Read Monster Sex Stories Online

Authors: Lexi Lane

Monster Sex Stories (9 page)

BOOK: Monster Sex Stories
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hand reached below her elbow and lifted her from her seat. Before she
could do more than kick out with one highly heeled foot she realized
that that hand belonged to Lucas and that he was steadily hauling her
to the door. Embarrassed she reacted by kicking out harder with both
feet, a grim satisfaction filling her when she felt her toes
connecting with his shins. Laughter sprang up from somewhere and
echoed throughout the room.

Lucas’s breath tickled her ear and a strange little squiggle of
sensation ran down her spine, reversed and ran back up it again. She
wriggled against him, a hardness lay between them, nudging against
the cheeks of her ass and she felt a spiteful satisfaction at having
aroused him. “You need to get out of here right now, Layla. I’m
serious. You are in danger.”

shoved the door open and quickly forced her out into the parking lot.
She landed against the side of a rusted Ford, her breath whooshed out
and she turned to yell at him but her breath stuck in her throat and
words failed her.

giant wolf’s face hung over Lucas’s broad shoulder. Even
as she watched a patch of foamy spittle dripped from its muzzle and
landed on his faded blue work shirt. A scream wrenched out of her and
she ran, not away, but toward him, her fists flailing as she screamed
at him to look out.

into him was like running into a steel tank. She had time to wonder
if she had totally lost her mind, if she were hallucinating or just
plain crazy then the beastly stench of the wolf hit her and she
gagged. Her hands landed on a patch of thickly matted fur and Lucas
was shoving her away once more. The door slammed and she landed on
her ass in the middle of the parking lot. A sliver of broken bottle
lanced into her right ankle and she groaned as pain echoed along her
nerve endings. She stood, from within the bar was the sound of growls
and a low howl that made the hair on the back of her neck stand up.

door buckled and what was obviously a large paw came through it. She
didn’t need any more incentive, she ran like hell for her car.
She jumped in and gunned the engine, not even noticing that during
her headlong flight she had somehow managed to run right out of her

rubber as she went, she fled Good Time Charlie’s lot. Her hands
gripped the wheel with white knuckled intensity and her legs shook
violently. Her right foot kept slipping off the gas pedal and stark
terror made her breath whoosh in and out in long billowing gulps. Her
belly was loose and hot and she kept her eyes forward, too afraid to
look backwards.

black wolf came out of the high standing elms trees at the bend where
the road arced along the sea. The guardrail was to Layla’s
right and the wolf to her left, not knowing what else to do she
gunned the engine of her tiny sedan, hoping to knock it off the side
of the road and down the steep hillside.

the car made a hollow booming noise that did not bode well at all.
She had to fight the wheel as the impact tossed her and the car to
one side. An involuntary scream broke from Layla’s throat as
the wolf’s face mashed into her windshield for a split second
in a gruesomely funny distortion that sent her into hysterical
laughter even as panic overrode every rational thought.

car bucked along the centerline and the wolf clung to it, one massive
paw digging deeply into the hood. Steam billowed up and he howled in
pain. His enormous body blocked her view and she screamed, sure she
was going to go over the side at any second.

the car skidded along the opposite side of the road and hit a tree.
The hood crumpled and the wolf was thrown off. Layla threw her hands
up over her face as limbs and leaves shot through the windshield:
broken glass starring and shattering all around her.


came to slowly. Her entire body ached and she couldn’t remember
where she was. Had she gotten drunk? The dreams she had, she tried to
sit up and a pain burst through her skull, forcing her to sink back
down into bed.

that’s a hell of a hangover.” Her voice sounded odd, it
echoed and she forced her eyes to focus. The ceiling was too far
overhead, the bed too close to the floor. She had to concentrate to
make details take shape and when they did she wished they had not.

was in a large cave: stone walls dripping long trails of moisture
around her. The bed she lay on was a rude pile of pelts; a quick
inspection showed that thankfully none were human, but that made her
feel no better. A bitter musky scent hung in the air and when she
tried to move her body she realized that while she could feel her
arms and legs and her fingers and toes all seemed to work she was
utterly naked.

to her side and out of the makeshift bed caused a fresh wave of
dizziness to wash over her. The floor was cold below her feet and she
could feel a breeze on her nude body. A thick panting breath yanked
her attention to the far corner of the cave and she shrieked as the
wolf stalked closer, its enormous black furred body between her and
the entrance to the cave.

Layla gushed weakly.

wolf stalked closer. It walked on its hind legs and something about
it was hauntingly familiar, memories and confusion battled in her
mind. “Why did you kill Lucas?”

wolf snarled and hot salty tears spilled down her cheeks. A single
bar of silvery moonlight striped the wolf’s body and the floor
as it drew nearer. Frantic, she looked around for a weapon, any
weapon but found nothing. Other than the bed and a pile of small
bones that she sincerely hoped belonged to animals the cave was

for her and the wolf.

you want to kill me now?” Layla’s voice was hoarse and
she grabbed a fur pelt from the bed, tossing at its head. The fur
landed and the wolf batted it away with one paw. Its eyes stared down
at her and Layla paused, uncertainty filling her. Its eyes were…

she could finish that thought the wolf was on top of her. They went
rolling across the floor: Layla kicking and screaming and scratching
at the monstrous thing until they hit a solid wall and she got the
air knocked out of her once again.

and instinct took over. That thing had killed Lucas, she had seen it
happen. Lucas had been the love of her life and that thing had
murdered him. She screamed out those words as she fought, her teeth
sank into one of its long forearms and the taste of blood filled her
mouth. Gagging she spit it out and the wolf retaliated by yanking her
high up in the air and dangling her feet above the floor.

long purring came from its throat and she stared. Then she was
lowered gently and her body pressed into the body of her captor. A
hot hardness filled the space between them, rubbed against her
nakedness and a bolt of long suppressed desire jolted through her.

