Never Submit! The Swarii Brides, Book One (15 page)

BOOK: Never Submit! The Swarii Brides, Book One
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Graham prepared himself for bad news, as he always did when someone was running in his direction. “What’s wrong?”

“I finally got your wife’s blood work tested… twice.” He looked a little unsure about himself, then shrugged. “Alright, I tested it three times.” He passed an electronic clipboard toward Graham, who looked more than slightly concerned as he leafed through it.

Graham looked down at the summary. His look of concern morphed into one of confusion. “That can’t be accurate.”

“That was my first and second thought about it,” Fie replied. “She has no robocuffin in her blood. None whatsoever! Now, humans naturally don’t have it; it’s not grown in any food items on earth, and so humans don’t crave it naturally. BUT Ellie is only one-eighth Swarii; ONLY one-eighth, and her genetic makeup still recognizes robocuffin as an essential amino acid. But since it hasn’t had access to it, the part-humans in her family naturally tried to substitute something similar, with only a fraction of robocuffin’s properties, just to stay alive.

“In short, I don’t think she’s functioning anywhere near the level she’s capable of. Her brain patterns should work more like ours, and her lifespan should be equivalent—her systems just need robocuffin to do what they’re designed to do.

“And that’s not all—humans are one of the most contagion-reluctant species I’ve ever come across. You should SEE all the antibodies. In the short amount of time that the race has existed, they have seen probably three times more diseases than we have with all of the races the Swarii are made of, put together. If THEY had been hit with the Frians’ plague fifteen years ago, they probably wouldn’t have even noticed. They already had all the antibodies necessary to resist the virus, for example. All of them.”

“So…” Graham looked through chart after chart, test after test. “That’s why we were able to have the union. She IS a desirable genetic match.”

“Personally, I think a Human-Swarii breeding program would be better suited than when the Libii and the Swaraan melded together. There, both sides had to make sacrifices—the Swaraan got weaker and the Libii got stupider when they both became the Swarii. BUT this would be a straight-up win-win with very few concessions. Especially for male Swarii.”

“If the humans weren’t so naturally stubborn, you mean.” Graham smirked as he passed back the report. “They’re not particularly open-minded, are they?”

Fie shrugged. “Well,
genetically speaking
it’s a good match. Worth presenting to the federation, at least. If we could start by making an alliance with the humans, they might come around to the idea naturally…”

“Possibly,” Graham granted. “I can pull some strings, get you an audience with some people, if you’d like. I’ll be attaching your findings in our mission report. But
, I’ve been feeling concerned about more intimate matters. For example, things like how often we are able to have intercourse without hurting her, how hard I’m allowed to discipline her, things of that nature… Also, basic care.”

Fie nodded, realizing that he was eventually going to have to test such things anyway. “I could tell you a thing or two about basic care,” he claimed. “Humans have complex diets, for example, but Ellie even more so, since she has to merge both of our diets together—get all the necessary vitamins. I suggest giving her an injection of robocuffin every month; try to get her up to the right levels. And I suggest for her nine hours of sleep a night, and one or two hours every afternoon…”

“Dear lord, man! She’s not a cat!”  Graham laughed.

“Actually, it’s more on par with a small child. Humans sleep for muscle regeneration, general rest, psychological reasons—reasons more on par with a developing Swarii than an adult, for certain. Every human’s different when it comes to this—Mary and Peyton
need as much sleep, as shows from their tests, which were even different than the human data we have on file. That’s just Ellie. Humans are… different. More
. It’s pretty interesting.

“As for discipline—obviously, she’s female and small. You can’t use all the strength in your arm, of course, but she’s not any more fragile than a Swarii child of her size. You can get a message through, fine enough—it’s not as if she heals slowly. Discipline her as much as is necessary.

“If you’d like me to run some other tests, I can check her anal and vaginal durability and elasticity… She just won’t like it,” Fie offered, grinning a bit at even imagining the scandalous look in Ellie’s face that would appear if told to spend the afternoon getting an enema preceded by being vaginally and anally plugged.

