My Stepbrother's Arrangement (A Stepbrother Romance) (9 page)

BOOK: My Stepbrother's Arrangement (A Stepbrother Romance)
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Sitting down at my desk, I closed my eyes and leaned back. Helen was going to get Olivia, and fuck did I ever need her here right now.


I had just finished a two plus hour meeting with my dad. Fuck, I didn’t even know how long it had lasted. He came in like first thing in the morning, and started reaming me out for no reason at all.


Ok, so he did have a reason. I hadn’t really gotten anywhere on the project yet. But that wasn’t totally true. I had three people working for me, and I’d given them deadlines for when I wanted some stuff to be done. I told my dad I’d have some extremely preliminary reports ready for the end of the week.


Which was true, as long as my employees were doing their jobs. Maybe I should put Olivia on it, I thought to myself. After all, she was bound to be smarter than those mindless drones sitting in the cubicles around her, and I knew she was doing
with the info I gave her. I had half a mind to take my dad over to her cubicle and show him what she was doing, since I was sure it was something, but then figured that might not have been the best idea. After all, Olivia was just supposed to be an intern. Get coffee, make photocopies, that sort of thing. But that sort of thing just didn’t suit her. She wasn’t an office lackey, she was


Smarter than me, as much as it pained me to admit it.


Eventually my dad left, with some stern words and a promise that he would be back, and that if I wanted to take over the company in the future that I had better get my act together. After all, he said, my grades in business school were fine, but real life and academia are two very different things.


Whatever. It wasn’t as if my dream was to run the company. But I was probably going to do it anyway, because why not? It wasn’t as though I really had anything else to do, and the company
basically a license to print money.


So yeah, I was pretty fucking stressed out, and I needed relief.


As soon as Olivia walked in, with her shy little face, trying not to look at me directly but stealing glances here and there with those big doe eyes, it was like all the stress melted away. God, she was sexy. This was exactly what I needed.


“Boy am I glad to see you,” I told her.


“What did your dad want?” she asked. “He was in here for ages, I was wondering if anything was wrong.”


I shrugged. “Just chewing me out about not being the perfect son and the perfect businessman and the perfect worker. You know, the usual. But forget about him. I need some stress relief. Come on over here and suck my cock.”


God, I loved how she blushed whenever I was super crude like that. She was such a perfect little princess, seeing that little face go so red as she looked down towards the ground and turned her head away got me so hard so quickly. She was like a drug. A drug I had no intention of quitting.


Still, she listened. She made her way over towards me, and I grinned as I watched her saunter over. The way her hips swayed when she walked, the way she stopped just in front of me, a little bit submissive, but with that daring confidence of someone who’s doing something totally out of character, god damn it all drove me crazy.


I leaned back in my chair as Olivia looked at me.


“Alright kitten, down on your knees,” I ordered, moving my hands behind my head. Yesterday I’d eaten her out right here, today it was my turn.


“Ummm, I, ummm…” she stammered. I had a feeling I knew what was coming, but I wanted to hear her say it. I wanted to make her say the words.


“Yes? It’s ok kitten, you can tell me,” I replied.


“I’ve… never… done this before…” she almost whispered, her voice so quiet someone three feet away wouldn’t have been able to hear.


“Never done what before, kitten?” Now I was just teasing her, but hey, this summer was all about new experiences and having fun, and if I taught this girl to say those dirty words her mommy always told her good girls never said, well, I’d count that as a win.


“I’ve never… sucked a cock before,” she replied, and her face instantly went red again. Her voice was quiet, and yet an octave higher pitched than usual.


“Well, now’s as good a time as any to learn,” I replied. I might overdo it a bit by making her speak a bit dirty to me because holy shit does it turn me on, but I’m not a douchebag. A girl’s gotta suck cock for the first time sometime, and making her feel like shit for it sure isn’t going to make her like it. “Start by getting down on your knees.”


Olivia obeyed, kneeling in front of me, and I knew that when she was done here her knees would be red under the thin nylon stockings she wore below the cute little pencil business skirt she had on.


“Now unzip my pants.” Her head was only a few inches away, and I was already so hard. I could feel my bulge straining against the fabric of my pants, and the release as my cock sprang out from my boxers as she fumbled with the button and zipper made me breathe a sigh of relief and pleasure.


Olivia’s eyes widened as she looked at my cock. I supposed she must have never seen it from this close before, since I usually only had it in her tight little pussy.


