Moon Princess

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Authors: Diane Collier

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Moon Princess















Diane Collier

Copyright 2012


Copyright © 2012
Diane Collier
- All rights reserved.

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Lillia loved nights like this. The autumn air was clean and crisp, not to hot, but not too cold, perfect for wearing her white silk robe. She sighed, leaning against the stone balcony that overlooked the castle garden, thinking. This city was so foreign compared to the lush forests of her elven home, but she had come to calling it home. As a princess, Lillia knew how important the alliance between her people and the humans was. Her arranged marriage to the Prince Derek was not only a symbol of hope between the two once warring races, but the binding seal to the peace treaty that ended a long, brutal war. It was everything a princess could do to help her country.

Besides, it wasn't like the human prince was a terrible husband. Prince Derek was tall with short, dark brown hair, light blue eyes, and a muscular body. He always saw the politics of the noble class as a burden to his true passion, leading the royal army. A brilliant strategist, he
the initial defense against the elven invasion. Lillia knew that some part of him did not want the war to end, as he told her there was no greater rush than the trill of battle. But there was no real purpose to the fighting, and it quickly became obvious that if things went on any longer, neither side could afford the losses. Thus, elf and man stood at the altar, reluctantly vowing to be true to each other in front of thousands.

Their first time in bed together went about as well as Lillia hoped it would. At first, she shivered at his intense stare, hesitating at his command to come to him. Was this all he saw her as? A trophy of war? Nevertheless, she obeyed, moving into his strong embrace. However, as he leaned down to kiss her, there was something different about it. A tenderness she had not expected, and it was then that she began to relax. He brushed a lock of her golden blonde hair out of her face, gazing into her soft, yet angular face and forest green eyes.
There was no real love between the two, but for that night, they were tangled in a web of lust and duty.

Each piece of cloth that fell from their bodies made her more nervous, yet excited at the same time. He pressed her against the bed, and her hands danced over the warm skin of his back, taking in every sensation. She let out a gasp as his crotch rubbed up against her, the hardness
against her clitoris eliciting a moan of pleasure. Derek smirked at her, quickly tearing off the last pieces of resistance from both of their bodies, and gazed down at her naked body. Elves were known for their beauty, but Lillia never considered that to be true for herself. Her breasts were smaller than average, his hands cupped them both easily and gave a soft squeeze. And unlike her brethren, she had strong curves and wide, child bearing hips. She was not overweight, just unusual with her frame.

Strangely enough, it was that oddity that the Prince liked so much about her. He nipped at her neck, his fingers delicately rubbing her hardening nipples, getting her ready for the moment when their bodies would meet together and...

“Princess Lillia?”

The blushed as she was snapped back into reality, turning around and closing her robe as she looked upon one of the servants, a young human woman with a bright red ponytail. Lillia smiled, nodding silently as she went inside, opening her wardrobe. Inside were many extravagant gowns, but those weren't what the elf was looking for. Instead, she moved the dresses aside and took out some rather plain looking pants and a shirt. Prince Derek was out with his troops, patrolling the southern borders of the kingdom's new territory, given to them by the elves as part of the peace treaty. He wouldn't be home for at least three more days, inspecting every blade of grass for the slightest sign of resistance. It was indeed a perfect night to sneak ou
t of the castle.

The servant helped her out of her robe and into the pants and shirt silently, giving a small smile. Claire, her name was, and this human was perhaps Lillia's best friend in the entire kingdom, and the only one she could entrust with her secret. Tying the princess's blonde hair into a tight bun, Claire took a few steps back to admire the disguise. Once the hood was up to cover the long elf ears, Lillia was almost indistinguishable from anyone in the crowd. The two friends gave a quick hug, in which Claire gave Lillia the rope, and then quickly left the room, locking the door behind here. That way no one would get suspicious.

Alone again, the elven princess didn't have any time to lose. She ran back to the balcony, tying the rope to the end and throwing it down to the garden below. This tradition was not new, and thanks to her developed reflexes, she climbed down the rope quickly, landing on a patch of grass off the beaten path. She left the rope as it was, knowing she'd need to return once her mission was complete. Lowering herself to the ground, she waited for the guards to pass by her, and quietly moved through until she reached another wall next to a large oak tree. This was actually the easy part; she climbed up the tree's branches and made a small jump to the ledge of the wall. There was only one real option to get down, though. Lacking any real tools, she carefully dug her nails into the crevasses on the wall, climbing down the ten foot wall. Her hands ached, her arms shook, and any moment she swore her strength would fail her and she'd let go.

That was not the case this time, and she made it down without a hitch. Her arms were still weak, but it was a much better performance than last week. Lillia wiped the sweat off the front of her brow as she stopped to regain her breath. When she felt better a few moments later, she quickly ran off into the city proper. She remembered her first time taking this path, frightened at shadows and unfamiliar faces. But now she ran through the streets as if they were the forests of her old home, ducking past guards and heading in to the residential district. She was almost to her secret place, the tiny, unassuming house at the end of the road. The home of her lover.

