Read Never Dare a Tycoon Online

Authors: Elizabeth Lennox

Never Dare a Tycoon (9 page)

BOOK: Never Dare a Tycoon
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Then she remembered last night. And the champagne. And Brett bringing her home. Well, she didn’t remember all of it, but she remembered him waking her up in front of her building. But she only woke up enough to squint into the darkness to confirm that it was the correct building and that she lived on the fifth floor. After that, everything was a blur.

Rolling back onto her stomach, she searched her bedside table for the clock. Groaning, she realized it was already ten o’clock. She’d missed meeting everyone for church. They were already walking into the building by now.

What were they thinking, she wondered? They all knew she’d come home with Brett last night. Would they assume he’d spent the night?

Then the worst thought struck her. Brett knew where she lived. Would he tell her brothers? What would they do? She knew they wouldn’t approve of her apartment.

Throwing her legs over the side of the bed, she intended to get some aspirin and water. That was when she noticed her dress hanging on the closet door. Looking down, she saw that her shoes were next to her bed and her stockings, both of them were lying innocently on the dresser.

Antonia looked down and saw that she was completely naked except for her underwear. She groaned and buried her face in the pillow. Had one of her brothers come back with them? Surely none would allow a stranger to bring her home in the state she was in last night.

It would still be embarrassing if one of her brothers had undressed her. But complete humiliation if it had been Brett. She assured herself that it was probably one of her brothers. Unfortunately, she couldn’t imagine any of her brothers undressing her. They’d just push her legs under the covers fully dressed. She’d be lucky if they’d take off her shoes.

Pushing her hair out of her face, she got out of bed and headed for the bathroom, pulling on a fluffy white robe as she went. Antonia reached the bathroom and pulled down a bottle of aspirin, then turned to go to the kitchen for a glass of water, wishing her hair would stay out of her eyes. She knew she looked awful, but right now, her priority was to get the aspirin into her system. She’d worry about brushing her hair later. Much later, she thought as she turned the corner to the kitchen and her headache intensified.

But when she passed the doorway, someone was knocking. She didn’t want to face anyone, especially if it was one or all of her brothers. But she remembered they were all in church right now so she was probably safe for the time being. Assuming it was only her neighbor, Mrs. Winkler, who constantly ran out of one thing or another when she was baking and needed to borrow it from Antonia, she just walked to the door and opened it without looking through the security hole. If she had, she wouldn’t have opened the door.

Because there stood Brett, looking fresh and handsome in a pair of jeans, tee-shirt and light, blue jacket, leaning against her doorjamb.

“What do you want?” she asked, wishing she could just slam the door in his face. That way, she wouldn’t have to deal with the embarrassment of her actions last night. But she knew he’d just get in the way of the closing door.

“You,” he said immediately.


Antonia hated the blush that crept up her cheeks. And she hated his deep, husky laugh that told her he noticed her blush.


“Well, since that’s out of the realm of possibility, what else?”




“Not possible either,” she said. “Why are you here so early this morning? Don’t you have a company to run or something?”


“Not on Sunday,” he said and moved forward, ignoring the fact that she obviously didn’t want him in her apartment.

Then it hit her, the all important question and some of her belligerence left her. Turning to face him, she looked down at the floor so he wouldn’t see her blush again. “Um, did you happen to mention where I live to any of my brothers?” she asked, twisting the cap on and off of the bottle of aspirin.

Brett walked into the kitchen and set down a large brown bag. “Why? Do they not know where you live?” he asked, surprised.


Antonia shrugged as if his answer didn’t matter. “Not really,” she answered, watching him open cabinets, then finally finding the coffee and filters.


“Why not?” he asked, scooping coffee into the coffee machine and acting as if he’d lived here for years.

“Look, just tell me if you mentioned it to them. Please!” she said, desperate now to know the truth. The idea that her brothers might show up on her doorstep, en masse or one at a time was too frightening. Because she knew they’d all have moving boxes in their hands. She couldn’t stand the suspense any longer.

“Not yet,” he said, coming over to where she was standing. “Do you not want me to?”


