More Nights With Kate (Jack Ryker) (8 page)

BOOK: More Nights With Kate (Jack Ryker)
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Chapter 10 – A Night at Grace Bay


After cleaning up and changing clothes, I went down to talk to
Captain Alexander, as he had left a message for me.  I also wanted to let
him know that we would need to make two trips to get everyone there, as well as

“Alright, thanks for the heads up.  Oh, and Jack,” the
Captain added.


“I should let you know that the Lido deck provided the best
vantage point for our weather cameras.”

I felt a shudder run down my spine once again. “Let me
guess, there is one right above the hot tub.”

“Well, it’s not right above… but close enough,” he conceded.

“Alright, thanks for letting me know.”

“We couldn’t really see anything.  I just wanted to
make sure that you knew about the cameras.”

“I understand.  Thanks, John.”

I felt the flush in my cheeks as I headed back down the
corridor.  Even though the ship was large, I had come to the conclusion
that we better stick to having sex in our cabin or somewhere offsite.  I
made a note to request a schematic of the entire security system from the
I don’t want any more surprise cameras.

I stopped by to check on Brandon, Jayne, and Brenda. 
If they were ready to go, I planned to send them over first.  They could
just hang out while the pilot came back for Kate and me.

“Hey there, playboy; where’s the little lady?” was the way
Brandon chose to greet me as I approached them at the bar.

“Wow, someone’s been hitting the liquid courage, huh?” I

He just smiled from ear to ear as if he knew something that
he shouldn’t. 
I really don’t want to know.

“Are you guys ready to go for dinner?”

“Sure,” Jayne and Brenda replied.

“Good, the pilot is just finishing the pre-flight check, so
why don’t you guys head over there.  When you get to the restaurant, there
is a reservation for five under my name.”

“Anacaona?” Jayne asked. 

“Yes, and Brandon, you better lay off the booze until you
get something in your stomach.  I don’t want you to have to spend tomorrow
cleaning up the helicopter.”

Brandon rolled his eyes and went back to his Patron and
tonic.  “Whatever, Dad.”



The sun had already set by the time Jack and I arrived at
Anacaona.  The flame torches and full moon reflecting off the bay provided
the perfect ambiance for a wonderful dining experience.  Jack stopped to
talk to the owner about something.  I decided to go ahead and join the

It was immediately obvious that Brandon hadn’t taken Jack’s
advice.  He had continued to hit the Patron pretty hard while he waited
for his appetizer.

“Jack said you were getting feisty earlier,” I teased as I
sat down next to him.  By the look he shot me, I instantly knew that he
was annoyed about something.

“I’m getting feisty?  I think that you and Dad are the
one’s getting a little too feisty.  First, you make the tabloids; and now,
you’re doing it in front of the security cameras.  Jesus, guys, have some
class,” he replied before slamming the rest of his cocktail.

I’ve got nothing.
  I placed my napkin in my lap
and took a drink of water.  Jayne cleared her throat nervously as Brenda
looked off into the darkness.

“This sure is a beautiful place,” Brenda said after several seconds
of awkward silence.

“Yeah, it’s gorgeous,” I agreed.

“Brandon has a point you know,” Jayne added, steering the
conversation back to the conflict at hand.  “If we are all going to get
along and build a business together, you need to have a little bit of

“I’m sorry if I’ve seemed insensitive, but we’re all adults
here.  Jack and I were just having some fun.  Who installs a camera
right above the hot tub anyway?”

“I still think you guys could use a little more discretion,”
Jayne scoffed.

“Hey, it was your dad’s idea to make love in the Atrium
room, not mine.  Maybe he should just cut back on the testosterone shots,”
I added without thinking.

“Testosterone shots?” Jayne questioned, seeming
alarmed.  “I was wondering what the hell was wrong with him.  Does
his cardiologist know he’s doing that?”

Just then, Jack came walking toward the table, so I didn’t
have to continue being the subject of this interrogation. 
Thank God!

“What could possibly be wrong when you are sitting in the
midst of paradise?” Jack said looking around at everyone’s facial expressions.

“We’ll discuss it later,” Jayne snapped picking up her menu.

“Alright, who would like a cocktail or glass of wine?” Jack
asked eager to lighten the mood.

