Mustang Sally (14 page)

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Authors: Jayne Rylon

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Mustang Sally
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“Salome Rider, I have loved you since I was fifteen years old.” Eli took her trembling fingers in his.

He kissed them as Alanso joined in, “We might not have understood everything that meant right at first.”

“But we’re older and wiser…sometimes…” The head of their garage smiled. His dazzling grin nearly knocking her off her feet. When had she ever seen him so happy? So unburdened by caution and fear?

“You can say that again,” Kaige reached out to muss Eli’s hair, earning a glare from one of her lovers.

“Today is one of those times.” King Cobra stared at her as though she held the key to the mysteries of the universe. “We love you. Forever. We want to make it official, as best we can.”

“Let us give you everything we have.” Alanso reached out to hold her other hand.

“Everything we are.” Eli nodded.

“We’d be honored to accept you in return. All of you, Sally. This…” Alanso waved at the guys around them. “Or not. Whatever you decide you want for the future. Even your cute little snoring.”

“I do not snore!” She couldn’t help the instinctive denial.

Roman laughed out loud. “All of us have passed you taking a nap in the common area. You snore, kid.”

“And we love that too.” Eli drew her attention back to his beloved face. “Sally, will you marry us?”

He cracked open the box, but she scrunched her eyes closed to avoid temptation.

There was no way she could say what she needed to if she saw a glimmering token of the much more valuable promises their souls made to hers.

“I love you both with all my heart.” She sniffled a little, trying to maintain her composure. “Hell, all of the Hot Rods.”

Alanso squeezed her fingers, lending her strength.

“That will never change, even if you decide to take back what you just said—”

“Never,” Eli insisted.

“Not when I tell you how very sorry I am that I can’t accept your proposal?” She covered her face with the hands both men dropped so fast she wondered if she’d seared them with the white-hot agony ripping through her like lightning strikes.

“Wh-what?” The confusion in Cobra’s question kept her from looking at him. She’d shatter if she did.

marry you, Eli. I’m so, so sorry.” Tears ran in rivulets down her face. When she finally blinked her eyes open, the whole garage was a blur.

“It’s okay, Cobra.” Alanso turned to Eli. “We knew it might take some time. We’ll convince—”

“No. You won’t.” She shook her head as she staggered away. Tripping over someone’s coveralls made a handy break. In a flash she’d robed herself with the way-too-big clothes. “Please. Can we just forget today ended like this? Please? Don’t let this ruin what we
share. I’m so sorry. I can’t.”

Seven men stared at their Mustang like she’d grown hooves or maybe a horse’s ass.

Though she’d promised herself she’d never do it again, she turned and fled from them. If she’d spoiled what they’d given her, she’d never forgive herself.

In the sanctuary of her room, which now felt like someone else’s home, she flung herself onto the bed face down and cried until she couldn’t breathe. When everything inside her went as numb as her body had earlier, she tumbled into darkness.

Chapter Ten

Eli slammed the drawer on his toolbox, deciding he needed some manual labor to burn off his frustration. It didn’t make any sense. A month had passed since the car wash and his disastrous proposal. Full of sex, and
, and perfection. Passion and friendship, easy living and satisfying work they all enjoyed.

So what the hell was there to think about?

How the hell long could a man wait before he started wondering what the fuck was wrong with him?

Had Sally turned them down because he hadn’t truly given her what she desired most? Was she afraid he never would? Fuck work. He knew what he needed to do.

She’d shown him over and over that she could handle herself. Sally didn’t need him to be her bulletproof vest or make her choices. Fine. Let her say no if it was too much. The guys would respect her call.

“Alanso.” He nudged his lover with his knee. The guy leaned over the front of a 1937 Mercedes-Benz 540K Special Roadster. It was a thing of beauty and a big deal for the shop to work on. A once-in-a-lifetime car. Alanso had been talking about the machine non-stop—at breakfast, to Tom and even in bed. Yet Eli knew he’d drop it in a second for a chance at Mustang and the gang.

“Yeah?” His bald head peeked out from beneath the hood. The instant he caught sight of Eli’s face, he set down his tools and peeled his gloves off. “Ah, shit. It’s eating you too?”

He looked as miserable as Eli felt.

“What can we do to convince her, Cobra?” Alanso pinched the bridge of his nose.

