Read Moon Kissed (BBW witch and shifter romance) (Shifting Magick Trilogy Book 2) Online

Authors: Lia Davis

Tags: #werewolf, #wolves, #serial, #moon, #BBW, #Paranormal, #magick, #witches

Moon Kissed (BBW witch and shifter romance) (Shifting Magick Trilogy Book 2)

BOOK: Moon Kissed (BBW witch and shifter romance) (Shifting Magick Trilogy Book 2)
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Moon Kissed

Shifting Magick Trilogy, Book 2




Lia Davis


Moon Kissed

Shifting Magick, book 2

By: Lia Davis


Published by After Glows

© 2015 Lia Davis


ISBN: 978-0-9908867-6-1


Cover Art by Lia Davis


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All characters in this book are fiction and figments of the author’s imagination.




To the little things that fill our hearts with joy.


Moon Kissed


Audrey Kelly has given up. As the middle sister, she is required to mate with a male kissed by the gods in order to break her part of the Kelly curse. An impossible task, even for a witch. However, when her older sister mates with a descendant of the moon goddess, Audrey’s hope is renewed. Her new brother-in-law claims that his brother could be the one to break Audrey’s curse. But could Lucian really be her one true mate?

Sentinel leader, Lucian Scott has no desire to find a mate. He’s content with his single life. Or so he thought until a curvy, little witch comes into it. The mating urge slams into him almost immediately, and his need to possess Audrey in every way possible makes it unbearable to stay away from her. Too bad his brother, the Alpha, has given him a direct order to do just that. Keeping his distance until the so-called time is right may just be the death of him, but Audrey is definitely worth the wait.


Chapter One


Apparently, when an Alpha mates, it’s a big fucking deal.

With a sigh, Audrey traced the rim of her wine glass as she sat at a small table closest to the large, two-story brick house her older sister had moved into last month—after mating to an Alpha wolf the same night she’d met him. Olivia was insane. She had to be.

Then again, Audrey’s sister had found her one true mate and broken her curse. Sorrow seeped into Audrey, amplifying her already grumpy mood. It wasn’t that she was unhappy for Olivia. Finding a mate and breaking the curse placed on her from birth was wonderful. Amazing. Not to mention, Olivia looked like she’d won the lottery, ten times over.

As she should. Olivia was so head over heels in love she glowed from it. Plus, the curse that hung over her head, similar to Audrey’s, had been broken. Her Alpha mate was a descendant of the moon goddess. In fact, he was a first generation shifter. Just the man to break the curse and give Olivia everything she desired.

Audrey glanced to the happy couple slowly dancing in the middle of the Pack circle. Her heart ached. Unlike Olivia’s curse, Audrey’s mate had to be kissed by a god. The prophecy was so vague she didn’t even know where to start looking.

So, she’d given up years ago.

Apparently, she was doomed to be alone, mateless, and childless for the rest of her existence. A lump formed in her throat, but she pushed it away. She didn’t need a man or children in her life.

“Pennies for your thoughts.”

The low rumble of the male’s tone rippled through her, stirring things long dead. She lifted her lashes and met the heated stare and beautiful gold eyes of Lucian Scott, the Gold Ridge Pack Beta, Sentinel leader, and her sister’s new brother-in-law.

The wolf was right out of her dreams, the perfect male. Lean muscles covered his tall frame. His dark brown hair fell just below his ears, framing a handsome face with a shade of beard. He’d unnerved her the moment they met hours ago.

Picking up her drink, she downed the last swallow and hoped he would leave. The last thing she needed was a gorgeous wolf making her crave things she’d never be able to have.

When he sat in the chair next to her, she rolled her eyes. “Have a seat.”

He leaned into her, draping an arm over the back of her chair and growled, “I will.”

Cocky SOB
. Need raced through her like a wildfire, heating every part of her body. Good gods, this wasn’t happening. Knocking her arousal down a few notches, she scooted several inches away from him. “What do you want?”

A rumble sounded from his chest, not quite a growl. “Do you really want the answer?”

Yes, please
. No. She didn’t. She couldn’t, even for a moment, entertain the idea… What was she talking about? He was sex poured into the perfect male body. And she’d had just enough alcohol to not give a shit.

Plus, she was cursed to never find her mate. So, what would it hurt to have a little fun for once? To be wild and have mind-blowing sex with the wolf next to her. Facing him, she smiled. “Yes, I would like to know your answer.”

The corners of his sensual mouth lifted, stirring to life a desire she’d never felt before. “I want to take you somewhere private, strip you bare, and lick every inch of your perfect, curvy body.”

Well then. Ask and you shall receive
. It suddenly became hot, and it had nothing to do with the alcohol. She reached out and fingered a button on his black dress shirt. “Then what?”

“You are a naughty little witch.”

“One, I’ve never been little. Two, you don’t even know how naughty I can be.”

Who the hell was that woman who’d spoken?

Abruptly, he stood. Gripping her hand and pulling her with him, he stalked down a small path away from the party. She glanced over her shoulder to see her sisters watching, both with wild smiles.

Great. They’d badger her in the morning for details.




Her strawberry scent intoxicated him. Her curvy, perfect body begged for his hands. The need to possess her in every way possible turned into a raw hunger he’d never experienced before. In fact, until he saw her he’d never considered taking a mate. His loyalty was to his brother—his Alpha—and making sure their enemies couldn’t get near him. Lucian didn’t have time for a mate.

His wolf thought otherwise, and what the wolf wanted, the wolf would get.

