Naughty Before Christmas (Decadent Delight Series #3) (15 page)

BOOK: Naughty Before Christmas (Decadent Delight Series #3)
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Berlin moved through the crowd as a waiter
who she had hired slipped by her with a tray of empty champagne glasses. The bubbly was going down nice and fast. Hopefully there were still a few more cases left for the toast at midnight. Two other waiters glided by carrying
hors d’oeuvres

he spotted her husband standing near her parents and was moving in their direction when she felt a hand at her elbow.

“This house is beautiful!” Arianna shrieked. “I can’t believe you’ve been holding out on me.”

Smiling apologetically, she shrugged and said, “Sorry, but Reggie and I wanted it to be a surprise.” They had wanted the house to be a secret so she hadn’t told her best friend about her Christmas gift. She and Reggie had waited until all the guests had arrived and made the big announcement in front of everyone.

“Well, I’m definitely surprised. I hate you, you know that
, right?” Arianna teased, there was a hint of envy in her eyes.

“I know
,” she replied with laughter then leaned forward and kissed her best friend’s cheek.

“Can I steal my beautiful wife away?”

Berlin looked up to see her husband standing over her. Her heart pounded beneath her breasts. He looked handsome in charcoal gray slacks and a crisp white dress shirt. The top two buttons were loose showing off his dark chocolate skin.

“I think I can share her,
” Arianna said with a wink.

possessively cupped Berlin’s elbow, leading her away from the room. “Where are we going?” she asked with a laugh.

He gave her that cocky smile she loved so much. “Upstairs. I wanna show you something.”

She laced her fingers with his and followed him up the staircase and down the hall where he opened the last door on the right. Berlin stepped inside and dragged in a long slow breath. The nursery had been decorated in yellow and blue. She swung around, eyes wide with curiosity. “How did you know?” she asked.

adoring gaze was on her. Reaching up, Reggie brushed a lock of hair back from her cheek. “Arianna told me.”

Grinning happily, Berlin
walked over and ran her fingers along the fine craftsmanship of the nursery furniture—a crib, dresser, and changing table. It was the same one she had been admiring in the store’s window the day she had spotted Reggie climbing out his vehicle with Lyric. A beautiful wooden rocker was in the corner near a large stuffed giraffe. “Where did you find this rocker? It looks so familiar.”

up behind her, Reggie wrapped his arms around her waist. “I got it from your father. He said he found it in the attic.”

And then it hit her. It was the rocker her father used to sit in
. Eileen had been on one knee and she on the other while he read their bedtime stories. “Oh my… I remember this chair.” Only it had been stripped and refinished in a dark rich tint to complement the furniture. Berlin took a moment to envision herself sitting in that chair, rocking their child to sleep. “It’s beautiful.” She swung around and gazed up at her husband with tears burning the backs of her eyes. “Thank you, babe.”

“Anything for you and my son,
” he drawled, eyes glinting as he gently rubbed his nose against hers.

grinned at him. “You mean our daughter.”

Chuckling, he leaned in and passionately kissed her lips.

Their life was just starting to get interesting.



Note from the Author


I hope all of you enjoyed revisiting with Reggie, Berlin and the crew. I’m sure this story left you with several unanswered questions that I promise will come to the light in
Put Your Name on It
coming out in Spring 2014. If you haven’t already read
Say My Name
, Dereon and Christina’s story, you might want to get caught up. The rest of those mouthwatering men— Trey, Braxton, and Maximillian will each continue the Decadent Delight Series.

Until next time,


Angie Daniels


Enjoy a sneak peek of

Claiming What’s Mine

~~The Sexy Simmons~~

Coming in 2014



Simmons and her husband Shaun were heading to the register when she snapped her finger. “Baby, I forgot to get barbecue sauce.”

He smiled down at his wife’s adorable face. “Why don’t you go ahead and get in line while I go get some?”

Nodding, she tilted her chin and met Shaun’s lips as he pressed them against hers in a sweet kiss and then he grinned. “I’ll be right back.”

He turned and headed down the grocery store aisle. He scanned the shelves for just the right sauce for his wife’s amazing ribs that she slow-cooked until they were practically falling off the bones. He was a lucky man. After he'd lost his wife to an aneurism, leaving him to raise three small kids on his own, he never thought he’d have a second chance at love. And then he met
Jennifer during a fender bender and it had been the best seven years of his life. His children all had lives of their own. His daughter Sheyna was married to Jace Beaumont and the parents of his only grandchild JJ. Scott had recently married his beautiful fiancée Zanaa. And his son Darnell… Well, he wasn’t quite sure what he was doing except partying and dating as many women as he could fill on his calendar. Hopefully, he would soon be ready to settle down.

He spotted the
condiments and was heading down the aisle when he spotted a little kid running in his direction.

“Chance, come back here!”

He spotted a woman pushing a shopping cart and before the little boy had a chance to rush past him, Shaun reached down and scooped him in his arms.

“Whoa! Slow down little tyke,” he said, causing the little boy to start laughing hysterically.
Smiling, he swung him around and the second he saw his face the air rushed from his lungs.

Dark mahogany skin, large chocolate eyes and a purple birthmark right behind his left ear. He stared in disbelief. Was it possible?

“Thank you so much for catching him,” the woman began, drawing his attention. “I knew the second I let him out of the cart he would start running around the store.”

He looked at the beautiful tall woman with butter-pecan colored skin, light brown eyes and shoulder length brown hair and a wide smile.

“Boys are always a handful.”

“I’m starting to figure that out.” She held out her arms and the little boy practically dove into her arms. Even as he released him, he couldn't stop looking at the little boy. “I’m Liberty and this here is Chance.”

