My Woman His Wife Saga (37 page)

BOOK: My Woman His Wife Saga
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Day-mares and Night Dreams
When I came to I was stretched out in a hospital bed with a bandage on my head. The last thing I remembered was doing the press conference, and everything went black. I couldn't even remember if I got everything out, but I knew for sure that my head was pounding like crazy. When I opened my eyes a nurse was leaning over me taking my vitals, and shining a light in my now open eyes.
“Mr. Cinque, that was a pretty nasty fall you took,” she said, smiling down at me while checking my head dressing. My dress shirt was now gone, and all I had on were my slacks and a wife beater. Through the window I could see Jazz's family talking with the doctor.
“What happened? All I remember . . .” I began, but she cut me off.
“Don't talk. I just gave you pain medicine for your headache so let it kick in. The doctor will be in to talk to you shortly.”
Taking her advice, I nestled into the pillow and closed my eyes, trying to slow down the drums pounding on my temple. What was going on in my life? I said a quick prayer, hoping some mercy would be thrown my way. When they say “what goes around comes around” they weren't lying.
“How are you feeling?” Jazz's brother asked as he entered the room. My head began to pound more upon seeing him. When were they going to leave?
“I'm okay. Head killing me.” I gave a dry response. It was obvious that my damn head hurt considering it was bandaged up. I wasn't sure of what happened but I must have banged it up when I passed out.
“Yeah, that was a pretty nasty hit. They had to wheel you out on a gurney and everything. Of course the media was snapping pictures left and right, but they got you out fairly quickly. Glad to see you awake.”
“Thanks, man,” I responded before closing my eyes again, hopefully indicating that I was done talking. Too much was happening too fast, and I just needed some quiet. That was short-lived once I heard the doctor enter the room.
“Mr. Cinque, glad to see that you're up. That's a nasty bump you have on your head there, but the CAT scan came back normal, and there are no signs of any internal damage. You just have a pretty nasty gash where your head struck the podium,” the doctor spoke to me in a calm tone as he looked over my chart.
“Thanks, Doc,” I spoke to him in a groggy voice. “Is the media still here? I need to finish the update.”
“What you need to do is rest. You've been through a lot in the past twenty-four hours, and you need to relax yourself. I need you to be on your A game for your wife and son.”
“And how are they doing?” I asked, hoping nothing drastic had happened while I was unconscious.
“Your wife and son are still in stable condition. The blood that you gave is in the lab being tested for any trace of disease as well as to identify your blood type since you didn't know that information just as I explained to you earlier. It shouldn't take much longer, and as soon as everything comes back clear we will proceed with your son. I'm thinking everything will come back okay.”
“That's great to hear,” I said while gingerly touching the side of my head. “When will I get to see them both?”
“In a little while, the medicine you were just given may put you to sleep in a little while depending on how your body reacts to it. Once you awaken I'll allow you to see your family. Also, you're scheduled to do another press conference in the morning, and I don't want you passing out again,” he said with a gentle smile.
“Thanks for everything, Doc,” I responded, feeling the effects of the medicine kicking in.
“No problem, Mr. Cinque. I'll be here in the morning. If you need anything, my brother will be covering the overnight shift and is aware of your situation. He'll do anything that's needed to make your stay comfortable.”
I couldn't keep my eyes open to respond and found myself drifting off.
It felt like I was still awake, because I was sitting next to my wife's bed watching her sleep. She didn't look as beat up as I remembered, and almost all of her scars were gone. The kids, even Jordan, were sitting out in the waiting area outside of the room watching TV, and I wondered when Jordan had gotten out of the ICU. Jasmine's mom and dad were out there, and everyone looked happy.
Just when I went to get up to use the restroom, Jasmine's hand shot out and grabbed a hold of my wrist. When I looked at her, her eyes were bloodshot and she had a sad look on her face. I was scared, and I knew my face showed it but I couldn't move or speak. All I could do was look her in her eyes.
“James, I'm sorry this happened to us,” she spoke in a sad tone as tears streamed from her eyes.
“Honey, it's okay,” I responded, finally finding my voice. “Just let me get the doctor, and . . .”
“I have something I need to tell you about the kids,” she replied, the tears turning a crimson red as they ran down her face and soaked the sheet that was tucked in around her neck. I wanted to call to get the doctor but she had a death grip on me.
“Jazz, let me go get the doctor. You're bleeding.”
“But the kids,” she said through her tears. “I need to tell you about the kids. The second set of twins . . .”
Before she could say another word I managed to snatch my wrist from her grip and run to the hall to get the doctor. It felt like the hallway was the length of a football stadium as I ran down it in slow motion to reach the doctor who was standing at a nurse's station. They looked animated as they laughed out loud at something they were reading in a chart. When I finally got close to them, they stopped briefly to look at me, and then burst out laughing again.