Lucian tried to ignore the pull toward the beautiful, curvy witch for the four hours she’d been in the den. A battle he’d lost to the wolf currently pacing just under the surface. Glancing at her profile as they walked away from his brother’s mating celebration, he watched how the soft lights from the lanterns strung around the circle kissed her creamy skin. Her shoulder-length black hair framed her round face perfectly. When she turned to him, his cock hardened and he lost himself in her green gaze.

She averted her eyes instantly, but not before he noted the slight color in her cheeks. Her scent sharpened, indicating she too was aroused.

“It’s a nice night out,” she said softly.

He moved closer to her so his hand brushed against hers. “Yes, it is.”

What was he doing? Acting like a nervous juvenile.

He linked his fingers with Audrey’s and tugged her to a stop. Looking into her green eyes, he cupped her head and claimed her mouth. She tasted of wine and berries. When she opened and tangled her tongue with his, he lost what little control he had left.

Walking her backwards, deeper into the forest, he gathered her long skirt up to her hips. She groaned and pressed her breasts against him, intensifying the desire running hot in his veins. He slipped his hand between her thighs and growled at how damp her panties were.

“So wet,” he whispered in her ear.


Brushing the cotton aside, he slid two fingers through her folds. She gasped, then moaned as she moved her hips against him. He entered her and pumped his fingers in and out while rubbing her clit with his thumb. She gripped his arms, her nails biting into his biceps. Soft moans turned into pants right before she shuddered in release.

Just as he unbuttoned his jeans, he caught his brother’s scent. Lucian pressed his head to Audrey’s and lowered her skirt. “My brother is looking for us.”

Dazed, she stared at him for a moment, then blinked. “Oh.”

Pushing away from him, she adjusted her clothes. When Sawyer came into sight, Audrey darted away. Most likely heading back to the Pack circle.

“Sawyer,” Lucian growled, not bothering to hide his annoyance.

“Diana isn’t feeling well and needs a ride home,” Sawyer spoke loud enough for Audrey to hear him as she fled to where her sisters waited.

Setting his jaw, Lucian held his brother’s stare while he waited for Audrey to get out of earshot. Irritation clouded his thoughts. Why had his brother interfered? After a long moment of holding the Alpha’s narrowed-eyed stare, Lucian lowered his shoulders. “She’s my mate.”

“I know.”

“Then why did you stop me?”

Sawyer raised one broad shoulder. “You can’t claim her yet. It has to be under the Hunter’s Moon.”

Confusion clouded Lucian’s mind, and he began to think Sawyer was losing his. “What are you talking about?”

“It’s part of her curse. At least it is what Olivia believes. You can’t claim her until the full moon.” Sawyer turned and disappeared into the trees.

What the hell was his brother talking about? “Sawyer!”

“I mean it. Don’t mate with her until the full moon.”

. Sawyer was a stubborn ass. His tone in the last statement told Lucian he wasn’t getting any more answers. The Hunter’s Moon was two weeks away.

Lucian would go mad waiting that long to see his mate again. On second thought, Sawyer hadn’t said not to seduce the curvy minx.


Chapter Two


Audrey’s body hummed from the orgasm Lucian had given her moments ago. Her legs felt like jelly and she didn’t know how long she’d be able to stand there while her older sister talked them into staying. She didn’t know if she should be mad at, or grateful to Sawyer for showing up when he had. By the gleam in the Alpha’s gaze, he’d most likely scented both hers and Lucian’s desire.

Good mother of the moon. She hadn’t ever felt a need so raw and intense before. Lucian Scott made her ache all over. That was why she needed to leave the den.

“Stay the night,” Olivia’s cheerful voice rang in her mind, cutting through the storm of thoughts.

Audrey shook her head and opened her mouth to tell her sister no way, but Diana spoke up first. “That would be great. Wouldn’t it, Audrey?”

“Yeah, sure. Just great.” Audrey tried not to grumble the words. The Alpha had lied about Diana not feeling well. His actual motive for interrupting her and Lucian was unclear.

Just then, Sawyer stepped behind his mate and wrapped his arms around her. The glow on Olivia’s face stirred a new ache in Audrey. Heartache. Audrey averted her gaze, only to have it land on Lucian. The male had a crooked smirk on his sensual lips as his heated stare held hers.

“We could have breakfast together,” Lucian said, his eyes never leaving hers.

Olivia looped an arm with Audrey’s, drawing her in close. “Yes, that would be great. A whole family breakfast.”

Audrey didn’t bother stopping her smile. For the first time since they were children, they had a family. Of course, they’d always had Grams, who was a little nuts but a wonderful mother figure.

Stepping out of her sister’s hold, Audrey faked a yawn. “Can you show me to my room? It’s been an exciting and exhausting day.”

“Of course.” Olivia linked her fingers with Audrey’s, then Diana’s and tugged them toward the house.

Once inside, Olivia crossed her arms. “Spill.”

“What?” Audrey tried to shield her emotions from her sisters, but they knew something was up. Being the oldest, Olivia had the mom face down to an art. Releasing a breath, Audrey frowned. “Lucian is impossible.”

Diana giggled, drawing Audrey’s attention. “It’s not funny. The wolf is so…so large, and…”

“Hot,” Diana added on another laugh. “I don’t see what your problem is. Go after him. Enjoy yourself.”

Audrey had planned to do just that until the walls around her heart had fractured once the wolf’s lips touched hers. She couldn’t get attached to him with the curse hanging over her head. He may be a descendant of a god, but that didn’t mean one had kissed him.

If she slept with him and the curse didn’t break, Audrey would lose herself to him and never be able to bond with him. A constant emptiness would form in her soul, forever hungry for something she couldn’t have.

BOOK: Moon Kissed (BBW witch and shifter romance) (Shifting Magick Trilogy Book 2)
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