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Authors: J. P. Bowie

My Vampire Lover (2 page)

BOOK: My Vampire Lover
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managed just off Santa Monica, was a bustling place, and sometimes we'd stay open a little later to accommodate some of our slower diners. I always hate to be rushed through a good meal—and I wouldn't do it to my customers.


This particular night, though, was kinda slow, so I told the chef and the waiters they could take off early, and I'd lock up by myself. After counting out the bank deposit for the following day and stowing it in the night safe, I headed for the door then saw

He stood at the window reading the menu. Tall, about my height, a slender, athletic build, thick, dark hair combed back from a delicately boned, pale face. His eyes—I couldn't see the colour in the dark—fixed on mine as I gazed at him through the door window, and he smiled, a shy, somewhat weary, smile.

I opened the door. "Hi," I said. "Sorry, we just closed."
He nodded. "I understand you have a very interesting wine list," he said, with a trace of an accent ... French, perhaps.
I smiled. "The owners pride themselves on it. Perhaps, another night you can sample some of their specialties."
"Why not tonight?"
Without my seeing him move, he was suddenly standing very close to me, and I was staring into his midnight-blue eyes, my jaw feeling a little slack. "Uh ... sure," I said, stepping back, opening the door wider. "Come on in."
"Thank you." His bare arm brushed mine as he entered, and I felt a tingle like an electrical charge pass over my skin.
He wore a tight black T-shirt, black straight leg jeans that 13
My Vampire Lover
by J. P. Bowie
enhanced his slim build, and a pair of black cowboy boots.

The man in black
, I thought, admiring the perfect curve of his butt and itching to put my hand there and stroke it. He smiled at me, and I had the uncanny idea that he knew exactly what I was thinking.

"Nice place," he said. "Every time I pass by, it's always looked very busy."
"Not tonight," I said.
"No. That is why I came. So I could see you."
"See me?" I gulped slightly. "Oh, you want a job or something? We're actually not hiring right now, but—"
He laughed lightly. "No, I don't need a job. I just wanted to meet you. I have been admiring you from afar for some time." "You have?" I gaped at him, unsure how to react to that statement. No one had ever admired me from 'afar' before—
at least, not anyone I knew of. I'm okay looking, I guess ...
six feet, one hundred eighty pounds, chestnut brown hair, hazel eyes. I don't work out regularly, but I run and that keeps me in shape. "Why do you act so surprised?" he asked, sitting at one of the tables and returning my stare with a smile that could only be called thrilling. "I'm not used to people saying things like that, I guess." I moved to the bar. "Can I get you a glass of this week's house specialty?" "If it is red, that would be very nice."
My Vampire Lover
by J. P. Bowie
I tried to stop my hand from shaking as I poured his wine.
Pull yourself together
, I told myself.
He's just a guy—a little strange—but a guy, nevertheless
"Won't you join me?" His dark eyes bored into mine as I leaned forward to put his wineglass on the table.
"Uh ... sure." I poured myself a glass, then sat at the table opposite him. "I'm Ron, by the way," I said, holding out my hand. "Jean-Claude." His hand was cool and dry, his grip firm.
"I thought you sounded French," I told him, pleased with myself.
"It's amazing how one's accent clings, even after so many years away from home."
"How many years could that be? You're still young. Are you here for studies?"
"No. I am here by necessity. I was exiled from France many years ago."
"Well, let us say, self-exiled."
"Oh yeah, we get a lot of that in the States," I said, not knowing what I was talking about.
He chuckled. "Am I making you nervous?"
"No, not at all." I picked up my wineglass. "Cheers. I hope you like it."
." He raised his glass in salute then took a long sip, closing his eyes and savouring it in his mouth before swallowing. 15
My Vampire Lover
by J. P. Bowie

I watched him with fascination, loving the way his long lashes rested on the edge of his cheekbones. I hoped the wine would pass his connoisseur's taste buds.

"Very nice," he said, opening his eyes, smiling into mine.
"Phew." I grinned at him. "I was dreading the fact I might have to tell the owner his wine sucks!"
We laughed together, then he put his hand over mine.
..." My name sounded different when he said it. "I am very glad I met you."
"Me too," I said, polishing off my wine. "Another?"

