My Vampire Prince (14 page)

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Authors: T. Skye Sutton

BOOK: My Vampire Prince
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He is gone, he left me aching and wanting, no needing him. It seems like it has been so long since we have made love.
Lliam, where did you go? Get back here! What kind of game is this? By punishment, I meant you needed to spank me, not turn me on and leave me hanging. Payback is a bitch you know!
I speak to him with my mind, and I receive no answer. What a jerk! I know he hears me, I think aloud but to myself since I am alone in our room.

After about thirty minutes, he returns. He is holding a whip. It has tiny beads on tassels at the end of it. It is black, the beads are red, I can smell the leather.

You ran from me Victoria. I think you are right, you do need to learn a lesson. Are you ready for your punishment?

Eagerly, I tell him that I am, I forgot to say love master but I don

t really care. I want him, and I want him now, rough yet passionate. This time, I think it may be rougher than usual, and I am eager to find out. Call me crazy, but as he is playing with the whip, running his fingers through the tassels on the end, I am growing more wet, more turned on. When he spanked me before, I liked it. Maybe I will like his whip to.

CRACK! Ouch. CRACK! He cracks the leg down on each of my thighs, I start to tear up and scream out in pain. Then, he caresses each thigh with his palm, instantly the pain subsides and is replaces with pure ecstasy. His touch awakens the fire like sensation bringing it to the surface of my skin, it had been lying under my skin hardly a spark, a growing ember, just enough that I knew it was there. Now I am laying here in total ecstasy, pure bliss, needing him even more than before. He brings the whip down on my left nipple, than my right, it stings but I moan

I know the pleasure is coming.

He takes each sore nipple, simultaneously into his mouth, sucking than rolling each tiny rose bud between his teeth. I arch my back, my muscles are clenching, my sex desires his touch, his love, his attention. He glides his finger down my body making me sigh and shiver. It feels like electricity is sparking out of my pores wherever he touches. The pull, the fire that always comes with his touch is more intense than it has ever been. His fingers find my sex, he slides the over my clit gently, slides one in, and then removes them all together. He seems to be enjoying teasing me like this. He continues to caress my body, give my neck, my sides, my nipples, and my sex special attention. Each tough brings me closer to climax, than he stops

moving onto an other location on my body.

He works his hands up my body, over my breast, wiping the hair off of my forehead sparkling with sweat. He slowly uncuffs each wrist. He grabs the bar between my ankles and places it in my hands.

Hold on tight Victoria, do not let go.

He brings his member to my opening. Grazing just the outside, rubbing it up and down, around and around, teasing me. Finally, he slides it into the place of hidden desires. I moan loudly, holding the bar as tight as I can. He grabs  each of my breast and rolls my nipples between his thumb and forefingers. Increasing his pace, he starts slamming into me harder and faster.

He playfully smacks my left breast.

Oh Lliam!

I am as close to the brink of exploding possible. If I don

t find release soon, I may as well spontaneously combust. I am trying my best to hold it in, I know he doesn

t want me to cum without permission. I can

t hold on much longer.

Let it go Victoria.

  He doesn

t have to tell me twice. I thrust my hips upwards, pulling hard on the bar between my ankles. He meets my thrust with one of his out, and we find our release together.

He unhooks my ankles and takes the spreader bar from between my legs, bending to kiss each of my ankles. My entire body is still on fire, my legs are shaking; my mind, body, and soul are burning with the sensation of pure bliss, complete and total mind blowing ecstasy. We snuggle up together in the bed.

I love you princess.

He really does, and I really love him. My happy ever after has finally came true, my Mr. Right. My Mr. Lliam Mackey the vampire prince. Me, his Mrs. Victoria Mackey the vampire princess. I never would have seen that coming, but it

s my life, my story. I love it.

I wake up, expecting Lliam to be gone from the bed already. He isn

t. He is laying next to me awake, staring at me.

Good morning beautiful.

Good morning babe, were you watching me sleep?

Yes, I can

t help it sometimes. You look so peaceful when you are sleeping, as if you are an angel, like you were sent here from heaven.
He says it in my mind, I think its more intimate like that anyways. I like that I can hear him in my mind now. It makes everything seem more




Chapter 23: The wedding present


I am very thirsty. I give Lliam a kiss, and get out of the bed sliding into my black and red robe. Lliam gets up and hugs me.

Stay here, I know you

re thirty, I will go get you a drink. Stay in bed for a few more minutes, relax.

He kisses my forehead and is out the door before I can blink my eyes. He returns a few minutes later, holding two bags of delicious red liquid in his hands; one for me, and one for him. He hands me one and we drink together.

I have a wedding present for you darling. Do you feel up to going out this morning?

I know that it is expected of me to be tired since my change, but I

m not. I actually feel amazing! I nod my head and say sure. We shower together and get dressed. My closet in our new house looks more like a department store. It took me a few minutes to decide what to wear. I chose the normal dark jeans and a sweater. I love sweaters, there is probably over one hundred of them in my closes. I smile, he really is spoiling me. I will have to do something nice for him.

