Read My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 4 Poisoned Online

Authors: Marita A. Hansen

Tags: #agents, #fbi, #erotica, #bondage, #sex slaves, #kidnapped, #capture, #non consent, #italian mafia

My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 4 Poisoned (2 page)

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But I can’t be with your
brother, I love Jagger.”

I placed my forehead on hers, wanting to
head-butt that fucking ‘love’ word out of her stupid skull. “Get
this into your thick head,” I growled, “Jagger does not love you,
and even if he did you can’t have him, and if you want to keep all
of your parts,” I grabbed one of her breasts, “you best do as I
tell you.” I squeezed the breast hard, making her cry out. “Now …
do you wish to keep this disgusting piece of flesh or do you want
me to cut it from your body?”

K-K-Keep it,” she sobbed out,
her face twisted in pain.

I let go of the offending breast. “And you
are NOT to tell my brother anything that I have told you, unless
you want to die a very painful death. You are also not to tell him
that you left the house or anything about the Donatelli. Frano has
amnesia, and I don’t want him recovering his memory, because it’ll
get him killed, or worse, made into a pleasure slave since that
sick priest has now decided he wants a piece of my brother’s ass,
and if he touches Frano again I will hold you responsible, and will
make you pay dearly.” I grabbed her soft stomach, making her
squeal. “But we need to change some things about you. You are a
soft bitch, so you have to harden up—and quick.” I let go of her
flesh. “Which means you will not give into Frano. Instead, you will
treat him roughly, and fight him all the way even when he’s hurting
you, because although he’s a bastard with women, I’m a bigger one.
I would mutilate you whereas he never would. So, just think about
what I can do to you with this.” I pulled out my knife from my
pocket and flicked it open. “Which means, when my brother’s
torturing you—embrace it, because I will hurt you far more if you
fail. Swear at him, look at his cock, do everything that suggests
you both hate and lust after him. It will make him want you more.
My brother is simple when it comes to women. Treat him bad, and he
will come back and fuck you until you scream out his name in
ecstasy. But, act like a weak bitch and you’ll turn him off.

She nodded, although the pathetic
sniffling continued.

Good, because I think we can
work well together. And if you do everything I say I will never
hurt you again.” I let go of her and kissed her on the cheek,
making her flinch away. I grabbed her head and kissed her on the
other cheek, then pulled back. “If you achieve what I want you will
no longer be a slave, you’ll be family. Think of that to get you
through what’s coming.” I turned and walked out of the bathroom,
banging on the main door to be let out. The guard opened it. I
grinned as I headed past him, knowing that the Donatelli should’ve
put a camera in the bathroom too, because if I were them I would
have one in every room.

I ascended the staircase,
stopping at the top as Bianca walked through the front door. My
wife was dressed in a multi-hued satin sundress with her blonde
hair left loose, the soft waves cascading over her shoulders. She
was gorgeous, yet I didn’t feel a thing for her, other than disgust
over how she threw herself at Jagger. She may not be an old hag,
but she was no match for my cousin, just a sad cougar trying to get
some fresh meat that was way too tasty for her.

Jagger was tasty alright, no, delicious. I touched my
crotch, my mind going to the last time I’d taken him. God, I loved
him, loved everything about him—no, that was incorrect, because I
didn’t love his hate-filled words, but I was going to fix that by
the end of the month.

Bianca closed the door and
turned around
, jolting in surprise as she clapped eyes on me. Then her
face twisted in anger. I knew she hated me, but I couldn’t care
less, because she was just a screen to hide my sexual

Without warning, she
leapt at me,
screaming that I’d raped Jagger, her claws digging into my neck and
shoulder. I grabbed her and slammed her into the door, quickly
jamming a hand over her mouth. I glanced behind me, counting to ten
to see if Frano showed, then breathed out, relieved that the
fucking bitch hadn’t ruined things—or had made things more
difficult than they already were.

I leaned in, putting my
face within a
whisper of hers. “Keep your fucking voice down, hag,” I said,
“unless you want me to snap your fucking neck,” which right now I
was tempted to do, but unfortunately I needed her to keep an eye on

She glared back at me, for once not
looking scared. Instead, hate burned in her eyes, no, a pure
loathing I’d never seen before, so intense that I knew she would
kill me if she could—but she wouldn’t because I held the jagged key
to her heart—my beautiful cousin, the one man I knew she would do
anything for.

I’m guessing Jagger told
you I raped him,” I said.

She nodded, her eyes still

Then I’ll forgive you for that
one outburst, but if you scream and attack me again, I will break
your neck.” I waited a second, then removed my hand from her mouth,
letting her go.

Which means you will have
no one to watch Frano,” she said, her voice controlled, my wife at
least smarter than Honey.

Thierry can watch him, so
don’t think you’re irreplaceable.”

She continued to glare at

I smiled in response. “Guess that
means you don’t want me to fuck you anymore.” I laughed. “Which is
good, because it really was repulsive.”

Her features hardened even more. “Why
would you do all of this to Jagger?”

Because I love

Her eyebrows shot up. “You

And why’s

You have always treated
him with disdain and cruelty, then you rape him. That doesn’t
entail love.”

It entails passion for someone
I couldn’t have, but I have found a way to fix that problem. And
don’t get judgmental on me, because I know exactly why you married
me: to get access to Jagger. I could’ve killed you for that, but to
kill you I would have to care about you, which I obviously don’t.
But if you ruin what I’m creating I will care, and not in a way you
would want.”

