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Authors: Reeni Austin

More than a Maid (10 page)

BOOK: More than a Maid
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Victor pulled the binoculars away and used them as a shield to keep Tom from seeing him wipe tears from his eyes. He took a deep breath and cleared his throat before saying, "Why would he hide this?"

Tom sighed. "I don't know."

They watched the trio enter the house and close the door before lowering their binoculars.

Tom immediately eased the car out of the shade and turned down the road in the opposite direction of Ramon.

"So," Tom said as he drove. "What do you know about this woman?"

"She was an English teacher at Turnbrook High."

"Did she ever mention her family? Home life?"

"If she did I don't remember." Victor stared at the house in the rearview mirror, swallowing against tears. Waiting until his emotions steadied, he said, "But I remember the last time I spoke with her. She tracked me down in college. Begged me to encourage Ramon to do more with his life."

"Why would she call

Victor spoke in a soft voice, his eyes still on that house until it disappeared when Tom drove around a curve. "She had no one else to call, I guess. Ramon was sixteen when we lost Mama. Henry was his legal guardian. I guess she figured his brothers could talk some sense into him because Henry sure wasn't trying. But there was nothing we could do to make him go to college. He could've had a free ride but he didn't want it. He always said college was for pussies and real men raise beef."

Tom laughed, hard. "Sounds like him."

Victor relaxed a tiny bit at the sound of Tom's laughter. But he couldn't shake his sadness over the life Ramon chose. Too busy to take proper care of himself. Lonely enough to hook up with a new woman in his house so quickly. Too proud to ask anyone for help, even though they could all see he was drowning with so much work.

"I gotta figure out how to help him," Victor said. "Whether he wants it or not."


* * *


Ramon walked into his house at the end of the day, more tired than usual. A new home health aide started at Mrs. Perry's house today, which was always an ordeal. He knew he couldn't let her live by herself much longer, even though she desperately wanted to.

He was only a few steps past the front door when Isaac flew out of the living room. Tonight, he hugged Ramon's leg with one arm because he was holding something in the other.

"Whatcha got there?" Ramon asked.

Isaac handed him a sheet of paper, his voice timid. "I made it."

Ramon took the paper. It was a crudely drawn crayon picture of two stick people with a large sun in the corner and trees on either side. Above the person on the left it said, "Isaac." Above the other, "Ramon."

Inhaling a slow gasp, Ramon widened his eyes at Isaac. "It's a picture of me and you!"

Isaac grinned and nodded.

Ramon asked, "Did you write these names all by yourself?"

Isaac softly answered, "Miss Cheh-sie helped me at school."

"Miss Chelsea helped you, huh?" Ramon smiled and ran his fingers through the boy's hair. "Well, it's the best picture I've ever seen. Can I keep it?"


"Good. I'm gonna frame it and keep it forever."

Isaac looked confused. "Fwame it?"

"Yep. Like this." Ramon reached over to the closest picture on the wall, which happened to be of him and his brothers as teenagers. Touching the frame, he said, "See this? It's a picture frame."

He went on for a minute explaining the concept to Isaac, who asked insightful questions that made Ramon laugh.

Lord, each day that passed made Ramon dread the idea of Victor and Cara moving away. Hopefully, at the very least, they'd buy a second home and stay there part of the year. Having a nephew was probably as good as having a son of his own. Or better. And considering Ramon's luck with women, he had a feeling being an uncle was as close as he'd ever get to being a father.

Ramon called a quick "hey" to Patty in the kitchen as he and Isaac passed by. He wanted to stop in his office to put the picture in a safe place before taking his usual stroll of the ranch.

He was a little disappointed not to see Marcy anywhere, but he assumed she'd turn up by the time dinner rolled around.

A half hour later, the nightly inspection was finished. Ramon and Isaac entered the back door, heading for the bathroom to wash up for dinner, when they saw Victor at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey," Victor said. He had that concerned look Ramon recognized… and loathed.

"What is it?" Ramon cocked his head to the side.

Shrugging, Victor said, "Nothing."

"You're lying. What is it?"