I decide that I need to get out without him for a while, tend to some business of my own for once. I want to do something amazing for him. I will have to talk to Ellen to come up with something. What do you do for a man who has everything he could ever want?

Lliam, this afternoon, I would like to go see Ellen. I feel like I haven

t spent much time with her lately and I sort of miss her.


s find dear, you can do whatever you want. But, first, I want to give you your present

He grabs hold of my hand and we walk out to the car. We take his palace on wheels this time. He never did hire another driver, after Seamus. I

m glad though. I don

t think I will ever get used to the idea of having servants. I have Paudrigene, my personal assistant now, but I think of her more as a friend than anything.

We make our way toward the main strip.

Are we going near my shop Lliam?

I hope we are, I should probably check in on business. Lliam giggles. I love that sound. He parks the car in the usual parking across the alley located behind my work. We round the corner and walk up to the front entry of the shop. They are not open yet, but Aviel is standing inside. Hmmm

I think to myself. What is going on? We walk in and Aviel hugs first me than Lliam. I can hear the blood in his veins, but I don

t have the urge to bite him. My sense of hearing my just be better, but strangely, his blood sounds similar to Lliam

s. I don

t want to bite him or anything, but their blood shouldn

t sound the same should it? I mean Lliam is a vampire.

How are you feeling my princess?

Aviel asks to me. He has never called me princess before. He can

t possibly know that I really am a princess.

I am not sure what I am supposed to say, I mean I doubt that I am just suppose to be open about being a vampire. Aviel should not know that I am a princess. This is a question for Jeremiah Mackey. I touch Lliam

s arm lightly with my hand.
Jeremiah, I have a question.
I mentally call out to him.
I know Victoria, I always know when you want me. I just can

t talk to you unless you contact me first after the initial change. Anyway, to answer your question; Aviel is a vampire. He is actually a cousin to your royal family, and a very respected one at that.
That makes sense, that is how he knows that I am a princess. I thank Jeremiah for his help.
No need to thank me Princess Victoria, it is, as always, my pleasure.

I look to my boss, confusion now gone.

I am well thank you. Why aren

t Ellen and Lianna here to open?

Lliam speaks up now. He has been relatively quiet since we got here.

Darling, we are all here for a purpose. Aviel has agreed to help us open your dream store. We need a business plan.

My jaw drops almost all the way to the floor. Are they serious?

I already have a business plan made up. I carry it with me all the time.

I am so excited. I pull my flash drive out of my pocket book and plug in into Aviel

s store computer.

Aviel looks over my plan and says that it is perfect, flawless.

I will start looking for a good location for you this afternoon Princess.

Please, Aviel, you have been like family to me for many years. No need to be so formal now.

Lliam tells me to go to his attorney

s office to have all the documents drawn up to get my business license. I am to take Paudrigene with me. In the mean time, he is going with Aviel to scout locations. I take Lliam

s car and head to our house to pick up Paudrigene.



Chapter 24: Danger


As I am getting closer to our house, I start to notice a dank smell. It makes me nervous, I have never smelt anything like it before. I think it smells like danger. I have never smelt danger before, maybe it is a new vampire sense. I am getting worried, whatever it is. I can see our house now, the smell is horrible. Mixed with the strange scent, I can smell Paudrigene. Something is wrong, I can sense it. I am now scared and pissed off. My blood is boiling. Something is going on in my house!

I pull into my driveway. A growl escapes my my throat, starling me. Using my new vampire speed, I run to my front door and fling it open. I use my mind to tell Lliam that something is wrong in our house, and send him a text just incase he doesn

t hear me. I find Paudrigene in the dining room. She looks terrified and she is tied to a chair. Quickly and quietly, I make my way over to her to start getting her out of the chair. She shakes her head,

No! get out, don

t touch me. This is a trap!

She whispers so quietly, that if I wasn

t a vampire, I wouldn

t have heard her. I don

t listen. I start trying to untie her anyways.

I hear something to my left and as soon as I turn my head, I am tackled to the floor.

I told you that I would take you Victoria, and now I shall. I will damage his bloodline married to his princess or not. I will plant my seed deep inside of you whether you like it or not.

I know that voice, but I am not afraid this time. I will get him, one way or the other. I will kill him if I have to. Seamus wrestles me until he gets me tied up to the staircase. My phone slips out of my purse, vibrating across the floor. I know it is Lliam. I won

t be able to get to it, so I try calling out to him in my mind again.
Lliam, its Seamus. He has me tied to the staircase in our house.
I hope he hears me.
Bite yourself wherever you can Victoria. Our blood will make you strong! Drink from yourself. Don

t think

do it now. I am on my way. I love you Victoria, you can do this.
He heard me

I am relieved. At least if this turns out bad, Lliam will know who did it.

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