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Authors: Minx Hardbringer

Never Trust a Bad Boy (3 page)

BOOK: Never Trust a Bad Boy
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Chapter Six


Maybe I pushed her too far. I thought she liked it, but perhaps I should have kept the cocky dominating shit to a minimum. Hoping that making her cum would help her forget the way I left her when we were eighteen appeared to be the wrong approach.

She won’t take my calls on her office phone or her cellphone. Zoe hasn’t been at one of our meetings for three days. Monday when she didn’t show, I just assumed it was related to a client, but it’s Wednesday today and it’s become obvious that she’s giving me the cold shoulder.

I need to tell her what happened that night, but I can’t. If I could tell her, it would fix everything. For a moment, I let myself think about how things would be if that night had never happened.

In my mind, I can see myself waking up next to Zoe and driving her home instead of sneaking out of bed and disappearing. The next day at graduation, I would have kissed her and asked her to be my girlfriend. God, I wish I could have seen her speech. I heard years later that it was amazing.

Everything would have been different. Zoe and I would have lost our virginity together on some hot summer night before we both left for college. We would have called each other every day and spent all of our breaks from school in each other’s arms. She and I would have gone to the same law school, and right now, she’d be planning our wedding instead of ignoring me.

Instead, I became the biggest asshole I can stomach being. The farther I push people away, the safer I feel. Instead of making love to Zoe for the first time, I lost my virginity to some chick whose name I don’t even remember. I met her in a bar. I’ve probably fucked my way through half of the women between the ages of nineteen and forty in this city. None of them ever filled the hole she left. Now, I would trade my entire fortune to take it all back and have Zoe be the one.

I’m late to work on Thursday because of an automobile accident on my route to work. I decided last night that I’m going to go to her office and try to reason with her, or make her cum again. Maybe both. I pass by the conference room on my way to her office and what I see makes my blood boil.

The man Zoe is sitting at the conference table with shouldn’t be here. I stop and look through the window for a moment. I hope that the way I’m looking at him makes him burst into flames. My hands start to tremble, and I know I have to calm down before I go in there.

Zoe sees me standing at the window glaring, but she gives me the go away look and waves me away with her hand. The man is too busy staring at her tits to notice what’s going on, and keeps talking at her while trying to look down her shirt. She thinks I’m glaring at her, and doesn’t realize my anger is directed at her “client”.

I can tell she’s uncomfortable with the way he’s looking at her, and it makes me feel a little better to know Zoe’s not enjoying his attention. That is, until he reaches under the table and runs his hand up her thigh. She cringes and pushes his hand away. Zoe turns to me and pleads with her eyes.

She’s about to lay into him, but I burst through the door before she can speak. I grab him by the throat and pick him up out of the chair. Zoe gasps and backs away from us.

“What the fuck are you doing here, Dad?”

Chapter Seven


I jump out of my chair and back into the corner of the conference room. I want to leave, but Josh and Andrew are between the door and me now. There is a fight when Josh tries to take Andrew out of the room and Andrew punches him. I was shocked at the way Josh grabbed Andrew, but he must have thought he was protecting me. The level of violence Andrew is engaging in is frightening. Josh is trying to get his father away from me and out the door, but Andrew keeps swinging at him brutally. He’s trying to hurt him.

I breathe a sigh of relief when two security guards come in drag Andrew out. Josh’s lip is bleeding and I grab a tissue from the box on the table. When I hand it to him, he looks completely broken down and on the verge of tears.

“Thanks.” He says and holds it to his lip.

“Are you alright?”

“Let’s go to my office. We can talk there. I need to be somewhere with a lock on the door right now.” He says and walks out of the conference room.

When we get into his office, Josh locks the door behind him and rips of his tie. He unbuttons his top buttons and takes off his suit jacket.

“What are you doing?” I ask him

“Sorry, babe. I just need to breathe and I can’t with that stupid tie on.”

It’s the first time that I get a glimpse of his tattoos. Under that perfectly tailored business suit, Josh’s chiseled body is completely tatted up. God damn. God damn. God dayuum. I should be focused on what he wants to talk to me about, but I can’t concentrate. What I want more than anything is to get a better look at that body.

“I’m sorry about that.” He says and breaks me out of my daydream. “I need to tell you what’s going on. But first, please tell me why you were meeting with him?”