Everyone needed another cocktail, including me. 
actually need several.
 It was the first time I had seen any hostility
from Jayne or Brandon.  Jack had always said that Jayne was a strong woman
who had a good head on her shoulders.  She was the type who would stand
her ground if she believed in something and wasn’t afraid to point out anything
that she didn’t agree with. 
That’s all fine, but I’m not going to take
a bunch of crap from her.  I don’t need her acting like a big sister.

Brandon on the other hand had always seemed so laid back. 
In fact, it was easy to see why Jack hadn’t thought that he would make it in
investment banking.  My father and his colleagues were all high strung,
aggressive jerks.  Brandon was nothing like them.  If I had met him
on the street, I would’ve never guessed that he was the son of a
billionaire.  He just seemed like the guy next door. 
Right now,
though, the guy next door is pissed off.  I honestly think he’s just

“Brandon, do you need another?” Jack asked since he was the
only one who hadn’t responded.

“Yes, I’ll have another Patron and tonic if it’s okay with
you,” he replied in a rather sarcastic tone.

Jack let it go and signaled our waiter.  After the
waiter took our drink orders, Jack suggested that everyone pick out an
appetizer and then order the Lobster tasting menu.  By ordering the
tasting menu, we would be able to sample several of their signature lobster
dishes including:

Charred Watermelon – Turks Lobster - Chorizo Vinaigrette

Cognac Scented Lobster Soup – Basil Oil

Fettuccini – Lobster Mushroom Ragout – Pepper Boursin

Grilled Lobster Tail – Green Asparagus – Lemon Garlic Butter

As well as three kinds of dessert:

Island Papaya Mousse – Mango Mascarpone Ice cream –
Raspberry Paper

Once the cocktails and appetizers arrived, Jayne and Brandon both seemed to
relax and enjoy the meal.  It was hard to stay angry or annoyed with all
of the great food and the beautiful surroundings.  Jack was undoubtedly
going to get an earful from his kids later, but for the moment, everyone was able
to enjoy the evening. 
I can understand why they would be embarrassed
by what happened at the Atrium room, we all were.  Jack and I tend to
coerce each other into doing things that we wouldn’t normally do. He’s
obviously on too much testosterone, too.  He gets hard just looking at
me.  At least I kept my bikini top on this afternoon.  I don’t need
any more nude pictures floating around… how embarrassing.  Shit, I still
have to call my mother.

Jack always had an almost magical way of mixing
entertainment, light conversation, and business together during one of those
fantastic meals.  Afterwards, everyone not only walked away fulfilled with
a full stomach, but had learned something as well.  Jack was a master at
motivating people without making it seem like a pep talk and educating them in
an entertaining way. 
I believe it’s one of the keys to his enormous

To avoid further offending Jayne and Brandon, I had been on
my best behavior all night.  Even though we were in a beautifully romantic
setting and Jack was so charming, I completely restrained myself.  After
all, in 36 hours, they would all be on their way back to the city.  Once
again, I would have Jack all to myself. 
I can’t wait.


Tonight is coming together nicely considering both kids
were angry as hell in the beginning.  Whatever that was about, I’m sure
I’ll hear about it tomorrow morning.  Brandon is still not himself. 
He’s normally the life of the party after he’s had a few drinks, but not
As his lobster courses arrived, he had simply thrown them in
and washed them down with more Patron. 
That’s definitely not my
son.  He’s the one in this family who absolutely loves seafood. 
his third tasting course, he excused himself.  I presumed he had to use
the restroom, but half an hour later, he still hadn’t returned. 

“I saw him walk toward the beach,” Brenda said after
overhearing me expressing my concerns.

“I’ll go take a look,” I told Kate, “you guys continue

I realize Brandon is an adult.  He’s more grown up than
most 24 year olds I’ve run across.  I wouldn’t be concerned if he wasn’t
so buzzed and walking around in the dark on a strange island
.  The
cabana bar down by the water looked like the most likely hang out for someone
his age.  There were dozens of twenty-somethings mingling on the beach in
front of the bar. 

“There he is… the man himself,” I heard my son say, as I
came upon him and two young women.

“Hello, Mr. Ryker,” a beautiful blonde said.

“We saw your helicopter land earlier,” the brunette added,
flashing her perfect smile.