Reaching up he ruffled the little boy’s curls. It’s a pleasure meeting you both.” He dropped his hand and released a nervous laugh. “Forgive me for saying this, but can I ask who his father is?”

Her eyes widened. “Excuse me?”

"I’m sorry, but—”

Shaun! There you are…” his wife said, interrupting. He swung around to spot her hurrying down the aisle pushing the cart. “I forgot to get cheese and lettuce for tacos tonight.” She stopped in front of him, looked at him and must have noticed the disturbed look on his face because her eyes traveled from him to Liberty.

“Hello,” she said and held out her hand. “I’m
Jennifer and you are…?”

She forced a smile. “I’m Liberty Roth and this here is Chance.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet…” He realized the exact moment she looked at the little boy and realization sank in. “Oh my goodness! He looks just like Darnell.”

He nodded and was relieved that his wife agreed. “I was getting ready to say the same thing.”

Liberty looked confused. “Who’s Darnell?”

“My son. That’s his son, isn’t it?”

She shook her head. “I don’t know anyone named Darnell.” She lowered Chance back into the cart then glanced down at her watch. “I better get going. Thanks again for catching him for me. It was a pleasure meeting both of you. Chance, say bye.”

“Bye!” he cried then gave a goofy laugh and
a familiar smile that caused Shaun’s stomach to clench. He knew that look anywhere. It had once belonged to his wife.

Liberty gave a quick wave, then turned and moved quickly down the aisle.

“You know she lying, right?” Jennifer replied.

“Yep. I don’t care what she says that little boy is my grandson.”

*  *  *

“I’ll also have a slice of peach pie.” Sheyna said, completing her order and handing the waitress her menu.

“Sounds good. I’ll be back shortly with your iced tea.”

As soon as the perky young waitress left to help customers sitting at another table, Sheyna gazed across the table at her sister-in-law Bianca and grinned as she said, “You think Jaden suspects anything?”

Danica gave her a saucy grin as she pushed her reddish brown curl from her face. “He doesn’t have a clue. I want our anniversary to be a weekend he’ll never forget.”

“A weekend in Bermuda. Trust me, he’ll never suspect a thing.”

Smiling, she released a heavy sigh. “I just hope so. Although, I feel a little guilty planning a romantic weekend just to try and get my way.”

She wagged her eyebrows. “Why not? There is nothing wrong with a woman using what she’s got to get what she wants.” Sheyna told her, shaking her head with an amused grin.

“We’re being bad.” Danica tilted her head to one side, considering the possibility with a nervous smile. “You and I both know that I gave up modeling to move here. I don’t think Jaden is going to like that I have decided to model again.”

Sheyna ignored the uncertainty in her voice. “But it’s not like you’re going back to hitting the runway. You’re just promoting your swimsuit design. Just tell him you’re on your way to being the next Kimora Lee Simmons.”

Danica folded her arms across her breasts. She didn’t look convinced.

Their waitress returned with their drinks. Sheyna heard her phone ringing. She scooped up her purple Dooney bag, dug in the side pocket and glanced down at the number across the screen. It was her father.

She signaled to Danica she was stepping out, then rose from her chair. “Hey Daddy,” she said merrily as she sauntered out of the restaurant and into the hall.

“Hello sweetheart. How’s everyone doing?”

“We’re good. JJ has a soccer game on Wednesday.”

“Don’t worry. You tell him his grandpa wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

She adored her father. He had been an amazing provider and adored his only grandson. She moved over to the window and stared out at the Sheraton Beach. Boats were docked all along the harbor. “What’s going on Daddy?” They usually talked at least once or twice a week, but they had just talked last night.

“I was trying to find Darnell and was wondering if you knew where he was?”

She gave a rude snort. “Probably with some chick.” Her youngest brother had a reputation of being a heartbreaker. She wasn’t sure if he’d ever settle down despite several attempts at fixing him up. “Have you tried Scott?”

“He wasn’t home when I called.” She didn’t miss the frustration in his voice.

“Daddy, what’s wrong?”

There was a slight hesitation. “This may sound crazy but I just ran into a woman at
the store with a little boy who was the spitting image of Darnell.”

“What?” she gasped.

“It’s true!” she heard Jennifer yelling into the phone.

“How… what…”
Sheyna took a deep breath and started again. “Is it one of his exes?”
And if so, which one
? There had been so many, she gave up trying to keep up years ago.

“She denies even knowing him, but a father knows his genes and that boy is my grandson. I’d bet my entire pension check on it.”

“Wow! You are serious.” Sheyna racked her brain trying to remember if there was anyone who stood out. “How old’s the little boy? Do you know the woman’s name?”

“The little boy… his name is Chance, looks to be around four and his mother is Liberty Roth.”

“Liberty Roth,” she mumbled repeatedly under her breath hoping that it sounded familiar, but it didn’t ring a bell. “The name doesn’t sound familiar.”

“That boy has a lot of explaining to do. You know how I feel about my sons taking care of their responsibilities,” he said, and there was no mistaking the disappointment.

“Daddy, I’m sure Darnell has a good explanation. In fact, maybe he doesn’t even know he has a child.”
Until I found out otherwise, I was going to try and give him the benefit of a doubt

“I sure hope so. Well, if you get in touch with your brother have him call me.”

“I will Daddy. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

Sheyna ended the call, her brain racing with possibilities. Was it possible? She had a nephew to spoil. Jace had several nieces and nephews that he adored, but this little boy was possibly a Simmons. And that made it worth finding out.

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