Navy SEALs Complete Series: 3 Books + 3 Novellas (Tempting Navy SEALs) (92 page)

BOOK: Navy SEALs Complete Series: 3 Books + 3 Novellas (Tempting Navy SEALs)
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He still held his wine loosely, close to his thigh, staring at her, working through this new complication, as well as the obvious arousal straining his slacks.

The white cotton shirt he wore outside his pants hung nearly to his thighs, the ultrasoft material giving him a relaxed though sophisticated appearance.

“Would you like to discuss it?” she finally asked, bringing her glass back to her lips.

“Your security is slipping,” he informed her then. “We have the information on your training and your SEAL instructors.”

“Of course you do. So do all the bad guys.” Amusement curled through her. “A knowledge of strength is the best deterrent when it comes to those believing they can slip in on me. If you checked my past out at all, you’d know I’m heavily into deterring problems.”

And being prepared.

He brought the wine to his lips, sipped, then turned and walked back to the sideboard where he placed the delicate glass beside the bottle. When he turned back to her, Kira glimpsed the barely restrained dominance eating at him. His control was shaky, as shaky as her own. Especially when his gaze slid to her breasts where her tight, hard nipples pressed into the thin tank top.

“Do you get off on fucking traitors?” he asked her then. “I wonder if your boss knows about that?”

Kira rolled her eyes. “You’re not a traitor, Ian.”

“You can’t know that for sure, can you, Kira?”

She let a knowing smile shape her lips. “If that were true,
you would have already attempted to kill me, not protect me. Forget the protection stuff, okay, lover? It doesn’t work with me.”

She tightened her thighs, an instinctive attempt to hold back the moisture collecting there. She was so wet, so hot, that she knew if he touched her that an orgasm would be imminent. And if she didn’t get off this time, then she was going to shoot him herself.

“What does work with you?” His gaze flicked over her body again. He knew she was aroused, knew she was aching.

“It’s according to what you want.”

“You. Out of Aruba,” he snapped.

Kira sighed with amused indulgence and almost laughed at the male frustration that flashed in his eyes. “It’s not going to happen. Do you have any other desires that you’d like to pass by me?” Her gaze flicked to his thighs then back again as her brow arched in mocking curiosity.

It wasn’t a subtle hint, but she and Ian had passed subtle the first time he had slipped into her condo in Atlanta nearly a year before.

“This is fucking insane.” His voice changed, became harsher, more grating as his fingers went to the buttons of his shirt.

Kira tensed. Sudden, almost violent arousal poured through her body, speeding her heart to the point that it nearly strangled her as she fought for breath.

The buttons were loosened slowly with the fingers of one hand, revealing a wide, muscular chest covered with a mat of short, silky-looking black hair. Not too thick, but not thin, just enough to rasp a woman’s nipples, cushion or warm them. Her nipples throbbed at the thought.

“Then why are you here?” She could feel the perspiration building between her breasts, moisture gathering more thickly between her thighs.

Rising, she came to her knees once again, watching, mouth watering, as he shed the shirt, shrugging it from his
broad, well-sculpted shoulders with a ripple of power that echoed in her womb.

“I’m here because I’m crazy,” he murmured, his legs shifting as he pushed the shoes from his feet while loosening the slender leather belt and the catch of the cool cotton slacks he wore. The zipper eased down.

Kira’s lips parted, her breasts rising and falling furiously as she fought for oxygen. The air was indolent with lust now, thick, heavy, nearly impossible to breathe.

“Are you just playing again?” she whispered, suddenly desperate to know. “Please, Ian, don’t play with me. Not this time.”

“No games tonight, Kira. Not from either of us,” he growled. “And so help me, I better get the woman rather than the agent, or you’ll pay hell for it.”

The slacks cleared his thighs, revealing the thick, heavy length of his erection. It was furiously engorged, the mushroomed crest flushed dark and throbbing, a glimmer of precum glistening erotically.

“You always get the woman, Ian.”

She licked her lips, easing closer, on hands and knees now, starving for a taste, just a taste of the rich male essence tempting her.

“You’re as fucking crazy as I am,” he snarled, reaching out, gripping the thick strands of her hair and pulling her back to her knees.

Dominant, powerful. It was there in his face, it raged in his eyes.

