Read Nadine, Nadine vignette 1 Online

Authors: Gabriella Webster

Tags: #Angel, #alien, #Romance, #Demons, #contemporary, #contemporary fantasy, #contemporary romance, #erotic, #Erotic Fantasy Romance, #erotic romance, #erotic short story, #Erotica, #prostitution, #prostitute, #Love, #science fiction, #science fiction romance, #science fiction erotic romance

Nadine, Nadine vignette 1 (2 page)

BOOK: Nadine, Nadine vignette 1
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He held out two bills.

She blinked.

When had he taken the money out of his wallet? She didn’t remember seeing him move. It was as if he willed it into existence. Nadine took the cash
from his outstretched hand, and retreated into the bathroom. Holding the bills up to the overhead light, she checked for the security strip embedded along
the edge. You could never be too careful.

After confirming their authenticity, she faced him. “I’m guessing you want to start with oral. Would you rather stand or use the bed?”

“You go ahead and sit on the bed. I’m sure your knees could use a break.”

Nadine nodded and perched on the edge of the mattress. Curling her finger, she beckoned him closer. “Lose the wings,” she ordered. They’d
only get in the way.

He kicked off his shoes and padded forward in his socks. “I cannot,” he replied as he stopped in front of her.

“Can’t? Or won’t?”

“Cannot,” he reiterated.

Okay. Maybe they were too complicated to just take off.

Nadine stood, and slowly teased the buttons of his shirt open, exposing a beautifully sculpted chest with the barest hint of chest hair. Her fingers
fluttered over his skin and down his abdomen. He sure took care of himself physically, nothing like most of her johns.

Nadine showered his chest in a rain of light kisses, something she would have done if they were in a committed relationship. It was one of the reasons why
she had more repeat business than her competition. She learned what would make the johns feel—even for a moment—that they were wanted, and then gave them
what they needed every time they bought her services. This drive to make sure her clients felt special was also why she did oral sex without a condom. The
nurse in her balked at how dangerous it was to perform a blow job without protection for herself—the ick factor alone made her want to use them—but the
possibility of repeat business outweighed the risks.

The man shivered at her attention, and something told her it wouldn’t be hard to fake caring about this john. She flicked his hardening nipple with
her tongue, and he sucked a breath in sharply. Yep, not hard at all to pretend for him. He was one of those sensitive types. She was going to have fun with
this one. “Turn around.”

He complied, and Nadine eased the nicely pressed shirt off his shoulders. The reason why he couldn’t just take the wings off became clear as the
shirt fell away from his back, and she smiled wryly.
The lengths some people go to satisfy their fantasies.
Tossing the shirt to the floor, Nadine
looked again. Her fingers traced where his wings joined his back, near his shoulder blades. No straps. No mechanisms. Nothing to hold the wings to his
body. Not even a ridge under the skin to indicate machinery.


He really had paid a lot to indulge in his fetish. She lightly brushed along the seam. The wings blended into his back perfectly. In the span of a few
inches, the plumage morphed into smooth skin, not even a scar to show where the surgery took place. “Your cosmetic surgeon did an excellent

“Excuse me?” he inquired, sounding perplexed.

She understood. He wanted them to be real. It was a part of the act. She could do this. The wings weren’t that bad. She dropped the subject.

When she didn’t answer his question, he asked again, “What did you mean by cosmetic surgeon?”

“Oh, just they did a good job on the wings. I don’t even see any scarring from where they were added.”

“No, you would not,” he replied. “I was born with them.”

Of course, saying anything less would destroy the illusion. “May I touch them?”

“Please,” he whispered, desire tinging the words.

Nadine’s ran her hand up along the upper ridge. The feathers were delightfully warm and soft, and they twitched in response.


He hummed contentedly, and she looked at him askance. It was almost as if he truly felt her touch. Curious, Nadine buried her fingers into the down,
startled to find skin. She poked him with her nail.

He hissed in pain. “You will draw blood if you are not careful.”

Her eyes widened in amazement.

The trick looked at her over his shoulder. “I see you did not believe me earlier. I assure you. I was born with them.”

