Nero (Made Men #1) (15 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brianne

BOOK: Nero (Made Men #1)
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She didn’t even know if she had a right to be upset
since she hadn’t seen Nero respond to them.
Yeah, but he didn’t try to stop them, either.
She couldn’t stop picturing them pressing their boobs into his arm.
I have a fucking right to be upset.

Nero had tried a few times to gain her attention by flirting with her throughout the class period. However
, Elle never gave in and kept her attention on her writing. When the final school bell rang, Elle leisurely put her papers back into her bag.

Nero didn’t talk
until the classroom had cleared out. “Is there a problem?”

“Nope.” Elle sat there
, playing with the zipper on her satchel. She knew better than to get up this time.

Nero had practically burned a hole in her face
. “You sure about that?”


Elle and Nero sat there in silence.
She had nothing to say to him. She thought it was a joke to have believed Nero could be satisfied with one woman.

e used to go through three a day.
Elle sadly wished she was exaggerating.

I don’t want to see you ever touch another guy again.’
When Nero had spoken those words to her earlier, she had believed it as Nero taking them being together seriously. She hadn’t realized he didn’t think the touching thing was a two-way street.

Elle stood and went to the door when Amo and Chloe reached the classroom
. “Is Lana picking you up?”

, she’s out front waiting for me,” Chloe said, trying to smile.

Elle knew Lana wouldn’t be able to take her home, but it never hurt to ask. Elle gave Chloe a reassuring smile and
then started walking for the doors. She didn’t even wait for Amo to start walking out in front; she wanted to get out of there and away from Nero as soon as possible.

walked out the doors by herself with everyone else a ways behind her. She waited in the student pick-up area to watch Chloe get into Lana’s car. A minute later, Chloe had caught up to her, and whispered “bye” as she headed for the car. Elle knew that Chloe noticed she was upset at something, yet Elle made sure to smile at her to let her know she wasn’t upset with her. She would text her later to make sure she understood. Elle wasn’t even upset at Nero or the bimbos; she was upset at herself for thinking she and Nero might work.

Elle watched Chloe close the door, she started walking toward the next bus stop.

Nero yelled, “Where are you going?”
He and the guys were waiting about ten feet away from her while she had watched Chloe get in the car.

Elle kept walking.

Nero shouted again, “Elle?”

kept walking.

Elle felt Nero snatch her arm. “Where the hell do you think you’re going?”

She tried to jerk her arm away, but like it usually was when he had a hold of her
, it was useless.
I am sick and tired of this shit!

“Let me go! I’m going to ride the bus!”

“No, you’re not, Elle. You’re riding with me.” Nero pulled her in the opposite direction.

Elle did not appreciate him telling her what to do anymore
He doesn’t tell me what to do and who I can’t touch.

, I’m fucking not!” Elle hit Nero’s arm as hard as she could and jerked her arm away. She wasn’t stupid, though. As soon as her arm was free, she started running.

Elle hoped she had the element of surprise on her side
as she ran as fast as she could. She didn’t look back to see if Nero was coming after her.
I’m not that dumb, either.
Unfortunately, though, Elle was that dumb to think she could outrun Nero.

Nero grabbed Elle from behind
, and Elle started hitting and kicking him to let her go.

Nero’s voice sounded cold
. “Elle, stop it now.”

didn’t care how scary he sounded; she wasn’t going to stop. The emotion of seeing the girls rub all over Nero had driven her body crazy.

Nero swung her body around to face him and held her arms tightly
to keep her still. He kept his same, icy composure when he said, “Now, tell me what the fuck is wrong with you.”

Fuck you!”


Chapter Twenty-

The Two Side
s of Elle


When the words came out, Elle saw Nero’s eyes snap. He swiftly bent over and threw her over his shoulder before spinning around and walking toward the student parking lot.

Being higher up in the air
, she realized she hadn’t gotten very far before Nero had caught her.

“Let me down!” Elle tried hitting at his back and attempting to kick her feet
, but she really didn’t want to fall face-first on concrete.

, without a word, spanked her ass every time she hit at his back.
What the hell? He can’t do that.

She smacked his back with each word
. “Let. Me. Go.”

Slap, slap, slap

Elle looked around the school grounds
. “Does no one care? He is forcing me to his car!” Elle watched. No one frankly gave a shit what was going on, though.

Nero mocked her, “They all look the other way, remember?”

Sadly, Elle had been telling the truth; they couldn’t have cared less about her.

When Nero had finally
passed Amo and Vincent, laughing hysterically, they started walking behind them. She had to look at their faces as they were practically in tears.

, are you going to let him do this to me?”