“We can get the rest of the guys together and unleash them.” Eli didn’t hesitate. They’d been chomping at the bit since the car wash. Not to mention all the other shows the trio had put on for them in the common area of their apartment. Sure, they’d gotten off on watching, on being part of the fringes of their lust, but…maybe it was time to quit hedging.

“You think
what she’s waiting for?” His forehead wrinkled as his eyes narrowed. “It could be. I know I’m ready for it. I’m dying to see her win them all over. As if she hasn’t already. Hell, they’ve adored her since she came to us.”

“It’s time.” Eli nodded.

“Whatever happens, Cobra, you’ve got me.” Alanso held out his fist until Eli bumped it. “I love you; nothing’s going to change that.”

“I never mean to act like that’s not enough.” He winced. “It’s everything. I just—”

“I get it.” Alanso waved him off. “It’s the same for me, you know.”

“I’d never have survived without you.” He dropped a fierce kiss on his best friend’s mouth. “Not in my younger days and certainly not now. I love you, Al.”

“So let’s go get the guys and blow our girl’s mind.” He grinned. “I’ve had enough of her holding out on us.”

Eli flipped the sign on the office door to closed, locked it, then hit each of the red buttons on the rolling bay doors as Alanso went down the line, rallying the troops.

Or at least he would have if a well-dressed suit hadn’t come knocking on the glass.



“Sally!” Eli bellowed from the garage.

She couldn’t fault him for his recent crankiness. Her sham forced them apart more by the day. But she and Tom were close to finding a solution. When it was all said and done, then she’d go to them. She’d apologize and explain after the ghosts of her past had been exorcised so that they could no longer hurt her guys if they went all overprotective on her. Brute force would only snarl knots she and Tom had nearly finessed apart.

Setting down her brush, she wiped primer on her coveralls and jogged from the paint booth to try her best to settle Eli. Maybe he’d respond well to a blowjob behind his desk. She licked her lips in anticipation.

“What do you need, Cobra?” She tipped her head at the worry lines crinkling his eyes. She hadn’t seen those in a while. Not even after her refusals.

“There’s some dickhead in here about to get his ass kicked.” Eli canted his head in the direction of the office.

“Why?” She tucked close to him—loving the heat and scent of her mate—for a peek around his torso. When she caught sight of the tall, handsome man in a traditional navy suit, she froze.

“The fucker claims he’s your

She wobbled, grabbing the doorframe for support. “Phillip.”

The hoarse scratch of her plea must have alerted him to the danger she faced. She’d brought trouble to all the Hot Rods.

Eli glanced at the crumpled business card in his fist for confirmation. “Shit, Sally. How do you know his name?”

“He’s not lying.” She stared up at Eli in horror. “We

From behind her, Alanso’s cry ripped her soul in half. She tried to reach for Eli, needing his support. But her lover stepped aside, avoiding her touch as if it would shrivel his cock, turn it black and make it fall off.

Instead of comforting her, he rushed to Alanso’s side and lifted the man from the concrete floor. He glared at her over his shoulder as he attended to their lover, who spouted endless Spanish.

“Get the hell out of here. Go talk to your
.” He sneered. “Don’t forget to mention that you love to fuck me and Alanso raw. How you claimed to love us. Hell, how you let the whole garage watch us bang you and hoped they’d join in someday soon.”

“Enough.” Roman stepped between Eli and Sally. “Stop talking, Cobra. You can’t take angry words back.”

The defense from their hardest member, Barracuda, stunned her almost as much as seeing the man she’d escaped standing in her haven.

“Go, Sally.” The oldest Hot Rod nodded to her as he corralled Alanso and Eli out the back door. “Fix this. Fast.”

She braced herself on outstretched arms that still clung to the doorjamb for the duration of two more breaths. Then she drew herself up and marched into the office, using Alanso’s agony as motivation to conquer history.

Bryce and Kaige stood guard, flanking the proper-looking man. He didn’t seem like he’d broken a rule in his whole life, never mind shown aggression toward a woman. Then again, if he’d heard even a fraction of what Eli had shouted, he’d know she was no kind of lady.

At least Cobra had left her to clean up her own mess. Maybe because he didn’t care about her anymore. She couldn’t really blame him after the engine block that’d just dropped on him like an anvil squashing an old cartoon villain.

