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Authors: T. Skye Sutton

My Vampire Prince (6 page)

BOOK: My Vampire Prince
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After my phone calls, the night drags on. I can

t sleep. I want Lliam so bad. I want to lay in bed with him, to hold him, to feel his flesh on mine. I want to tell him that I love him to. Since I can

t sleep, I decide to run a hot bubble bath. I strip off my jeans and Lliam

s shirt. It still smells of him. I climb into my garden bath tub, light some candles around the edge, lay my head back and start daydreaming of Lliam.



Chapter 9: The day dream



m in a gorgeous eighteenth century style wedding gown. I am walking down a trail through the center of a beautiful meadow. There is about five hundred people split up on both sides of the trail. Lliam is standing in a tuxedo ahead, next to a preacher. He is smiling the most beautiful, inviting smile I have ever seen. I walk to the alter. When it is my turn to say I do I say

Lliam, I need you. Yes, I do.

I am brought out of my conscious dreams by my bathroom door opening. No, it can

t be, I know I locked my door. I lift my head to see Lliam standing in the doorway to my bathroom, smiling like in my day dream.

Victoria, I

forgive me for coming in unannounced. I hope you don

t mind, but I


I sense you wanting me. I didn

t know why so I just wanted to make sure that you are ok. I see that your alright now, I an leave. I

ll see you tomorrow Victoria.



s P.O.V



It is about 8.00 P.M. I am sitting at my desk doing some royal paperwork when my mind pick something up. Victoria. Generally, I cannot hear thoughts unless I am looking directly at the person. This is so strange.

Lliam I need you

Why does she need me? I hope that she is ok. I have to go

now. I jump into my car and speed to Victoria

s house. Shit! It is locked. I ring her phone, no answer. I

m getting worried. I pick the lock and walk into her house. It is dark and quiet. I can barely here her thoughts.

Lliam, I need you. I do.

You may kiss the bride


What? She must be dreaming, but dreaming of me, a wedding? I follow the faint sound of her thoughts, shocked that I am even hearing them at all. I get to the bathroom door, it is closed. I should just got I think to myself. No, I have to see her. I feel something pulling me in her direction and it is strong. It resembles the fiery sensation when I touch Victoria. I have to ask my mum about this later. I slowly open the door. Victoria is laying in the tub, covered in bubbles; lavender and vanilla scents fill the air. Candles are flickering all around her in the dim lit bathroom. She looks surprise to see me, though I can

t blame her.

I explain to her why I came and she wasn

t even surprised when I told her I that I sensed her asking for me, saying she needs me. When I told her that I would leave, she opened her eyes wide and sat up quickly in the tub, fully nude. Bubbles are running down her next and bare breasts.

No! I mean, please, stay Lliam. Stay the night with me



I tell her that I will stay. Though I

m shocked that she actually wants me to. I retrieved a towel from a shelf in the corner of her bathroom, and held it out to her. She dries off and slips into her robe. I follow her into the kitchen where she fixes us some tea. She really is the most enticingly beautiful women I have ever laid eyes on. I notice that the bite I gave her has formed the shape of a heard and has scarred over. That is strange. The bite marks usually disappear pretty quickly. Wait a minute, my mom has one just like that on her neck. I have always assumed that it was a tattoo! There has to be something that I am missing. I will ask her tomorrow while Victoria is at work.

We are sitting at her kitchen table, it is now about 9:30 P.M. She is staring at me like she wants to tell me something. I start to read her thoughts, but decided I would let her say it aloud.

What is wrong Victoria.

I say, trying to get her to say whatever it is she is thinking.




s P.O.V



Lliam, I have been thinking, thinking of what you said earlier. I feel it to. The pull, the fire, the strange sensations. Before you told me those things, I felt like you were created for me. I don

t care if you

re a vampire, I want you with me always. I cannot explain it. It is like I have know you forever. I love you Lliam.

He starts to interrupt me.

Please, let me finish. I love you, I love everything about you. I never want to be without you ever again.

I waited for him to respond to me. But, he never does. Minutes pass by, he gets up from his chair, and stands in front me. He pulls me up so that I am standing in front of him and wraps me in the tightest, warmest, love filled hug possible. He whispers in my ear,

I love you to Victoria.

We go to my bedroom and I slide off my robe. I stand completely exposed in front of him. He walks over and says

I love you Victoria, sit down on the bed.

I do as I was told and he removes his clothing. I enjoy watching him strip though he makes no move to look sexy while doing it. It just comes natural for him, sexiness. I continue to stare at his now naked body. I want to touch him to feel his body and never let it go. He walks over to me and I grab him by the hips. I pull him close and kiss each of his hips before reaching for his penis. I grab it tightly, and swirl my tongue around the head of his erection. I kiss it gently and wrap my lips around it. It is sliding easterly into my mouth. I start sucking it slowly at first, than quicker and tighter, releasing it occasional to lick up his shaft. As I quicken the pace, he starts thrusting to meet me. He throws his head back, and grabs my hair. A loud groan escapes his throat and he cums down my throat.

