Read My Serbian Wolf Online

Authors: Charisma Knight

My Serbian Wolf (2 page)

BOOK: My Serbian Wolf
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“I will not warn you again to still your tongue. Defy me once more, and you shall feel the wrath of my temper!”

ZenaVuk stifled her emotions to appear strong within the eyes of her mate. The matter was completely out of her control. She would have to accept things as they were. A mixture of sadness and rage ate at her heart, and she bowed her head as Niko pulled her close to his chest.

“You must understand that, for now, this is what I need to do. I cannot tell you more than that. It will take time, but the true nature of my task will be revealed to you in another time, another life…”


My Serbian Wolf

Charisma Knight

Chapter One

Maryland, 2010

For some reason, Rebecca Johnson’s journey to Niko’s realm was much different than other visits. Sleep did not claim her the way it usually did.

Lying awake for hours on end, she tossed and turned, contemplating another heated tryst with her ancient alpha wolf. After an hour of restlessness, she peered at the alarm clock once more, discovering it was just a little after midnight. Impatience consumed her, and she buried her face in the goose down pillow.

“What the hell do I have to do to get some sleep around here? Count some damned sheep?” After some time, sleep enveloped her like a soft veil.

* * * *

Something jarred Rebecca from the sweet abyss of a dream. Perhaps it was a chill, or even a ghost. Uneasiness settled over her like an uncomfortable wet blanket until she gained her bearings. Once fully awake, she discovered she was no longer in her own home, but Niko’s realm.

Smiling, Rebecca inhaled the rich, masculine scent of her mate. Her body ached for him, and she wondered where he had ventured off to. The large, four-post bed on which she lay made her feel as though it would swallow her up at any given moment. She turned over on her side, allowing a gasp to escape her lips as the large black and silver fur tickled her sensitive skin. She grimaced as she gazed at the oval shaped window etched within the gray stone walls. The harsh Serbian elements caused her to shudder. She wrapped the furs around her body as a cold breeze seeped into the room, chilling her to the bone.

Tempted to glimpse out the window, Rebecca gathered the furs around her body and tiptoed across the cold dirt floor of the castle. As always, the sight that lay before her was breathtaking. She marveled at the beautiful snow capped mountains cleverly set against a beautiful sunset. A blanket of snow 7

My Serbian Wolf

Charisma Knight

covered the ground and trees, sparkling within the light of the brilliant sun.

To her, the scene resembled an oil painting, only
was created from The Almighty, Himself. Peace of mind presented itself to her as she recalled a distant memory of admiring the beauty of a scene such as this many lifetimes ago.

Clutching the bed furs close, Rebecca shivered as she returned to the warmth of the bed. The cold air hardened her chocolate nipples, causing the silk to feel harsh against them. Candles adorned the room, and the cold air caused the flames to sway in a smooth, fluid motion in such a strange, hypnotizing way. It was no secret. Once again, she’d been thrust into an alternate reality.

A growl made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. Chills skittered down her spine, causing goose bumps to erupt over her flesh. The bed sat adjacent to the entrance of the room, and within the doorframe, she caught a glimpse of Niko’s large silhouette. From what she could see, his eyes appeared to be silver, or perhaps the candlelight played tricks upon her eyes.

Seeking more warmth, Rebecca tucked the furs closer to her body. Her breath escaped her as the wolf man moved closer into view, leaning against the stone wall. Silver eyes pierced her soul, and her pussy clenched in anticipation. Hot cream flooded her silk panties when Niko finally came into full view, snatching her breath away like a thief in the night.

She smiled. “I’ve missed you.” Her pulse quickened, and her clit throbbed. She ached with want at the thought of his hardened body slipping and sliding against hers.

“And I’ve missed you,

Rebecca swallowed hard as the large, muscular man, who stood at six-foot-three, appeared to float into the room. His clothes were not of this time, but that of thirteen-eighty-nine Serbia. Every time Rebecca saw him, many memories invaded her psyche, causing her to remember their past lives together. Tonight, he wore a blood red wool shirt, and black cotton knickers that were pretty damned form-fitting against his chiseled body.