“Salome.” Phillip breathed her name, making his guards stand straighter like junk-yard dogs about to pounce. “Look at you. So different. Yet so beautiful.”

“I’m not going back to Utah.” Sally set her feet shoulder width apart and faced him squarely. “You can forget that right now.”

“That’s good to hear, Salome.” Phillip smiled softly at her. “I wouldn’t recommend that to anyone, having been gone from there myself for nearly eight years.”

“What?” Nothing could have shocked her more.

“It took me longer than you to get brave enough to make the break, but yes, I left the commune.” He shook his head sadly. “I’ve been searching for you a long time. You hid well. I was afraid you…didn’t make it.”

The fight leeched out of Sally as she stared into the gentle eyes of the boy who hadn’t been able to rape her as he’d been taught was his right. She swallowed hard.

Turning to Kaige and Bryce, she tried to make them understand with one look. Sure she failed, she asked, “Would you mind if Phillip and I take a little walk? To Tom’s garden?”

Would they trust her or try to smash this obstacle for her like she knew Eli would have if she’d entrusted him with the truth?

“Are you sure it’s okay, Mustang?” Bryce’s chest puffed up. “You know we’d never let anyone hurt you, right? We’d
any asshole who tried.”

Phillip held his hands up and laughed. “Do I look like the kind of guy who could take her on and win? I’m not stirring up trouble. I promise. Though I’m glad to see Salome has found a family who loves her and will protect her so fiercely.”

When she peeked toward the open door to the garage, hearing nothing, Bryce opened his arms. She went to him and accepted his hug. “It’s going to be okay, Sally. I’m not trying to intrude or make you feel like you can’t handle this, but I’m going to stand by the window inside Tom’s house and watch to make sure you’re safe. That’s the best I can do.”

“Sounds fair.” Phillip nodded to her as he patted his inside pocket. He must have been sweltering in that outfit. Still, he didn’t appear disheveled or rumpled. He’d grown up pretty nice himself. “This won’t take long. I have your papers. I just…I’d like to talk first.”

Bryce gave them about a twenty pace head start before tailing them toward Tom’s place. When they rounded the back porch, he let himself inside. Within seconds, Tom burst from his home, sprinting for the Hot Rods’ apartment above the garage.

He nodded in her direction, hopped the railing, then kept running toward his sons.

They would need him to explain.

“I imagined a lot of different greetings I might receive today.” Phillip chuckled. “I promise you, that wasn’t one of my scenarios. I’m not quite sure what to say next.”

Sally smiled up at him and took his hand. She squeezed it lightly, remembering the boy he’d been and how they’d had a friendship once. They sat on a stone bench beside the waterfall. A manmade stream led toward the rocks she’d painted in memory of the mothers both her lovers had lost.

“Sorry about that.” Sally shrugged. “I don’t even know where to start.”

“Just tell me that you’re happy.” He seemed earnest. “I’ve worried for so long. Guilt ate at me after you left. I tried to find you. I didn’t have a lot of resources at first, but I did my best. Actually, it was because of you that I became interested in law.”

“You’re a lawyer?” She reevaluated his suit. It had a nice cut despite its simplicity.

“Yes.” He nodded. “I take cases like ours. Kids who are fighting for emancipation from parents who don’t deserve them.”

“Huh.” Sally found she liked Phillip. Maybe a little too much. He reminded her of Eli in a lot of ways. Strong. A leader. Someone others would trust. Decent. Maybe they could have had something under different circumstances. “My…boyfriend…and his dad volunteer at a youth shelter. They took me in after I ran away.”

“You’ve been with them the whole time? All these years?” Phillip nodded. “It makes sense that they love you so much, then.”

Sally didn’t bother to go into details. When she simply sat there and blinked up at Phillip, he nodded. “I kind of hoped I might convince you to see what might have been if we’d grown up somewhere normal. But I see that ship has sailed. Too bad, Salome. You’re even more fascinating to me now than you were back then.”

“Thank you, Phillip.” She patted his hand. “I can’t tell you how surprised I am to see that you did the right thing.”

He choked on a laugh.

“Shit. I didn’t mean it like that.” She ran her fingers through her hair, flipping it over her shoulder.

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