Graham snorted, obviously imagining the same look. “No, I could assure she won’t. I don’t want to put her through that right now, anyway. She had her first disciplinary session with me just yesterday, and she’s still a bit sore about it. Get the injection of robocuffin ready, however.”

“Yes, Sir,” Fie said, bowing his head, watching how the commander walked away toward the engine room with far more spring in his step.


* * *


“No! Noo!” Ellie pulled against Graham enough that he was literally pulling her arm across the floor. “I said no! I gave him blood, isn’t that enough?”

Graham stopped moving and Ellie was suddenly on the floor. “Do I literally have to drag you all the way there?”

“I’m not getting any of your alien tonic injected into my veins,” she insisted with a pout. “I’m fine without it. What the hell is robocuffin anyway? It sounds like what happens when somebody pisses the Terminator off.”

“I’m beginning to think that I didn’t spank you enough yesterday,” he noted, looking down at her with his hands on his hips. “I was too soft.”

“Didn’t seem
to me,” she replied, but she refrained from moving. “Besides, you can’t solve EVERYTHING with violence, Graham. Didn’t you have a Lamb Chops equivalent to teach you that when you were young?”


“I have rights, you know,” she informed.

This was beginning to get embarrassing. He’d seen four-year-olds get dragged to get shots in a more dignified manner. It was safe to say she didn’t trust aliens, but she had to realize by now that she wasn’t completely human herself, so not letting him make any calls in regards to her health were beginning to become offensive.

Graham sighed and picked her up and instead of pulling her this time, he carried her under his arm. She was tiny enough that her toes barely skirted the ground as she flailed. “And do you want me to execute MY rights?” he replied angrily.

“Help! I’m being subjected to dictatorship! My rights are being
!” she yelled into Peyton and Mary’s room as they passed by. Peyton was hanging upside down in the doorway by his knees doing curl-ups.

Ellie heard Peyton chuckle and say something to Mary, but needless to say, he didn’t seem to care about the fact that she was being forced into doing something against her will. Of course he didn’t, she fumed.
The traitor

The medical bay was a horrible place, in Ellie’s opinion. It was sterile, white, blaring, and had sharp things everywhere. When Graham put Ellie down on the ground, he flung her easily forward until she ran head-on into Fie’s stomach.

“A little nervous, Kitten?” Fie chuckled in his soothing baritone voice and his normal fatherly tone. “Don’t be. You’ll be just fine.”

Ellie had obviously decided that she was not going to be subdued by Fie’s natural, radiating calm. She tried to make it quickly towards the door, hoping to make it past Graham somehow.

It didn’t work. Fie picked up her struggling body and placed her down over his knee. “I thought you were giving me a shot!” she screeched, not liking the position she was in one bit.

“I am,” he assured, flipping up the hem of her shirt and then gripping the edge of her pants.

She flung her hands both back to keep the pants up. “No! You are not giving me a shot in my ass! Stop it! Put me down!” She held onto the hem of her pants until her knuckles turned white.

“Ellie, behave.” The sternness in Graham’s voice was more demanding than any amount of glaring. “You’re embarrassing me.”

Still, she continued to fight. “I don’t care! I don’t want anything poking me!”

“Did she give you this much trouble
?” Graham worried, watching her struggle with a certain amount of interest.

“Yep,” Fie replied. “Only it wasn’t as easy as this will be.” With one firm tug, her pants and panties were suddenly around her knees, despite her grip. A tearing noise could be heard through the air.

She gasped; her mind rattled with what to complain about now. There was too much. Her face was turning a bright crimson color as she imagined how ridiculous she probably looked over Fie’s lap, scissoring her legs around. Her arms barely even hung down towards the floor in this position. Fie was large even for a Swarii; towered a whole foot over all the others. She felt like a baby when she even stood next to him, let alone was forced to be subdued in this position.  “You broke my pants!” she finally accused shrilly.

Fie pinned her hands at the small of her back with one hand; it was so easy for him that it nearly offended her.

“Fie! I thought we were friends!” she continued, then all of the sudden, her body went frigid as she felt a sharp poke on her left bottom cheek. A burn seeped slowly through her flank—it was painful and reminded her of the way her dentist used to shoot Novocain into her gum as if he was trying to torture her on purpose.