“Doctor,” I said out of breath as I leaned against the counter. “My wife opened her eyes . . . She's bleeding everywhere!”
The doctor didn't say a word, and simply walked around me and headed down the hallway toward Jazz's room. I followed him, but my feet felt like I was walking through quicksand. I hoped Jasmine didn't bleed to death by the time we got back there because we were moving slow as fuck. Why hadn't anyone called for the EMT or anything yet? I knew for sure that if my wife was dead when I got to her room all hell was going to break loose.
Both the doctor and I arrived to the door at the same time, and I was preparing to see blood everywhere and my wife to look like a shriveled-up prune. To my surprise Jasmine looked like I remembered her: bandaged up with scrapes and bruises with her eyes closed. There was no blood anywhere, and the beep from the life support machine could be heard.
“Mr. Cinque, your wife looks fine, but you look horrible on the other hand,” the doctor said in an animated voice like you hear in those scary movies.
“Excuse me?” I asked, wiping the moisture from my eyes only to find blood on my hands.
“Mr. Cinque, you're bleeding all over the place,” the doctor said, followed by laughter. As I looked around, everyone, including Jasmine and the kids, was pointing and laughing at me as my blood oozed out of my body and created a puddle on the floor.
The puddle began to swirl around me and create a black hole that I began to sink into. I was calling out for help, but couldn't hear my voice, and everyone was still just pointing and laughing like I didn't need help. I could see Jasmine getting out of the bed and walking toward the door as my body sunk lower into the floor. The look she gave me could have killed me alone if looks could kill. She gave me a sinister snarl as flames began to lick at me feet.
“Thanks, Doc, for helping me with this,” she said as she smiled down at me. “Now, me and my kids can live our lives with their real father.”
I began to scream, and just as the hole was closing over my head I woke up. The nurse was standing next to the bed checking my vitals. My heart had to have been beating a million miles a minute because I was sweating profusely, and my head pounded more than it did earlier.
“Must have been having a bad dream, huh?” the nurse asked as she removed the blood pressure cup from my forearm. “Try to relax, Mr. Cinque. The morning will be here before you know it.”
I couldn't form any words as I lay on the bed with my eyes closed trying to figure it all out. I'd had the feeling before that the second set of twins were possibly not mine, but I never brought it up because of my own dirt. Was the dream revealing something to me that I knew all along? This was just too much for one person to deal with, and I just needed to rest. After the nurse left I twisted around in the bed until I found a comfortable position and willed myself to go back to sleep, hoping my dream didn't pick back up where it left off or got worse off than it was before. Too many skeletons in the closet lead to nightmares, and I knew eventually once things got back to normal that Jazz and I would have to hash it out. That was if we both wanted to sleep peaceful at night. I knew I did.
Taking Care of Business
“Monica, do we have to talk about this now?” the judge asked me as he sat with a look of disbelief. His once erect penis was now starting to shrivel back down to a soft lump in his lap. I knew he wanted to hurt me at the moment, but he was a smart man. He still had some pussy to get.
“Not in its entirety, but I do need you to understand a few things,” I responded as I turned and moved back closer to him. “I'm certain that the city will be up and operating by the morning, so I'll need you to get on it with info about my son.”
“Okay, but that's in the morning. What does that have to do with what's happening right now?” he asked in a desperate voice as he began to grow again.
“Just in case I have to take my son back with me, I need things to be handled properly,” I said as I kneeled down in front of him, and began to stroke his erection. I was really rooting for the Cinques and hoping that everything was on point so that I could just go back home. I was in no way, shape, or form ready to be on mommy duty, and the sooner I found out that everything was good the faster I could roll out from this dreaded city. Watching his eyes roll up into the back of his head made me smile a little. Yeah, I definitely still had it.
“Monica,” he said through deep breaths as he grew longer and began to pulsate, “you have to keep in mind that you gave up all rights when you left four years ago. You can't just swoop back in and take him away from the only family he's ever known.”
“But he's my son,” I argued as I cupped his balls in my warm hands and continued to stroke him.
“But he doesn't know that.”
It felt like all the sound in the house went mute. I could no longer here the logs crackling in the fireplace, or the desperate pants coming from the judge's mouth. The truth of the situation hit harder now than I thought it would after hearing someone else say it out loud, and he was right. My son thought Jasmine was his mother. It was different when I said it to myself a hundred times a day for four years straight, but from out of the mouth of someone else sealed the deal and brought it all into perspective. Sensing the change of the mood, the judge looked down at me with a confused look on his face.