“How am I supposed… to fit that… into my…” her voice trailed away as her sentence was left unfinished. Fuck, if that’s not the sexiest thing a girl can say to a guy. Seriously, I wanted to just grab her head, shove it on my cock and start fucking her mouth like nothing else.


But I made myself wait.


“It’ll fit, kitten. Start by licking it, get it wet. It’ll make it easier.”


Olivia looked up at me with those cute little eyes as she took my cock in one hand and moved over to it. I had to cool my jets here. The wide whites of her eyes as she looked up at me, her tongue finding my cock and sliding from end to end, moistening it before she took it in her mouth, fuck, a part of me wanted to cum right then and there.


As soon as she licked the underside of my shaft a ripple of awesomness ran through me. Fuck, this girl knew her way around a cock like a pro, and she didn’t even know it.


“Is that ok?” she finally asked timidly, and I nodded. I really wasn’t sure I trusted my voice right then and there, and that was a new thing for me.


“Now take it into your mouth, and suck,” I ordered when I got a hold of myself, and Olivia did just that. Without another word she leaned over my cock while I leaned back in the chair.


Taking only a couple inches past the tip at first, Olivia began to suck. She wrapped her lips around her teeth, knowing (thank fuck) not to use them, and moved her mouth up and down while she sucked.


I let out a little groan of ‘oh fuck yes’ while she did it, and she looked up at me, wondering if it was all ok. I smiled and nodded at her, and she went back to work on my cock, slowly working at taking more and more of it in, as though she immediately wanted to see how deep it could go.


She had more than half my cock in her mouth now, and getting into a pretty good rhythm. Yes, this was exactly what I had needed. Exactly.


I looked down and could see the outline of my cock against her cheek from time to time as she continued to take me in her mouth. I wanted her to take it all in, I wanted her to deep throat me, to take my whole cock in her mouth, I couldn’t resist.


With one hand I grabbed her hair. Fuck, it was soft, and perfect. Taking it in a fist, I moved my hand along with her head as she continued to take me in.


“Now just relax,” I ordered, and I saw her look up at me again.


Using a bit of force, I moved her head back onto my cock. “Don’t panic, just relax, this is going to be fine,” I told her as I pushed her head deeper and deeper onto my cock.


I started out with slow little strokes, not wanting her to panic and choke, and then moved onto longer ones as she realized what I was doing and let me do it.


She was pretty good at obeying commands, I had to give her that.


Eventually I had her deep throating me. She was taking my whole cock into her mouth, and I was pounding her head onto my shaft. It was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. I looked down, watching my hand move her head to whatever rhythm I wanted, using her mouth as a pussy, fucking her mouth.


I knew I was just about done. I was so close to cuming because holy shit if this whole scene wasn’t the sexiest thing I’d ever seen in my life, I didn’t know what was.


I pulled my cock from Olivia’s mouth and watched as my hot seed shot all over her perfect, pretty little face.


The first glob landed on her cheek, the second right next to her mouth, and the third on her chin. A tiny little bit dribbled into the corner of her mouth and she licked it up, looking up at me for approval.


I grinned at her, feeling fucking amazing. Spent, but amazing.


“Didn’t think you’d deep throat my cock on the first try, did you?” I asked, and she shook her head.


“No,” she replied shyly.


“Well you suck cock like a fucking pro, I can tell you that much,” I continued, enjoying the flush rise up in her cheeks once more.


“I liked it,” she finally admitted.


“You liked what?”


“I liked sucking your cock,” she replied with a small smile forming on her face, and I grinned again. Fuck, she was so innocent. So perfectly prim, making her talk dirty was my favourite thing.




“Good to know. There’s going to be a lot of that in your future then.”


I could tell just from looking at her how turned on she was. It wasn’t that subtle. Her cheeks were flushed, she couldn’t stop moving her hands, and it was like I could tell that her heart was going at a million beats a minute.


“Anyway,” I told her. “Time for me to repay the favour. And then maybe I’ll let you wash the cum off your face before you go back out to the office,” I teased. “Hands on the desk, legs spread wide,” I ordered.


I took a minute to enjoy the view of her perfect ass while she did what I ordered. Then, with a single movement I brushed her panties to the side (I briefly considered ordering her to never wear panties to work again) and slipped two fingers deep into her hot, wet sex. She
turned on. Fuck, maybe this day wasn’t going to be so bad after all.