He, of course, had no notion then of what I was. In his mind, I was perhaps, a little strange in my manner of speaking—a foreigner, and therefore that strangeness could be excused. Neither did he knowthat I had seen him, on several occasions, passing my condominium building when he took his early morning run.

I would watch him from my balcony, before the sun came up, his lithe, limber body covered in a fine sheen of sweat as he loped along with an easy flowing grace. Each time I sawhim, I wanted that much more to meet him face to face, to speak to him, to listen to his voice, to hear of his hopes and dreams.

He seemed unaware of his own allure, and that endeared him to me all the more. Behind that unassuming smile, I sensed the real man—one whose quiet strength belied his modest demeanour. I warmed to him immediately and hoped I would not have to use my 'powers of persuasion' to win him over. I longed for this first meeting to be one he would wish to repeat again and again.

My Vampire Lover
by J. P. Bowie

His hand closed on mine as I started to get up. I felt myself being pulled closer to him, though he seemed to exert no effort. Was he pulling or was I just moving nearer to him?


His lips touched mine. The effect was like nothing I'd experienced before. Just the slightest touch and I yanked him to his feet, crushed him in my arms and kissed him with a fervour I hadn't known I was capable of.


"Jean-Claude," I whispered into his mouth. "You feel incredible."


I couldn't believe this was happening. Just a half-hour ago, I was on my way home. Now I had this beautiful stranger in my arms, his hard, hot body pressed to mine, his lips and tongue sweetly bringing me to an almost instant orgasm.


"Wait." I stepped back, breathing heavily. "Wait ... I'm sorry ... whoa ... you really had me going there." I stood stock still, willing myself not to erupt inside my shorts. Holy

... I'd never come to the brink so quickly.
"Ron, come to me."

His smooth, melodic voice acted as a balm, calming the internal furore that had raged in me. With one long stride, I closed the gap I had created between us and took him in my arms again. There was something magical about his presence, something intangible I couldn't define. He was a real, vital being, yet there was something else—otherworldly perhaps—as I crushed his mouth with mine.

Banging at the door made me jump back from his embrace.
"Damn," I muttered, seeing two figures standing outside.
My Vampire Lover
by J. P. Bowie
"You closed early!" a disgruntled, angry shout came from the other side of the door.
I swung it open. "Sorry," I said. "We had no business, so we closed."

"You had no business closing!" The speaker, an overweight jerk who should have stopped eating for at least a month, glared at me through piggy eyes.

"Yeah, he's right!" An equally gross woman at his side barked at me. "We're here all the time, and we want to be served right now!" "Sorry, the chef's gone for the night."
I was aware of Jean-Claude standing beside me. "Can I be of some assistance?" he asked quietly.
"You the manager?" the fat jerk snapped at him.

"No and if you came here all the time, as you've said, you would know that this young man is the manager. Now I suggest you leave, before I bounce you on your fat bottoms."

I bit off the laugh that rose to my lips. Fatso looked like he was about to explode, when suddenly Jean-Claude held up his hand and waved it once in front of the couple's faces. Like balloons with all the air suddenly sucked out of them, the two sagged before my eyes and, shoulders slumped in complete defeat, slouched away down the street.

I turned to Jean-Claude and looked at him in amazement.
"How ... how did you do that?" I stammered.
"It's a little trick I learned some years ago—auto-suggestion, I think it's called. The nice thing is, they will never come back to this restaurant again." "Wow, impressive," I said, believing him.
My Vampire Lover

by J. P. Bowie
"Now, where were we?" he said, moving into my arms.
"Uh ... Jean-Claude ... I think we should slow this down a little."
He gave me a hurt look. "Don't you like me?"
"Oh, yeah. I like you—a lot. It's just that, I've been working. I'm hot and sweaty. I need to get out of these clothes and into a shower." "Well, I'm all for you getting out of those clothes," he said, with a sly smile. "But if you're uncomfortable here, perhaps I can come home with you?" "Yeah, that'll be good. Let me just lock up."

On the short walk back to my apartment, I was pissed, yet pleased, by the numerous admiring glances thrown at Jean-Claude by just about every queen who passed us. Glancing at his classic profile every now and then, I wondered why on earth he would have admired me from afar as he put it. And why hadn't I noticed him? He was most definitely the noticeable kind.