Wow. No. More like, what the fuck?!
Nadine refocused on the wings in front of her. They were real—whether he was born with them or they were grafted on remained to be seen. He had to have
endured hours of surgery and weeks of recovery to grow that much skin. Not to mention the time needed to add each feather. It made her two hours of tattoo
torture look easy.

She stroked their length, from their base at his shoulders up to the peak and down to the flared tips. They weren’t what Nadine would call typical
angel wings, not at all like the angels depicted in art, where the wings were so large and sweeping they dragged on the ground. His wings reminded her of a
cupid. Almost dainty.

“How much control do you have?” she asked, petting them the way she did back when she had money and kept cockatiels.

“What do you mean?” he asked huskily.

Nadine new that tone of voice. She shifted her focus from petting the wings for her pleasure to teasing for his. Knowing her client’s erogenous zones
and using them meant a happy customer, and happy customers meant repeat business. She was all about the repeat business.

“Can you flap them?”

He obliged her curiosity. The muscles in his back rippled with the movement, and Nadine confirmed the wings did in fact, flap. He then tucked them tight to
his body before relaxing them.

Way cool.

“Is that hard to do?” She couldn’t begin to imagine.

“No harder than walking or playing as a child. Although, growing them does hurt.”

Nadine found the first hole in his elaborate fantasy. “You said you were born with them.”

“And I was.”

“Then how could you grow them if you were also born with them?”

“Were you not born with breasts?”

“Well, yes, sort of,” Nadine conceded. “But they didn’t develop until puberty.”

“The same concept applies. We are all born with wing buds between our shoulder blades.”
She hadn’t been born with wing buds.
“They do not fully develop until our bodies shift from child to adulthood.”

Nadine nodded—agreeing with him—and filed that information away for later. She’d need to remember this if he ever came back. But enough talking.
She was on a time limit, and he
paid for some services.

Shifting so she stood directly behind him, she ran her hands along his spine, pausing here and there to hear his response to her touch. When she cupped the
bottom of his wings at their base next to his spine, his back erupted in goosebumps and all his feathers puffed out. Her birds used to do the same exact
thing when they were pleased. She gently dragged her palms along the underside of his wings and he groaned, a low, hungry sound.

A shiver of need, surprisingly intense, coursed through her, confusing her. She rarely felt desire for her tricks. Shaking off the feeling, she answered
her growing impulse to feel his skin against hers by pulling off her shirt and pressing her naked breasts against his back. Wrapping him in her arms, she
nuzzled her nose in the juncture of his wings. They even smelled similar to her birds, and now she imagined him roosting in a tree branch at night. His
head tucked under his arm. Asleep.

Nadine bit her lip.

She chastised herself for nearly laughing and kissed his back. She let her hands drift lower on his stomach, enjoying every muscular ridge, delighted to
find a light dusting of hair under his belly button. She ran her fingers along the underside of his waistband. His breath hitched, and a jolt of arousal
shot through her. She couldn’t remember the last time she didn’t need some form of lubricant for sex, but she wouldn’t need it this time.

Resuming her task, Nadine deftly popped open the button of his gray slacks. She needed to put a stop to the foreplay. He hadn’t paid for it, and they
weren’t a couple out for mutual satisfaction. She tugged the zipper down, freeing his dick from its confines. She was not surprised to find he was
going commando. She grew wetter at the thought, and flexed her thighs in an effort to ease the growing ache.

He paid for oral and sex, Nadine,
she reminded herself.

But it wouldn’t hurt to touch him first, she rationalized, to get a lay of the land so to speak. So she curled her fingers around his shaft. His cock
already hard and ready. She was pleased to note he was neither too big nor too small. Just right. She squeezed gently and stroked him from root to tip. His
head dropped back and he moaned.

She licked her lips.

If he liked his wings touched, how would he react to her tongue?

She teased at the joint, sampling him, and pumped his cock in her hand. He groaned and his cock twitched. She licked him again, and his whole body

“Nadine,” he whispered.

She froze.

He knew her name. Her real name. Not the one she gave clients.

How did he know that?

Later. She’d worry about that later.

She squeezed his cock gently and resumed stroking him. “What do you need?” she asked, determined to see this job through. Afterward, though,
she’d kick him to the curb.

“If you do not stop, I am going to find release.”

Well, that wouldn’t do. He paid for sex, not a hand job.