“I want to taste,” she moaned, drugged now on the power, the hunger radiating in his gaze, and the arousal-based adrenaline pumping through her veins.

There were erogenous zones where she didn’t know there were erogenous zones. Hell, every damned cell in her body was erogenous at the moment.

“Me first.” The other warm arm wrapped around her hips, jerking her to him as his wants, by right of might, became uppermost.

As his head lowered, hers snapped forward, her teeth nipping at his lower lip before his fingers pulled her back. The sharp little burn of pulling hair had a shaky groan whimpering from her throat. She loved it. Needed it. She wasn’t submitting. Fuck submission. He might be an alpha male, but by God, she was his match.

Her hands lifted, her nails raking over his chest as his gaze pinned hers. Her lips parted, teeth clenching, as she drew in a ragged breath.

He didn’t flinch from her nails. Instead, his lips curled into a sexual, sensual smile of acknowledgment as the reddish-brown lights in his eyes fired to a darker, burning hue.

She loved it. There was no male irritation because she wasn’t simpering at his feet. And there was no submission in his gaze either. Just pure, blazing hot, male hunger and challenge.

“I don’t give in,” he told her, that raspy tone sending shivers down her spine.

“Neither do I.” She let her fingers play in the silky hairs that grew low on his abdomen.

“I’m stronger,” he promised her.

She smoothed her palms up his stomach, his chest.

“I sure hope so,” she crooned as she captured a hard male nipple against her thumb, and pressed, just enough. “Oh Ian, I definitely hope so.”

His lips slammed over hers as his hands gripped the hem of her top and jerked it over her breasts. He released her lips, just long enough to wrestle her out of the material as she tried to capture his kiss again. She needed the taste and heat of it. The incredible feel of his lips moving over hers, dominating hers despite the sensual struggle she put up.

She wanted to control the kiss, and that was what she fought for. He was determined to control the kiss, and the right of might definitely held sway here. Especially when his arms surrounded her, his head bending, forcing hers against his powerful bicep as he licked and sucked and drove his tongue against hers until she was quivering. Hell,
she never quivered for sex. But she was quivering for Ian. Shaking and trembling, her pussy clenching, her breasts throbbing, and imperative, desperate little mewls of pleasure tearing from her throat.

She spread her fingers through his hair and arched closer, rasping her nipples over the luscious mat of hair that covered his chest as his cock slid between her thighs, pressing into the material of her panties, driving her crazy with the need for more.

He pulled her head back, pulling at her hair as the fiery sensation streaked from her head to her nipples, then to her clit. She had never liked having her hair pulled until Ian. Until he showed her the pleasure and the pain, the agony and the ecstasy of being in his arms.

“Just this time,” he groaned, his lips moving down her neck. “I’m going to fuck you until you’re out of my system. Gone. Out of my head.” His tongue licked over her collarbone. “Over.”

“In your dreams.” Her head tipped back as pleasure suffused her. “Oh God, Ian. In your dreams.”

Pleasure like this didn’t just go away. It tortured and tormented after the act, she could feel it, knew it, even though the pleasure itself was so new even to her. The jaded Domme, the feminine sexual dominant that demanded submission from her males. She was no novice to sex play, or to sexual games. But she was a novice to this pleasure, to the sensations rippling through her and holding her spellbound in Ian’s arms.

As his lips surrounded the hard peak of a nipple, her lips went to his neck. Teeth raking, tongue licking, her hands stroking over as much of his flesh as she could reach.

Hard muscle rippled beneath her touch as the heat and suckling pleasure of his mouth threatened to dissolve her. He held her close to him, arms surrounding her, as though he would never let her go. And she didn’t want him to let her go. She wanted him to hold her forever.

“Not enough,” he growled, moving, flipping her back on
the bed before she could do more than gasp, and jerking the boxer-type panties from her thighs and over her feet before she could fight.

She moved to twist away from him, to attack him with her own passion, her own needs. Before she could roll from him, his hands pulled her thighs apart, his wide shoulders wedging between them and his lips descending to the bare, saturated folds of her pussy.

Kira froze. She couldn’t help it. Hell, it wasn’t like a man had never gone down on her before; they had. She wasn’t a virgin. She was experienced. Until Ian got his lips in the slick, bare flesh between her thighs. Suddenly, she didn’t know what the hell to do.