Layla yelped but she had no will to fight any more.

werewolf dropped to all fours, its nose pressing to the wet junction
between her thighs. Breath stirred her blonde pubic curls and she
shuddered in a horrified revulsion mingled with lust. A wet tongue
swiped out and parted her pouter labia, she screamed and backed away.
Her back hit the wall and she stood there, shaking, as the wolf edged
closer. Its tongue came back and a groan escaped her mouth as her
pussy was licked slowly, sensually.

prickled her skin and she whimpered as she was licked again and
again. For one moment the ideas that perhaps she was being tenderized
surfaced but that thought was wiped away with the very next caress.

hard tongue probed inside her folds, her body jerked in reaction as
it moved in and out of her. Her hips began to thrust forward and back
and sticky fluids spilled out of her slit, running down her inner
thighs before being licked away.

throbbing bud of her clit was cradled by a thick, soft tongue, then
that tongue circled the hard flesh. She gasped and arched her back so
that her hips came away from the wall and pressed more firmly into
the wolf’s mouth.

long pounding beat began in her pussy. Her walls seized and began to
spasm, her toes curled and she rose up on them, trying desperately to
get away and get more of that incredible sensation, all at the same
time. A heat she had never known flushed through her entire body and
her nipples contracted into almost painful points. Instinctively her
fingers came up and squeezed those hard buds, causing a moan to break
from her lips.

gushes of come flowed from her, dripped onto the floor and ran down
her legs. The wolf backed away, its eyes glinting in the moonlight
and that stab of recognition came again.


word ended in abruptly, the question forever cut off. The wolf
snatched her away from the wall and tossed her to the floor easily.
Her knees hit hard stone and she shrieked with fresh pain. Her body
jackknifed as she tried to raise herself up on her knees and her hips
were snatched up high, her legs rudely thrust apart.

sound of the wind was very loud. Her kneecaps scraped and her palms
ached from being scraped along the small pebbles on the floor. She
could smell the werewolf’s scent: a high musky scent that she
knew came from his being aroused.

probed at her opening. She struggled, fighting against the sensation
of it. Heated and thick, it pressed insistently against her soaked
folds and she beat her fists into the floor, first in anger then in
ecstasy as he took her over, driving fully into her.

locked into place. She felt it. The already enormous cock grew in
size and then simply locked down; he simply could not withdraw fully
from her without ripping her apart. Her own hips pumped in rhythm to
the werewolf’s thrusts and her own fluids leaked from her. The
wolf’s breath tickled her ears, his teeth grazed her neck: tiny
little bites that made her scream in both fear and lust.

beast howled and the moonlight faltered on the stones. For one brief
moment the paws holding her became hands and she stared at them as
they circled her, tweaked her nipples almost playfully before
transforming once more into hairy paws tipped with razor-sharp claws.

faded in and out with each heavy and hard thrust. The wolf’s
member grew thicker and pain began to filter in through the pleasure.
The rigid cock slid along her swollen pussy, and then out just a few
inches. Friction and heat combined to force a tremendous orgasm from
her. The hot liquid made the wolf shudder and howl again then a flood
of steaming white seed spurted from his cock.

unknotted. Layla would have fallen to the floor if he had not held
her up. Cries came from her throat and lips and a shaggy paw stroked
along the column of her spine. The moon died out and she felt the
beast changing, turning human. She tried to turn over but strong arms
held her face down, refusing to allow her to see who had fucked her
so well and hard.

own hot come trickled down her thigh, staining the streams of his
semen that ran from her aching slit. The world spun and she managed
to get a plea out before the moonlight came back and the beast
returned. Layla slid into a dark and merciful sleep, her mind simply
unable to handle any more.


stood over her, his lean body naked and the sun filtering through his
black hair. His green eyes were half-closed and his strong white
upper teeth deeply imbedded into his full bottom lip.

smiled, knowing that she was the author of his pleasure. Her hands
slid around his hard cock and her head bent to it as well. She
flicked her tongue along the taut helmet, enjoying the taste of the
tiny drop of pre-come that spilled forth from the narrow hole there.

her mouth wider she slid it down the length of his manhood. Lucas
groaned, his fingers tangling into her hair as she sucked her mouth
closed, applying pressure with both her lips and fingers: squeezing
and suckling him lovingly.

free hand came up, cradling the heavy sac of his balls in her palm.
Lucas began to pump his hips and she worked harder. His fingernails
left tiny tingling trails along her scalp, making her gasp in painful

hard knocking yanked Layla from a heavy sleep. She opened her eyes
and the room spun. Her head ached and when she blinked several times
it was to see her own bedroom ceiling staring blindly down at her.

knocking continued and she staggered out of bed. She was still in the
dress she had worn the night before but barefoot. The dress was torn
and stained and there were long scratches and scrapes on her knees.
The memories of the night before surfaced and she stared at the door
of her bedroom, unsure of what to do.

BOOK: Monster Sex Stories
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