Moving a Little Heart (11 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: Moving a Little Heart
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"I have lube," he said gruffly. "There's a little packet in my jeans. I don't want to hurt you."

you want?" she panted, mesmerized by the man's unexpected display of aggressive possession.

"I want you to feel the fine line between pain and pleasure. I want you to see that some pain is good while your body tries to reject being impaled, yet feels the need to be filled." He gathered her hair in his hand and pulled slightly back. "Tell me, Baylor. Tell me how you want it. Do you want it easy? All lubed up so I glide right into your sweet little ass? Or do you want that bite? Do you want to fight my invasion and have me force your surrender? Tell me so I know."

"I want the pain," she said hoarsely. "I want it hard. I'm scared, though."

"I'll go slowly. This is my obsession. I love asses," he murmured into her back, biting her shoulder blades. His hands moved down to her hips until he was gripping her hard, giving her nowhere to move and helpless to fend off what was coming.

His cock was slick with her fluids. He withdrew from her pussy and moistened her tight pucker thoroughly, pressing the tip to the entrance to introduce himself. He spread her cheeks wide apart, watching as he carefully slid the swollen head between them until she opened to receive him.

He pierced her, lodging his rigid dick inside her tight, hot, virgin ass—pushing it into her stretched hole and invading her body where no one had ever been. Her groans grew louder as he filled her channel.

He thrust hard, burying the full length of his manhood within her. "Like this?"

She shuddered and convulsed around him, pinned to his body, helpless. "Oh God, yes. It hurts. But… just like that." Baylor dropped down her hands on the floor, with her knees still on the couch, and pushed her weight back into Hayden's cock to force his embedded erection deeper inside. "Fuck me, Hayden."

"Hands behind you," he ordered. She rested her cheek on the cushion and gave him her hands to capture at the small of her back. He held her captive as he moved her body towards the floor and bent her further forward. He used his foot to spread her knees wide, repositioning himself at her ass. "Kneel there and take me inside. Tell me how it feels to be fucked in the ass."

"I'm... FUCK!" Baylor wailed with pleasure as the climax took control of her senses.

Hayden sank his teeth into her shoulder as his cock swelled and jerked, pumping thick spurts of scorching semen deep inside her ass.

"You belong to me," he growled, biting her again. "You are mine. This ass is mine." His twitching tool continued to pulsate within her, and she felt her body sink to the carpet with Hayden stretching his length on top of her.

His cock softened and slid away, and he slipped down to lie next to her on the floor. "How are you doing?" he asked, brushing the hair from her eyes.

"That was nothing like I thought it would be."


"No, better. Hayden?"

"Yes, love?"

"Would you consider doing something with the three of us?" she asked, kissing his palm.

"Like a ménage? Hell, yeah. I'm not sure Jake would go for it."

"I asked him. He seemed to be open to it," she said.

"We would do anything we can to make you happy. Let's go take a bath and snuggle a bit, okay?"






Chapter Ten


"What are you doing?" Baylor asked.

Matt smacked her rump. "Keep your hands off the blindfold. We have a surprise for you."


"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise now, would it?"

"You're a pain in the ass. A furry pain in the ass. Are you going to keep that beard?"

"T-Bear likes the beard, so yes. And you need a pain in the ass. When was the last time you got spanked?" Matt asked, escorting her through her house to the front door.

"When I got in trouble with Terry and Jake a week ago for drinking too much on New Year's Eve. It is not something I want to repeat again."

"As long as you are a good girl, you won't have to worry about it. Watch your step," he said, supporting her arm. "Going up."

She sighed, allowing him to lead her into his house. He took off the blindfold.

"SURPRISE!" the roomful of men called out.

"What's this about?" Baylor asked, stunned.

"A position of photographer opened up in the forensic division, and it's yours!" Jake announced, giving her a hard kiss on the mouth. "The crew all wanted to show how proud we are of you."

"No way! Wow," she squealed, hugging him with excitement. She looked at the 'crew' of neighborhood men, plus her 'family'. "Thanks, boys. This is so cool! When did you find out?"

"Two days ago." Hayden chuckled, stealing her from his brother. He swung her in his arms and kissed her. "Jake also got a schedule change. He's working three twelve-hour day shifts now. That means we can do
things together." He emphasized the word, his eyes twinkling at the suggestive hint.

"That's awesome!" Baylor squealed again, hugging his neck. "Jake? Come hug."

"Isn't this sweet?" Terry groaned. "Break it up, you three. You have an audience and some of us don't need to be watching this."

"You're an old bear." Baylor laughed, wrapping her arms around his waist. "You love it. We all know that you're the romantical one here."

