Never Say Never (7 page)

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Authors: Jenna Byrnes

Tags: #erotic romance eBook

BOOK: Never Say Never
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Their first meeting had gone well, better than Mitch could have expected. He’d laid the groundwork and gained some valuable information.

Now he just had to figure out what to do with it.



Adam set a pizza box on the coffee table and stacked a couple of plates and napkins next to it. He poured two glasses of Nick’s favourite wine, wanting to have everything ready and waiting. His body hummed with anticipation. He was ready and waiting, too. Nick’s job had taken him out of town. It’d been five days since they’d seen each other.

They’d talked on the phone every night, usually ending the conversations with him listening to Nick jack off. He still wasn’t allowed to touch himself, but the denial was fine with Adam. In the nearly three weeks since his Master had introduced him to D/s play, he’d become obsessed with it.


Jenna Byrnes



The morning after he’d worn the collar for the first time, he’d been nervous as hell.

He’d felt different, and his mind had raced.
Do I look different? Can other people tell?
Something had changed inside him.
Is it obvious from the outside?

In a weird coincidence, Mitch had chosen that day to stop by the gym and talk. Adam had been surprised to see him, but not entirely. It
been Mitch he’d seen driving by the building before. The man had been in the back of his mind ever since then, though he’d tried to keep the thoughts out.

Mitch had seemed tired. A little paler, perhaps, than someone who worked outside should look. But he’d looked good. His dark eyes had still peered right through Adam, almost as if they could still see into his soul. That day, especially, it had made Adam fidgety and nervous. He now had a secret buried inside.
If anyone looks too deep, will they figure it out?

The role play felt perfectly natural when he was in Nick’s arms. The more they experimented, the more comfortable he became. His Master had even allowed Adam to top a few times, which had sent him through the roof.

It had become a secret game he and Nick shared. Merely thinking about it during the day still caused Adam’s cock to swell. He’d remained on his best behaviour, not wanting to risk being denied a climax or receiving any other punishment…
He’d been taking things slowly, one step at a time. His reward had been the most amazing sex he’d ever experienced.

Now, after five days of celibacy, he was tuned and ready. He’d promised Nick dinner and decided pizza would be fast and easy. He was quite sure they were both anxious to move on to dessert.

The doorbell rang, and he strolled across the small living room to answer it.

Nick stood grinning on his doorstep, arms extended. “There’s my handsome guy! You look fabulous. I missed you.”

Adam glanced around his quiet neighbourhood and noticed a couple walking their dog on the sidewalk. He tugged Nick into the house and closed the door. “Get in here.” Folding himself into the slightly taller man’s embrace, he murmured, “I missed you, too. But now you’re here, and all mine.”

All yours.” Nick’s mouth pressed against his, and they kissed. Both sets of lips parted, and their tongues attacked each other hungrily. Nick sucked his deep, the battle for dominance beginning.


Jenna Byrnes



Finally, Nick pulled away and smiled. “I have a present for you.” His voice was mischievous.

“A present?” Adam’s eyes lit up. “Where is it? I want it.”

“Patience, sweet thing. First, I have to make sure you’ve behaved yourself and done as I requested. Is there dinner?”

“Yes, Sir. Pizza from your favourite restaurant and a bottle of your preferred wine.”

“Perfect. I’m hungry.”

“It’s all set up here, so we can eat on the sofa.” Adam led him deeper into the house and took Nick’s suit coat. He laid the jacket over the back of the couch and motioned Nick to sit.

Adam dropped to his knees and removed Nick’s shoes and socks, rubbing his feet, lovingly, for a moment.

“That’s nice.” Nick raised his eyebrows. “You’re being awfully kind. Are you hiding something? Were you a naughty boy while I was gone?”

“No, Master! I was very good. You’d have been proud of me.”

Nick grinned. “No touching my cock? It was my main request, you know.”

Adam shook his head. “No, Master. Like you said, only to wash and pee. I haven’t come since the last time you allowed me an orgasm.”

“Good.” He smiled. “Then you’ll get your present.
we eat.”

Adam growled with playful impatience and moved to the table where he dished up pizza for each of them. He crawled onto the couch next to Nick, and they ate while discussing their week.