“Monica, come on. You knew all of this would happen. The bigger question is, why after all this time have you shown up? Why are you trying to disrupt everyone's lives?”
“Because I feel like something is going on,” I responded as I let go of him and brushed tears from my eyes.
“And why do you feel that way? The Cinques are a good family.”
“Well, if they are a good family, why did my checks started coming back with no forwarding address?” I questioned, getting more upset by the second.
“They probably felt it was time to move on, Monica. Damn, did you forget all of the nonsense and headaches? The real reason you are here is not for your son, anyway,” he said, standing and grabbing his pajama pants from the floor. Stepping into them hastily, he reached for his robe and slipped it on, leaving me naked and frazzled.
“What other reason would I have to be here?” I asked, confusion lacing my voice. I was not ready to be a mom, I had to admit that, but I felt like my son needed me.
“You're here,” he said in a matter-of-fact tone, “because you're hoping that Jasmine still loves you.”
That shit felt like a slap in the face, but was it truth to that? I did still love Jazz. I'll admit that, because you don't just stop loving someone. I dreamed about her plenty of nights, and I could still remember how her body felt in my hands. I closed my eyes and pictured my tongue exploring her body, and my pussy got wet all over again.
“That's not why I'm here,” I responded weakly.
“Listen, I'm going to have a cigar and a little bite to eat. Go ahead and get yourself together and meet me back here in an hour. I'll have some food sent up to you to get your strength back up. When you come back I don't want to hear anything more about the kid or the family he's with. There is nothing that we can do about that today. We will handle it in the morning. Understand?” he asked with a stern look on his face that said he meant business.
I didn't bother to respond because he had already set the rules. Grabbing my bag from the couch, and my trench coat from the floor, I made my way to the master suite where I would be spending the week, permitting I found out what I needed to know about my son in that amount of time. After I got myself situated I took a quick shower, where I allowed myself to cry for the first time in years. I felt so confused about being back home in Philly, but I knew there was a reason why I had to be here. It was hard to explain, and I didn't expect the judge to understand, but I needed his help.
A mother, regardless of any situation unless she really doesn't care, has a connection with her child. Even more so when she has to get rid of the child for whatever reason she has. Although the child isn't in your possession, you can still feel if the child needs you. It's a gut feeling that can't be ignored. I believed it may have been different had I never held him, or if I had cut all ties and just rolled out, but because James kept in contact with me up until I changed my number, I saw all of the things that I would have otherwise missed out on. No, I didn't see him take his first steps in person, but a hundred times I played the video that James sent me as I cried myself to sleep feeling bad about what I had done.
That was only to get up in the morning with puffy eyes, convincing myself that I had done the right thing. No, I wasn't there during the teething process, but when that first little Tic Tac–shaped tooth showed up in his mouth, I got the picture message of my smiling baby showing off his new tooth. On his first day going to daycare I got the picture of him with his cute little outfit, and matching book bag. All of these things took a toll on me, and I just couldn't keep torturing myself. I had to move on, and I needed closure. I was doing good, too, up until that first check came back with no return address and I found out that the numbers I had for James didn't work. That feeling in my gut told me I needed to be here, and I didn't regret the decision I made at all.
By the time I got out of the shower, there was a tray resting on the side of the bed with food on it just as the judge said. I took the time to dry off and moisturize, tucking the towel under my arms. Taking a second, I enjoyed the fruit and cheese and spiced meats that were there for me. I knew I would have to come correct when I got back downstairs so that the judge would cooperate.
Going into my stash, I dusted honeydew powder all over my body. It added a nice shimmer, and tasted sweet. So wherever the judge kissed me he would taste it. I slipped into a lace red boy short with matching bra, and blood-red pumps to match. Checking my hair in the mirror, I was satisfied as I applied a neutral coat of lip gloss to my plump lips. I had pissed the judge off, so I had to bring my A game this time around.
As I walked through the house back toward the chimney, I found the judge sitting in a cushioned chair by the fire smoking a cigar. I would have to work through the wall he undoubtedly had up, but the judge couldn't resist me so it shouldn't have been too hard. As I rounded the chair I stood posed in front of him with my back facing him so that he could take it all in. I could feel the heat from his eyes as they traveled my body from head to toe. Doing a slow spin, I faced him with a mischievous look on my face, ready to handle my business.
He didn't crack a smile, and actually looked disinterested, but that didn't discourage me. He was playing hardball, and I was cool with that since it wouldn't last long. Stepping toward him, I leaned down and kissed him on the mouth where we intertwined our tongues in a seductive dance. Continuing my kisses down the side of his neck, I made sure to pay special attention to his nipples because that would definitely start the melting process. I could feel his erection press against my stomach as I drew circles around his nipples with my fingertips, lightly scratching his chest as I continued to travel south.
