My Lady Mage: A Warriors of the Mist Novel (27 page)

BOOK: My Lady Mage: A Warriors of the Mist Novel
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She passed through the side of the tub to stand once
again in the water. “When I release her, you will need to be back where you stood when she reached out to you, Captain. Listen to your heart and your honor. Then decide.”

Her smile was enigmatic. “Perhaps you alone can give Lady Merewen that which she most desires.”

“Freedom from her uncle?”

“That is but part of her dream, Captain. She fights not only to save her people now but also to ensure the gift she carries is passed on to the next generation.”

Gideon almost dropped his sword as the impact of the goddess’s words hit him. Was it true? Was his purpose in Merewen’s life twofold? Not just to save her from Fagan, but also to give her a child? Would he depart from this world, this time leaving behind a son or daughter with the woman he loved? The idea stunned him, his mind whirling with images of Merewen round with child. Would she have loving words to tell the babe of his father? That he wouldn’t be there himself stabbed his heart like a knife.

He didn’t know what to say, so he said nothing but did as she ordered. When he was once again standing in the doorway, neither in nor out, the goddess nodded.

“All too soon we will meet again at the river’s edge where once again you must stand judgment. My advice to you would be to use your time wisely, Captain.”

Then with a soft splash, she poured down into the bathwater, disappearing as quickly as she’d appeared. As the ripples died away, once again the air became heavy with power. Merewen’s hand slowly rose, palm up and waiting for Gideon to choose.

Then she smiled, totally unaware of all that had passed between one breath and the next. “Well?”

The goddess had allowed Gideon free will in this. If she’d disapproved, she would not have hesitated to say so. So he did as she suggested and listened to his heart
and found his answer. Nothing in his long life had felt so right as stepping forward to take Merewen’s hand in his.

“If you would have me, then I am yours for all the days the gods may grant me.”

He pressed a kiss to her hand, keeping it sweet and gentle. His lady deserved to be treated with every civility, which included not dragging her over to the bed in his current filthy condition.

To make sure they were truly alone, he peeked into the tub and detected nothing but water this time. “You mentioned something about sharing a bath?”

Merewen nodded, her true innocence showing in the faint bloom of color on her cheeks. “I did, didn’t I?”

Gideon vowed to go slowly, to coax rather than demand. “If you’d prefer I waited in the hallway until you’re finished, I will.”

She gave a small laugh. “I would prefer you stayed right here, but I’m afraid I have no idea of how to proceed.”

“I can help with that.”

He started by closing the door and once again shoving the heavy trunk in front of it. Next, he doused several of the candles, reducing the light in the room. With his keen eyesight, he could still see each and every detail of his lady, but she didn’t need to know that. For her, the pale glow would soften the edges, easing her journey from innocence to becoming his lover.

She still stood in the same spot, her eyes carefully avoiding both the bed and the tub. He approached Merewen from behind, keeping his voice low and easy, much in the same way she did when talking to one of her skittish horses.

“For now, I am your lady’s maid. Nothing more.”

Her soft laughter pleased him. He started by unwinding the leather thong from her braid. How many times had he imagined what her red-kissed hair would look
like set free or spread out upon his pallet? When it was unbound, he worked his fingers through her hair, loosening it until it tumbled like a waterfall very nearly to her waist.

Beautiful. Dark silk, so soft to the touch.

Next, he reached around to unlace the leather jirkinet she wore over her tunic and tossed it aside. When he knelt to help her step out of her boots, she rested her hands on his shoulders for balance. Just that small touch had him hard and aching, but he hoped to hide the urgency of his desire from her for a while longer to give her time to get used to his touch.

Next, he slipped his hands up under her tunic to grasp the top of her trousers and undergarment. Her breath came in a short gasp as he quickly tugged the drawstring loose and eased them down. So far, she accepted his ministrations with little discomfiture, but then her tunic was long enough to still provide her with a degree of modesty.

Before he unlaced the back of her tunic, he paused to give her a kiss, doing his best to maintain a small distance between them. In response, her arms immediately snaked up around his neck as she pressed forward, fitting her body against his. Her eyes widened when she felt the strength of his need for her. She swallowed hard, but bravely stayed right where she was.

