Nano Surveillance (Dave Henson Series Book 1) (29 page)

BOOK: Nano Surveillance (Dave Henson Series Book 1)
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“Jeff, I’d like to explain now a little bit more about what we have for plans over the next couple of days and how we’d like to have you help us.”

Again Jeff did not say anything and simply nodded for Dave to continue as he took a sip of his coffee.

“As you already know we’ve been closely monitoring and reporting to the public the activities of the President, a number of people in his administration, certain members of Congress, and a few businessmen. Our objective has been to fill the void where the national news media, including ABO News Corporation, and the White House press have so badly let down the American public.  Our President and his administration are nothing more than bought and paid for elitist pawns controlled by a handful of international billionaires around the world. As Dana has already stated, these billionaire men are anti-American globalists, who’d prefer to see the fall of our country, and the entire world under the sole political control of the United Nations. Through their investments in media corporations, such as Barbas with ABO, and the politicians that they have financed over the years, they have created an unhealthy and dangerous symbiotic relationship between the federal government and the national press. Historically the national press has operated as a quasi-fourth branch of the federal government, serving a valuable role to the public by providing independent oversight of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Today, unfortunately, we’ve witnessed the national press morph, and to a significant extent merge, with the federal government branches, particularly with the executive branch and to a lesser extent the legislative one. There are numerous cases, for example, where we can find a husband or wife holding a senior position in the White House, and his or her spouse working as an executive or senior reporter for a news network. We also see similar cases with siblings and parent/children relationships. Moreover, we’ve observed the national press become increasingly tied to one political party. A party that I might add who would also like to see a one world global order, at least as defined and socially engineered by them.”

“Yes, I regretfully can’t deny what you say is true,” responded Jeff. “However, do you think spying on government officials and businesses using your nanotechnology sensors is ethically right?” questioned Jeff pointedly to Dave.

“I wrestled with that same question before embarking on this journey,” responded Dave. “After spending considerable time thinking about it, I came to the conclusion that what I was doing was not unlike what the colonial Patriots did in Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts during the Revolutionary War. Instead of standing in a line and firing volleys at their enemies like the British soldiers did, they employed guerrilla warfare tactics. The Patriots attacked the British troops at random along the roads from Lexington to Boston as the British soldiers retreated.” 

“Trying to win a war using the same tactics as your enemy is an act of folly. The colonial Patriots did what they needed to do to achieve their freedom from a tyranny government.  Dana and I, along with some of my colleagues at NSurv, are doing no different. We are simply employing unconventional tactics, and in our case new technology, to once again free our country from a tyranny government, a corrupt and complicit media, and foreign enemies. As the Renaissance English poet and playwright John Lyly’s Euphues famously once said, “The rules of fair play do not apply in love and war”. And make no mistake, Jeff, our country is at war.  There are many people around the world, as well as in our own country that want to see the destruction of it. It’s just that much of the public hasn’t yet realized it, due in major part to today’s national press, who has effectively become enemy combatants of its own country and people.”

“We’re changing that dynamics, however. By “spying”, if you will, on our corrupt federal government and its allies, and reporting our findings via our video releases, we are educating the public. And as you can see by the protests growing around the country, people are getting the message. They are not out on the streets demanding the capture of the perpetrators who are recording and releasing these videos, but instead chanting “impeach the President” and “impeach the Congress”. So knowing we have the public’s support validates and only hardens my decision that we are doing the right thing. And I’m hoping you too are beginning to understand what we are doing is indeed right for the country and the public.”

“Do you realize that you’ve got the full force of the federal government hunting you down?” asked Jeff. “The President has deployed both the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security to track you down and terminate your activities. If they catch you, your actions for eradicating the country of this President and his administration will be for naught. And do you realize what they will do if they get access to your nanotechnology? The public will be far worse off than they are today. The government will use your technology to monitor and control every person in this country. From what I can only surmise of your nanotechnology, people will effectively be spying on themselves and reporting to the government their daily actions without even realizing it. To me, if you are not successful in your mission, or if your technology is loosed to the world’s corrupt politicians and criminals, we’ll all be living on a much less safer planet than we are today.”