“That’s Ellie,” Brandon said with a smirk. “This is Sasha,”
he said putting his arm around the blonde.

“Nice to meet you girls, are you here for business or
pleasure?” I asked.

“Both, hopefully.” Sasha laughed, smiling and batting her
eyes at the other two.

“Alright, I’ll leave you guys alone.  The ship is
scheduled to get underway to Nassau at midnight, so you’ll have to catch the
chopper by 11:30, alright?”

“That’s fine, Dad.  Can these two come with?” 
Both young ladies instantly had sparkles in their eyes.

“How would they get back?” I asked hoping it would end the

“We don’t have to.  We’re shooting Sasha on Paradise
Beach starting Monday, so we have reservations at The Cove starting tomorrow,”
Ellie replied excitedly.

“That’s what we were just talking about before you walked
up, Dad.  Sasha is a swimsuit model and Ellie is a photographer’s
assistant.  They just finished shooting on Iguana Island this afternoon,
so they have the weekend off,” Brandon explained.

I know I’m going to regret this.
  “Why don’t you
two come back to the table and join us.  I’m sure if all goes well, we can
find room for you aboard the yacht.”

“There’s a king size bed in my suite,” Brandon offered,
grinning ear to ear.

“Then where will you sleep?” Ellie teased.

“He can sleep in the crew’s quarters,” I said flatly, as I
turned to walk back to our table.  I could hear both girls laughing as
they continued to tease Brandon as we made our way back through the
King sized bed… you little shit.


I wasn’t sure what to think when I saw Jack and Brandon
coming back with two girls who looked like supermodels.  Brandon had an
arm around each of them, so at least that was reassuring. 
They must be
almost six feet tall.  The blonde is built just like Jackie… I wonder if
she has the same personality.

“Brandon made some new friends,” Jack announced as he
approached the table.  “This is Sasha and Ellie.  They might be
joining us for the ride to Nassau.”

After saying “hi,” I slid my chair down so the girls could
sit next to Brandon. 
He really looks good flanked with a supermodel on
each side.
  I always thought that Brandon was good looking, but he
always seemed so reserved.  That night he must have had a sudden burst of
confidence or something, which probably explained why two hotties were both
flirting with him. 
Good for him.  He deserves it.

“I’m suddenly feeling very single,” I overheard Brenda
telling Jayne.

“Yeah, me, too.  Jordan is just getting back from a
conference in Phoenix about now, otherwise I would’ve made him come with me,”
Jayne replied.  “You and I will just have to hang out.”

“Maybe we can hang out with Lewis at the bar after we get
back,” Brenda said with a giggle.

“Hooking up with the bartender…  Now I know what kind
of girl you are,” Jayne teased.

“Jayne!  It’s not like I’m going to hook up with
him.  He’s cute and seems like a really nice guy,” Brenda retorted, her
cheeks instantly getting flushed.

“I’m just teasing.  Yeah, he does seem like a good
guy.  Dad seems to really like him,” Jayne added.

Listening to Brenda got me thinking.  She seemed like a
very caring, hard working woman who had raised her kids alone and now was
feeling a bit lost. 
I wonder how many other moms are feeling single
.  I had a sudden pain in my heart, thinking about how lonely
my mom was going to be if she didn’t find someone special.  She had always
focused on her career and us girls.  She rarely went on a girl’s night out
or really made an effort to make new friends after the last time we moved. 
I’m definitely going to call her when we get back to the ship.


Well that was a definite change for the better.
Even though I knew full well that those girls were attracted to Brandon for shallow
reasons, they definitely had put a huge smile on his face.  The more they
flirted with him, the broader his smile had grown.  Eva had pounded
manners and respect into both kids all throughout their childhood. 
Everyone used to compliment us on how well behaved they were and how grown up
they acted.  It was good to a point, but neither of them had ever really
cut loose and had a wild streak.  Since Jayne was getting married in June,
I knew that her chance had probably come and gone.  Brandon on the other
hand, was just beginning to feel a sense the power of being a successful
business owner.  Even though their company hadn’t sold their first garment
yet, being the co-owner of it was definitely a good talking point. 
wait until it becomes successful.  Hopefully, he will be able to handle
all that comes along with it.

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