“The whole trip went very well,” Nick assured him, sipping wine. “I made some good connections, and I think we’re going to see some donations coming in soon.”

“Excellent.” Adam nodded. “I’m proud of you.”

Nick smiled. “So, what happened to you this week? Anything I don’t already know from our nightly, hour-long phone calls? Did you take on the new client you were telling me about?”

“Yes, Mary. She’s great. She used to play women’s golf professionally and even won a few of the smaller tournaments. She injured her back and had to quit. It’s healing, but I’m working with her to keep her in shape with a set of exercises her back can handle.”

“What a good man you are.” Nick eyed him appreciatively.


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Adam grinned. “Well, I’m getting paid for it, after all.”

Nick set his half-eaten pizza aside. “You’re still a good man. I sensed it from the moment I met you. Which has been what? Six weeks, now?”

“Since we met? Six weeks, yes.” Adam nodded.

“I want to give you my present.” Nick reached for his jacket and dug around in the pocket, finally coming out with a small jeweller’s box. “For you.”

Adam set his plate down and wiped his hands with a napkin before accepting the gift.

“What in the world?” he mused out loud, lifting the lid from the box.

A shiny, silver necklace lay inside. A thick, masculine, ropy chain with what appeared to be a locking clasp. “It’s beautiful.” He held the chain up, studying the clasp and the lock.

“This takes a key?”

Nick loosened his tie and unfastened the top button of his shirt. He pulled out the chain he wore around his neck, similar in style to the one Adam held but with a key hanging from it. “This key, lover
The key to my heart.”

Adam’s face grew warm. He loved the idea of wearing a piece of jewellery only Nick could put on or take off. It’d been his idea, actually. He’d seen something like it online and mentioned it.

He fingered the solid metal chain, approvingly. This one was much nicer than anything he’d seen on the internet. He stood and moved around the coffee table so he could kneel in front of his Master. “Thank you, Sir. I love it. Would you put it on me now, please?”

Nick touched Adam’s chin and raised it so they could look at one another. “Are you sure about this? This isn’t something I take lightly.”

Adam sighed, his heart swelling with love. “I’m positive, Sir.
I love you
. I have for weeks. I was afraid to say anything, because it seemed too soon.”

“I love you, too. I knew it almost immediately when I met you. I’ve thought about telling you but didn’t for the same reason as yours. It’s time, now. I love you, my darling.”

He pressed his mouth to Adam’s.

Happiness bubbled within Adam. He ducked his head. “Would you put it on me, please, Sir?”


Jenna Byrnes



“Of course.” Nick placed the chain around Adam’s neck. He leant forward so he could use the key around his own neck to lock it in place. “There. You belong to me. My most precious and deeply loved possession.”

“Thank you.” Adam gazed up into his Master’s eyes. The lust he saw there reflected what was in his own heart. “To show my appreciation, Master, I’d love to suck your cock.

With your permission, of course.”

Nick smiled. “Wonderful. Just don’t make me come. I intend to fuck your sweet ass as long and hard as possible, tonight.”

Adam gulped, a lump of desire forming in his throat. “Sounds good to me.”

He unfastened Nick’s belt and fumbled with the button on the trousers. Urgently prying the fly open, he unzipped the slick fabric and reached inside, under the tiny briefs, for the object of his desire.

Nick’s erection lengthened as Adam released it from its confines. The shaft flushed to a dark, berry shade, and the head glistened with a pearly drop of pre-cum.

“Mmm.” Adam licked the slit delicately. He continued to lave the rest of the cock, working slowly, tip to base.

His Master slid lower on the sofa and spread his knees wide, giving him better access.

One hand caressed Adam’s cheek and ear while the other fisted his curly hair.

Nick’s balls drew up, and Adam could tell he was close to orgasm.

“Enough,” his lover murmured, attempting to pull his cock away from Adam’s hungry mouth.

“Please,” Adam insisted, licking long strokes between sentences. “Come in my mouth. I want to suck you dry and savour every drop.”

“I told you ‘no’. I want to fuck you
. I don’t want to wait.”

“You won’t have to wait.” Adam’s words spilled out in a rush. “I’ll make you hard again, I promise. I won’t stop touching you until you’re like a rock. I want this so much.

