My Son (13 page)

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Authors: Marie Kelly

BOOK: My Son
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After avoiding
Phil’s feet for most of the dance, Kelly had laughed, suddenly feeling the need for a seat.  However turning she had come face to face with Marc, who proceeded to demand a dance from her as the band had struck up a slow dance and he had pulled her into his arms.  Kelly’s whole body had instantly reacted to being there as she had felt her head against his shoulder; his breathe gently moving her hair, his hard body against hers as his hand held the naked base of her back.  Kelly had shivered with the sensations this closeness was raising within her.

When she had first
seen Marc she had held her breath at just how handsome he looked, wearing a full tuxedo he was breath taking.  At the first opportunity she had dragged Phil over to join him only to gasp as she had seen the beautiful woman appear before him and kissing him so familiarly on the lips.  Kelly had instantly felt the heat in the pit of her stomach, as it had dropped seeing the other woman holding onto him in such a possessive manner.  She had remembered another woman at another party nearly a year ago and knew that this woman was his mistress, also guessing that this was Olivia Prentiss, a fact confirmed when introduced to her.

“You look wonderful”
Marc’s soft voice had trailed so sensually down her hair

“If this was the safe option, I would really like to see the other dress”

Kelly had laughed, with a soft moan

“No… they sent the wrong dress”

Marc had chuckled

“Not from where I’m standing” he
had said with admiration as Kelly had felt the warm glow rise within her as with her eyes closed she had enjoyed the feel and wonderful smell of him, all of which was causing her to feel light headed.

The two of them
had carried on dancing, lost in the other, as for Kelly it was as if they were the only two people in the room, all background noises disappearing with only his soft breathing making any sound.  She had sighed gently with satisfaction, and as the music ended broke apart from him with regret as all the background sounds had crashed back in on her.  After thanking her, Marc had been dragged away by others to talk and she had drifted amongst the other many party guests, enjoying meeting the many friendly faces which greeted her. 

too soon the party had ended and as people drifted away, wishing Marc a happy birthday she had bade goodnight to Phil, once more telling him that everything would be fine and that she should be the first to know for sure, as he had left happily crossing his fingers.  Finally the last guest had left and she and Marc had smiled at each other

“Yet another
successful De Santo bash” he had said aloud as she had giggled and nodded.

“I would go with that

Suddenly feeling shy as she had given him a soft smile

“Goodnight Marc” she said gently, noting that he was looking at her as though about to say something.  However, suddenly feeling nervous, she had quickly moved away to retrieve the monitor for Max’s room from Beth, the older woman asking how the party had gone smiling on discovering that all had gone smoothly.

“Well he’s slept like a little log….
not a peep out of him” she had declared sleepily before handing the monitor over to Kelly

“Thanks Beth” she
smiled “and goodnight, enjoy yourself tomorrow”

who was looking forward to her day off had laughed

“Hon I may not even leave my bed”

Chuckling softly, Kelly had made her way back to the hallway and staircase.  As she passed the main door she had heard a small knock, and slowly opening it, had found Phil standing there

“Got to talk to you” he
had cried in excitement, his eyes darting around the hallway

Is Marc about?”

had shaken her head, not having seen him on her return from Beth’s room

“Come in here
then” he had said mysteriously before dragging her into the study

“What is it Phil
?” she had asked in surprise, as he had turned to look at her, his face glowing, his eyes radiating happiness

“She phoned back” he said

“She said yes Kelly”

had laughed back with him.  Her eyes full of the happiness she felt for him

I’m so happy for you”

Phil was beside himself with joy
as he had kissed her square on the lips before picking her up, and lifting her into his arms hugging her with joy as she had laughed with him, neither of them aware of the door opening or of the man who now stood before them as he had silently entered the room, until Kelly had suddenly stiffened.

Philip sensing the change in her
had looked around and spotting Marc placed her back on her feet before whispering gently in her ear

“Can’t tell him yet...promised Theresa I would officially ask her father before we go public”

And with a last dazzling smile at her, had walked out of the room past his friend, not trusting himself to stop in case he blurted out his news, but instead smiling at Marc on the way by, not even noticed that he had received no return smile.

Marc De Santo
, stared silently at the woman in front of him.  His insides clenched so tight with anger and yes the cold hard steel of jealousy too.  He had never wanted a woman more, and she was shamelessly flaunting another man before him.  At that moment he wanted to go over there and shake her and make her look at HIM.  The icy anger spreading throughout his whole body as he had tried hard to control the feelings and thoughts all churning deep within him

“Well, well” he
had said in a low dangerous voice

“Haven’t we been a busy girl”

Kelly, her heart beating fast in her chest had made to walk past him

“I don’t know what you mean” she said dismissively
“Goodnight Marc”

But in one swift move Marc
had placed the whiskey drink he held in his hand down on a nearby table, causing the ice cubes to clink noisily in the crystal glass, and caught her arm as she had tried to make her way past him

“I think you do” he said silkily.  His voice low and even, but somehow dangerous

“But why settle for the boy” he continued “when you could have the man”

Kelly had
tried to pull her arm free from him

“Let me go Marc” she said angrily “
You’re drunk”

As he had tutted softly, his eyes
had flashed with such a fire

“No, no” he chided her “no I’m very sober thank you”

With that he had pulled her into his arms encircling her small waist with a pincer grip so that no matter how she strained against him she could not escape. 

