Mysterious Warriors: Alone (18 page)

Read Mysterious Warriors: Alone Online

Authors: T. N. Hayden

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Superheroes, #Teen & Young Adult, #Children's eBooks, #Superhero

BOOK: Mysterious Warriors: Alone
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~ Chapter 41 ~

day of Atz, year 520


              “What?” Rachel blinked as her mother maid, Lyssa, waited for her answer.

              “Your mother-in-law ordered an abundance, so she wants to know what kind of mask you would like to wear for your birthday ball.” Lyssa explained. “What do you want?”

              “My mother’s allowing Addison to throw me a Mysterious Warriors-themed birthday ball?” Rachel repeated Lyssa’s earlier words.

              Lyssa nodded.

              “I’ll wear a mask.” Did her mother know? No. It wasn’t possible the queen would encourage her daughters in their mission. Besides, Rachel hadn’t been Lunette for almost two years. How would the queen know her daughter was Lunette now?

              “I’ll be right back.” Lyssa spun and walked away.

              Rachel slowly closed her door and went back into her room. “Gary, my mother’s allowing your mother to throw me a birthday ball. Apparently that’s the real reason they stayed longer than Neal, Ian, and Pearl.”

              “I figured as much.”

              “It’s Mysterious Warriors themed.”

              “What?” His eyes widened.

              “I don’t know why, and it’s starting very soon. Lyssa’s getting the mask to go with my outfit.”

              Gary laughed. “Wow. I never expected your mother to allow something like this.”

              “Do you think she knows?”


              Someone knocked, probably Lyssa, and Rachel opened the door. The maid gave her clothes and masks. “Your husband and daughter will find their outfits in here as well.” Lyssa explained.

              “Thanks.” Rachel nearly groaned as she shut the door and brought their outfits inside.

              Rachel’s dress was dark tan with a leather bodice and cotton skirt. The front of the skirt ended just below her knees, and the back trailed to her ankles. The leather bodice was sleeveless, and Rachel’s mask was the same dark tan and domino in style.

              “Look at this.” Gary touched his black outfit. “It’s similar to my Bonfire costume.”

              “Maybe she is trying to give us a message?” Rachel held up Elena’s black tuta.

              “Well my mother knows the truth about us. She’s probably trying to be funny.”

              Another knock, and Rachel moved to the door, her dress’s uneven length unfamiliar. “Hello Patience.”

              Patience curtsied. “I came by to do your hair for the ball tonight.”

              “Thank you.” Rachel allowed her entrance. “I suppose something simple and up?”

              Patience nodded as Rachel sat at her vanity.

              Patience brushed Rachel’s long hair and twisted it up with one hand, her bracelets jingling softly.

              “Has my mother said anything to you about tonight’s ball?” Rachel paused. “I was rather shocked when Lyssa told me the theme.”

              “We all were.” Patience assured her. “Apparently she didn’t want to offend Queen Addison.”

              Patience finished Rachel’s perfect bun and took hold of the mask with her right hand.

              Patience finished tying her mask securely in place and curtsied. “Do you need anything else Princess?”

              “No thanks. Thank you, this is lovely.” Rachel touched the bottom of her hair.

              Patience slipped out of the room.

              Gary joined her in costume. “You ready for this?”

              “I don’t know.”


              Rachel descended the stairs in her leather and cotton dress, something she never expected her mother to have made for her. Elena stumbled between her parents. Rachel had braided her daughter’s hair in two plaits, and Elena wore a lunette along with her black tuta. She looked adorable as a miniature Lunette.

              “I really don’t think your mother knows.” Gary shifted his black cape. “There’s no way she knows.”

              “We’ll see.” Rachel continued down the stairs with her family. “I bet your mother is trying to be humorous.”

              “Elena’s dressed as Lunette?” Tara gaped. “I can’t believe it.”

              “You’d better believe it.” Rachel half shrugged.

              “Mother wanted Elena to be dressed as Lunette?”

              Rachel nodded. “Or Addison did. We’re not quite sure.”

              “Wow.” Tara paused. “At least Mother didn’t have my costume for tonight anything like Cabaya.”

              Tara’s long aqua dress had two slits along the sides to allow her legs freedom. It was also sleeveless with a leather belt across her waist. The front was slightly shorter than the back, and she wore brown, leather bracers. “I added these.” Tara touched the archer’s gear. Her brown mask looked leather and also domino style.

              “You look very mysterious.” Alex joined them with a bow. “Hello Tara, Rachel, Gary.”

              “Hi Alex.” Rachel wondered if he picked the red and dark grey costume.

              “May I have a dance with my Little Hummingbird?” Stefan stepped into the group and offered a hand to Tara.

              “Of course.” Tara’s deep green eyes glanced at her sister, and Rachel bit back a grin. It must be hard for Tara, pulled in so many different directions, especially since her mind was made up.

              “Such a stupid name.” Alex murmured. “I would never call the woman I love a hummingbird.”

              Elena pulled on Rachel’s skirt as she teetered, her head moving back and forth.

              Alex turned and bowed. “Excuse me. I have to be somewhere else.” He walked from them.

              Rachel looked at Elena. “Who are you looking for Sweetie?”

              “Sakey.” Elena pouted.

              “Sacrifice.” Gary looked at Rachel. “She remembers he was very kind to her.”

              “I wonder if he’ll come.” Rachel paused.

              “Hello everyone.” Queen Addison joined them and embraced Rachel. “Happy birthday my dear. You make a beautiful 22-year-old.”

              “Thank you.” Rachel grinned as King Cedrick hugged her. “Thank you for preparing a ball with a theme I absolutely love. This was such a great surprise.”

