Natural Born Liar: The Misadventures of Mink LaRue (12 page)

BOOK: Natural Born Liar: The Misadventures of Mink LaRue
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ilar was on one as she stormed through the chilly mansion in her wet clothes and hurried back to her suite. She couldn’t believe Barron had let that bitch suck him off while she was right there in the goddamn bathroom! And then she’d had to huddle in the damn shower for another thirty minutes while Carla took a bath and soaked her ass right there in the room with her!
Pilar sloshed into her suite with her perm plastered to her head and her dry-clean-only gear all fucked up. Her fiancé, Ray, was watching CNN, and when she walked in he looked up and jumped to his feet.
“Damn! What happened, baby? Did you go back outside and fall in the pool or something?”
“Yeah,” Pilar said stiffly. She was so freakin’ cold her lips were blue and her teeth were chattering. “I fell in the fuckin’ pool.”
She sniffled as Ray helped her pull off her wet clothes and murmured soft, comforting words. “It’s okay,” Ray soothed her as his big, clumsy hands stroked her back. “You’re freezing, girl. Let me run you a hot bath.”
Pilar accepted Ray’s royal treatment as he helped her into the deep claw-foot tub that her aunt had gotten specially installed in her suite. As Selah’s only niece, Pilar had always been spoiled like a daughter, and her suite at the mansion was just as grand as everyone else’s.
The hot, bubbly water relaxed Pilar enough so she could gather her thoughts and plan her next move. She soaked for thirty minutes and then stood up and allowed Ray to pat her firm body dry with one of the European King of Cotton bath towels that Viceroy had sent home when he was on a business trip in London.
She stretched out on her stomach and Ray’s hands felt strong on her back and legs as he massaged handfuls of lavender bedtime oil into her skin. His fat little fingers played the piano on her neck, across her shoulders, and straight down the middle of her spine. Pilar moaned just a little bit as he kneaded the top of her booty cheeks and sent chills vibrating deep in the crack of her ass.
She pressed her face deeper into the pillow. The last thing she wanted to think about was hairy-ass Ray with his big belly and jiggly man-tits, so she squeezed her eyes shut and imagined it was Barron back there making her pussy get nice and wet.
She could still taste his dick on her lips and remembered how that big black thing had jerked deliciously in her hands. Ray was slathering a whole handful of oil on her round ass. Pilar squeezed her cheeks when she felt a little bit drip down into her crack.
Ray’s thumbs massaged the sensitive area right around her starfish. She could hear him breathing hard as he spread her cheeks open and gently kissed her down there. His beard was scratchy, but Pilar liked it. She thought about how Barron’s lips might have felt on her if she’d had a chance to get him the way she wanted to.
She yelped as Ray slid his hand under her body and lifted her hips in the air. She balanced a little bit on both knees and gripped the sheets in her fists when his tongue slithered into her from behind. It was long and firm, and he knew how to make it stiff and put his bomb head game down on her.
“Uh-uh-uh-uh!” Pilar cried out and humped rhythmically as Ray fucked her with his meaty tongue. It felt so hot and good sliding in and out of her pussy that she forgot how much she couldn’t stand his ass, and she slid her knees apart and opened herself up even wider so she could ride that shit a little harder.
Pilar reached between her legs and rubbed her clit. She crushed it between her pointer and middle finger and squeezed it to the beat that Ray’s soft tongue had going in her wetness. She squealed out loud when he abandoned her hole and swirled around her clit and licked her sticky fingers. He stroked downward and stabbed into her wetness again, then withdrew quickly and attacked her asshole, licking it gently and causing her pussy to spasm in her hand.
“Eat it!” she demanded, screaming into the pillow. “Eat it, dammit, eat it!”
She was up on her knees all the way now. Ray held her cheeks open wide as he dipped his face lower and sucked her clit like it was a sweet, swollen cherry. Pilar rose up on all fours and threw her head back. She grunted twice, then came right in his mouth, squirting her sweet juice all over his magnificent tongue.
“Wow!” she panted and collapsed flat on her face. Ray started planting small, gentle kisses on her ass and she knocked him away with a rude bump of her hip.
“Can we make love tonight?” Ray’s hand was in his lap as he spoke in a gentle, hopeful voice.
Pilar came up on her elbows and glared at him over her shoulder in annoyance.