Vincent responded to
o quickly for her liking. “Yes, I am.”

“I would ask t
he beast, but I already know his answer.” Elle started to become furious at them all. No one was going to come to her rescue.

As a result,
Elle would try another tactic. “Please, let me down.”

“I will if you tell me what your problem is.”

Elle really didn’t want Nero packing her the rest of the way, and at least this way, when she told him, Nero couldn’t see her face and how upset she was.

Elle took a deep breath in
. “I saw the blonde bimbos rubbing their boobs all over you, Nero. And they practically went into heat. No, actually, I take that back; they were in heat.”

“Blonde bimbos? Who are they?” Vincent asked
, laughing even harder now.

“Cassandra’s two lit
tle sidekicks.” Elle hated how Nero had slept with them when they had treated her so terribly.

Vincent smiled wickedly
. “Oh, you mean Stacy and Stephanie.”

, God! Is there any girl you guys don’t sleep with?” Now she knew they all passed girls around.

Amo defended himself
. “Hey, I’ve never fucked them, so don’t accuse me.”

knew exactly why he hadn’t.
I know it isn’t because he is a good boy

, because they’re afraid of you. Trust me; I’d be terrified to see what you’re packing, too.” Elle felt her body shake from Nero’s laughter.

, doll, they’re not afraid of me; I just prefer to fuck girls I don’t have to see again.”

le dropped her mouth at what Amo had said. She’d figured Amo was the worst of the three, but she hadn’t realized by how much. Elle wanted to get off the subject. She knew they all slept around, and she just wanted to get down.
I told him what was wrong.

“Put me down
. You said you would let me go.”

, that was before I knew why you were mad,” Nero said.

“What does that mean?”

“Means you’ll run

had been going to.
Elle screamed and smacked his back as hard as she could. She wanted him to at least feel some pain.


“Ugh!” Elle rolled her eyes and gave up.
We’re already almost there anyway.

When Nero reached the car, he unlocked his doors and opened the passenger door
before putting her in. Elle heard the sound of the lock again and watched Nero lean against her passenger door as he talked to Amo and Vincent.

weighed her options.
Clearly, running doesn’t work, screaming for my life doesn’t work, and telling him why I’m upset, again, doesn’t work.
She was out of options.

matter what, Nero was driving her home. She didn’t want Nero to completely win, so she looked around the car. When she looked at the backseat, Elle knew exactly what to do.

climbed into the backseat, smiling at herself. She knew why Nero wanted her in his car.
Because he is going to sweet-talk his way out of this and hold my hand, making me give in.

Elle knew that
, after what had occurred in the locker room, she would most likely give in because that was exactly what she had done.
Not this time.

Nero slid
into the driver’s seat and Elle enjoyed the look on his face when he realized she wasn’t there. She enjoyed it even more when he looked in the rearview mirror and she was there smiling at him.

Like I said, fuck you!
Elle had learned to say that kind of stuff in her head.

Elle heard Nero take a deep breath an
d watched him run his hands through his hair. She was kind of shocked when he didn’t say anything and started the car.

put the car in reverse, pulled out of his spot, and then drove off the lot.

Elle sunk into the backseat of Nero’s car and slammed her eyes shut. She leaned her head ag
ainst the window, the glass feeling cold against her head. Elle thought about today’s events. She didn’t know how she had gone from being whacked with a milk carton to Nero hotly slamming her against the lockers and all the way to being practically kidnapped by him because she was upset girls had been touching him. She had gone through so many emotions today, and now they were starting to wear on her.

A part of her was still needy
, wanting Nero to finish what he had started, while the other part of her wanted to cry. She wanted to cry for herself being picked on by having things thrown at her and being publically humiliated. Then she wanted to cry because something inside of her had really started to like Nero, and Elle ultimately knew it would never work between them.

started to feel crushed by her emotions as a tear slipped down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away, wishing her problems would wipe away just as easily. The whole car ride, she suffered from her thoughts, and the ride to her house was quite a bit of distance.

Elle opened her eyes as the car pulled over
; she wasn’t in front of her house like she’d expected, but they were close. She didn’t know why Nero would stop. However, Nero got out of the car, and a moment later, Elle watched the backseat door open on the other side. He slid in and positioned his body toward her as he draped his arm over the backseat.

Baby, come here.” Nero’s voice sounded like he was commanding her. The part still needy and the sliver inside of her that liked Nero wanted to do as he asked, yet Elle wanted to fight the feeling.

laid her head back on the window and shut her eyes with her thoughts.

,” his voice rang through her head, his command much stronger.