“Andrew scheduled a meeting with me through my secretary. I thought I was going to provide him with legal advice about his investments, but he just kept asking me about you. He also wanted to know about you and me. It was starting to get strange right when you showed up. Why was your father asking me about you? Why wouldn’t he just ask you?”

“Okay, Zoe. I owe you the truth.” He says and runs his hand through his thick wavy hair. “My father is an abusive prick, and he’s dangerous. I was lucky that he’d moved out of the country for a while, but now he’s back. He’s not supposed to be allowed in the building, but he must have slipped past security.”

“I don’t understand, if you and your father are estranged, how did you buy this law firm? We just graduated law school within the last year. I’m sorry, Josh. That’s not important right now, I’m being an asshole.”

“It’s okay, Zoe. I know it’s confusing. My grandfather died when I was twelve. He didn’t pass his fortune on to my dad. He put it in a trust for me. I got a stipend for living expenses and enough to pay for any college and law school I wanted to attend. I inherited the money fully when I graduated and passed the bar. The partners here and I started working on the deal for me to buy the practice my second year of law school when it became obvious I would graduate and get my inheritance.”

“So that’s why you don’t talk to you dad? He’s angry because you got the inheritance?” I ask him, but I sense that there has to be more to this.

“No, Zoe. It’s much more than that.” He says and he looks so grief stricken that I want to reach out and hold him. “I’m protecting someone else. The night I left you, I did it because I had to. I did it for my little sister and for my mother too.”

“You’re sister? What happened to your sister to make you vanish without a trace?”

Chapter Eight


It’s time to come clean. Cadence is twenty-one now, and I can’t carry this burden alone anymore. For reasons I still don’t understand, I feel connected to Zoe in a way I’ve never felt connected to anybody else. If I can tell anybody about my father, it’s her.

“The night of the party my dad got drunk and let himself into Cadence’s room after she went to bed.” I start to choke up, and grab the arm of a chair for support as a wave of nausea threatens to overtake me.

I don’t know how I’m going to get through this, but then I look up into Zoe’s big, soulful eyes and I find the strength to keep going. She looks like she cares about me, and I desperately need someone to care about me right now. Fuck the bravado and the alpha bullshit, even if it’s just for a minute, because I need that connection I had with Zoe our last night together eight years ago.

Right now, I need to be vulnerable, but only with Zoe. I’m drowning in my secret, and she’s my lifeline.

Chapter Nine


“Oh no.” I could sense where this was going given his father’s lecherous behavior with me. “Josh, let’s sit down.”

We walk over to his small conference table and sit down. I move my seat closer to him and take his hand. He takes a few moments to compose himself and then continues.

“He tried to rape her, Zoe. At first, he tried to drug her, and she wouldn’t finish the milk he brought her. It was spiked with something, and she could taste it when she took a drink. So then, he tried to force himself on her. She got away from him and locked herself in her bathroom. Fortunately, she’d left her phone on the bathroom counter when she was getting ready for bed. She sent me twenty text messages before I finally checked my phone.

My mother woke up and heard him trying to beat down Cadence’s bathroom door. He knocked her unconscious when she tried to stop him. I got home and we fought. I knocked him out and tied him up. I locked him in a closet while my mom, my sister, and I all grabbed what we couldn’t bear to leave behind and fled.”

“Oh, Jesus Josh. I didn’t know.” I said on the brink of tears. The pain he must have been holding in all of these years is astonishing.

“We all left our phones behind so he couldn’t track us. Cadence and I only came back here because I paid my father to leave. She wanted to be near where our mother is buried, so I offered him a big chunk of the inheritance to leave the country. I don’t know why he’s back, but it can’t be good. He’s a monster, Zoe. That’s why his father, my grandpa, wrote him out of his will. He left everything to me so I could take care of my family. I couldn’t save my mother, though.” He says and I see one tear form in the corner of his eye. Josh wipes it away quickly and clears his throat.

“What happened to your mother, Josh?” As soon as I asked it, I regretted it. “I’m sorry, you don’t have to answer that. I’m being insensitive.”

“It’s okay, Zoe.” He put his other hand on my knee. “She killed herself a couple of years after we left my father. She blamed herself for what he tried to do to my sister, and for all of the other women he’d hurt. She beat herself up for not getting us out of there sooner. My mom died feeling useless, hopeless, and worthless. I wish I could have made her understand that we didn’t feel that way about her at all. The only person responsible for my father is my father.” He says and squeezes my hand hard.

“Is your sister alright?”