Victor's voice was gentle. "We can talk after dinner."

Ramon rolled his eyes at him just as Patty yelled from the kitchen, "
It'll be another twenty minutes! Cara and Marcy are still at the grocery store!

Chuckling, Ramon said, "Well, ain't that convenient?" Then he nodded down the hall to his office.

Victor told Isaac to go to the kitchen to see if Grandma needed help, then he and Ramon went down the hall.

Ramon took a seat behind his desk as Victor closed the door, then said, "Don't drag it out. It's almost time for dinner," or, in other words, he was about to see Marcy. "What is it?"

"I know you bought the ranches in Kernersville from Mrs. Perry. Our high school English teacher. You helped her out of foreclosure."

Ramon flinched a little. "Where'd you hear that?"

Victor shrugged. "Kernersville's a small town."

"So you spoke to someone in Kernersville? Like, you actually drove there to ask someone about me?"

"It's not that far."

"It's far enough to tell me you're tryin' too hard to get into my business. Don't you have better things to do? Like a wedding to plan and a kid to raise?" Ramon shook his head. "You know, Isaac's pretty damn confused about you being his new daddy. Why don't you worry about

Victor sighed. "I know. But that's for me and Cara to worry about, not you. Don't try to change the subject. Why'd you lie about those ranches?"

"I've never once lied to you about this. Never."

"It's an omission. Some people would call that a lie."

some people
can fuck off." Ramon pointed at the door. "Now, get outta here."

"Come on, man. Don't be an asshole." Victor hunched forward in his chair. "What are you hiding? Are the ranches in trouble?"

"Don't worry about it."

"Let me help you."

"No," Ramon snapped, his blood boiling. "My ranches are fine. If I wanted your help I'd ask for it."

Victor let out a single laugh, then said, "It's not a matter of
. It's a matter of
. You know you need help but you'll never ask for it."

Scoffing, Ramon said, "You have no idea what I
. Seriously."

"You just want a reason to argue. Come on. Let me help you." He held up his hand, silencing his brother. "Not with money. With time."

Ramon shook his head. "No."

"Why not?"

"Just no. That's all the reason I need."

Victor shrugged. "It's obvious you don't have enough time to manage all the ranches yourself. That's where I can help. I help people streamline their businesses all the time."

Smirking, Ramon said, "By the time I show you the ropes, you'll move back to New York, and—"

"I'm retired from that life, in case you hadn't noticed. I'd rather Isaac grow up seeing me work a ranch, not coming to my office to visit me because I'm working there seventy hours a week."

"Really?" Ramon snorted. "Mr. Manhattan Creampuff's gonna move back home to the ranch. Yeah, right. You've gotten too soft for this." Ramon put his elbows on the desk, leaning forward. "I realize I spend a lotta time in this office but there're days when I gotta work as hard as any of those boys out back."

Victor's casual reply was, "I know. I could do that."

"Sure, sure," Ramon said, sarcastically. "If a ranch hand doesn't show up, you're gonna dig a ditch, or mend a fence, or vaccinate calves, or—"

"Yes!" Victor glared at him. "I grew up here too, in case you forgot!"

"That was a
time ago." Ramon's head shook. "I already told you, you've gotten soft. You couldn't handle it now."

Victor then rose to his feet and bent forward, his eyes big and angry, palms flattening against the desk. Through gritted teeth, he said, "Let me put this another way. If you would just fucking admit you need my help, you may have a valid reason for me to move my family here, permanently. Got it?"

Ramon's rage slowly diffused, shattered by the start of a warm, fuzzy feeling he rarely experienced. He felt like an idiot for taking so long to understand. Keeping his expression serious, he stared into his brother's eyes. In a voice so quiet it was barely audible, he said, "I'll think about it."

Victor pressed his lips together, inhaled through his nose, then blew out a long-suffering sigh. He balled up his fist and let it hit the desk with a soft
. In an angry whisper, he muttered, "

Ramon rolled his eyes and sank back against his leather seat, avoiding Victor's heavy gaze. "
" was always Ramon and Armando's nickname for each other. Victor, however, used it rarely, and with purpose.

