Read Natural Lust Online

Authors: Madison Sevier

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Collections & Anthologies

Natural Lust (3 page)

BOOK: Natural Lust
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“No wonder so many people from all over the world come here. I can’t imagine a more perfect place.”

For the second time in as many days, she found she was alone at a little slice of heaven. She slipped off her shoes and waded through the cool water. The ten foot fall poured down the mountain side almost magically and created a small pool before travelling further down into another fall which led to a two hundred foot drop into the river. Kallie stood gazing in awe at the majestic scene.

She again tried to capture the perfect picture of the natural structure. “How can a world full of evil, corrupt people also contain such beauty?”

“I’ve often wondered that myself.”

“Aaaah!” Kallie spun to see who had intruded her sanctuary and lost her footing. Strong, tanned arms caught her before she plummeted into the raging river two hundred feet below. However, her phone took the steep plunge and disappeared into the river below.

“Whoa, there.” He held her in his embrace as Kallie’s heart tried to right itself. “Lady, how do we keep meeting like this?” His crooked smile fading quickly as Kallie struggled and broke free of his grasp.

“Dammit! You! Now look what you’ve done! Are you stalking me or something?”

“Easy there. No need to freak out. I was just passing through on my way to the next waterfall on this park map.” He held up a cranberry, green and white brochure featuring a large map of the state park’s many trails. “You should be glad I’m here. Seems you’re a bit clumsy and this is the worst place for a clumsy gal to be alone.” His eyes, the color of endless pools danced with amusement as Kallie’s cheeks turned crimson with frustration.

“Clumsy? Are you serious? I was doing fine on my own until you showed up…again. Do you have some kind of grudge against electronics and mobile devices or something? That makes three things of mine you’ve ruined.” Tears slid down Kallie’s face. Losing her phone, her camera with pictures of her incredible retreat trampled the last bit of composure she had.

“Okay, my mistake. Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you drop your phone. You really should’ve kept a better grip on it, you know.”

Kallie summoned every ounce of patience she could as once again, the man’s patronizing tone sent sparks of irritation throughout her body. What a jerk! She didn’t need this kind of treatment. Kallie was there to relax and get away from jerks like him. Was it too much to ask for one weekend without drama?

“Ya’ know what, never mind. I don’t need your apology and I don’t have anything left for you to ruin, so please just go away.” Kallie turned to leave, doing her best to mask a sniffle.

“Hey, lady? Don’t be so sensitive. I was only trying to be funny and I really am sorry. How about we start over?” He held out his hand. “Truce?”

Sensitive? Was this guy for real?

“Why would I want to start over? I’m here for the weekend and then I’m going home. I have no desire to see you or speak to you again. As for your truce, you can shove—”

“Whoa! You are a feisty one, aren’t you? Well, I thought we could be civil for manners sake, I suppose.” The silver tongued, charmer was back, but Kallie was having none of it.

“Manners?” she snorted. “Ha! That’s hilarious coming from you.”

 Kallie stood, hand on hip, pointedly glaring at him until he acquiesced and nodded.

“Yeah, I deserved that. But how about this, if you will allow me to introduce myself and if you’ll introduce yourself, we can wipe the slate clean and I won’t have to call you lady. I’ll hand you the money right now to pay for the items you claim I ruined.”

“You did…”

His rakish smile stopped her from re-igniting the flammable situation. “Tsk, tsk. I asked politely. So, what’ll it be?”

Kallie mulled over his proposition. She knew she could afford to buy her own new gadgets, but the damage it would do to her credit cards would be hefty. Besides, this guy destroyed them, he should have to pay for them and maybe an introduction along with a clean slate conversation would be good karma.

“Fine. My name is Kallie.” She held out her hand for him to shake.

“Kallie. And do you have a last name, Kallie?”

“Masters.” She stood ramrod straight with her arms crossed over her middle, as he appraised her.

“Kallie Masters.” He seemed to ponder it as he said it aloud. “I like it. Very fitting for your sunshiny disposition.”

“Well hip, hip-hooray. So glad it pleases you.”

“So, tell me. Are you always this pleasant, Kallie Masters?”

“Only when I’m being held against my will by people who break my belongings.”

“Does that happen often? I mean, being held against your will by mean electronics vandals?” His chuckle broke through Kallie’s mood, deepening the color staining her cheeks.