“What do you want” she
had cried through clenched teeth.

“Perhaps some of what he was getting” Marc replied huskily

“That was not what you think” she responded a small tremor in her voice, seeing the flash of anger once more in his eyes

“Do you take me for a fool” he snarled

“Are you planning on going through every man here” his voice icy, his words meant to hurt her as much as she was hurting him             

had flinched, but the anger had risen within her as she had met his angry glare with a cold stare of her own.

“I don’t think that will be necessary” her voice dripped with disdain

“Do you?”

had sworn loudly and stepped away from her as though she had physically hit him

had watched as he racked her body with his eyes, a look of complete contempt filling them, as Kelly had realised that she had gone too far, but not caring.  How dare he talk to her like that.  Her insides felt cold – how could he think that of her.  She had watched as with great control he had made his body relax so that the anger within him seemed to melt away, as he stood looking down on her coldly but contemplatively. 

“You shouldn’t sell yourself short” he said at last, now in complete control of himself

“There are other men out there looking for a mistress”  He slowly walked around her as though she was a piece of meat, his look not missing any of her figure as he openly admired her with a look in his eyes that made her flush.  He had come to stand in front of her softly trailing a finger down her arm, his dark eyes holding hers.

The sudden touch of him on her skin
had caused her body to react instantly as hot flames of desire had rushed through her.  Marc had given a dry hollow laugh seeing the way her body reacted to his touch, and leaning forward he had whispered softly into her ear

“Perhaps there might be higher bidders out there”

Kelly had flushed an even deeper colour, his meaning very clear.  So he now thought she was some kind of prostitute and was offering to pay for her services.  Hurt had made her pull herself up to her full height and retorted in a voice she hoped was cool and steady

“Tell you what Marc, i
f the deal falls through, I’ll let you know”

There was a deathly silence for what seemed like an age before he
had spoken slowly with real anger in his voice

“Well perhaps you should let me see if the goods are worth waiting for” he said dangerously

Catching the meaning in his words Kelly had made to run for the door, but he was faster and had caught her by the shoulders spinning her around to look at him in only a few strides.  With a cruel twist of his sensual mouth he took her face in his hands and lowering his head crushed her lips to his.  His kiss was hard and meant to punish her for her words, and desperately she had raised her hands to push him away, pressing them against his chest to strain away from him.  However, feeling his body under her touch had caused her to erupt in a passionate need to be even closer to him, her body a traitor of the worse kind, as far from fighting him she had felt herself clutching at him and kissing him back with a deep desire she could not control.

had raised his head from her, his dark eyes burning with passion

“My God” he exclaimed thickly
, looking down on her impassioned face, before once again lowering his head to her

This time his kiss was gentle and searching and his hands
had lowered to draw her closer against him, pulling her hips against his so as she could feel his arousal hard against her.  Kelly had groaned and entwined her arms around his neck pulling his head down further to her.  She had delighted as he kissed her mouth, cheek, ears and shoulders.  Her body shivering as he expertly inflamed her under him, aware of his unsteady breathing as he too became inflamed with her.

As his lips explored hers, his tongue
had delved into her mouth so gentle and caressing that her whole body had exploded in a need which filled her very being.  Moaning throatily against him she had kissed him back, her tongue dancing with his, feeling his one hand on the base of her back slowly stroking the silky curve of her causing shivers to run up and down her spine as she moved even closer against him pushing harder against the feel of his arousal.  He had sighed softly his other hand holding her head, his fingers entwined in the softness of her hair.

Kelly’s hands
had pushed at the suit jacket he wore, feeling as it had slid from him before she had moved her hands between them and with fingers splayed against his hard chest began to slowly undo the buttons of his shirt with the sudden desire to feel his bare skin against her hand, to brush her fingers against the rough hair which grew there.  Pulling the shirt from his trousers she had began to slide it from his muscular shoulders, undoing the small tie at the same time, feeling his hand slide lower to cup her buttocks, his fingers gently stroking the furrow where the cheeks met.  As his shirt hit the floor his hand had undone the clasp of her dress causing it to float gently and soundlessly to the floor to join it.  The sudden feel of skin on skin had caused her to moan and shudder, her arms moving around his waist, her fingers barely touching his back as they brushed his skin feeling him shiver wherever they made contact.

Just as she felt she would drown in the sensations rocking her body he moved slightly backwards breaking the connection between them.  With a soft whimper her passion filled eyes
had begun to open slowly her body swaying unsteadily, as she saw him taking in every detail of her shape his eyes greedily drinking in her perfect figure, her erect and pouting breasts, her slim waist and flat stomach leading down to long shapely legs.  Opening her mouth she had gasped suddenly as he dropped to his knees before her, his hands moving on either side of her legs until reaching her feet, were he removed the shoes she wore, the only clothing left.  Once she stood before him completely naked he had began to kiss her stomach, his hands holding her hips tightly to prevent her from moving

Marc” she begged, her voice hardly a whisper as she struggled to deal with the intimacy of his actions a flush spreading over her cheeks at the way she wanted him even more while knowing that she  should be pushing him away

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