and his breathing grew heavier with every soft stroke of my fingers.

“Fuck,” he moaned, as he let me pump him up and down, increasing the pressure of my palm against his length.

“Make love to me, Adam,” I pleaded again. “I’m on the pill; please make love to me.”

Knowing what I was giving him, his eyes shot up to mine, and right there, we let each other know that not only were we in this together, but we trusted each other wholeheartedly. Right now, there was no one else that I would trust to hold my heart than him and vice versa.

With a gentle touch, his hand cupped my face, as his other hand traveled down my stomach and found my pussy. He kissed my lips and tested how ready I was with his long fingers. When he emerged himself inside of me and explored how wet I was, his kisses grew deeper, more urgent. We were both ready to combust.

I grabbed his cock and pushed it against my entrance, evicting another moan from him. His hands straddled my head, and with slow precision, his shaft entered me, inch by glorious fucking inch. My mouth shot open from the length and girth of him, as I tried to adjust to his size.

“Are you alright?” he asked, sweet concern lacing his voice. His face twisted from the tight constraints he was in.

“So fucking good,” I said, as I brought his head down to me again. I needed his lips more than anything.

He gave me what I wanted, and he kissed me like it was the very first time his lips connected with mine. He started with little nips along my mouth, while his hips lightly thrust into me, and every deep kiss he gave me, he matched it with his hips, replicating each move in unison. The feeling was almost unbearable as he plunged both his tongue and cock inside of me. After a few rounds of teasing me, I was ready to lose it; I was going to come.

“Oh, God,” I moaned. “Harder,” I pleaded, not caring that I sounded crazed, ravenous, on the verge of losing all self-control.

“Fuck, that’s hot,” Adam said into my ear, as he listened to what I needed, to the moans that would not stop escaping my throat. “When you tell me what you want, I don’t think I will last. It turns me on so fucking much,” he announced with strain in his voice.

“Then please go harder; I want to come.”

“Christ,” he called out, as his hips thrust harder into me. With each stroke, the ache that was building up in the lower half of my body became heavier and heavier, until I finally couldn’t take it any longer.

My toes went numb, my head flew back, my stomach bottomed out, and my insides convulsed around Adam’s length.

“Adam,” I screamed, as my orgasm took over me and convulsed around him.

“Mother fucker,” Adam moaned, as his body pumped feverishly into mine. After a couple of seconds, I felt his heated release inside of me, and watched in amazement as the veins in his neck strained from the pleasure that rolled through his boy.

Once our hips finally soaked in every last drop of our orgasms, they slowed down and Adam collapsed on top of me. His weight was like a feather floating over my body, making me feel comforted and taken care of. Our chests heaved in rhythm as we tried to catch our breath from the outburst of pleasure we just experienced.

“God damn, Solo,” he heaved.

“I could say the same,” I said, while I rubbed his back, reveling in the muscles that lined the length of his vertebrae.

“You feel so perfect, so right for me.”

“I feel the same exact way.”

“Does this mean you’ll give me a chance?” he asked, sounding so incredibly cute, but insecure at the same time.

I looked him in the eyes and said, “Does this mean you forgive me for being a giant ass?”

“I don’t think I could ever stay mad at you, Solo. You have completely owned me from the moment you said your name was inspired by the captain of the Millennium Falcon.”

I chuckled under him and ran my hand through his hair. “You’re such a nerd.”

“You love it,” he said, while he nuzzled my neck with those delectable lips of his.

I really did, and that’s what terrified me.

Chapter Nineteen


Sunbeams poured through the window, and a little leg was wrapped around mine. Sleep escaped my eyes as I looked down to find Solo wrapped around my body and her blankets wrapped around us. I was in fucking heaven.

Yesterday’s photo shoot was definitely something I never planned on doing in my lifetime, but it was something I didn’t really have a choice about, given the piles of bills that were adding up. I needed the money desperately. Thank God for Solo, because without her, I never would have been able to get through that session with Zia, especially with the way she was eye fucking me. The lady outright terrified me.

Even though it was odd, I let Solo take charge when it came to getting me excited on set, and holy shit did it work. With one touch of her fingertip to my skin, I was ready to go. It might have been pathetic, but damn, I wanted the girl so bad.

Now that I had her in my arms, resting on my chest, I couldn’t be happier. She was everything I ever wanted.

“Mmm,” she mumbled, as her head buried deeper into my shoulder.

My hands ran up and down her back, letting her know I was awake. Her skin was so incredibly soft, I found myself getting lost in the feel of it, especially last night after round three where I kissed every inch of her body until she couldn’t take it anymore and was screaming for me to finally release the tension that was building up inside of her.

God, just thinking about last night was getting me hard again. She did something to me, something I never experienced before. She was an addiction that was far too consuming to even try to think about quitting. No way in hell. I was a Solo addict.

“You’re so comfortable,” she said in a groggy morning voice that made me laugh.

“Got a frog in your throat?” I asked.

“It’s my man voice, didn’t you know I was part man?”

I laughed and said, “Pretty sure the vagina I rammed my dick in last night belonged to a woman.”

“Adam!” Solo laughed, as she swatted my chest and rolled over. I didn’t let her get far, because I rolled over her body and trapped her head between my hands.

Her hair fanned out over the pillow and her sleep-ridden eyes gleamed up at me. She was beautiful. I shook my head in disbelief from the lucky hand I’d drawn when it came to Solo.

“What?” she asked, studying my face.

“You’re just so damn beautiful.”

A lazy smile formed on those sexy lips of hers. Her hand ran up my chest, to the back of my neck and she gently pulled down on me so my lips were inches from hers. Her lips parted and that was my cue; I closed the gap between us and captured her lips with mine. She was so soft, so damn soft as I took what I wanted, what I craved.

My hand traveled up her waist, past her ribs, and up to her breast. Slowly and deliberately, I traced the outline of her nipple with my index finger and reveled in the way I made her heart rate pick up and her breath come fast from my light graze.

I continued my torture, while my other hand ran down to check to see how ready she was for me. The minute my hand hit her pussy and I felt the arousal she already had for me, my head dropped to her forehead in disbelief from the fact that in a matter of seconds I could have this gorgeous creature that was under me wanting and needing me. It was unbelievable.

BOOK: Newly Exposed
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