He took my hand as we climbed the steps to my apartment. I was startled yet incredibly touched by that gesture. I opened the door, and he stood, poised on the threshold, as if holding back.
Oh, don't tell me you've had a change of heart
, I thought, disappointment making me frown.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "Don't you want to come in?"
"Do you want me to?"
"Of course I do," I said, taking his arm.
"Thank you for inviting me to your home." He stepped into the hall, and I led him to the living room.
My Vampire Lover
by J. P. Bowie
"Make yourself comfy," I told him, pointing to the couch.
"Can I get you anything while I shower? A beer? Or, I do have some wine..."
"I'll wait until you finish showering," he said with a smile as he sat on the couch. Felicia, my lady cat, immediately jumped onto his lap. "Oh, sorry," I mumbled, thinking of her white hair all over his black clothes.
"It's quite all right," he murmured, stroking Felicia's thick coat. "Cats and I are old friends."
That's a funny thing to say,
I thought, as I padded into the bedroom, pulling off my clothes as I went.
Not, I like cats ...
old friends ... Hmm, he's a strange one all right. Strange, but hot ... I just hope he's not a mass murderer, or something.

After showering, I wrapped a towel round my hips and sauntered back to the living room. Might as well show him the goods. Jean-Claude was lying on the couch, Felicia nestled on his chest, looking into his eyes with what could only be described as adoration. He talked to her in a low voice, in a language I didn't recognise—was that French? And it seemed as if Felicia hung on his every word.

I cleared my throat loud enough to break the spell he had cast on the only cat that had ever liked me. "Well, hey," I said, much too loudly. "You guys are getting acquainted real fast!"


Jean-Claude kissed Felicia's nose then put her down on the rug. Smiling, he rose from the couch and walked slowly towards me, his movements fluid and cat-like.

Cats and I are old friends.
My Vampire Lover
by J. P. Bowie
I shivered as his hand caressed my bare chest.
"Are you jealous?" he asked, a teasing light in his midnight-blue eyes.
"Yes," I muttered, pulling him into my arms.

His hands undid my towel, and it dropped to the ground, leaving my raging hard on fully exposed. He grasped it in his hand, massaging it, running his thumb over the head until my precum covered his fingers. Smiling, his eyes riveted on mine, he brought his fingers to his mouth, savouring my essence. I gasped as he ran his thumb over my lower lip, letting me taste myself as I licked at it. I seemed to be no more than an erect penis. Every other part of me felt limp. I wanted to just collapse into his arms and have him do to me anything that would pleasure him.

I pulled at the hem of his T-shirt, exposing his smooth, hard torso, and two soft pink nipples that hardened quickly as I nuzzled them with my lips. Tugging at the waistband of his jeans, I pulled down the zipper, releasing his erection. It sprang at me like a large living thing, proud and joyous to be free. I sank to my knees, overawed by its beauty, unable to wait a moment longer before I could take it into my mouth and tasted the juice that oozed from it.

I heard him groan as his cock slid down my throat. I gripped his perfectly rounded butt cheeks and pulled him in deeper, almost risking being choked to death by the wedge of hard flesh my throat muscles tightened around. His hands caressed my head and face as he slowly pumped his engorged cock inside my mouth.

My Vampire Lover
by J. P. Bowie

Oh yeah,
I thought, moving in rhythm with him,
let me have all of that cum I knowis ready to explode inside my mouth. I knowit's going to taste as sweet as you look, as sweet as honey.
I gulped as I felt the first spurt of his semen hit the back of my throat, then I moved back a little to let the rest cover my tongue.
Mmm ... nice...

I wrapped my arms around his hips, holding him there as his body thrashed against me in his ecstasy. My face was buried in his crotch, the scent of his pubic hair like an aphrodisiac. My own orgasm churned inside me, and I came like a geyser, coating the inside of his thighs with my creamy load.

He fell to his knees facing me and kissed me long and hard, his tongue probing every corner of my mouth.
"Oh God," I whispered against his lips. "That was so ...

"Wonderful," he finished for me, kissing me again. "You are a wonderful man, Ron." For a moment, his lips nuzzled my throat, his teeth scraping lightly at my skin. I shivered with anticipation, then he pulled back suddenly and stood, pulling up his jeans. "I hope that we can do this again."
BOOK: My Vampire Lover
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