That pleased him, but then he’d already known of her courage. “We’ll go as slowly as you need, Merewen. I don’t want to scare you.”

“It’s not you that frightens me, Gideon. It is more that I don’t know what I’m about, and I fear I will disappoint you.”

“That’s not possible, sweet one. Everything about you pleases me. We’ll get through this together.”

Deepening the kiss helped distract her as he loosened the laces on the tunic, slowly baring her elegant back to
his touch. When he was done, he gently turned her around before he eased the soft cotton off her shoulders.

When the fabric slipped down beneath the curve of her breasts, it would have taken a far stronger man than he to resist testing their fit in the palms of his hands. His lady moaned as he gently kneaded them and coaxed their pretty rose tips into pebbling up. His tongue hungered to learn their taste, but that would have to wait.

Another tug sent her tunic skimming down past her waist and the curve of her hips to puddle on the floor. He immediately offered Merewen his hand to help her into the warm bathwater. To avoid giving her too much time to think, he quickly stripped off his own clothes and stepped into the tub behind her, wrapping his arms around her and drawing her back against his chest.

His lady was tense, but that was to be expected. He reached for the soap and one of the cloths the servants had left. After dipping the cloth in the water, he offered it to her.

As she started to wash her face, he told her, “I’ll do your back.”

He lathered up his hands. Using long, slow strokes, at first he limited his touch just to her shoulders. When he could feel her relaxing, he moved on to her arms, her neck, then her collarbone. When once again he cupped her breasts, her head kicked back against his shoulder, allowing him better access.

He turned his head into the curve of her neck, nibbling his way up to the shell of her ear. Judging by the restless movements of her legs, his lady was enjoying his attentions.

To his delight, she abruptly shifted to face him.

“My turn.”

Her small hands glided over his chest, arms, hands, and face. The water was growing cooler, but it did nothing to dampen the effect she was having on him. His control
began to slip, necessitating that they finish this teasing play soon.

“Let me wash your hair.”

“If you allow me to return the favor.”

With splashing and laughter, they managed to rid themselves of the last of the smoke and soot. Gideon reached for the pail of warm water to rinse away the soap.

He left the tub first, once again offering her his hand to support her as she stepped out onto the hearth rug. That she allowed him to dry her from top to toe showed that she was growing accustomed to his touch. It encouraged him and warmed him even further. To keep her from getting chilled, he helped her on with her robe while he wrapped a quilt around his waist.

“I will brush your hair,” she insisted.

He would have never thought that such a simple thing would be so erotic. In turn, her hair took longer to untangle, but he savored each minute they spent tending to each other.

Finally, he set the brush aside. It was time to take his lady to bed and teach her the wonders of what a man and a woman could share. Her delicate build and sweetly scented skin made him feel oversized and clumsy. He wrapped his arms around her from behind, holding her close against his chest once again.

“Merewen, if anything I do displeases you, tell me.”

“I cannot imagine that happening. Promise you’ll teach me how to please you.”

Her earnest words made him smile. “Everything you do pleases me.”

She actually laughed at that. “So that was pleasure on your face when you saw me trapped with the mare in the stable?”

The memory had him squeezing her hard. “I cannot bear the thought of losing you, Merewen. Please don’t scare me that badly again.”

Her smile dimmed as she turned to look up at him. “I can’t swear to that, Gideon, any more than you can promise that you’ll not risk yourself in battle. All I can promise is that I’ll be careful.”

She was right; that didn’t mean he liked it. The reminder that they were both caught up in dangerous times made these sweet minutes of peace so much more precious. He would cherish the gift the gods had given him.

He slowly nodded. “Then for now, for what’s left of this night, the world outside that door no longer exists.”

Merewen’s answering smile was everything he could have hoped for, one he knew he would carry with him back into the river or even into the afterlife. It eased his very soul.

He left her side long enough to turn down the quilt on her bed and then held out his hand. Finally it was his turn to hold his breath as he waited for Merewen to twine her fingers with his.