Antonia’s eyes pleaded with him. “No. I’d be very grateful if you could leave that bit of information between the two of us.”


Brett put his arm behind her against the wall and leaned closer to her. “What other information should I leave out of our conversations?” he asked.

Antonia didn’t understand what he was talking about, but then, as she stared up into his half-closed eyes, seeing the sexual desire there, she put two and two together. Last night, Brett had taken her clothes off and put her to bed. With that realization, her face flamed red again and she couldn’t look him in the eye. “I’m sorry I fell asleep on you last night. It was thoughtful of you to carry me inside. I hope the elevators were working.”

Brett shook his head. “They weren’t.” He was so close, she could feel his warm breath on her cheek when he spoke.


“Oh,” was all she could say. She was so embarrassed that he had taken off her clothes, she couldn’t think.

“You’re beautiful,” he said, leaning down and gently touching her lips. “And I didn’t see anything,” he lied. He eased his conscience with the knowledge that he hadn’t seen everything. soon, he promised himself. Not nearly everything he wanted to see. But soon. Very

“Oh,” Antonia said, instantly relieved. She took a deep breath and glanced up into his eyes. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” he said and pushed away from the wall. “Are you hungry?” he asked as he took the bottle of aspirin she’d been holding. He walked back into the kitchen and found a glass, filled it with water, then handed her two aspirin and the glass.

“Yes,” Antonia replied, trying not to touch his warm fingers when she took the glass gratefully.

Brett started opening the bag but then he caught sight of her robe. He stopped looking in the bag and turned to face her, leaning a hip against the counter and crossing his arms over his chest. “You aren’t wearing anything underneath that robe are you?” he asked.

Antonia gripped the folds of the neckline closer to her and shook her head. “I’ll go take a shower and get dressed,” she said, already moving towards the bathroom.

“That would be a good idea,” he chuckled.

Antonia rushed into the bathroom and closed the door. She took the fastest shower in her life, too afraid Brett would come in at anytime. Back in her bedroom, she pulled on a pair of jeans and a soft, navy blue sweater with short sleeves and a matching, blue cardigan. Looking at her hair, she thought about pulling it up, but she didn’t want to bother with it. So she brushed it until it shone, then put on some mascara, a light coat of powder and some lipstick.

Feeling satisfied with her appearance, she opened the bedroom door to the smell of fresh coffee, eggs, bacon and toast. Antonia’s stomach growled in anticipation of the food.

Peeking around the corner, she spotted Brett sitting on the sofa, reading a newsletter sent from her investment company. She hadn’t gotten around to reading it yet, but she’d left it on the coffee table yesterday along with the rest of her mail.

As soon as he saw her, he looked up and smiled. “I’m not sure which woman I like better. The one that was warm and cozy from sleep, or now when you’re all fresh and gorgeous. I’m glad you left your hair down. I love it like that,” he said, tossing down the newsletter and moving towards the kitchen.

“You have a good portfolio. Who taught you to invest?” he asked as he picked up two plates.

Antonia looked down at the papers scattered about on her “coffee table”. Sure enough, she’d taken time to open her investment report and just left it laying there. She couldn’t even blame him for snooping around when she’d forgotten to put personal papers in a safe place.

“No one,” she said and walked over to pick it up, folding it and putting it in the drawer she kept all correspondence that needed to be filed. “I taught myself.”

“Who’s your broker? He gives some great advice,” Brett said from the kitchen. He emerged a moment later with two plates piled high with scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and each balancing a glass of orange juice.

Antonia took one plate and inhaled the wonderful smell. She loved breakfast, but rarely woke up in time to enjoy it. “I don’t have a broker. I use the internet to invest,” she explained. “I do my own research and invest my money they way I think is wise,” she said and headed for the sofa. She hadn’t gotten around to buying a table, so she ate all her meals in the family room instead of the kitchen.

Brett nodded and sat down on the sofa to eat. “Well, when you find your next investment, please give me your ideas. I’ll go with your instincts.”

She was about to take her first bite of food, but her fork stopped halfway to her mouth. Antonia flushed with pleasure. She thought he’d give her advice, but instead, he was praising her and asking for
advice. She was so confused, she didn’t know what to say. So she just said, “Thank you.”