He pushes me down so that I am laying flat on my bed. He goes to my closest and grabs two head scarves.

Victoria, I am going to tie you up. You will not be able to move, if it gets to be to much, tell me. I will stop.

He takes each of my hands one by one and ties them to my ankles cris-crossed. He checks them for tightness. He turns on the radio next to my bed

playing slow jams from the last time I had it on.

Whenever we go to my house Victoria, I have some more pleasurable ways of doing this. I will show you, but for now, you will enjoy this.

Just before he finishes his sentence, he thrust his penis into my ready and waiting vagina. I except it eagerly. With every other push into me, he pulls on my ties. When he pulls on them, it lifts me just enough so that he hits just the right spot and brings me closer to orgasm each time.

Victoria, I am about to cum.

Just as he said this my body tightens and I scream out in ecstasy. We cum together. He unties me and we lay there, spent, in each others

arms. We fall asleep together, never moving out of each others


I wake up feeling rejuvenated. I start to panic because realize that I am alone in my bet. I sit up, I can

t think. Why did he leave me? All sorts of thoughts cross my mind when I realize I smell coffee. That

s when realization hits me, he didn

t leave me. He is just in the kitchen. I smile, grab my rob, and follow the scent of coffee into my kitchen.

Good morning sweetheart. Sit down, I made breakfast for you.

I sit down in front of plate of bacon, eggs, toast and a cup of coffee with cream no sugar. Man, he

s good. He knows just how I like it. I start eating, I am starving. I don

t remember eating dinner last night.

Darling, I have some things to tend to this morning and I know that you must work. I would like to pick you up for dinner if you don

t mind.

Oh, Lliam, that would be lovely. Do you mind if we have dinner here though? My friends are concerned about my abnormal behavior and would like to meet the charming man responsible.

We giggle and he agrees. Well, sort of.





Chapter 10: The mate conversation




s P.O.V


She wants to have dinner at her place. Not only that, but she wants me to meet her friends. I wouldn

t mind meeting her friends, but this seems the perfect opportunity to mention her meeting my mother.

On, one condition. Tomorrow, we eat dinner at my place

with my parents.

She says that she would enjoy meeting my parents and leans across the table to kiss me.

I know that when I tell me mom about Victoria, she will want to meet her anyways. Actually, I am almost positive that she will be so excited that she will invite half of the family to meet Victoria to. My entire family has been waiting for a really, really long time for me to find a women. By long time, I mean about a hundred years. I even begun to doubt myself, that I would find

the one

. I am positive I found her now. Her name is Victoria and I never want to loose her.

We finish eating our breakfast together, than take a shower. I am now sitting on her bed watching her ready herself for a day at work. I drive her there myself and kiss her goodbye.

I love you princess

I love you to Lliam.

My drive home is long. I have so many questions for my mum. I want to get them straight before I confront her, so I drive slowly. When I finally arrive at home, I pull around the circular drive way and park near the main entrance. I get out and stand staring at my house. It is a big house, Victorian style. It has charcoal grey siding, burgundy shutters, pillars on the front porch, and a huge double oak door entry way. I walk to the doors and open one. Mum is probably in her office. I walk up the stairs and head for her. I knock on the door nervously.

Come in my son. I have been expecting you.

I walk in and sit down on a chair in the corner. I have always felt comfortable in my mum

s office. Today, however, was different. I am feeling a little uneasy. I am almost afraid of the answer my mum will give to the questions I am going to ask her.

Mum, I think I am in love, but I am a little confused. I can hear Victoria

s thoughts from miles away. When I bit her, it didn

t heal. Actually, the bite turned into a scarred over heart, like the one on your neck. She makes me feel different, I feel a pull when I see her, and when  I am away from her, I can

t stop thinking of her.

Mum looks at me tenderly. She seems to have known what I was going to say before I said it. That is not unusual with my mother, she always seems to know everything.

My son, my Lliam, let me explain. We have kept something from you for your entire existence. We had to as not to influence you in any way. Victoria is your mate, the two of you are destined to be together; to rule our kingdom. The heart on her neck, from your bite, is a sign that she is yours. When the two of you wed, she will bite you on the first night of your marriage. She will drink from your veins, and she will turn into one of us. You will have a similar mark, but will be two hearts, on your wrist. Look at your father

s wrist, he has one as well. I am sure you have noticed it before.

BOOK: My Vampire Prince
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