Chapter 19

erewen took that last step, offering Gideon far more than her hand. She was aware her skin lacked the soft smoothness that was the pride of most high-ranking ladies, but Gideon already knew she wasn’t typical of her class. He obviously didn’t care when he once again kissed her palm.

The tickle of his breath against her skin stoked the heat that had been simmering deep within her ever since he’d stepped across the threshold of her room. He was right. At this moment, the rest of the world had faded into insignificance, her entire focus centered on this one man and what they were about to share.

The desire that shone in his pale eyes gave her the courage she needed to tug on the quilt that Gideon still wore around his waist, letting it drop to the carpet. Her daring move pleased him if the slight smile on his handsome face was any indication. Her own robe pooled on the floor at her feet.

Now there was nothing between them, nothing holding them apart. The pale glow of the candles highlighted Gideon’s powerful build and the marks several lifetimes of fighting had left upon it. She wanted to touch him, to taste him, to claim his strength for her own. But where to start? How to begin?

Gideon answered her unspoken questions. “You’ll be warmer under the blankets.”

She nodded and climbed into the bed that had been
hers alone. Now, for the first time she would share it with a lover. She scooted toward the far side, leaving room for Gideon to join her. He slid in beside her, the bed shifting with his weight as he tugged her into his arms for a long kiss.

He coaxed her into parting her lips, his tongue a velvet sweep across hers, even as his hand traced the curves of her body. His touch felt so good, so perfect, as if she’d awaited it her whole life. When he pressed her more firmly onto her back, she went willingly.

He pushed the covers down below her waist, but their shared warmth was blanket enough. The dark silk of his hair fell down around his shoulders as he smiled at her.

“I’ve been wanting to do this since first we met.”

Before she realized what he was about, he kissed the tip of one breast and then the other before settling his mouth more firmly on the first, working her nipple into a stiff peak with his tongue and lips. Each tug could be felt throughout her body, but most especially in that most private of places at the juncture of her thighs. She ached for more.

Just that quickly, she couldn’t remain still, her legs shifting, her hips rocking upward, asking for a touch she had no words for. But Gideon knew. As he continued to nuzzle and suckle her breasts, his hand slowly journeyed down her body. He spread his fingers out on her ribs, lingering there briefly before finally coming to rest on her belly.

Then he rose up once again to look her straight in the eye as his hand inched farther down to brush softly against her nest of curls. She couldn’t think and couldn’t breathe as he finally cupped her with a gentle squeeze. Gods above, she had never imagined this.

He smiled when she whimpered. Even overwhelmed as she was, it pleased her to make him happy. She suspected he’d had few enough such sweet moments over
the centuries. His fingers softly parted her folds, stroking against the dampness gathering there. It was too much: the sensations, the burn, the hunger. She buried her face against his chest.

The stroking slowed but didn’t stop. “Are we going too fast?”

She shook her head. “No, it’s just so all unexpected, but so good.”

“You can touch me, too.”

Did he mean…? Yes, he did, because he tugged her hand down to his shaft and taught her how best to please him. It felt like warm velvet sliding over steel. Fascinating. Entrancing. He groaned, his big body jerking in time to her tugging.

Then he intensified the rhythm of his own touches before sliding a finger past the snug entrance to her body, pausing only long enough to let her adjust to the invasion. He withdrew partway, only to thrust in deeper, this time brushing the small, sensitive nub with the pad of his thumb.

A firestorm was brewing, one that had her knees locking together as she tried to fight it off even as she trapped his wicked, wicked hand right where she wanted it most.

“Gideon! Please!”

He kissed her again. “Let it come, sweet one. It’s a gift, one I want you to have.”

Once again, he sped up his caresses, at the same time turning his attention back to her breasts. One touch of his tongue was all it took. Her body knew what it wanted even if she didn’t. She dug her fingers into Gideon’s shoulders, trying to pull him atop her, needing his weight to keep her anchored to this world.

BOOK: My Lady Mage: A Warriors of the Mist Novel
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