Brett was digging into his plate and didn’t notice her flushed face. “Since we’re spending the day together, what do you say we go see that art exhibit you probably never got to see a few weeks ago.”

Antonia choked on a bite of bacon, certain she hadn’t heard him correctly. “Spend the day together?” she asked.


“Yep. Did you make it? Is it worth the trip?”

Antonia tried to come up with some reason why they couldn’t spend the day together, but her mind drew a blank. She knew why she couldn’t be with him, but she couldn’t very well tell him that she had to avoid him because of the feelings he stirred inside her.

“Are you done with breakfast?” he asked, noticing that she’d stopped eating.

Antonia looked down at her plate and realized she couldn’t eat another bite. The idea of spending a whole afternoon with him had sent butterflies fluttering in her stomach.

“I can’t today,” she said.


“Why not?” he said and took her half filled plate to the kitchen with his empty one.


“I have errands to do,” she said, coming up with the first excuse she could think of.


“What errands,” he said, a half-smile on his face.


“I don’t know. Errands,” she said, trying hard to think. But nothing came to mind.


“Name them. I’ll help you.”

Disgusted with herself, she picked up his glass and carried them both to the kitchen, pouring water over the plates. She didn’t have a dishwasher and she didn’t feel like cleaning the dishes right now.

Brett’s laughter followed her. She stood at the sink and stared down, not seeing the dirty plates and glasses. A moment later, she felt Brett’s hands on her shoulders, turning her around.

“Why are you afraid of me?” he asked softly.


“I’m not afraid of you,” she said defensively, not meeting his eyes. She stared at the buttons on his shirt.


“Yes you are. Why?” he asked, lifting her chin so she had to look at him. “I won’t bite.”


Antonia couldn’t explain her feelings towards him. “I don’t know. I just think we should not see each other.”


“That’s not possible,” he said gently, shaking his head.




“Because I want you,” was all he said.


Antonia took a deep, shaky breath. “Don’t say things like that,” she said.


“Why? It’s the truth,” he said and leaned down to take her lips in a passionate, gentle kiss.

Antonia tried to resist. She pushed against his shoulders, but they were immovable. When he moved away from her mouth and softly kissed her neck, then her ear, she gave in to the desire coursing through her. Her arms reached up and wrapped around his neck. She leaned her head back, giving him greater access to her neck. A soft moan escaped her when he found the sensitive spot behind her ear.

Brett lifted her up and placed her on the counter, moving between her knees and pulling her close. She was now face to face with him and she gave in to the desire to kiss him. Placing a hand on each side of his face, she held him there, and kissed him with all the passion she was feeling.

She felt his hands under her sweater and panicked for a brief moment, until the heat hit her, and then she groaned with increased desire. She’d never felt like this before but she didn’t care what happened anymore. With his arms around her, touching her everywhere, she didn’t care about the future or her brothers, or how dangerous he was to her goals. All she cared about was the driving need inside her that only he could inflame.

Suddenly, her sweater was pulled over her head and Brett was cupping her breast through her black, lacy bra. Antonia’s breast were large for her tiny figure. She’d always been slightly self-conscious of that fact. But with the look in Brett’s eyes as he looked down at her, she was proud of her figure for the first time in her life.

And then he bent down and took a nipple in his mouth. Antonia’s world crashed. She arched her back, her hands held his head there and her legs wrapped around his waist. She was in shock, in pain, and in agony. And she was afraid that he might stop creating these feelings inside her.

Unfortunately, he stopped. Brett threw his head back and closed his eyes, gritting his teeth to gain control of himself. They were in the kitchen, for God’s sake, he told himself. He had to get a grip on this situation or it was going to get out of control. Then all the progress he’d made with Antonia, albeit slight, would disappear.

Stepping back, he picked up her sweater and pulled it back down over her head.

“What’s wrong?” Antonia asked, confused. The desire was still coursing through her veins and she could tell that he felt the same way. She could see it in his eyes and noticed the tension in his muscles.

BOOK: Never Dare a Tycoon
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