Please, Master. I beg you.”

Nick chuckled. “Such a slut. Are you my slut, and only mine?”

“Oh, yes, Sir.” Adam panted, desperate to convince him. He craved the taste of his Master’s warm cum as much as he had started craving submission. “I’m your slut. I’d do anything to make you come in my mouth right now.”


Jenna Byrnes



“How can I resist such a sweet offer, and such a sweet mouth? All right, my sexy subbie
Suck to your heart’s content.”

Adam groaned with pleasure and deep-throated the long, full cock. Passion for the man he loved consumed all his thoughts, and he wanted to drink every drop of his offering. He ground his face into Nick’s neatly trimmed pubic hair, forcing the head of the cock against the back of his throat. He bobbed up and down, manipulating the orbs beneath the staff.

“Good, yes.” Nick grabbed two handfuls of hair and pressed Adam to his groin. His body tensed and, with a deep groan, he came.

Warm cream pulsed out in waves, sliding down the back of Adam’s throat. Against Nick’s vice-like grasp, he pulled up and back. Desperate for cum to hit his tongue, Adam ignored the tugging of his hair and sighed when he got a taste of salty musk. He swallowed and accepted more, coaxing the last drops out with massaging fingers and mouth.

Nick released him and rubbed his hands over Adam’s head. “Fabulous, my sexy slut.

Your mouth is like silk. I tell you what, let’s take a short break. Get me another glass of wine and clean up the dinner mess. The stench bothers me.” He waved a hand over the coffee table.

“Yes, Master.” Adam started to rise.

“Remain on your knees
Part of your punishment for going against my wishes.”

Adam was about to protest, but Nick raised his hands.

“I know. I gave you permission to suck me to completion. But it’s not what you were instructed to do. I haven’t decided if I’ll turn you over my knee, yet. For now, I’ll watch you wait on me from the floor. When you’re finished, fetch your leash and leather collar. I’m going to want them when I ride you.” He glanced around. “Bring supplies, too, and a towel. I think I’ll take you over the back of the chair, tonight.” He pointed to a recliner across the room.

“Yes, Master.” Adam gathered the pizza box, plates and trash and carried them to the kitchen, crawling. He brought back the wine bottle and refilled his Master’s glass. Nick hadn’t said he could have any more, so Adam didn’t refill his own. He left the bottle there and crawled to the bedroom.

The small, black box containing his collar and leash were in his bottom drawer. Since they went back and forth from his house to Nick’s condo, he’d been instructed to make sure NEVER SAY NEVER

Jenna Byrnes



he had the necessary items with him at all times. He even carried the box in the trunk of his car so he wouldn’t be caught somewhere without them.

He kept condoms and lube in the box, too, so Adam had only to grab a towel from the closet, which was harder from his knees than he’d expected. He managed, though, and returned to the living room where Nick had undressed and sat stroking himself.

“Nicely done, slut. Look, your servitude makes me hard, already. Bring me the box so we can get started.”

“Yes, Sir.” Adam crawled in front of Nick and stopped, handing over the precious cargo.

Nick removed the collar and leash, rubbing it lovingly against his cheek before buckling the leather strap around Adam’s neck. “The new chain is just for show. I wouldn’t want to attach the leash to it. I’m liable to get carried away and break it.”

“Yes, you are, Master. You’re a wild man.” Adam smiled and caught his eye. “I love my new chain. I wouldn’t want it to get broken, either.”

Nick leant forward and planted a kiss on Adam’s forehead. “Ah, I love you, you little smart ass
Now hand me the end of your leash.”

Adam obliged, and Nick tugged the leather, moving Adam to and fro.

“Perfect. Damn, it makes me hot to see you collared and leashed. Play with my cock until I’m a little bit harder then slide the rubber on me. While you’re doing it, stretch your hole. When I’m ready to fuck, I want to go.”

“Yes, Sir.” Adam followed all of his Master’s instructions. He lubed one finger and stretched his anus while he used the other hand to play with Nick’s erection.

Anticipation hummed through him. Preparing them both while his Master watched was more exciting than he ever could have imagined. When three fingers slid easily into his eager, quivering ass, he was ready. Nick’s shaft twitched, the tip pointing to the ceiling.

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