The waitress returned with Jeff’s lunch.

As he began to eat his meal Dana asked, “Jeff, do you really think we won’t eventually succeed? As Dave just said, look what’s playing out already all over the country with the protests. The videos we’ve already released have brought down the Vice President and the Speaker of the House, regrettably with the Speaker in a most unfortunate way. The President’s administration is already starting to shake. There is no chance that his Transportation Movement Act will ever see the light of day. The new Speaker of the House will almost surely not even bring it up for discussion. The Senate Majority Leader, of the President’s own party I might add, is now trying to distance himself from it. It is simply a matter of time before the President and his allies, in and out of the beltway, fall. The question to you is, do you want to be part of this revolution and have a chance to be a major player in reforming our national press when it’s all over, or do you want to continue to play the hand you’ve been dealt for the past five years with Barbas and Grivas.“

“In regards to your concern for our technology,” interrupted Dave. “Don’t you think we haven’t already contemplated your concerns and have taken the necessary precautions to protect it from getting into the hands of nefarious people such as our President? That said, just like other major technologies like nuclear power, we have no illusions that others won’t eventually discover our technology and that both national and international policies will need to be implemented to protect human rights around the world from it. I hope when we get to that point, that like Robert Oppenheimer who was the father of the atomic bomb, I can help guide our government in establishing prudent policies to protect people from its dangerous applications and misuse.”

Dave went for the jugular. “And if you don’t agree to work with us, and we are successful in accomplishing our mission, what do you think your career future will be?” asked Dave. “As an executive with ABO, you’ll be tossed out as part of the national media reform and will most likely never find work again in journalism.”

Jeff placed his fork down on the table and looked up from his plate at Dave and Dana for what seemed like a minute, but in reality was only a few seconds.  He had made his decision to fully commit.

“Okay. I’m onboard,” he finally said. “How can I help? What do you want from me that will accelerate the take down of this President?”

Dana nodded and smiled ever so imperceptibly to Jeff. Not in a victorious way of any sort, but in a sign of respect for his decision to support their cause. And also to a lesser extent, that he had confirmed her opinion and intuition of him and his character.

Dave reached across the table, put out his hand and said, “Welcome aboard,” to Jeff.

Jeff responded in return and extended his hand. With a simple handshake they sealed their partnership.

As Jeff continued to eat his meal, Dave explained to him how they wanted his help.

“As we’ve already told you, and you are acutely aware, our videos have been very effective in eliciting the desired response from the public. We have one more video that we are planning to release Sunday evening that shows the President negotiating directly with Barbas and another Chinese billionaire from Shanghai named Chung Lee.”

“Yes, I am familiar with him,” responded Jeff. “He is the head of Yeh Electric Train in China.”

“Exactly,” replied Dave. “And who do you think the President has tapped for building the MAGLEV locomotives and passenger cars? Not an American company. Instead he plans to outsource that work to Mr. Lee’s Yeh Electric Train Company.”

Jeff just shook his head in disgust.

“And for the guideways, or MAGLEV rails, he plans to use the German company DGK International. Do you know who owns a controlling interest in DGK?” asked Dave.

“I have no idea,” replied Jeff.

“None other than your boss’s boss, Dimitris Barbas.”

Jeff shook his head again as he ratcheted up his level of contempt for Dimitris Barbas. The level of greed and corruption of men like Dimitris Barbas continued to amaze him. The Barbass of the world could never seem to have their thirst for more power and money slaked, no matter how rich and powerful they already were.

“Although we are confident that this next video will bring the President down, we want to ensure so by having you deliver the coup de grace,” said Dana.

“How exactly do you want me to deliver the coup de grace?” asked Jeff.

“By following up with ABO’s own investigative news report on the sordid facts of the President and his tidy relationship between Barbas, and other anti-American globalist billionaires and entities around the world,” responded Dave. “I’m sure ABO’s recorded a plethora of its own foul evidence on the President and his administration over the years that will corroborate much of what we have already shown the public to date. By providing a second source to the country on the twisted workings of our President and his administration our work will be validated.  And more importantly, remove any remaining public support for the President. Whether he resigns, is impeached, or both, you, the national press, or more specifically ABO, will be the one that delivers the final blow to him. By doing so, you will start the process of restoring the public trust in the national press.”