When Ramon finally let his eyes rise to Victor's, he was taken aback that his oldest brother still appeared so angry. Feeling more sheepish than he wanted to show, Ramon steadied his voice and said, "Let me work out some details first. We can discuss it next week."

Incredulous, Victor smirked, his face tight with tension. He moved his hands from the desk and stood up straight. "I'm not gonna change my mind. Just let me be your damn brother, for once."

Scoffing, Ramon said, "And you tell me
the stubborn one?" Their eyes locked, and Ramon felt a little of his anger return. He stood, matching Victor's stance. "Don't go behind my back again. If you wanna know something, just ask."

With a clever nod, Victor said, "Okay. Why'd Henry leave town?"

Ramon's chest suddenly felt tight as he thought about the day Henry left. He didn't care if what he was about to say to Victor was a lie, an omission, or both. "You already know. I bought him out of the ranch and he took a vacation."

Victor eyes searched Ramon's for a few moments. Then, without a word, he turned around and headed to the kitchen.






Chapter 10



That night at eight o'clock, Marcy sat alone on her bed wearing a short, low-cut nightgown, feeling a little let down. Ramon had quietly left dinner early and had been alone in his office ever since. Cara told her it was likely due to a discussion he had with Victor and she shouldn't take it personally, but she wasn't so sure.

She was just about to change clothes and join the family in the living room when she heard a quiet knock.

Her pulse quickened. She ran to the door and opened it.

And there he was, mid-yawn. Wearing the same clothes he wore at dinner.

When he stopped yawning, he said, "Sorry. That was rude."

"It's okay." Marcy forced a grin.

Ramon's eyebrows pulled together. He glanced at her bed then shouldered his way through the door. "Aren't you gonna let me in?"

She stepped out of his way.

Ramon shoved the door closed and locked it. Then he took her hand and guided her to the bed where he sat down, sighing loudly as he reached for her other hand. He pulled her into place between his knees, gazing up at her with sad, puppy dog eyes.

Marcy looped her hands around his neck, lacing her fingers together. She tilted her head to the side and tenderly asked, "What's wrong? You look like you need a hug."

"Mmm." Ramon's hands flew under her nightgown to her backside, fingers pressing deep into her soft flesh, bringing her closer. "I need a whole lot more than a hug."

Marcy's head fell back as he leaned forward, nuzzling her chest and neck, his breath blazing a hot trail against her skin that flooded her with memories of the previous night.

When he reached her jaw, he kissed her there. Then he kissed her neck, letting his tongue linger.

In a breath, Marcy whispered, "Oh my God," as her hands slid down his back. She inhaled deeply and whispered, "I was afraid you were gonna cancel on me tonight."

He chuckled, kissed her neck again, and said, "Fear not, baby doll."

Her body went limp against him. No man had ever called her "baby doll" before. Or maybe they had and she didn't remember. Hell, right now she didn't remember any man before Ramon Barboza, the man whose lips were planting hot kisses along the most sensitive part of her neck.

He went on for a while longer until she unconsciously let the word, "Please," slip from her mouth in a throaty moan.

Suddenly, Ramon stood up and pulled the bottom of her nightgown over her head in one motion.

As soon as the garment slipped out of his hands to the floor, he pulled his T-shirt off over his head then reached into his pocket for a handful of condoms, tossing them to the bedspread. Next came his jeans, which he unzipped and immediately kicked away.

Then he looked her body up and down, licking his lips. He turned around and plucked a condom from the bed. As he peeled the wrapper open he peered into Marcy's eyes. "I'm sorry. I've had a really long day and I just need to fuck tonight."

Marcy nodded profusely. "That's okay. I… uh…" She stammered as her mind drew a blank. "Uh… just do what you gotta do."

His face lit up. With a huge smile, he quickly unrolled the condom and said, "You're awesome."

Before she could reply, he lunged forward, took her arm, and swung her around to the bed.

"Whoa!" She said, chuckling, as she landed in a heap, her legs spread and dangling off the side, feet unable to touch the floor.