              “Well I know what you would enjoy.” Addison squeezed her hand. “Elena makes an adorable Lunette, if I do say so myself.”

              “She sure does.” King Cedrick nodded.

              “We should be off, hosting a party has many duties.” Addison winked at Rachel. “Have a good time.”


              Tara and Stefan returned from their dance.

              “Thank you my precious Little Hummingbird.” Stefan kissed Tara’s hand. “I’ll leave you with your family now.”

              “Why must you leave Baron?” Queen Margaret frowned as she joined the group. Dressed in a leather and gold gown, Rachel’s mother shimmered a way no real warrior would. Her long hair was braided and hung loose. Her mask was gold.

              “Forgive me my queen, but I must retire for study. My father has me learning more of his trade. He is a hard man to ignore.”

              “Parents know best.” Queen Margaret nodded. “We shall miss you Baron.”

              “I’m sure.” He bowed and disappeared into the crowd.

              “This is incredible.” Rachel looked at her mom as she picked Elena up. “I was surprised to find out you allowed Addison to plan this.”

              Queen Margaret rolled her eyes. “I hope you don’t mind that I dressed Elena like the criminal.”

              “She makes a beautiful Lunette.” Gary smiled.

              “You are beautiful.” Queen Margaret touched Elena’s cheek and chin. “I don’t understand why anyone would want to dress as such and hurt people.”

              “Mysterious Warriors don’t exactly wear this.” Rachel touched her dress. “And I think they do it to help people. They’re heroes.”

              Queen Margaret kissed Rachel’s cheek. “Happy twentieth birthday my dear.” She sauntered away.

              “Twentieth?” Gary shook his head.

              “She’s very busy.” Rachel chuckled.

              “Mama!” Elena screeched. “Mama!” Her arms shot out, and Rachel had to shift Elena so she didn’t drop her.

              Rachel looked up and Sacrifice walked toward them.

              “Hello Sacrifice.” Gary smiled. “It seems our daughter enjoyed her time with you.”

              “Hello Elena.” Sacrifice smiled. “Princess Rachel, Prince Gary.”

              “Please call us Rachel and Gary.” She insisted.

              “Dance Sakey, dance.” Elena insisted.

              Rachel chuckled as she handed her daughter over to the warrior.

              Gary put his arm around Rachel. “He will make a great edition to the family.”

              “He showed up after Alex left.” Rachel glanced at her husband.

              “And Stefan too.” He pointed out. “Of course, he might not be either of them. We were lucky to fall in love with the person we were supposed to. Who knows who Tara has fallen in love with? Sacrifice might be one of them, but he’s likely someone else.”

              “Where did Tara go?” Rachel frowned as she looked around. “Did you see her leave?”

              “No.” Gary paused. “There she is.” He whispered and turned Rachel back to the stairs.

              Rachel’s mouth dropped.

              “Janie must have done that plenty of times too.” Gary whispered. “She would stay as Blake for a little while, change, and come back as Janie.”

              Rachel nodded.


              Cabaya was a box of nerves as she descended the stairs of her sister’s birthday ball. She’d been forced to be Tara the previous party, but this one she wanted Sacrifice to know exactly who she was. Her jade arrowhead necklace was free so he would know it truly was her.

              Sacrifice was dancing with Elena, and Cabaya stepped into the ballroom. She noticed Rachel and Gary watching her, and Cabaya bit back a grin. Of course they knew exactly who she was.


              She turned, and Koketa breathed a sigh of relief. “Hi.”

              “Hi.” Cabaya touched her friend’s shoulder.

              “You must be Cabaya.” Rachel joined them as Gary followed behind. “It’s such a pleasure to meet you. I’m Rachel Naxison. I never had the pleasure of thanking you for bringing justice to Janie Creaton in Whitehaven.”

              Cabaya shook her head slightly. “You’re welcome. Princess Rachel, Prince Gary, this is Koketa, another warrior here in Junipero.”

              “I’ve heard of you.” Rachel smiled. “Welcome.”

              “I’m to understand Cabaya and Koketa stand before me?” Queen Margaret stepped forward.

              “Yes your Majesty.” Cabaya held her head high as her heart raced.

              “Do not misunderstand your invitation.” Queen Margaret glared. “And do not think you will all be invited to my family’s parties. If I had my way, I would arrest all of you, but my husband and daughters would be upset if I did.” She paused. “You pests have plagued my kingdom for far too long, and if Lunette ever shows her face in Junipero again, I would like nothing more than to have someone wring her neck.” She huffed. “Rachel, you’re letting that awful man dance with Elena again.”

              “Elena liked Sacrifice.” Rachel explained. “I wasn’t about to not let her dance with the man of her choice Mother. That wouldn’t be proper.”

              “It isn’t proper for a baby to dance either.” Queen Margaret snorted. “Is this your influence Prince Gareth? My daughter never associated with Mysterious Freaks before she went to Whitehaven.”

              “There was no one to associate with anyway.” Rachel answered. “Besides, the king and queen have their sheriff partner with the Mysterious Warriors. They’re heroes Mother.”

              Queen Margaret looked Cabaya over. “I don’t know why you came to Junipero, and I hope you die here.” She spun on her heel and rushed off.

              “Wow.” Rachel glanced at Gary. “I guess she truly doesn’t know.”

              “Doesn’t know?” Koketa asked.

              “Nope.” Cabaya stated. Her heart picked up for a completely different reason as Sacrifice brought Elena back to her parents.

              “You are quite an energetic dancer.” Sacrifice said to Elena as he carried her. “I think I need a break from—” He stopped.

              “Hello Sacrifice.” Cabaya breathed.

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