Jagger cares for me; he told
he loved
me this morning.”

I tensed. “You didn’t tell me you were
seeing him today!”

She sneered at me. “Because you would’ve
stopped me like yesterday, even though you promised I could visit
him. And now I know why. He told me how you raped him. He was
bleeding and in pain. How could you do that to someone you claim to

Bleeding how?” I asked,
wondering what the hell the
had done this time.

The slave with him had cleaned
him up, but I still saw blood between his legs and he had damaged
nipples while his cock and balls were red and swollen. How could
you do that to him?”

I didn’t.”

Don’t lie

I’m not. I wouldn’t
torture him; that would’ve been Father Michael’s doing.”

But, Jagger said you hurt

I grimaced, fucked off that Jagger was
making me out as the villain. Given, I’d lost my temper and had
taken him yesterday without consent, but I didn’t hurt him badly,
not to the extent that Bianca was describing.

Can’t deny it, can you?”
Bianca said.

I didn’t make him

Stop lying! You told me
you were working this morning, but you were off over at that
disgusting house raping my poor baby.”

working. I was in Frano’s office dealing
with all the shit the Donatelli have caused.”

Why won’t you stop lying?
I already know the truth. Jagger said you raped him

I snorted, finally realizing what had
happened. Jagger never changed his spots, even in captivity. “He’s
the one lying, you idiot. He’s trying to turn you against

No, he’s not, he was in

I don’t deny his pain, but it
wasn’t me who caused it, like I just said, it would’ve been

Stop it, just stop it!
that comes out of your mouth is lies. You’re lying to Frano about
the Donatelli…” her face hardened, “and not to mention Federico.
What you allowed those bastards to do to that poor man was

I had to give the Donatelli a
token, and he was FBI, so don’t you dare pity him.”

And your father?! How could you
to be killed?”

I glanced over my shoulder,
then looked back at her. “Easy. He was a monster. He murdered my
mother, as well as my lover. He beat the shit out of me when
raped Jagger, blaming me for something I had no part in. He
gave me no love—just scorn, all because I’m gay. I’m happy Matteo
finally sent the devil to where he belongs.”

But what about Frano? He
loved the old man.”

He loved a man who isn’t
even his father. No, worse, he loved a man who had killed his real

Bianca blinked at me.

I sneered at her. “My father
told me all about it as he beat me to a pulp, told me how he loved
a child more than me that wasn’t even his own, that he would’ve
sacrificed me for Frano in an instant. Frano wasn’t just named
after my mother’s lover—he
the man’s son. But I can’t tell him that, because it would
tear him apart.”

But how can that

My mother loved taking
trips to Croatia, and my father found out why.”

But why would your father treat
Frano as his own?”

Because Frano is everything he
wanted in a son: handsome, straight, charismatic. He told me he
loved Frano more than his own life, and that
must’ve come from another man,
Frano, because no
son of his would be a homosexual.”

But you look exactly like
your father.”

I know that, but he still
denied me, so I feel no remorse over his death. And when I take
down the Donatelli, I will tell Frano it was over them killing
‘our’ father. We just need to keep him from going to the rest home
for a few weeks, which means
need to make sure he takes his

She nodded stiffly, although her eyes
were still filled with hate. But I didn’t care, just as long as she
did what she was told.

Footsteps made me glance to my left.
Jagger’s brother appeared at the top of the staircase that led to
Mario’s cells, holding a mop and bucket. He stopped in his tracks,
his eyes going wide as he saw me. I smiled at him, which sent him
scurrying away, something he always did around me. I glanced behind
me, noticing him heading for the passage leading to Frano’s office,
probably to clean down there too. He didn’t need to do the
servants’ jobs, but the boy was hard-working, preferring to pay for
his keep than to frivol his time away. Although I knew a much
better job he could do, but Thierry didn’t appear to like getting
fucked, well, by me anyway, because Jagger’s brother was definitely

I turned back to Bianca with a smile,
her expression telling me she knew what I had done to

He’s just a
!” she gasped, her expression

He’s eighteen, that’s not
a baby.”

You repulse

I rolled my eyes, the woman becoming
tiresome. “I couldn’t care less, and if I want to fuck him you
don’t have a say.” I grabbed her wrist as she went to slap me. “Try
that again and I will bash the shit out of you,” I said, flinging
her hand away from me.

She grabbed her wrist
and rubbed at it.
“Stay away from Thierry,” she ground out, her eyes blazing again.
“Or I’ll kill you.”

I laughed. “Empty threats won’t stop me
from doing what I like, and I’m not really interested in his sweet
bottom. Although it was tasty, he was only tiding me over until I
could get to his big brother.” I placed my lips next to her ear.
“And even though Jagger lied to you about what I did to him this
morning, visit him later: it won’t be a lie then.”

No!” she yelled, going for me

I grabbed her and flung her to the floor.
She scrambled backwards, looking terrified, the woman far too small
to harm me. I advanced on her, pointing a finger at the worthless
bitch. “Do as you’re told and I won’t wipe you completely out of
Jagger’s life.”

She pushed to her feet and backed up fast,
holding out her hands. “Just don’t hurt him, please. He’s already
been hurt enough as it is.”

I have no intention of hurting
my beautiful lover; instead
I’m going to make love to him while you stay home
and be the good wife.” I rushed her, shoving her to the floor
again. She let out a cry, followed by a scream as I kicked her.
Noise came from above me, Frano shouting, asking what was

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