My Serbian Wolf

Charisma Knight

His features appeared to be carved from stone and adorned with telltale signs of his age, sending her blood pressure through the roof. To Rebecca, he looked to be in his early to mid-forties, but she knew Niko to be centuries old. Gray streaks were prominent throughout his black, shoulder length hair.

Rebecca shuddered, not from the cold, but from eyes as black as obsidian, possessing ancient unspoken secrets and forbidden carnal pleasures.


My Serbian Wolf

Charisma Knight

Chapter Two

Most often Niko appeared to Rebecca in his human form. Rebecca marveled in the fact that her wolf shifter’s eyes were sometimes yellow, and other times silver, depending upon his mood. When he donned his wolf form, the enchanting light of the mystical full Serbian moon gave him the appearance of possessing blue fur.

* * * *

Rebecca inhaled Niko’s rich masculine scent, and became instantly aroused. She sighed as her eyes met his strong gaze.

“Show me your body.” It was a demand she knew he would enforce if necessary. It excited her to see Niko’s cock straining against the fabric of his knickers.

“No, it’s cold in here.” Rebecca smiled.

“Ah, my sweet Zena Vuk, you wish to play games, do you?” His voice was almost hypnotic, and very deep. His voice stoked a fire deep inside her, and she wriggled as she clamped her thighs together.

Filled with happiness, and visions on what was to come later, Rebecca slipped from beneath the warmth of the furs. She barely winced as her feet made contact with the cold dirt floor. Unable to contain her desire any longer, she ran toward her wolf lover as he strolled into the room. A massive growl escaped his lips as she flung her arms around his large waist. Rebecca’s heart beat against her rib cage as she stood on her tiptoes, awaiting a kiss that would leave her breathless. Her head barely reached Niko’s chest.

“I’ve missed you, Zena Vuk.” He bent down and planted a smoldering kiss on her lips, causing her pussy to tighten. “You are stunning.” Niko gazed at her figure in the form-fitting silk negligee. Slowly, he pulled a thin strap over her shoulder, revealing a hint of her dark areola. The tension built as he stroked a diamond hard nub into submission. Rebecca gasped, and she could wait no longer for their dance beneath the furs.


My Serbian Wolf

Charisma Knight

“Oh, dear God.” Rebecca held her head back as Niko’s hands caressed her breasts and journeyed along her neck, stopping at her jaw line. With the back of his index finger, he dragged it beneath her chin, down her throat, and in between her breasts.


.” Niko’s voice was a whisper.

The candlelight caused Rebecca to see shadows she had not seen earlier when she’d awakened. His hand continued its journey toward her heated flesh and rested there. His breath was a growl, causing her to shudder.

Succumbing to his sexual control over her body, she looked up, capturing a glimpse of their shadows the candlelight casts on the ceiling.
shadow was that of a wolf with his head bent back, howling at a non-existent moon.

“Allow me to taste your honey-coated treat, my love.” Niko’s eyes were intense, and he was almost panting.

Rebecca averted her eyes from him, baring her neck to his gaze. Taking her hint, he lowered his head and gently nibbled at her erogenous zone, causing her to fist the red wool shirt. His other hand gathered in her dark tresses, and he pulled her head back further, biting her neck, causing her to damn near jump out of her skin.

“Niko, take me, now!” Rebecca’s teeth clenched together, and her hand attached itself to the large bulge in his knickers. The harder he nibbled on her neck, the more she squeezed his arousal. He lifted his head, causing the spot he held between his teeth to ache with desire.

There was a question she needed to ask of him before she forgot. “Why have you brought me here? When I meditate, I hold control over my situation, projecting my spirit at will into his realm. Tonight, I had to wait until I fell asleep. Was it you, pulling my spirit toward this realm?” It was within his world that time stood still, hence the curse of the Tsar. It was the time where Rebecca had once existed with Niko and their pack as Zena Vuk.

“Yes, my love. You expend too much energy when projecting your spirit to me. I wanted to save you the effort.” A loving smile developed on Niko’s handsome features, drenching Rebecca’s panties. “You are freezing. Allow 11

My Serbian Wolf

Charisma Knight

me to warm you.” Niko reached out, touching her cold flesh while observing the chattering of her teeth.

“You can warm me with your body, and your seed.” Rebecca returned his smile, and flashed him a heated gaze.