Only this felt worse. “Owie! Ow!” she finally complained, making hissing and spitting noises.

“I know this hurts,” Fie cooed sympathetically. “Just hold on there, little one. Just a couple of seconds longer.”

Graham was having mixed feelings as he watched his wife dangle over Fie’s knees—on one end, he knew that he had to retain his usual serious-business-man exterior, but he knew how hot this was. He had never really thought about how attractive she was during punishments, but the way she lay helpless and submissive was damned sexy.

Her bottom was extremely round and bubbly, and the way it stuck out when she was bent over was delightful. He was undeniably growing harder by the second. He simply hadn’t fully appreciated how sexy her bottom was when he was spanking her yesterday—he hadn’t slowed down for a moment to enjoy it. But in the future, he decided, it would be different. Why shouldn’t her punishments be pleasing to him? Why shouldn’t he savor the moments of it?

“All done,” Fie announced, putting the needle on a tray and then returning his hand to rub her left buttock tenderly.

“That was horrible,” she sniffled.

“You’re getting one every month,” Fie informed her, sounding matter-of-fact and unapologetic. “You need it. Give it a chance, and it will make you feel like a million bucks. You’ll be
me to give it to you before you know it.”

“I find that highly unlikely,” she admitted. “Can’t you give it to me in the arm?” she pouted, continuing to hate the position she was in. 

Fie grinned. “No, Sweetheart. It needs to go into muscle.”

She groaned.

“Alright, Fie. Let her up,” Graham said, stepping forward with a grin. “You’ve done enough patting and petting and rubbing for one day.”

Fie chuckled and helped her up. As soon as she was on her feet, she stumbled away, doing her best to pull up her pants. She looked down at them. There was a long, wide tear down the front—all of her buttons were gone, but that was as well; there really wasn’t anything for them to attach to anymore. “Awe… Man!” Her bottom lip stuck out. “I don’t have any others, you know. You didn’t exactly give me time to pack a suitcase at Jazeel’s.”

“Mary might be able to fix it,” Graham reminded.

Ellie definitely doubted this. “She’s not exactly my seamstress anymore, Graham. The chances of her doing me any favors are slim to none.”

“We’ll still ask her.” Graham looked Ellie up and down lecherously for a second before he added, “But first, there’s something I want to discuss with you in our bedroom.”

Ellie’s eyes widened with horror she scurried back a couple of feet. “But… But

Graham took a deep breath and shook his head, wondering how anyone could be that poor at reading his intentions. He stepped forward and grabbed her elbow. “Thanks, Fie. Make sure you submit your report into the main console.”

He realized, on the way out of the room, that Ellie was trying to pull back, only she had a bit of a limp. “You okay?” he asked her, lowering an eyebrow.

“No,” she replied back snippily, wishing she had an extra hand to rub her bottom with. “My butt is killing me. I didn’t deserve that. I’ve done everything right for nearly twenty four hours!”

“This wasn’t a
, Eleanor,” he tried to explain. When she continued to grumble, he bent down and lifted her playfully over his shoulder. “You are a whiner and a half, Wife,” he noted with a laugh.

“So… You’re not gonna spank me?” she asked, sounding confused as they rounded close to the bedroom.

“No promises,” he said mischievously.

“Then why are we going to the bedro… oh.” She blushed. “Do you think we’re ever going to actually
anything in there?” She felt the corners of her mouth twitch upwards as she said it.

“Hopefully not. Discussing is boring,” he replied in time to drop her down onto their bed. He then sat down next to her and grabbed her body to drape her over his own lap. She giggled slightly as he rubbed away the soreness on her bottom—it was working very well.

“How about we discuss never putting me through that again?” she asked hopefully, closing her eyes as she enjoyed the feel of his large, warm hand rubbing her bottom in a circular motion.

“Or we can discuss how sexy this little bottom is,” he replied, grabbing it roughly with his hand.

She moaned slightly, wiggling her bottom up towards his hand. “We can also discuss that,” she allowed, blushing as he kneaded her flesh. She was practically purring before his hand playfully came down upon her skin, making a loud slapping sound.

BOOK: Never Submit! The Swarii Brides, Book One
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