Nadine released him and stepped back, letting him have a moment to come down from the edge. His shoulders heaved with the effort of his breathing. When he
had calmed somewhat, she touched his shoulder and swept around him to settle on her knees at his feet. Once comfortable, she let her eyes rake over him. He
was nicely proportioned all over. Nadine felt a shiver of delight course through her.

He gazed down at her, desire darkening the color of his eyes to a deep gray from their original light blue.

“You look a bit cramped,” she murmured and tugged at his pants hanging off his hips. They fell to the floor in a graceless heap.


She leaned forward, placed her hands on his thighs and licked the underside of his cock from base to tip. His eyes glazed and he blinked lazily. Nadine
smiled. She really did enjoy the expressive ones. Inching her hand over, she wrapped her fingers around the base of his cock and stroked. His breath
escaped in a soft mewl. That noise. The one full of need to the point of pain. She just had to hear it again. She licked his shaft with the flat of her
tongue and flicked the tip. He mewled again, and his hand drifted down to fist in her hair.

The ache between her thighs grew, and Nadine wished every trick was this arousing. She changed her mind a second later. If it was always this way, then it
would no longer be special. Today was definitely special. But, she thought regretfully, she’d have to take care of her need to come before her next
appointment. The next john had decidedly odd tastes… She pushed those thoughts away. She needed to focus on this john, not on future ones.

Renewing her efforts, she enclosed the head of his cock in her mouth, and he bucked his hips. Thankfully, her grip kept him from pushing in too far too
fast. Slowly, she pumped his dick in time with her sucking, each downward stroke bringing him further into her mouth, until he bumped the back of her
throat with every thrust.

Nadine concentrated on breathing through each advance, gaining a sustainable rhythm. His harsh panting spurred her on. His free fingers brushed a tendril
of hair away from her eyes, and she looked up at the tender gesture.

He’s too close,
she realized with dismay. If he finished in her mouth, she’d owe him a refund on part of his order. That was a week’s worth of groceries!
Immediately she pulled away. She hovered close, though, ready to resume his blow job if that was what he wanted. And for a moment, she felt sure that was
what he would demand. The hand buried in her hair, clenched tight in an effort to keep her at her ministrations. “You still want sex?” she
asked, breathless.

He stopped resisting and hissed, “Yes.”

She nodded and stood. Making her way to the small end table next to the bed, she tugged open the drawer and pawed around inside. She found what she wanted,
and pulled the two items from its depths. Setting the lubricant she didn’t expect to need down on top, she turned to face the john.

He was absolute perfection. His hard cock jutted out into the room, demanding to be touched, loved. Nadine couldn’t believe how eager she was to
satisfy this man. She swished her hips on her way back to where he waited on her. She was about to open the condom when he stopped her. “Your

Her hands stilled and she met his gaze with her own. What was he saying? Nadine cocked an eyebrow at him in silent question.

“Lie back,” he urged. “Get comfortable.”

Well, now she was intrigued. She did as he asked, and climbed onto the bed and settled down. He grinned at her. Before she even felt the first flutter of
alarm, he was kneeling in front of her, and had her hips at the edge of the bed, her legs draped over his shoulders.

Holy cow! He moves fast.

The trick brushed his palms over the top of her thighs, chasing the fabric of her skirt as it rapidly retreated to her waist. His fingers teased at the
crease of her legs at her hips. His thumb brushed lazily at the skin near her ass, and she shivered, unsure if she really wanted him to do this. She felt
so exposed, completely out of control, and Nadine squirmed.

Did she smell bad down there? Did she need to stop him? Or, more importantly, did she charge him? She had no idea. No client ever ate her out before.

She’d stop him, she decided, and went to tell him so, but no words came. She closed her mouth with a snap. He gazed at her over her stomach as she

Oh, what the hell,
she relented.
ou only live once
. She twitched her head in a tiny nod, and after gaining her permission, he dipped his face forward. His
tongue teased the crease between her thigh and her pussy. Anticipation coursed through Nadine, making her fingers tingle and shake with need. She hoped he
was good at this. It was a stupid hope, she rationalized. None of her boyfriends had ever been more than adequate, so what possibility did a complete
stranger have?

BOOK: Nadine, Nadine vignette 1
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