My Stepbrother's Arrangement (A Stepbrother Romance) (15 page)

BOOK: My Stepbrother's Arrangement (A Stepbrother Romance)
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“I’m going to fuck you so hard,” Kaleb growled, his hands finding my ass and squeezing it hard.  I let out a little yelp, then wrapped my arms around his shoulders once more as he hoisted me up onto his hips.


I wrapped my legs around Kaleb as he maneuvered his cock against the entrance of my slit. The cool tiles of the wall pressed against my back as he entered me, stretching my pussy wide, sending pleasure radiating through me.


He began to slide in and out of me, slowly at first, giving me that slow pleasure, like your body warming up when you get under a warm blanket. The glow inside of me began to grow, like the last remnants of a fire being stoked back to life.


“Fuck me harder,” I begged, wanting more, wanting something stronger.


“I’m in charge here, I’ll fuck you however I want,” Kaleb growled back in reply, and I let out a small moan in reply.


A few minutes later, however, he complied to my wishes. Pounding into me harder, I began to feel that now-familiar feeling of boiling over, my body ready and desperate to cum.


“Oh my God, I’m going to cum,” I moaned breathlessly as my body began to be taken over by the ultimate pleasure, by a feeling that nothing else in the world could replace.


Kaleb stayed still inside of me while I came, and I felt my walls squeezing against his shaft, pulsating against him, squeezing his cock. His breathing was getting more and more ragged, and I knew he was close too.


Still, most of my body was focused on me, on the tidal wave of pleasure that washed over my body again and again, a feeling like nothing else in the world.


When the sensations subsided and I came back down to earth, I collapsed against Kaleb, but he didn’t start thrusting again.


“Suck me off, Kitten,” he ordered. “And this time, I want you to swallow all of it.”


I looked at him, my eyes widening. I was getting used to giving him blow jobs now, I did it every few days, and he always made sure to repay the favour. But I had never done it after he had been inside of me!


Still, I knew that he didn’t joke around. I shifted off his cock and dropped down to my knees. Looking up at him, making sure this was really what he wanted, I took his shaft into my mouth and tasted my own juices.


It felt tangy, a bit strange, hard to compare to anything. But as I sucked his cock the taste subsided, and I started to get into the rhythm of things. I took him deeper and deeper into my mouth, until finally I could take his whole shaft deep inside my throat.


It didn’t take long before Kaleb’s breathing got shallower and shallower, and with a groan he came inside my mouth.


Spurt after spurt of his hot seed shot inside of me, and at first I thought I was going to cough it all up, but I quickly swallowed it all instead, looking up at Kaleb the whole time. I licked his cock clean, and a minute later he slipped it out of my mouth and helped me to my feet.


“You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever fucked,” he told me as I slipped my skirt back down. For the last few minutes I’d completely forgotten about my fear of us being caught in here.


“Oh my God, I can’t believe we did that!” I exclaimed, throwing my now-ruined panties into the garbage can in the corner of the room. “Get out, now, before someone comes in.”


“Really? You’re worried about someone coming in
” my stepbrother replied with a teasing grin. I rolled my eyes and practically pushed him out the door. I decided to wait a minute or two before following, just to alleviate any suspicions any of the workers outside might have had.


Holy shit. We’d actually just done this though. It was so intense!


I cleaned myself up a little bit then went back out to the table where Kaleb was waiting, having ordered himself another coffee.


“Gonna hang out with me some more?”


“I guess so. I liked where it went the last time.”


“Good. Because I’d like to get back to how we can figure out exactly who’s behind this whole embezzling thing.”


“Sure. For sure.”


I said the words, but I had absolutely no faith that I was going to be able to concentrate on work now. Not after what we’d just done. Part of me wanted to run out of the coffee shop, sure that every single member of the staff there knew what I’d just done, and never come back. But everything seemed normal. Nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe they didn’t know.


Kaleb ordered me another coffee, and we started brainstorming.


* * *


The weekend after our coffee shop sex, I was meeting Annie. I had to ask her advice.


I had started thinking about things after I’d lied to Kaleb about not knowing what I was doing after the summer. After all, I had no reason to lie to him.


But I did. And I knew why, even though I didn’t want to admit it to myself.


I was in love with my stepbrother.


Deeply, madly, passionately in love with him.


I’d started spending every waking hour thinking about him. Even when I should have been working, when I was supposed to be hunting down the person responsible from stealing from the company that would become my inheritance, I couldn’t stop but think about those washboard abs, about those strong arms that had held me close, about that gorgeous hair that always had that effortless just-got-out-of-bed look.


This was more than lust. And I had to talk to someone about it. Annie was the only person I could go to, but I knew that I couldn’t tell her the truth. I couldn’t tell her exactly
I had fallen in love with.