“No, Ray! I’m not in the mood for sex. I’m too tired. Maybe another time.”
loved all my new hood uncles, aunts, and cousins! We stayed up talking shit and dancing and listening to Dane and Jock spit lyrics for half the night. Them jawns could put some beer and liquor away, and after a while the waiters just left the damn bottles out on the tables so we could go for ours. The cousins were real chill, and I was glad they were staying the night at the mansion. Selah told me the whole family was flying down to Houston tomorrow to see Viceroy, and she invited me and Bunni to go too.
Bunni called herself falling into Dane’s lap and sitting her ass there for a few minutes, and when she got up everybody laughed ’cause his dick was hard and sticking straight out in front of him.
I got kinda tipsy and accidently walked into the pool. Them Houston niggas had been feeling my slinky red bikini, and about ten of them crazy fools jumped in to rescue me. I cracked up when one of the cousins from Brooklyn came outta the pool styling my dripping-wet white wig and doing an imitation of me switching my ass.
When the night was finally over I took a shower then climbed in that big old bed and slept like I was stretched out on cotton balls. Bunni was snoring real loud and ugly in her room, but I was too comfortable to get up and close my door.
The satin sheets felt like heaven against my skin, and I smiled as I dug my face all in the plush pillow. This was the type of life I had always dreamed of. A family that had whips, mansions, and enough gwap to make all my dreams come true. I fell asleep thinking about the white Maybach I’d seen in the driveway, imagining that it was all mine.
! Wake up. We about to break out for Houston, girl. Which one of these do you think I should wear?”
It seemed like I had just blinked, and suddenly Bunni was standing over me telling me to get up.
I opened one eye. I wasn’t shit in the mornings, and Bunni knew it. She was standing next to my bed butt-ass naked and holding up two pairs of jeans. Her stomach was flat as hell, and her titties looked like two chocolate tennis balls.
“Mink! Which ones, I said? The yellow ones or the pink ones?”
I groaned and turned over. “Can you just get ya lil ugly coochie outta my face, man? I mean, damn! Can you just do that for me? I mean, that just ain’t nothing I wanna see first thing in the morning, okay?”
She sucked her teeth. “Which ones, dammit?”
“The yellow ones,” I grumbled.
“Those got pockets on the ass though. My booty looks better with nothing on the back.”
“The red ones then.”
“They’re pink, okay? Pink!”
I was half-hungover and mad that I had to get up, but I knew me and Bunni had work to do. It was Saturday, and we were all gonna fly down to Houston in the Dominions’ private jet so we could visit Selah’s husband at the hospital. He was still in a coma, but he kept going in and out. I wasn’t really tryna go see nobody in the hospital, but I needed to take advantage of every opportunity to get closer to Selah.
Bunni had gotten up way earlier than me. She’d already been on her laptop working on Mr. Pain Slut, who was now using the nickname Jed Clamp It, and she said my DNA test was practically in the bag.
“Oh it better be,” I warned her and swept my glance around the room. “Or we can kiss all this here shit good-bye!”
I washed my hair in the shower and rubbed some conditioner on the ends. I was gonna cool it on the wigs for today because I wanted Selah to see a softer side of me. I squeezed the water out of my hair with a towel so it could air-dry and get all curly. I put on just a little mascara and some lipstick and left the rest of my face alone. I was going for the sweet, innocent look, not my regular wild and freaky self.
“You wearing a dress?” Bunni walked in again without knocking and smirked.
“Yep.” I had slipped into a soft, peach-colored crocheted mini-dress that was simple but sexy. It had a body-glove under it in a slightly darker shade that hugged my curves just enough to keep it tasteful. “I want the Dominions to think I got some class,” I told her. “Besides, we gonna be up in a hospital full of sick people. I ain’t tryna give no old man a heart attack.”
“Maybe you not,” Bunni twirled around and checked out her heart-shaped, super-booty in the mirror. “But I am.”
ane checked Mink and Bunni out as they came down the winding grand staircase the next morning. They looked like a pair of ghetto princesses with curves in all the right places. They reminded him of all the fly chicks he fucked with in the dorms at college. He had been born into money, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have a nose for the hood life. He had fought his father tooth and nail for the right to go to a historically black university, but college was just a front for his real grind. Dane was a rapper, a balla, a lover, and a lyrical monster, and he kept his ear close to the urban life. He was well-respected in the trenches and well-loved in all the hottest nightclubs. Known as Danger on the streets, when Dane stepped up to the mic nothing but pure fiyah spewed from his lips, and he was living proof that you didn’t have to live in grime to have grime in your heart.