“She’s doing well now. I mean, as well as can be expected. I’m pretty protective of her. I’d do anything to prevent her from hurting ever again. Cadence is the strongest person I’ve ever known. Not once has she ever let the bad things that have happened to her change her sweet personality. She’s never used it as an excuse to treat people badly. She’s so much better than me.” He says and hangs his head.

I take his chin and lift it up so that he’s looking in my eyes again. The corners of his mouth turn up in a slight smile, and a weight lifts off my chest. I lean in and close some of the space between us before I speak.

“I wish I could have comforted you back then. I can be here for you now. I will help you now, Josh. What do you need?”

“Zoe, there isn’t any helping me. I’m as bad as they come, and I don’t deserve your comfort.” Then the sadness leaves his eyes, and I see bad boy biker Josh come back. “But, I sure will enjoy wrecking you. Now I’m going to mark you as mine.” He practically growls.

And just like that, he’s on me. “Since you liked this so much the last time.” He says and pushes me against the wall again.

He’s on his knees and yanking my skirt and panties off while I’m desperately trying to unbutton my blouse. I can’t get the damn buttons undone, so I just tear it off. Buttons go flying everywhere.

“Wow. Kittens got claws.” He says and flicks his tongue against my exposed clit.

He licks and sucks me until I’m shaking and crying out his name. I should be quiet, but neither one of us can hold back. This has been a long time coming, and I’m almost frightened of what we’re going to do to each other.

“You realize I can’t let that little stunt the other day go unpunished.” He says menacingly.

“What do you mean?” I pant out as I try to calm my breathing.

“Walking around this place with no panties on. You’re mine, Zoe, and I better never catch you doing anything like that again. I don’t even want other men near you when your panties are off. That pussy belongs to me now. Bend over and put your hands on my desk.” He commands.

I obey, and the first smack against my ass makes a sound that resounds loudly through his office. I moan as the pain mingles with pleasure and shoots straight to my pussy.

“Quiet.” He says, and another blow lands on my buttocks.

Josh continues his spanking until my flesh is red and each smack feels like fire. I’m want to beg him to stop, but I want him to keep going too. I’ve never felt anything like this, and my only choice is to surrender to him. When I don’t think I can take another second of the sweet torture, he stops and runs his hand gently over my swollen skin.

“Good girl.” He says softly. “Get on the desk with your ass on the edge. Pull your feet up and put your heels on the edge too. I want you spread wide for me.”

My skin tingles and my pussy starts to throb when he tells me exactly what to do. This is it. He’s going to take my virginity. I’m nervous and aroused at the same time as I climb on the desk.

When I’m in position, Josh strips off his clothes, and I get the first full look at his amazing hard body. There is not one inch of fat on his perfectly sculpted chest and stomach, but he does have enough ink to give him an edge that makes me whimper with anticipation. I’ve seen his body before, but he’s bigger, badder, and it’s like getting to see him the first time all over again.

When he pulls off his pants and boxers, I get another look at his monstrous cock. He steps forward, lines his manhood up with my nether lips, and starts to rock against me. The head of his cock rubs against my clit with every stroke, and before he penetrates me, I cum again.

“That’s two for you, baby. Now it’s my turn.” He says and positions himself at my opening.

Josh pushes himself into me until he reaches my barrier, and then stops. “Take a deep breath, Zoe. This is going to hurt, but I promise I’ll make it better as fast as I can.”

One of his knuckles rubs against my clit as he thrusts forward. The sharp pain makes me gasp, but it quickly melds into a pleasure like I’ve never experienced before.

I claw his back as the climax coils up inside of me, and Josh’s breathing grows short and ragged. His thrusts become faster and more desperate as he tries to bury himself deeper inside of me.

“Cum for me, baby. I want to feel it.” He says and then covers my mouth with his.

A few more seconds of the intense sensations is all it takes and I lose it. I cry out his name, and when my body tightens down on his shaft, it pushes him over the edge too. He thrusts into me as he fills me with his seed, and I hear him whisper my name into the hollow of my neck.

When it’s over, I wrap my legs around his waist and rest my head against his strong shoulder. He runs his hands up and down my back and it makes me shiver. After we’ve been wrapped in each other’s arms for a few minutes, I lower my legs and start to pull away from him slowly. He crushes me against his chest and strokes my hair.

“No, baby. Not yet. Just let me have this a little bit longer.” Josh says and kisses my forehead.


BOOK: Never Trust a Bad Boy
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