I took a seat in the café we’d decided to meet at and ordered a BLT wrap with avocado, and an iced tea.


Sipping it nervously, I watched the door, waiting for her to come in. Was I going to be able to go through with this? Was I going to be able to tell her? I had to. After all, we were best friends. What if she figured it out though? What if she realized who I was talking about? Fuck, this was my stepbrother I was talking about. I wasn’t allowed to be in love with him!


Even if he was hotter than the heat wave we were still in the middle of.


A couple minutes later Annie walked in, a gorgeous blue sundress, sandals and sunglasses making her look like she was ready for a trip to the beach.


“Hey, que pasa?” she asked as she gave me a quick hug before sitting down across from me. The waiter came by a minute later and she ordered a penne chicken dish and a coke before we got down to our conversation.


“So? What’s been happening in the Olivia Scott world?”


I shrugged. “Well, not too much. Actually, that’s a lie. A lot. And that’s part of why I wanted to have lunch with you today, I need to ask you some advice.”


“Of course! Tell me everything!”


“Well… there’s this guy.”


I saw Annie’s eyes widen with excitement, and could immediately tell that she was trying not to interrupt so I’d keep talking, but really wanted to let out a squeal that would break the glass sitting in front of me.


“Yes?” she asked breathlessly, waiting for me to continue.


“But… he’s not really… my type.”


“Go on…”


“He’s a bad boy. I shouldn’t be with him. He’s not the kind of guy I’m supposed to be with. I can’t be with him. It’s not right. But I think… I think I love him.”


This time Annie couldn’t help the squeal.


“Oh my GOD Livvie, this is like, maybe the best thing that’s ever happened,” she squealed.


“Are you even listening to me? No it’s not. We can’t be together. It’s wrong.”


“Romeo and Juliette thought they couldn’t be together either, didn’t they?”


“Yeah, and they both ended up dead.”


“Well before then they were together for a little while. And the point of the story was that they should have been able to be together. Besides, you’re being overly dramatic about things. Just because he’s not your usual type doesn’t mean you
be together.”


“No, it’s more than that. His parents disapprove of me, and my mom disapproves of him. She’s told me I can’t be with him, or she won’t pay for my college.”


So I was doubling down on the lies. Oh well, I had no choice. I wasn’t about to admit, even to Annie, that I was having sex with my stepbrother. Even if it was totally mindblowing.


“Well that makes it harder. But still. I’m a strong believer in the idea that if you love someone, you make it work, no matter what others think.”


“Oh, there’s another complication as well. We’re not really
, it’s more of a casual thing, and I’m scared that I’ll scare him off if I tell him how I feel. Plus, he’s staying in New York, so when I go to college, our relationship is over anyway.”


“Wow. Well this relationship is basically an entire soap opera season’s plot, isn’t it?”


“I know. I’m in so deep, Annie, and I don’t know what to do.”


“Well for one thing, you can start by telling me how long this has been going on.”


I looked down, embarrassed.


“Since about the beginning of summer.”


“Seriously? And you didn’t tell me? Your best friend?”


“I know. I’m sorry. I should have. But as I said, it’s complicated. I didn’t think it would last this long. I didn’t think… that this was going to happen.”


“That you’d end up falling in love with your fuck buddy?”


I dropped my head in shame as I nodded. If only she knew just how much worse than that it really was.


“Well, what are your plans?”


“What do you mean?”


“Are you still going to go to Stanford?”


“Well… yeah. Yeah, of course I am.”


“So you’re not willing to give up on your dreams of going to college for this guy?”


I thought about what Annie said for a while. No, no matter what I couldn’t skip college to stay with Kaleb. Not only was going to a great college what I had spent my entire life working for, but there was no way Kaleb wanted to be with me. He wasn’t a relationship type guy.


“No. No, I’m not. Besides, even if I was, he’s not the relationship type.”


“You have to tell me his name, at least.”


“Kyle,” I replied. Luckily I’d thought of a fake name to give before Annie showed up.


“Ok, well then you have nothing to be confused about. Just tell him.”


“But I love him!” I protested.


“You have two options then: tell him, and hope he feels the same way. Or don’t tell him, admit you’re going away in September, and deal with it. There’s no middle ground here. Relationships aren’t always easy.”


I sighed. She was right, of course. There was no way I could
tell Kaleb how I felt. I was telling her the truth when I said he wasn’t the relationship kind of guy. Plus that whole “him being my stepbrother” thing put a damper on those plans regardless.


“You’re right. Thanks Annie.”


“No problem. Now let’s talk about the fact that you’ve been seeing this guy for weeks and I’m only finding out about it now.”


“Sorry. You know I’m not really the going out type. So when I got a guy like that, I figured it was best if I kept quiet about it.”


“Is Kyle hot?”


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