“No. In fact, it’s never happened before.”

“So I’m lucky number one, huh? Great.”

“Ha, ha” Kallie chided his eye roll. “And your name is?”

“Hank Fogle, destroyer of all things expensive and electronic at your service.” He bowed dramatically causing another smile to creep across Kallie’s face.

“So, Hank Fogle what brings you to the mountains?”

“Oh, I needed to get away from the city for awhile. I haven’t been here in a few years and the weather was right, so I packed up and came on down. What brought you here Ms. Masters? Were you looking for a reason to buy new techno-gadgets? If so, I’d say we were destined to meet.”

Kallie couldn’t help but smile. “Just needed a break. Well, my boss said I needed a break so here I am.”

“And I inadvertently ruined your break. I really am sorry. Here,” he took out his wallet and held out a wad of bills.

“No. It was just as much my fault. Keep your money. I’m sorry I yelled at you.” Hank raised his eyebrows. “Really, I am sorry, Hank. I don’t know why I treated you so horribly. It was my own fault for having those things around water.”

“Well, Kallie, I’d still like to make it up to you. Would you care to join me on the next leg of my hike? After that we could go find some dinner. I mean, if you aren’t busy or something.”

“Why not? It’d actually be nice to have someone to talk to while I’m here. But are you sure? You don’t have to spend time with me out of pity. Don’t you have a wife or a girlfriend, boyfriend or something?” Her heart raced as she prayed Hank’s answer would be no.

“Should I? Does everyone need to be attached to another at the hip? ” His tone was a bit sarcastic, almost as if he hated the thought of having a special someone. Kallie wondered who had hurt this gorgeous man so terribly.

“Well, I just can’t believe you’d be single.” Kallie noticed his attempt to throw her off track and continued, “I mean, with your ability to rid the world of evil electronic devices, I figured some woman would’ve snatched you up by now.” That and the man was sinfully hot! The closer he stood to her, Kallie could feel his body heat. It mixed with a scent she could only describe as his and it sent her libido into over drive. After the previous night’s dreams, she was all too eager to see if he could live up to her fantasies.

“Touché`. And no, there is no wife, girlfriend, fuck buddy or blow up doll. I’m single. As single as it gets.” His laugh was intoxicating and Kallie’s panties grew wetter by the second. The mere mention of a ‘fuck buddy’ set her loins on fire.

“Good.” She cooed. “I mean, that’s nice. Not nice that you don’t have anyone but, er…”

“It’s okay. I know what you meant.” His eyes seemed to darken with lust and Kallie stood across from him, just out of reach.

“Oh. Good,” Kallie’s heart pounded, if only he would come closer. “I wouldn’t want anyone mad at you for talking to me.”

“Is that what we’re doing? Talking?” He closed the gap between them, pressing his body against hers, bracing himself with a hand on the rock wall above Kallie’s head, while his other hand gently touched her cheek.

The heat between them was growing out of control, Kallie needed to touch him, taste him. He led her by the hand behind the cascading waterfall. While mist coated their arms, Kallie leaned forward ever so slightly and they came together in a mash of lips and tongues, each probing the others mouth. Kallie nibbled his bottom lip before sucking it into her mouth as Hank’s hands roamed her curves.

Kallie reached for his groin, cupping him through his jeans. “Mmm,” was all Kallie could utter as their kisses grew more heated, more frenzied.

She felt like she was on fire as he licked and sucked at her neck, leaving steaming trails in the wake of his mouth. Hank’s hands slid under the fabric of her tank top, almost as if he were in a hurry. He made quick work of removing her shirt and bra before looking at her like she was the most beautiful woman ever.

“Kallie.” His voice rough and raspy before he leaned in to cover her breasts in kisses.

She kneaded her hands through his thick, dark hair as Hank sucked one rosy bud into his hot mouth. Instantly, her pussy clenched with need and soaked her panties.

With the noise of the waterfall in the background and no one around, they continued to explore each other, taste each other neither able to get enough. It suddenly occurred to Kallie anyone could come upon them and find them in their precarious position and it drove her wild. The risk of getting caught making love in this wonderland of nature spurred her desire to new levels.