When I got back to my desk, my face flushed, desperately hoping no one had noticed anything – which they hadn’t, I knew that no one here either noticed me or cared that I was around – I found my phone and a text from Annie, asking me to meet her for lunch at the Bistro in an hour.


That worked for me. God, I wanted nothing more than to admit everything to her. I wanted to tell her all about the great sex I was having, all about the amazing experiences, the great feelings, everything.


But I knew I couldn’t. What Kaleb and I were doing was just so
. I thought about that from time to time, but the more we had sex, the more he took me hard, the more amazing orgasms he gave me, the less I cared.


Ugh, why did life have to be so complicated?


I did want to see Annie though. So I texted back that sure, I’d meet her there. And I really, really hoped I didn’t smell like sex. I’d washed all of Kaleb’s seed off me in his office, then went straight to the bathroom to wash my face more, and I hoped that was enough.


It had been the first time I’d ever given someone a blowjob. And honestly, it wasn’t that bad. A lot of girls in high school would talk about how they hated it, how it was annoying and boring, how their boyfriends wouldn’t reciprocate, how bad the cum tasted. I didn’t feel any of that. Of course, Kaleb gave me the most amazing orgasm after, fingering me until I couldn’t take it anymore. And his seed tasted a bit salty, but it wasn’t too bad. And he went slowly enough that I didn’t gag on it, or feel uncomfortable or anything.


It was… nice. And it was weird to think that
Kaleb Leeman
of all people was a nicer, kinder lover than the actual boyfriends of a lot of these girls. I figured I probably didn’t miss out on all that much by being a prude in high school after all.


In that half hour or so I had to kill before I left I continued on with my report. I was going to look into the inconsistencies I noticed, but I wanted to do the actual work first, and that involved writing a report, doing some analysis and other stuff.


An hour later I was sitting with Annie at a little table at the Bistro, people watching as the lunch hour started to come to an end, waiting for our late lunch sandwiches to arrive.


“So,” Annie started, pulling out her ipad. “I found this
place on Craigslist, and I want you to see it, because you need to see where we’ll be living if you decide to come to Stanford with me.”


I laughed. I hadn’t really given much thought to where I was going to college. After all, when Yale rejected me I was in a pretty sad place, and while I was starting to feel a bit better about it, I had to admit I’d gotten pretty caught up in the sex with Kaleb and had been shirking other responsibilities, like college.


“Ok, let’s see it,” I asked, taking the ipad from her hands.


“It’s in Menlo Park,” she told me as I scrolled through the pictures. Light hardwood floors, peach coloured walls, a gorgeous kitchen with light brown cabinets and granite countertops... yes, this was definitely nice. “So it’s walking distance to the campus, and it’s just under four grand a month, which for a two bedroom in that area is pretty good.”


Sunlight streamed through the windows in the photos. Sure, New York was nice in the summer, but I knew as winter came over the west coast would be a
nicer place to spend the cooler months. New York could be downright apocalyptic in the winter.


“I dunno Annie. It is nice, but what about Harvard?”


“What about Harvard? Seriously, Livvie. All these schools you’re trying for are basically the best in the country. Do you really think anyone is going to care that you went to Harvard instead of Stanford? No, of course not. Because either way both colleges are better to have on a resume than 99% of the rest of the ones in the country. They’re basically the same thing. So come to the one your best friend is going to.”


“You have a point,” I conceded. And she was right. I was going into accounting. Business school. Harvard and Stanford were both known for their incredible business schools. I mean, maybe Wharton had a better reputation, but that would be the only place. I was really choosing from the cream of the crop, no matter what.


“See? Of course I have a point. And we’ll get to do so much cool stuff in California! We can go surfing! Wouldn’t it be awesome to learn to surf? We can catch huge waves in the mornings before exams…”


“… get eaten by sharks,” I continued, and Annie rolled her eyes.


“You have no sense of adventure,” she replied.


“You have no idea,” I said back, laughing. If only she knew the adventure I’d gotten myself into this summer.


“Seriously though, it’d be fun. It’d be an adventure. We could do it all together.”


Annie was putting forth a pretty good argument. And it was funny, a few weeks ago, the thought of doing something like learning to surf would have been so foreign to me, so crazy an idea that I definitely would have shut it down. After all, surfing would definitely take away from my study time.


But now? Now I’d learned just how awesome life could be when I let go for a little bit and let things happen. What if I did the same thing in the rest of my life? What if I let myself relax, let myself let loose every so often? That could be fun, too.