“Yes, as you say, we certainly have a large file of dirt on this President that we’ve kept sealed up over the years,” Jeff responded contemplatively.

Jeff thought for a moment before continuing speaking. “Okay. Agreed. I’ll do it. When do you want me to run the piece?”

“We will run our last video on Sunday evening. We’d like you to run your piece the following evening to deliver the final blow.”

“I think I can pull it together in that timeframe,” responded Jeff.

“Who do you think you would use as the investigative reporter to deliver the news piece?” asked Dana.

“Kevin Ames. He’s a veteran investigative reporter and well respected in the eyes of the public. He’s also done a number of investigative news pieces over the years and has won critical acclaim on a couple of them. Most importantly, he has come to me on a number of occasions over the years venting about the President and the corruption in his administration. He will love tackling this assignment.”

“A perfect pick,” responded Dana. “I was going to recommend him if you weren’t sure who to ask.”

“Well it sounds like we’re all in agreement and have a plan,” said Dave. “We should probably get going as we all have a lot on our plate over the next 72 hours.”

Dave called over the waitress Chloe and asked for the check. After settling up on the bill, the three of them left the diner thanking both Chloe and the cook for the great service and food.

Jeff’s pilot had already been milling around the Cessna 207 plane when they walked out onto the ramp. The three shook hands and parted, Jeff carrying his briefcase and luggage to the 207, and Dave and Dana returning to their Cessna 182.

Dave let the Cessna 207 depart the airfield before he fired up the Cessna’s 182’s engine and taxied down to the end of the runway. As they taxied, Dana looked out at the small Canadian airport one last time and thought about how their meeting, at this remote little airport, would change the face of Washington D.C. forever. With that last thought, she looked at the reflection of herself in the window and saw that she was smiling. It had been a great meeting. Now she just had to survive the flight back to Cut Bank, Montana in this toy airplane.

Chapter 75 (March 29, Friday 3:30pm Mountain Daylight Savings Time)

The two men sat in their beige sedan. They had just wrapped up checking out Havre City County Airport in north-central Montana. Though it was officially spring, it was only 35
F outside and there was still a foot of snow on the ground. Twenty-five miles per hour wind gusts buffeted their car as it whipped across the airport’s tarmac. Havre City Country Airport was in the middle of nowhere and was surrounded by nothing but fields as far as the eye could see, with the exception of Havre City off to the east of them three miles away. Havre City was more like a town than a city, with a population of less than ten thousand people. Again they had come up dry. No sign of Dave Henson and his NSurv team.

As the two men sat in their car figuring out which airport they needed to check out next, the driver, Alex Galio, said to his partner Basil, “You know, I’ve been having this feeling ever since we left Cut Bank Airport yesterday that Henson slipped by us. I’d like to go back and check out Cut Bank one more time.”

“You’ve got a feeling,” laughed Basil. “Because you got a feeling you think we should travel back nearly 125 miles to visit that podunk little airport again.”

“Well it’s more than a feeling. I keep thinking about that guy who passed us in the airport parking lot in Cut Bank. He seemed to be avoiding eye contact with us and was all slouched over in his car, as if he was trying to hide himself from us. I have a feeling he could have been our man.”

Basil looked out at the desolate Havre City County Airport and contemplated Alex’s “feelings” for a minute. Finally he said, “Alright. I think we’ve traveled far enough east checking out in-the-middle-of-nowhere airfields. We’ll head back west and have a look at one small airport that we missed south of Route 2. If that’s a bust, we’ll swing back in to Cut Bank Airport and see if you’re spidey senses begin to tingle again,” laughed Basil.

Alex started the ignition of the beige sedan, put the car in drive, and departed the Havre City County Airport heading back west on Route 2. He could already feel his spidey senses working, as Basil had joked. The hairs on the back of his neck had begun prickling up a bit. As they started to drive east he knew they were already back on the spore of Henson and his team.

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