Kallie yanked the button of Hank’s jeans open and slid out of his grasp. Taking his zipper between her teeth, she slowly pulled it down over his large package. Hank held her shoulders as she lowered his jeans and boxers. A murmur of approval escaped her as she saw his cock for the first time. Hank wrapped his hands in her hair as she looked up at him and smiled, his eyes dark and heavy lidded with desire.

Kallie licked her lips, taking Hank into her mouth, she moaned in ecstasy. He was so big, so hard and she did her best to take him as deep as she could, sucking as she pulled her head up and licking as she went back down. Hank’s knees buckled a bit as she took his shaft in her hand, pumping him and sucking the head simultaneously. Kallie’s pussy tightened, jealous of the attention her mouth was getting.

Hank’s cock pulsed and throbbed letting Kallie know how close he was to coming. “Where do you want it?”

She looked up at him, pumping, stroking “Where do you want to put it?” she whispered. “Do you want it here?” She slid her hand up and down. “Or here?” Kallie again covered him with her mouth. “Here?” She looked up at him, cupping her soaked crotch, still covered by shorts.

Hank groaned in ecstasy again as she continued to rub and stroke his large shaft. “Here?” She let go of him, squeezing her breasts together, her own touch bringing her to orgasm.

“Aaaah.” Kallie reached down between her thighs, grinding her clit against her hand while Hank stroked himself until her climax was over.

“No fair, Kallie.” A primal growl tore from his throat and he pulled her to her feet in an instant. Hank ripped her shorts off, sheathed himself with a condom and picked her up in short, swift motions. She wrapped her legs around him as he pinned her to the wall behind the water fall. The rock wall, smooth from years of weathering and cool against her skin, provided the perfect contrast to Hank’s touch as his hot hands softly caressed her nipples.

His hands dug into her ass as she rode him. “Harder, faster!” she cried.

Hank was only too willing to oblige as he lifted her ass, meeting her stroke for stroke. Kallie’s pussy again clenching and squeezing as she came closer to orgasm. Hank pounded into her nipping and biting her breasts as they bounced in his face. Sensing Kallie was about to explode, Hank slid his thumb into her anus, sending them both over the edge of oblivion. They came together in a rush of pants and moans, Kallie milking every last drop of Hank’s seed and her nectar slickened core covered his shaft mixing with her honey as it coated his balls.

“Oh my god, Hank! Yes! Yes!”

“Kallie!” With one last grunt Hank emptied himself into her.

He held her there as she rode out the remainder of her orgasm, whimpering and moaning. If it were up to him, they would never leave this spot.

Kallie unwound her legs from Hank’s waist and he gently stood her on the cavern floor. “Are you sure you can stand?” He kindly asked as he slipped off the latex sheath, wrapping it in a napkin he retrieved from his pants pocket.

“Whoa, maybe you’re right.” She giggled as her legs quivered like jelly.

“Easy there. Just take a minute to get your bearings.” Hank held her, kissing her forehead, rubbing his hands up and down her bare arms.

“I’m fine. Thank you.” Kallie smiled. Just the simple act of his kiss, had her craving more of him. “We should probably, um, get dressed before someone catches us.”

“You’re right.” His laughter was like music to her. The sound of his voice seemed to touch her soul in ways she didn’t know was possible.

Kallie knew this was just a romp. No strings she told herself, no strings. She quickly finished dressing and tried to tame her wild tresses with her hands, combing through the worst of the matted parts on the back of her head.

“You look beautiful,” Hank said softly.

At a loss for words, Kallie just nodded.

“So, what should we do? Wanna’ go shopping for new gadgets? Or how about that dinner I promised you?”

“Um, sure. But I need to shower and change first. I can’t go out to a restaurant looking like this.”

“Why not? I bet they’ve seen plenty of people with twigs and leaves in their hair around here..” His eyes alight with mischief.

Kallie’s hand flew to her head, checking for twigs, as Hank snickered.

“Just kidding, Kallie. I told you, you look beautiful. But I understand. I should probably get cleaned up, too. How about I drop you off at home and then I will come back in an hour to get you?”

“Sure, that’d be great.” Kallie knew it wouldn’t take her an hour. She had no idea how she’d be able to wait another hour to see Hank. How was she going to make it through dinner without hopping up on the table and begging him to fuck her right there?

“You okay?”

“Um, yeah. Sorry. Just thinking about what to wear, you know, girl stuff.”

“Do you always blush when you’re planning your outfit?”

BOOK: Natural Lust
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