Ramon smiled down at her, placed his hands on the comforter, lowered his body down until his lips were at her ear. She felt his tip at her entrance as he whispered, "I've been thinkin' about this all day."

And then he slammed into her.

She whimpered, eyes closed, head falling back. Legs wrapping around his waist.

He repeated the motion a few times, then stopped. "Don't worry, my tongue's been thinkin' about you, too. He'll make it up to you tomorrow."

"It's okay," she said, breathless. "He can take the night off. Just keep doing what you're—"

Her voice broke off as he surprised her by rocking into her again.

This time he stood, holding her knees in his arms as he penetrated her. His eyes closed and his face took on the sexiest look. So intense. His lips barely parted, he breathed in and out methodically, as though he was pacing himself. His lean, muscular body moved in one fluid motion as he entered her, filling her perfectly each time.

Was this really her life? A week earlier, she was excited about having a paying job again. But she had no idea it would include this added physical benefit. Her second night with the gorgeous Ramon. She already hoped it would be the second of many nights.

And hopefully she wouldn't be heartbroken by the time it was over.

Ramon went on for a long time, his pace steady and strong. As a slow heat built deep within her belly, she watched him closely, trying to capture each moment. Trying to memorize the pleasure he gave her.

But was he really
good? Or was she way more into him than she cared to admit, even to herself?

He shuffled his arms under her knees, repositioning her.

And he hit a brand new spot that made her shriek.

"You like that?" Ramon opened his eyes, panting, a crooked grin forming on his lips.

She let her writhing body answer his question. She squealed with each stroke as the heat that had been slowly building became a fiery climax in moments.

Consumed by her body's reaction, she heard him coming, too, like a voice screaming in the distance. But it wasn't until she lay there recovering when she felt his body drop to the bed that she knew for sure he had finished.

She smiled as she listened to him catch his breath. Right then it didn't matter how many other women had also heard these glorious sounds from him. Tonight he had worked that hard, for her.

And she would have to work hard not to let herself think about those other women. After all, there were no promises between them. Just fun. She would leave in a few weeks and put him behind her. Yes, that's what must happen.

Several minutes later, they both lay under the sheet, their heads close to each other on the same pillow.

Marcy, said, "I'm sorry you had a bad day."

"It wasn't bad. Just… strange."

"You wanna talk about it?"

Ramon's face clouded with darkness. "No." He snarled. "Victor."

"I'm sorry."

His eyes narrowed at her. "Did he ask you to keep tabs on me when you moved in?"

Startled by his odd question, Marcy said, "Uh… no? Why would he? Are you doing something wrong?"

Ramon huffed defiantly. "No. He's just so fuckin' nosy. But I got things I'd rather keep private, you know?" His eyes rolled. "He and Armando. They both act like I'm helpless." He looked at her. "Do I look helpless to you?"

"No. Not at all."

He nodded, then his eyes darted around the room. "You know, I never asked them to come out here and babysit me."

Marcy said, "It's your house. You could always kick everyone out."

"I know." He sighed, his face softening. "It's not that usually this bad. Besides, I kinda like this 'uncle' thing."

"You and Isaac seem really close."

"Yeah. The other day he told me I'm his best friend."

"Aw. He's so sweet."

"He really is. What a great kid."

"You don't strike me as the kind of guy who'd get along well with children."

He scowled. "Why not?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. You spend most of your time working. With adults. Or cows."

He chuckled. "That's true. But I like kids. They're easy to talk to, especially at Isaac's age. They tell you exactly what they're thinking. I wish adults were more like that."

"Yeah. I know what you mean."

He hesitated, then said, "I dated this girl a few years ago who had a boy a little bit older than Isaac. Got pretty close to him real quick. But the problem was, I liked the kid a whole lot more than I liked his mom. Dated her a lot longer than I probably should've, because of him." He cleared his throat and looked in Marcy's eyes. "I'm talkin' way too much about myself. What about you?"

She grinned. "That's a vague question. What about me?"

He paused, his lips pursed like he was thinking of the right thing to say. "Why are you single?"