Elle picked her head back up and looked at Nero
’s body, opened for her. The two sides of Elle were fighting against each other, and when one finally won out, she scooted her body toward him. She didn’t know why she had given in, but Elle hadn’t realized yet that more than half of her wanted Nero and it would never be much of a fight.

When Elle’s hips
touched his leg, Nero’s arms circled and pulled her into his body. Her head was no longer resting on the window but on Nero’s chest. The hand that had been on the backseat now was in her hair as he soothed her head, and the other went under her jacket to do the same to her back.

Elle eased
into him and let him soothe her. She figured he had seen her cry and that was why he was doing this. No one had ever taken care of her all those nights she had cried silently in her bed. Only Chloe knew her torture, and she had much worse to cry about.

She didn’t know how much time had passed as she
lay in his arms. Elle had closed her eyes and thought she might have dozed off until Nero’s voice broke the silence of the car.

“It wasn’t what it looked like
. Yes, maybe from their point of view, but I promise, I didn’t want it to happen.” Nero spun a piece of her hair and continued, “I’m sorry you had to see it, and I am asking you to trust me. I don’t want anyone else, and I’m not going to have anyone else, Elle.”

Elle wanted the sound of his warm voice to continue,
however she had to have the conversation with him. “How am I supposed to believe you, Nero?”
You always have and, most likely, always will be a player.

Nero contemplated his answer before he spoke
. “If you were any other girl, Elle, I would have fucked you in the girl’s locker room today. Trust me; you would have let me, and you sure as hell would have enjoyed it. Instead, I didn’t because then you would be like all the other girls I’ve been with,” he paused a brief second, “completely meaningless.” Nero grabbed her hair, and Elle finally looked up at him. “I told you not to touch, and now I’m telling you I won’t touch. I give you my word, Elle.”

When Elle
watched him speak, a feeling would always come over her that he was telling the truth.
I can’t believe I’m going to trust him.
Her mind was still not onboard with her body.

She needed him to say it.

Nero smiled down at her
. “I promise, baby.”

Elle smiled back right before he kissed her. She welcomed him in her mouth
, letting him set the speed. He caressed her lips, taking care to learn every inch of them until his tongue ventured inside to do the same.

Unlike the last time she
had worked to please, she wanted him to please her. Nero didn’t seem to mind as he pulled her on his lap, making her straddle him. Her hands went to his hair so she could remember the feeling of it running through her hands. Elle should have known he would when he squeezed her ass in his hands again.

deepened the kiss, forcing her tongue out so he could draw it into his mouth, and once again, she loved the feeling. She really wished she would have done it sooner.

Nero moved down to kissing her neck
, nipping and licking better than he had before.
Yeah, because he has to make it up to me
. Elle would definitely make him, too.

Nero went lower and kissed her collarbone as his hands travelled up the fron
t of her body over her clothes. They held her sides, right under her breasts, and Elle’s breath caught in her throat as his mouth moved lower, sucking the top of her right breast into his mouth. Her t-shirt normally came above them, but Nero had pulled it down, showing the tip of her thin bra.

Elle swore her breasts had started to swell by the feel of his mouth
on her. As she pushed his head closer, afraid he would stop, Nero lifted his hands higher and started rubbing her nipples with the pad of his thumbs, quickly rubbing them into a peak. She couldn’t concentrate, once again under Nero’s control.

er nipples began to ache from the hardness and her breasts started to become too sensitive under her bra. When Elle felt Nero’s fingertips go under her bra, over her left breast, she quickly grabbed his hand, hoping he wouldn’t pull it down. Elle let out a moan when Nero bit her breast in response, paying her back for what she had done to him earlier.

Nero tried to pull it down again as he laved away the sting,
but Elle squeezed her hand over his.

, please, just let me have a taste.” Nero talked while he kissed her skin.

Elle whimpered “no” in his ear
. She wanted him to.
Like, really want him to.
But Elle had a feeling Nero wouldn’t stop at a taste. She knew a guy like Nero devoured the whole thing. Elle would like being devoured by him, yet it wasn’t the right time or place for her.

Nero threw his head back on the seat and
she watched him try to collect himself while she tried to do the same. Nero had dropped his hand and Elle couldn’t help smiling. No matter how bad Nero wanted her—and she knew how much he did because he had grown hard underneath her—he would never force himself on her. If she ultimately didn’t want to do it, Nero wouldn’t make her.

Elle gave
him a quick kiss. “Thank you.”

Nero gritted out, “No problem.”

She began to try to maneuver off his lap and felt his hardness grind underneath her.

Nero quickly grabbed her hips, and held her
in place. “Careful, or I’ll throw being a gentleman out the fucking window and watch your tits bounce in my face.”

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