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Authors: Miranda Bliss

Murder Has a Sweet Tooth

BOOK: Murder Has a Sweet Tooth
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Table of Contents
Dying for Dinner
“Love it!
Dying for Dinner
stands out from the crowded culinary mystery genre . . . Laced with delicious recipes [that] complement the book perfectly.”
—Roundtable Reviews
“Annie and Eve make a great duo . . . Should appeal to a wide variety of readers.”
—CA Reviews
Dead Men Don’t Get the Munchies
“Another highly entertaining culinary mystery . . . Miranda Bliss does an exceptional job creating a light, whimsical read.”
—Roundtable Reviews
“I would recommend this book to anyone who likes fun, adventure, and a bit of the unexplained.”
“Bliss entices readers with captivating characters and a fun, scintillating mystery. A host of mouth-watering recipes is the perfect addition to the zany adventures of protagonist Annie.”
—Romantic Times
“Lighthearted fun.”
—Cozy Library
Murder on the Menu
“A nice blend of culinary mystery and romance.
Murder on the Menu
winds up nicely with a surprising twist and a number of scrumptious recipes.”
—Roundtable Reviews
“A fun, entertaining mystery . . . Recommended reading—but be sure to eat first!”
—The Romance Readers Connection
Cooking Up Murder
“Charming . . . A blissful whodunit that is filled with some very funny scenes and characters who care about each other.”
—Midwest Book Review
“The writing is spellbinding. The blend of mystery, humor, and romance keeps the reader hooked to the pages. The characters are entertaining, and it is not surprising that I find myself eager to read more about this duo. The addition of recipes in the back of the book only adds to its charm. Culinary-mystery fans will need to add this book to their reading piles.”
—Roundtable Reviews
“A fun, quick read. A new twist on the favorite culinary mysteries.”

The Mystery Reader
“Light and breezy, touched with humor and a bit of romance. The protagonists are spunky and adventurous, and readers will be cheering for this delectable duo to crack the case.”
—Romantic Times
Berkley Prime Crime titles by Miranda Bliss
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PUBLISHER’S NOTE: The recipes contained in this book are to be followed exactly as written. The publisher is not responsible for your specific health or allergy needs that may require medical supervision. The publisher is not responsible for any adverse reactions to the recipes contained in this book.
A Berkley Prime Crime Book / published by arrangement with the author
Berkley Prime Crime mass-market edition / December 2009
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eISBN : 978-1-101-15574-5
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For all the friends and relatives who’ve helped Annie and Eve in their own way by contributing recipes to the Cooking Class Mysteries
people who think I’m a jim-dandy detective.
Even after solving four cases, it blows me out of the water just to think about it.
I mean, I don’t look like a detective. I’m short and curvy, a former bank teller whose hair is too curly and a shade of brown as ordinary as acorns. I’m a conservative dresser, a careful thinker, and as cautious about investigating murders as I am when it comes to everything from deciding what to order for Saturday night takeout to choosing the flowers for my upcoming wedding. I love clothes—as long as they’re as matter-of-fact as I am. I love shoes—provided the heels aren’t too high and the toes aren’t too pointy. I love color, all color—as long as it comes in shades of beige.
And private detectives are supposed to be daring and flashy, right?
But talk to my best friend, Eve, and she’ll tell you that there’s a lot more to me than meets the eye. Eve’s investigated a few cases with me and though she’s been there at my side through thick and thin, she doesn’t always get it, not when it comes to clues and suspects. She doesn’t understand that for me, solving a murder is like putting together a puzzle. Since I’m all about neatness, all about order, and I refuse to move forward until I find every one of those flat-sided pieces that make it possible to build the frame and from there, to fit all the funny-shaped pieces inside, I don’t stop until I have all the answers. I’m logical and I’m methodical, and I don’t like when things are out of place.
And private detectives are supposed to be freewheeling free thinkers, right?
Then there’s Jim MacDonald, the love of my life and the hottest hunk to come out of Scotland since Mel Gibson wore a kilt. Jim may not always be happy when I get involved with a murder investigation, but he’s always supportive. He’s as impressed by my detective skills as I am baffled that he (or anyone, for that matter) loves to cook. When it comes to trying to work out the details of a crime, he’s a great brainstormer, and more times than I like to remember, he’s put himself in harm’s way to save my neck. Yeah, I’m nuts about him.
And private detectives are supposed to be loners, right?
Even Tyler Cooper, Arlington, Virginia, homicide detective, has had to admit (well, a time or two, anyway) that I’m smarter than the average PI and I get better results. In his own hard-nosed, hardheaded way, Tyler lets me know that he values my help. For one thing, now that he and Eve are dating again (they were once engaged and when it ended, it wasn’t pretty), Tyler’s treating Eve like a queen. Just like she deserves. For another, he’s actually admitted that sometimes, an amateur can gain access to places and people that a professional can’t. He shows his appreciation by dropping hints about where I should go to investigate and who I should talk to.
And private detectives aren’t supposed to get along with the police, right?
I’ve even heard our friend Norman Applebaum sing my praises as a detective and, believe me, I didn’t think that would ever happen, not after I found out in the course of an investigation that he wasn’t who we all thought he was, and that he’d once been in prison. Of course, since then, Norman realized that he could turn the missteps of his youth into a whole new career. In addition to running his gourmet cooking store, Très Bonne Cuisine, Norman now hosts
The Cooking Con
, a wildly popular cable TV show. In fact, since I’m all about details, I’ve just proofread the final manuscript of Norman’s new cookbook,
Prison Potluck
. It is destined to be a best-seller, and I am thrilled for him.
BOOK: Murder Has a Sweet Tooth
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