Caressing him through his silk pajamas turned me the hell on, and I had to catch myself from drooling on them. When the head peeked through the slit in his pants, I didn't hesitate to put my mouth around it, and take as much of him in as I could. I convinced myself that I just needed to enjoy this and not think about anything else. The anxious feeling in my stomach started to subside as I worked the judge into a frenzy.
Standing up, I allowed him to remove my bra and panties, and I took a seat on the lounge chair so that we could pick up where we left off. He came over behind me and took his time tasting my body. He licked and nibbled on me like he was starving, and I could tell he was enjoying the taste of the honeydew dust that covered me. Pushing my legs back, he captured my clit and slurped all of me into his mouth. I could feel my body reacting, and an orgasm quickly approaching, but I couldn't stop it. I wanted to make him work for it, but that plan didn't seem to be going so well.
By the time he got done with me I was begging him for the dick, and he was more than happy to oblige. Placing my legs on his shoulders, he took his place in between my legs, transfixed on the bull's eye just as he was earlier. My juices were steadily gushing out in anticipation, and he looked like he couldn't wait to get wet.
“Don't think you're going to stop me this time. Once I get in there I'm in it until it's over. Understand?” He spoke in a husky voice that meant business. I didn't even get a chance to answer before he shoved himself inside of me.
I was sloppy wet as he pushed and pulled in and out of me. I was sure my moans could be heard for miles as I stroked his ego with my words and tight pussy. He was killing it though, and for a second there I couldn't handle him pounding into me. He took my legs and positioned them at his side, and flipped me over on my side. I was nervous about falling off of the chaise, but he held on to me as he positioned himself under me so that I could ride him backward. I had to steady myself on my knees, and once I got my shoes off I was ready to go in.
“You miss this pussy?” I asked him as I slammed down onto him, making my ass bounce around for his viewing pleasure.
“You miss this dick?” he countered as he met me thrust for thrust. We were playing a wicked game, and I was betting that I would get him to bust first.
“Yes, baby, I missed it,” I responded as I tried to control my orgasm. I couldn't let him win, but he got me when he reached around and circled my clit with his fingertip. That shit sent me over the edge, and I almost lost it.
“See, your problem is you're always trying to control everything,” he spoke as he forced my body to lean back and connect with his. “You never want to let go and enjoy the moment, do you, Monica?” he asked as he pulled on my clit, and palmed my breasts.
I couldn't answer if I wanted to because my body was feeling something I never felt before. He had me stretched out on his legs, but he was still penetrating me to the fullest, slow grinding me into convulsions. I was also surprised that he hadn't crashed it yet, and was thoroughly enjoying the ride.
He lifted my body up and bent me over, standing behind me on the side of the chaise. Easing himself back inside of me, he went at a steady rhythm, speeding up a little more as he got closer to exploding.
“I've been waiting for too long to have you like this. You ready for me to explode, baby?”
“Yes, I'm ready,” I replied as I braced myself for him. I was spent, and really couldn't take any more of the pounding he was putting on me. Hell, maybe he was taking vitamins or even Viagra, but whatever it was I was happy that he was doing it. The judge I knew from back then would have been crashed. Even when we hooked up after one of my benefits not too long ago, it wasn't this good.
“Yeah, take that shit,” I moaned out, causing the scene to intensify. He grabbed my hips, and zoned in causing another explosion to build up in me in the process. We were both gasping for air, and I could hardly contain myself. Just as I was reaching up, I turned in time to see the judge grab his chest and fall back. Was this man having a heart attack?
“Call . . . call the butler. Tell him to get help,” he gasped as he held his chest. The look on his face was excruciating, and I started to panic. I knew I had a killer pussy, but damn.
Running toward the kitchen, I grabbed the phone and dialed the numbers next to the word “butler” on the call log. Once I informed him of what was happening, I raced back to the judge to check on him. He was in the same spot I found him, barely breathing and still holding his chest. I did my best to get his pants back on him, and even once the butler showed up a few minutes later I was still naked. There was a separate smaller structure on the side of the house, so I assumed that was where the butler stayed on the property. He didn't seem to notice as he dressed the judge in sweats and sneakers. I took the liberty of jetting upstairs and throwing on sweats and my Uggs so that I could travel along.
I found it weird that an ambulance wasn't called, but I didn't say a word as I held his head in my lap all the way to the hospital. I assumed his wife wasn't called, and I didn't ask. I wasn't even sure where we were going, but as luck would have it we pulled up to the University of Pennsylvania Hospital, the same hospital where the Cinques were.
Let the games begin . . .

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