“Impatient, are we?” His voice was husky. He grasped Rebecca’s hand, accompanying her to his bed. “I know this castle is old, but you shall grow accustomed to your new surroundings once you choose to remain with me forever.”

Rebecca froze in her tracks. “Forever?” She raised a brow in question as another chill sliced through her body. “Don’t you think I should have a say in the matter?” A feeling of dread filled her from the inside. She loved Niko, but at times thought him to be too possessive. “Forever is a long time.” Her eyes searched his in an effort to learn what he was thinking. Surely, he would not expect her to make such a decision.

“We run out of time, and forever is nothing to me.” Her warrior wolf stood proud, folding his arms while taking on a strong stance, as though Rebecca would challenge him. And challenge him, she would. She must, or he would take her into the realm, and she would not be equipped to handle herself.

A silent curse escaped Rebecca’s lips as she loathed for a single second the trait of the alpha wolf.

Sensing her uneasiness, Niko spoke. “I yearn for you night and day, Zena Vuk. It is never ending, you see. This is my punishment for protecting the three who abandoned their duties. I’ve waited for you to rejoin me for centuries. I can wait no longer. You are mine again. We have but only a small opportunity, thanks to the opening in the veil of time. Once that ceases to exist, we can no longer visit one another.” He leaned down, and placed his hands on her shoulders. His face was only inches from Rebecca’s. “Now, tell me, where will that leave us?”

Rebecca frowned at her mate. “You would force me to make such a decision? Don’t you think I would be unhappy, especially if I’m unable to see my family again? Also, I prefer the warmth. It’s too damned cold here, Niko!” Unable to withstand the cold any longer, she slipped beneath the 12

My Serbian Wolf

Charisma Knight

warm furs. “You confessed your love to me, and promised no harm or discomfort would ever come to me. I remember it all now.”

Rebecca shuddered, not because of the cold, but because of the anger smoldering within Niko’s black eyes. In a brief second, sadness accompanied the anger. She could see it as plain as day.

Another chill cut through her as he dashed to her side, his appearance changing at an alarming rate. She vexed his temper. She could see the anger in his eyes, which were now a deep golden yellow. A low warning growl slipped past those delectable lips, and she gasped. His canines lengthened, and he now had the dangerous mix of an animal and a man possessed.

In anger, Niko snatched the furs from Rebecca’s grasp and straddled her.

Strong thighs gripped her tight, and he pinned her fragile wrists to the bed with his strong hands while holding her gaze with his dark one.

Rebecca’s breathing labored and a myriad of emotions permeated her being. Sadness, happiness, fear and excitement fluttered through her all at once. His strong scent was masculine, and musky, causing her nostrils to tingle. She wanted him, and he knew it. There was no denying it. The strong wolf blood sought to dominate her in every way. His cock was pressed firm against her stomach, yearning to enter her.

She gritted her teeth against the bitter cold and Niko’s warnings. For Rebecca, it was almost too painful to breathe. A small part of her wanted to stay, but Niko was overstepping his boundaries. If he was this dominating in the brief moments she spent with him, how would he be if she chose to live with him forever? She loved the domination in bed, but out of bed was a whole other matter.

His gaze sliced through Rebecca like a knife. Even so, she defiantly stared him in the eyes. Perhaps in the old life, she’d backed down from him since he was the leader of their tribe. In modern times, Rebecca was an independent woman with a family and a career. She had not gotten so far in life by being weak.

“You go too far, Zena Vuk. Still your tongue, or suffer my harshest punishment.”


My Serbian Wolf

Charisma Knight

Rebecca rolled her eyes and sighed. “This harsh punishment you speak of would be—”

Niko rudely interrupted her sentence. “Don’t force my hand, woman.

You are mine, and you shall obey.”

A spark of excitement skated on her skin and danced between her thighs.

She enjoyed flirting with the non-existent danger Niko presented to her.

Ruffling her wolf’s fur was like walking on the wild side, because deep down she knew he could never harm a hair on her head. His love for her was too great, and his bark was far worse than his bite.

“What happens if I choose not to
?” The bastard!
Rebecca thought. She loved him, yearned to be with him, but Niko must adapt to how she evolved.

BOOK: My Serbian Wolf
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