“Wussup?” He kissed Mink and Bunni on their cheeks. Just looking at them made him slip into Danger mode. Their gear was fresh and their faces were gorgeous, but despite all that, the odor of the ghetto still came off these babes in big fat waves.
“Hey shawty.” He grinned at Bunni. “You killin’ them red dreds, ma. That’s how they rock them up in Harlem, huh?”
“Yeah.” Bunni reached up and touched her hair. “We got all kinds of braid and twist shops around our way. Yours are real nice too. You should put some color on your tips or something. Where do you get yours twisted?”
Dane wasn’t about to admit that he had an old lady come to the crib once a week and hook him up. He was one of them bougie-ass rappers. Instead of going to a shop, he dished off some dough and had a stylist come in and shampoo, condition, and twist his shit up right in the comfort of his own home.
“A friend of mine has her own shop,” he lied. “She hooks me up.”
“Well introduce me to her!” Bunni said. “’Cause I’ma need somebody down here to give me a re-do in about two weeks.”
“Two weeks?” Barron had walked up behind them. “I thought you two were flying back to New York right after Mink gets her DNA test done on Monday? At least that’s the story y’all told my mother, right?”
Both Dominion brothers busted the look on Mink’s pretty face and Dane laughed inside as she scrambled to come up with a good one.

going back to New York on Monday,” she corrected Barron. “Bunni has friends in Texas. She’s gonna be down here for two weeks visiting them.”
“Oh, yeah?” Barron turned to Bunni and hit her again real smooth. “What part of Texas are your friends from?”
Bunni looked shook, and Barron could tell she didn’t know Dallas from Dickweed.
“Umm ... I think they live in Houston.”
Barron smirked. This chick was slow. Houston was probably the only other city in Texas that she’d ever heard of.
“Oh, that’s cool,” he spit real slick. “I’ll send somebody upstairs to grab your bags. Since we’re flying down to Houston today we can drop you off at your friend’s house and save you another trip.”
“Yo, raise up, Bump.” Dane got in between them. Barron had a way of riding shit into the ground, which was one of the reasons Dane was stuck in the fucked up position he was in right now. “It’s all good, dude. Leave the ladies alone. They’ll let us know when they’re ready to bounce.”
Dane was actually glad Mink had showed up when she did, and he wanted her to stick around for a while so she could take all the attention off of him and his legal problems. Yeah, he lived large while he was under his father’s roof, but he’d already gotten his hundred-grand inheritance and his ass was dead broke. He was going into his sixth year in a four-year college, and he’d spent the past two semesters smoking as much weed and fuckin’ as many dorm chickens as he could slide his dick in.
But somebody had gotten mad jealous and busted on him to the administration. He was running out of money and fighting a sexual assault charge at the same time, and if that last piece of information got out in the open it could mess up his stake in the family’s trust fund.
Especially if Barron found out. If their father didn’t come out of his coma real soon, then Barron could end up in charge of the Dominions’ millions, and Dane just didn’t trust Barron, the brother who had never done a damn thing wrong in his entire life, to look out for him.
“Be cool,” Dane told his brother, and Barron backed off slightly, then came at Mink from another direction.
“Hey Mink, do you remember when we were little and Uncle Suge bought us a baby goat named Blackie?”
Mink shrugged. “I think so ... yeah, I kinda do remember that....”
“I don’t know how because he bought us a pony named Whitey.”
“Oh well. I don’t remember no damn pony at all. But then again I don’t remember your ass neither.”
“Shit, I don’t remember a pony
a goddamn goat,” Dane said. “So what you saying, man? I ain’t ya brother?”
Barron dapped Dane out and slapped him on the back.
“Hell yeah you’re my brother, man. And you know that dawg.” He turned and busted on Mink. “But this chick ain’t my sister.”
Mink opened her mouth to bite him, but Dane interrupted and squashed it.
“Ay, chill with all that shit, Bump.” Dane put one arm around Mink and the other arm around Bunni. “Check it out. Me and the ladies are gonna take a quick walk out back. We’ll meet y’all out front in a few minutes.”

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