Because he didn’t touch her like an unfamiliar lover. He touched her like he knew her. Knew what she wanted. Knew what she needed. Knew that the sudden hard thrust of his tongue into her pussy would freeze her with delirious pleasure.

“Ian?” She stared down her body, watching as his lashes lifted and he stared back at her with slumberous, hungry eyes.

He licked. A long, slow swipe of his tongue that sent a ripple of white-hot sensation racing across her flesh. Especially when he reached her clit, flickered over it, then bestowed a firm, heated kiss to it.

“You don’t like it?” He lifted his head enough to whisper the words, blowing a soft breath over the too-sensitive nub of nerve endings.

She stared into the heavy, brooding gaze. What was she supposed to say? Was she supposed to answer him?

“Stop talking and keep licking,” she gasped, her hand pressing his head lower, his lips back to her waiting flesh.

He chuckled, but he licked. Oh God, how he licked. And sipped, and scraped his teeth over the swollen folds until she was writhing. Writhing and desperate because it wasn’t enough.

She tried to twist, to throw her leg over his head and rise
to her knees, to sit on that handsome face, that thrusting tongue. So she could get his cock in her mouth. She was dying to taste that wicked hard flesh, to tongue the precum from the tiny slit at the top.

“Stay still.” His hand landed on her butt as she arched again.

“You didn’t!” she gasped. He had smacked her?

Okay, so it didn’t hurt, it was actually kind of sexy. But only submissives got spanked. She was not a submissive.

“Stay still or I’m tying you to the bed.”

“Like hell.” Her heels dug into the bed as she struggled from beneath him.

She assured herself that she couldn’t have expected what came next. The way he used her momentum against her, flipped her to her stomach, then tied one hand with the long, thin gauze that fell down the post of the headboard.

Tied her wrist, quick as you please, as he straddled her back and held her into place. In the next second, her other wrist was similarly bound with the filmy curtain on the other post.

“Ian, you bastard!” she cried out hoarsely, almost laughing, unable to believe how quickly he had managed to restrain her. And he had restrained her effectively, wrapping the material around the posts close to the mattress so she couldn’t pull herself up.

“Now, let’s see if you can’t be a good girl and let me have my treat,” he growled at her ear. “Be very thankful, Kira, that this night is all that matters. Otherwise, I’d show you exactly how I would control that hot little body of yours.”

Within a second he was pushing her knees into the bed, raising her hips and stretching out on his back. Sort of the position she wanted, except it was the wrong way.

“This is so wrong,” she said, panting as she felt his broad hands cup and palm the cheeks of her ass.

Then he spanked her again. Light little taps, sharp ones, heated heavy caresses as his tongue plunged into her pussy and had her writhing into the caress.

“Untie me.” Her voice was strangled, the imperative need for orgasm rising hard and fast inside her. “I want to touch you too. Taste you.”

“Not on your life.” He nipped at the swollen curve of one labial fold. A soft, gentle little bite that had her jerking in painful pleasure. Damn him, that shouldn’t feel so good. It shouldn’t feel exquisite. She shouldn’t be enjoying weakness, she should be fighting for strength. For control.

But oh, it was so good. Her hips pressed down, driving his tongue deeper, feeling him
. Sweet mercy, his tongue was curling inside her, dragging over the so-sensitive nerves there, and making her pant, making her beg for release.

“Ian, I swear, I’m going to make you pay,” she cried, feeling perspiration coat her body as he shifted, his tongue retreated, only to curl around her clit.

He played there. Sucking the little button into his mouth, rolling it over his tongue, kissing it deep and hot. He blew against it, he moaned against it, and then he licked around it, next to it, close to it, but never enough. Never enough.

“Please . . . oh please, Ian, don’t let me lose it.” She was so close. So close she knew she was going to lose it. That she was going to be pushed to the point that it fizzled and left her with a violent ache that couldn’t be satisfied.

Not again. Oh God, she couldn’t bear it if Ian did that to her. If he brought her so close, only to push her past the point where she could come at all.

Her body was weird. Her sexuality was weird. It would kill her. She couldn’t handle it.

“Ian, it’s been years.” She twisted in her bonds. “Oh God, it’s been so long. Please. Don’t let me lose this. I have to come. Please, Ian.”

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