Marcy shrugged, then tucked a lock of her hair around her ear. "I don't know. It's not like I planned it this way." She averted his gaze, looking at the covers. "My last boyfriend asked me to marry him and I said no."

"Really? How long ago?"

"About a year and a half now, I guess."

"Why'd you say no?"

"I'm not exactly sure. He was a great guy. But I got this weird, gut feeling that we weren't right for each other." She met Ramon's stare. "And I promise, I'm not a flake. And I'm not superstitious. So when I say it was a feeling, I mean, it was a
feeling. It's the only time I've ever felt something like that."

"Wow. What happened? Was it a big proposal, like, in front of people? And you shot him down?"

She exhaled, relieved, realizing about how much worse it could've been. "No, thankfully. He wanted to take me ring shopping. And I was thrilled… at first. We were on our way to the jewelry store when I told him I couldn't let him buy me one. So, technically, he didn't ask, but he was going to."

Ramon's eyebrows rose a little. "You broke up right then?"

"Yeah. Right then. He was angry for a while but we eventually became friends. Once in a while we meet for dinner."

"What's his name?"


"Andrew." Ramon nodded, repeating the name as if he was making a mental note of it. "What's he do for a living?"

"Civil engineer. Works for a small consulting company." She smirked. "I met him when I used to clean their office. They were one of my first clients."

"Ah. How long'd you date?"

"A year or so, on and off." She paused. "Why are you so curious about this?"

"I don't know. I guess you're interesting to me." He gave her a shy smile. "And you're easy to talk to. I don't usually get along with women so well."

She shook her head. "I doubt that. You're not nearly as abrasive as you think."

Ramon opened his mouth for an enormous laugh that ended in a yawn. He shook his head rapidly, as if trying to wake himself up. Smiling, he said, "I must be havin' a good streak then." Then his eyes fixed on hers, and his fingers went to the back of her head.

And instantly his warm, plump lips were against hers, his tongue slipping in between.

She was about to put her arm around him when, still kissing, he grabbed her wrist and held it at her side, keeping her arm still.

His tongue made her tremble as it went faster, then slower, then faster again. Thrusting, then caressing. All sounds of pleasure resonating from her throat were instantly consumed by his kiss.

Ramon let his tongue do one last circle around hers before he moved from her lips to her chin, then her neck, pushing her onto her back as he kissed his way down to her breasts.

She inhaled in splintered gasps. Exhaled in deep moans. His tongue left a trail of fire along her tender skin. He let go of her arm and she held his head against her chest. Her fingers weaved into his hair, pulling it uncontrollably in response to his tongue assaulting her nipple. He stayed on one until she called out his name, then moved to the other to start again.

She soon felt his hand between her thighs, and she let out a loud squeal that brought her to reality for a moment. How loud was she? Hopefully everyone was safely downstairs, watching TV. But from now on, maybe she and Ramon needed to turn on some music to drown out the…

"Ohhhh… God…" Marcy's thoughts were interrupted by the feel of his breath as his lips encompassed her sex, his head now between her legs.

And her thoughts of anything outside that room were no more.

His skilled tongue was slow at first, lapping her at an easy pace until Marcy grabbed the back of his head. As his speed increased, Marcy held his face tight against her and cried out, "Yes!"

And then his tongue went slow again. Deliberately slow.


She let out a whiny moan and dug her fingers against his scalp. "Come on!"

Ramon chuckled, maintaining his gentle pace.

Of course he's doing this on purpose
, she thought.

She slammed her palms down flat on the bedspread and through gritted teeth screamed, "Damn you!"

Ramon drew his mouth away and his head rose up. He arched an inquisitive eyebrow at her and in a firm voice said, "You tryin' to boss me around, woman?"

"Uh!" Her mouth fell open in an angry huff. Then she noticed his face soften just enough to show his playfulness. This was a side of him she hadn't seen yet. Was it simply because he felt more comfortable with her as the days progressed? She had no idea. And for reasons unbeknownst to her, she had to fight to keep a smile from overtaking her face.

BOOK: More than a Maid
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