"Yeah, yeah," Terry grumbled, hugging her back. "We all chipped in and got you a present. Bring it in!"

She lifted her hand to her mouth as two of the men presented her with a giant box wrapped in brightly colored paper and massive bows. "A present? A real present? For me?"

"You act like you've never gotten a present before," Matt said, tweaking her ear.

Baylor had tears in her eyes. "I haven't. I mean, you guys give me little treats and stuff, but a wrapped gift…"

"Open it, baby girl," Hayden urged, stroking her hair.

Her hands shook as she peeled the paper from the massive box. Her breath caught in her throat as she revealed the contents.

"You didn't… Oh, my God! You didn't!" She shrieked with joy.

"I talked to the department head and got the recommendations for the top of the line equipment you'll need for your work. There's even a tablet there with Wi-Fi and unlimited service, with all the software programs you will need," Jake said proudly. "When I mentioned it to the boys, everyone wanted to be included."

"This is too much. Thank you. All of you," Baylor choked out. "This is a dream come true."

"There is more." Terry nudged her. "Tell her!"

"Well," Hayden began, leaning his elbow on Jake's shoulder. "We sort of bought the house next door."

"What? How did you manage to do that?"

"We know the owner personally. Too personally. It was our dad."

"Is that why the rent dropped so much?" Baylor's mouth hung open in disbelief.

"We're in charge of maintenance and stuff, and when we told him that a woman was moving in, he wanted to know if we were going to bother her. We, of course, said yes." Hayden laughed.

"He felt bad for you, and decided that since the house was paid off, you could use the extra money more than he did. So he told the agency to reduce your fees and us to leave you in peace," Jake added.

"Which you didn't do. Did you tell him about me?" she asked.


"Hayden! Did you tell him about me?"

"I told him about the shit you've been through and how badly you needed some decent people around you. Don't be angry, love. He's like us and hates seeing people get screwed."

"I'm not angry. I'm surprised at the generosity. Please, thank him for me," Baylor said.

"We will. So, as your new landlords, we can come in and inspect every night." Hayden chuckled mischievously.

"He's joking," Jake intervened. "What it means is that you never have to worry about leaving again. The place is yours for as long as you want it. These guys," he pointed to a group of men, "are also going to build you a darkroom in the garage so you have a place to work."

"Are you serious?" Baylor was dumbfounded. Could all this be real?

"Very serious. We wanted to give you that space of your own that you've been demanding since you moved in. You know, the very personal space we intruded upon. Over and over again." Hayden's smile was riddled with mischief.

"Is everything sex to you?" Jake asked, catching the implication. "Other than Chuckle's inferences, he is correct," he went on. "You need somewhere that is just yours."

"Are you back to calling me that again? I wish you would stop," Hayden grumbled.

"You guys are wonderful. Just so you know, it doesn't feel like an intrusion anymore. I like having you all in my space, now," Baylor said, kissing his chin. "I'm just a little overwhelmed. Thank you again."

"The station gave me a list of places they would like you to start photographing." Jake handed her a list. "Some of them will require extra transportation."

"Terry is going to take us for a chopper ride tomorrow," Matt said, wrapping his arm around Terry's waist. "And then the five of us are going to have a picnic."

"But first, the barbeque!" Hayden announced. "Boys? To the food!"




The sound of the camera's shutter clicking was drowned out by the whirling blade of the helicopter as they flew over the wide span of the Mojave Desert. Baylor was awed by the raw beauty below them. It was like a giant canvas of sand, etched with deep, red gorges, valleys of yucca and Joshua trees, and small, rock-covered mountains.

Terry circled the heli around an area where a small structure stood alone in the middle of sparse plants and piles of tumbleweed.

"Where are we?" Baylor asked.

"This is called The Rock House. There is a fresh water spring just over that hill. We want to introduce you to the topography of the area so that you can practice your angles and stuff," Matt said, gathering up the bag of equipment to carry out.

"Let's eat first and then you can show her around," Jake suggested, handing the cooler to Hayden and helping Baylor out of the chopper.

"I can't believe how hot it still is. This is insane," she commented, shielding her eyes from the sun.

"Yeah, it's not usually this warm in January. Just remember, as hot as the days are, the nights are cold. It's wicked out here. Finding shelter is vital to survival, which is why so many lost hikers get into trouble. They go into the lava tubes and gorges and don't leave any signals for a search crew to find them," Hayden said. "Hypothermia and dehydration takes them out."

"What kind of signals? Making a fire out here would be hard with the limited amount of wood, right?" Baylor asked.

"There are other ways, like lining out rocks and making deep etches in the dirt. We will teach them to you. Just remember to always tell us exactly where you are going and never leave without water, some snacks and that emergency pack we got for you. Also keep in mind that the mountains in this area are subject to rock slides, and are pitted with abandoned mines."