You know what? Fuck it, I decided. I was going to go out on a limb, I was going to go on an adventure when the summer was over, I was going to do something fun.


“Fine. You won me over Annie. Let’s do it! Let’s go to Stanford.”


“Wait, seriously?” Annie replied, almost dropping the French fry that was halfway to her mouth.


“Yeah. Seriously.”


“Wow Livvie, I’m impressed. I’ve never known you to make any sort of spontaneous decision, ever! I figured you’d go home and make a pros and cons list and think about it for a week.”


I just shrugged. “Well, you know. I’ve been doing a lot of self-exploration this summer (
and letting someone else explore me
, I thought) and I think I want to be a little bit more spontaneous. Not everything needs to be perfect, or thought through to the millionth degree.”


Annie let out a little squeal in reply.


“Finally! Oh, my little Livvie is growing up! This is awesome! We’re going to have so much fun. So are you in on the house? We can always look for other things…”


I shook my head.


“No, that house seems awesome. Let’s do it!”


“Oh my God! This is amazing! We’re going to have so much fun, Livvie. I promise!”


“I know, Annie. It’s going to be great.”


I got that warm fuzzy feeling you get from making a good decision as soon as I said yes to Annie. I knew she was right. I didn’t need to go home and think about it a million times. I didn’t need to give in to the paralysis by analysis that I always went through when it came to decisions like this. I just didn’t need to. It was the right choice, and I knew that having at least a little bit of a support network on the west coast in Annie was going to be a godsend during my first years of college. We could go through this together.


But still, at the same time, a part of me was a bit sad. After all, San Francisco/San Jose/Palo Alto/whatever major city we were supposed to refer to Stanford being in were all in California. On the west coast. A five hour plane ride away. I was going to be away from my mom, but the funny thing was, my mind immediately turned to how much I was going to miss Kaleb.


Stop it. You can’t have thoughts like that. This is fun. You already decided you were going to quit it after the summer. Now you have no choice.


That was true. It was very true. Kaleb and I had the summer to have fun, and that was it.


Besides, why was I thinking that things could go on for longer? This was Kaleb Leeman we’re talking about. I didn’t know him to be the relationship type guy. More the hit-it-and-quit-it type.


Holy shit. He’s your stepbrother. Everything else aside there are approximately a thousand reasons why you can’t date him, and ALL OF THEM are the fact that your mom is married to his dad.


While I was mentally berating myself, I totally spaced out on the fact that Annie was talking to me again.


“What was that? Sorry, daydreaming about how awesome our life in California is going to be,” I told her, and she smiled.


“Yeah, it’s gonna be so great. I was just asking what made you decide to be more of a normal person and less of an OCD psycho when it comes to your decision-making?”


I tossed a french fry at her for the comment.


“I dunno. Just a thing I was thinking about. You know, end of high school, start of adulthood, start of a new life, recreating myself, that sort of thing.”


“Ok, yeah, I know what you mean.”


“Anyway how are things going with that guy from the hospital?”


Annie shrugged. “We went out a few times, but he’s not really my type. Which is code for he’s terrible in bed.”


I giggled. “Really?”


“Yeah. Like, really bad. So I told him I disagreed with his politics and that was a dealbreaker for me. Oh well. It could have been a fun summer fling, but I guess I’m not having my own Grease moment here.”


“You poor thing. Imagine the sex being that bad that you break up with a guy over it.”


“Well, you know what it’s like. You were with Mike for a while.”


“Yeah, but I had no idea how bad he was until…”


I broke off right there, but Annie picked up on it, obviously.


“Until what?” she asked, a twinkle in her eye.


“Until everyone else told me about how terrible he was,” I finished, hoping my lie was smooth enough. Annie eyed me with an askance glance, her suspicions obviously not completely gone, but she nodded.


“Well that’s way more boring. I hoped you were going to tell me about a summer fling of your own. You know, wanton sex in the summer heat, one last no-strings-attached fling before going to the other side of the country for college.”


I shook my head vehemently this time. I hated lying to Annie, and I wanted to tell her about Kaleb, but obviously I couldn’t.


“No, nothing like that for me. You know me, that doesn’t sound like the sort of thing I do anyway, does it?”


She sighed. “No, it doesn’t. You should though. I think it’d be good for you.”


BOOK: My Stepbrother's Arrangement (A Stepbrother Romance)
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