Lillia knocked on the door, which opened to her forthwith, and she rushed inside. The door closed behind her, but there was no one there to greet her. She moved forwards a few steps, lower her hood as she glances around suspiciously. No one. This was odd. Walking further into the house, she knew something was wrong. A creak in the floor startled her, causing her to jump and turn around, expecting anything to happen. This was just like him; he loved to sneak around almost as much as she did. It was all part of the little game they played, and she intended to win this time. Her eyes darted around the room, waiting for any sign of his movement when...


Coming out of
, Antonio leaped out, grabbing Lillia by both arms and holding them behind her back. He let out a deep guffaw, his brown eyes shining with intelligence and glee. Young and excitable, the man was a blacksmith, commissioned by the prince to create weapons. Even with the war being over, there was plenty of demand to keep him in business, and that was how he met the lovely elven maiden. His long, brown hair was kept in a ponytail, his face was scruffy, with the beginnings of a beard forming around his chin and cheeks, and his hands were rough from years of working the forge. Like Prince Derek, his frame was decorated with muscle, but his skin was noticeably more tan.

His captured elf struggled in his grasp, but was unable to escape. He chuckled, saying, “Lilly, you've got to stop being so predictable. We've b
een together for how long now?”

“Three weeks,” she says, still attempting t
o turn around and look at him.

“Exactly,” he replied, “If I didn't know any
better, I'd say you liked it.”

“Maybe I do,” Lillia replied, rubbing her behind up against his crotch, “So tell me, now that you've caught me, what are we going to do?”

“Hmm...” Antonio pondered, looking down at his love. He got close to her pointed ear, biting at the edge as he says, “I think I know a little something...”

He grabbed both of her arms with one hand, letting the other go free. She struggled, but it wasn't nearly as hard, as she grew excited, anticipating his touch. Derek was never passion-less, he was a good lover who satisfied her each time they were together. However, the prince could never compare to the sweet, sensual, and surprising lovemaking that Antonio gave to her.
Antonio knew where all her weak points were and today he felt like playing with her a little.

His free hand wandered about her body, cupping her ass before moving up front. He unzipped her pants slowly, and wiggled his way past her underwear. Once in the proper position, two fingers placed on either side of her clitoris, pressing on it to send a jolt of pleasure through her body. She purred happily at his touch, her body twisting back and forth under his hand. The rubbing was slow, but quickly gained speed, reducing Lillia to moans and panting. Antonio felt himself become more aroused, though he resist
ed the urge to go any further.

“Come ooooon,” Lillia panted, “I... I don't know how much more of this I can take...”

“You'll just have to take more, then,” Antonio replied, licking her neck, “you know how much I love hearing you.”

By now, he was beginning to feel her becoming wet, causing his grip to slip once. His fingers returned to playing with her clit a little longer, and then moved farther down, entering into her. One finger to start, pushing in and curling up, massaging her inner walls. She melted to his touch, it felt unbearably good! Another finger joined the first, going in and out of her at a more rapid rate. Then a third with the second, and his thumb pressed down on her clitoris again.

That was the final straw, causing Lillia to break free of the blacksmith's grip and pushing him out of her. She grabbed him by the shoulders, pulling him into a passionate kiss, their tongues dancing together as she reached for his shirt. Antonio let it go, the cloth practically flying off of him, exposing his muscular, sweating chest. Her own shirt was the next casualty, tossed to the ground without a care in the world. The bra didn't stand a chance, hitting the floor at almost the same time as the shirt. But before she could continue her lustful rampage, he knelt down, taking up one of her supple breasts in his mouth. His hands grabbed her by the waist, holding her still as he sucked, and her hand grasped his hair, holding his head in place.

Little did she know that this was part of Antonio's plan. Fingers curled around her pants and underwear, he pulled both down in one swift movement, leaving her body exposed. This was perfect, and she pulled him off of her nipple, guiding him back up to give him another kiss, tearing down his own pants and boxers. His erection was impressive, nicely sized and standing up proud in the air. Lillia licked her lips as she gazed at it, a playful smirk spreading across her lips. Getting on her knees, she groped his ass, and gave a long lick to his dick, starting from the base and going all the way to the tip.

It was Antonio's turn to groan, causing Lillia to giggle. “It seems now the tables are turned” she said. Giving him another firm lick, she paused as she got to the tip, circling around it with her tongue. He shuddered in delight, resting his hands on her golden hair. She continued to tease him, pressing her tongue against a most sensitive batch of nerves to
elicit another moan from him. There was no holding her back, and then she took his dick into her mouth, only able to get about a third of his long, thick member, but servicing it like no other. He bucked his hips instinctively, thrusting himself in and out of her mouth, a bit of precum leaking into her mouth. It didn't taste too bad, and she sucked hard on him, using her hand to stroke the rest.

“Oh gods...” he whispered, “Now I don't... think I can take much more... you better stop...”

“Oh?” Lillia said, taking his cock out of her mouth, “Or what? You gonna -”

Antonio leaped on top of her, pinning her down on the hardwood floor. Lillia wrapped her arms around him, opening her legs wide. They kissed again, his cock lined up with the entrance to her pussy. His hands moved down once more, parting the labia and pushing the tip inside his elf lover. He paused, waiting for her body to adjust to the change, frowning at the expression of pain on her face. Once she settled down, he continued to move inside her, smiling.

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