"Better yet, do not go anywhere without one of us. Let's eat. Terry made cookies," Jake said, ruffling her hair before pinching her rump.

Under the cool shade of the Rock House, Baylor sat back in the camp chair and studied her wonderful family. Her eyes rested on the Paterson boys, as she mused about how much her life had changed since meeting them.

She had been stunned to discover the differences between them—and thrilled beyond belief. The outwardly rough Jake was a tender, gentle lover, while the sensitive, laughing Hayden became a demanding beast in the bedroom. Her body ached with desire as she imagined both of them filling her at once: Jake's thick rod buried in her pussy while Hayden's long shaft anchored itself deep in her ass. And then there was the spanking.

Matt was right. She was longing for it! Prior to the 'post-party spanking' that she'd received for going beyond her drink limit, she hadn't had a good spanking in a month, and she actually missed it! Things had been busy for everyone during the holiday season, and each of them had been forced to be responsible for their jobs, so Baylor had rarely had the chance to have all of them together at once during the last month. She missed them. She also missed the age-play.

Baylor stood, sipping from her water bottle as she walked around her two special men. Without thought, she poured the water over both their heads and then ran like lightning out the doorless exit. She dodged behind the helicopter, grinning from ear to ear, and watched as they stood outside the structure, hands on their hips.

"If you wanted a spanking, you could have just asked for one!" Hayden called out.

"That's right," Jake joined in. "Now you are going to get double."

"I still think a baby day would do her wonders," Terry reckoned loudly. "Maybe teach her some manners."

"She was just playing, you guys." Matt chuckled, tilting his head towards her hiding place. "But delivering a good spanking would definitely put you two in a better mood."

"Spanking always puts me in a good mood," Jake said, diverting her attention by walking away from the chopper. She didn't see Terry sneaking up behind her as she listened carefully to the discussion.

"And when you're in a good mood, so are the rest of us," Matt added.

"Hey! Put me down!" Baylor screeched.

Terry flung her across his shoulder. "Look what I found. A mischievous little mouse!"

"Let me go, you brute!" She laughed, pounding her fist against his back.

"Nope. Not until I give you what you are asking for." Terry sat on the stone steps and plopped her across his lap. "Mind if the shorts come down, boys?"

"We insist," Jake and Hayden said, both crossing their arms.

"Nooo!" Baylor struggled to hold her shorts over her bottom. "I didn't do anything to you!"

"Matt! Hold her arms for me!" Terry ordered.

"Let go! Matthew! You are supposed to help me!"

"Help you? Nah, this is too much fun." He chuckled

"The last time you dumped ice down my back, you got spanked," Terry reminded her. "You didn't learn your lesson, did you?"

"I didn't dump it on you this time." Baylor laughed, squirming under his heavy hand.

"No, but I'm the one who caught you. One for the money…"

"Ow! Not so hard!"

"Two for the show…"

"Terry! That hurts!"

"Three to get ready…"

"Matt! Stop him!"

"And four to go!"

Baylor kicked and squealed in an effort to escape Terry's heavy hand as it splatted across her bottom.

"I do love the color her bottom turns," Hayden commented.

"You're such a voyeur. Give her to me, T-Bear. Let me show you how a real spanking is given," Jake commanded, cracking his knuckles.

Baylor's eyes widened. "No! Not a real spanking. Just in play!"

"Don't you love it when they try to top from the bottom? Baylor Anne, you march your little bottom right over here. Daddy wants a word with you," Jake said in his 'special voice.'

Finally! The cue was given and Baylor was stunned how instantly she fell into the 'little girl' mode now. It had become second nature to her, and she loved it. At least, most of the time. She pushed herself off Terry's lap and yanked her shorts back up, her bottom lip sticking out in a pout. Dragging her feet, she approached Jake.

"I love you, Daddy," she said sweetly, climbing onto his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Do you think cuddling me will get you out of being spanked?"

"If you loved me, it would."

"Oh, I do love you." Jake squeezed her tightly. "So very much. And this means that, when you act up, Daddy needs to discipline you."

"Nu-uh!" Baylor blinked, burying her nose under his chin. "It just means you gotta cuddle me more. And feed me ice-cream."

"I don't know what parenting book you've been reading, little girl," he said, pulling her face away from his neck so he could look at her. "It certainly is not the one I read."

"I love cuddles," Baylor announced, grinning as the others laughed.

"What a little weasel." Terry chuckled. "The scary thing is that she has you melting, Daddy Jake."

"No, she doesn't!" Jake scowled, tucking Baylor closer to his body.

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