Monster (Impossible #1) (6 page)

BOOK: Monster (Impossible #1)
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A few hours later, my eyes were glued to the book, roving over the pages as quickly as I could consume the words.

“Don’t,” Sean groaned softly beside me.

I was immediately torn from the pseudo-Medieval world in which I had been immersed and slammed back into the present.

Sean was trembling, all of his muscles taut from some unseen strain.

“Stop,” there was a
pleading edge to his tone.

Shit.  This could happen with oxycodone.  Patients sometimes experienced vivid dreams, and right now it seemed like Sean was trapped in a nightmare.

I was immediately drawn to him, overwhelmed by the need to comfort him.  I reached out for him, tentatively touching his hand.  Little sparks seemed to dance over my skin at the contact.  Despite the discomfiting sensation, I grasped his hand firmly, tracing my fingers over the rough callouses on his palm.

Shhh,” I said gently.  “You’re okay, Sean.  It’s okay.”

I settled myself down beside him, stretchi
ng out on my side.  I watched as the tension left him, the lines of his face relaxing as I comforted him.  As I monitored the steady rise and fall of his chest, I found myself drawn in again by the sight of him.  The rhythm of his breathing was hypnotic.  The steadiness of it relaxed me, and I found myself growing sleepy.  I had been through so much, and my body was giving in to exhaustion.  Without even noticing what was happening, I drifted off to sleep beside him, still holding his hand in mine.

Chapter 4

I awoke feeling contented, my body pressed up against something warm.  Someone nuzzled my hair affectionately, and I sighed happily.

Then my eyes snapped open in shock.  My body seemed to have shaped itself around Sean’s hard one, my head on his shoulder and my chest pressed up against his side.  I was still holding h
is large hand with my small one.  I jolted upright, scooting away from him quickly.  That’s when I saw it: the bulge in Sean’s jeans.  His erection was obvious, straining against the thick material.  And it was undeniably large.  I licked my lips unconsciously as I stared, wide-eyed.

“Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s rude to stare?”

I jumped, startled out of my entranced state.  My eyes snapped to Sean’s, and my cheeks burned ret hot as I saw the amusement in his gaze.  That cocky grin was back in place.  The man knew how good he looked, his effect on women, and he was clearly conceited as hell.

“But I don’t mind, you know,” he continued on as though not affected by my embarrassment one iota.  To the contrary, he seemed to be relishing it.  That dark flame flickered in his eyes again as they flicked down to my torso, a twisted, satisfied smile breaking out on his face as he saw that I was wearing his clothes.  Then his eyes roved upward to my red cheeks and then back up to my eyes, capturing me in his smoky gaze.

Snap out of it! 
I ordered myself harshly.  I quickly brought my walls back up, schooling my expression to a disdainful scowl.

“Well I
mind,” I snapped.  “What have I told you about your sordid little fantasies?  They’re totally fucked up.”  I drew back from him further, resolutely not looking at his crotch.

He reached for me quickly, grabbing my wrist.  “Claudia-
”  He began, his tone contrite.  But I wasn’t having it.

“Don’t touch me,” I hissed, yanking my hand out of his grip.  Or I would have if he hadn’t been infinitely stronger than me.  As it was, it was like pulling against the unyielding metal cuffs again.  So I settled for giving him a pointed glare.

Finally, he released me, something akin to regret in his eyes.  He ran a hand through his hair in frustration, mussing it in a way that impossibly made him look even sexier, as though he had just enjoyed a good fuck…

I needed to get out of here, to get away from this god-like man who was quickly driving me to madness.

I stood abruptly and began pacing back and forth beside the bed, suddenly feeling claustrophobic, as though the room was far too small.  Sean’s aura seemed to fill the small space, his masculine scent pervading the air, choking off my ability to reason as it invaded my mind.

“Claudia?”  He asked, concern lacing his tone.  I didn’t answer.  “Claudia,” he said my name more insistently this time.  “What’s wrong?”

I rounded on him, stopping my pacing abruptly.  “What’s
”  I shrieked at him.  I was close to the edge of panic, so I focused on my anger instead, fighting to keep myself grounded.  “I’ve been kidnapped by a horny jackass, that’s what’s wrong.  One who doesn’t seem to have any plans to let me go.  Ever.  So what, am I supposed to just be fine with it when you make a pass at me when I can’t get away?  Am I supposed to be fine with it when you get wood and then leer at me like that?”

His expression had gone from guilty to furious in the space of a few seconds as he listened to my short tirade.

“Listen, doc,” he snapped.  “Your options are either Bradley insists on killing you, or you stay here indefinitely.  I went with option B.  Sorry if that gets your panties in a bunch, but the way I see it, I saved your life.  And I’m going to get morning wood.  I’m a red-blooded man; of course I’m going to get a hard-on if I wake up with a beautiful woman pressed against me.”  His brows drew together.  “And I don’t recall forcing you to
with me.”

I gasped, blanching at his words.  How dare he act like this was

the one who saved
life, in case you don’t recall,” I said acidly.  “All you did was take my life away from me.  Sure, I’m still breathing, but what am I supposed to do?  Stay locked in this room forever?  What kind of life is that?”

“What do you want from me?”  Sean half-growled, the ferocity of his expression making me
take an involuntary step back.  “I can’t let you go, but I won’t let you die.  That’s the best I can offer you.”

“How magnanimous,” I spat.  “If you really weren’t some kind of twisted monster, you would let me go.”  I couldn’t help the pleading edge that bled into my tone as I said it.

“This isn’t up for debate, doc,” he half-shouted, incensed by my words.  “You’re not leaving.”

Tears filled my eyes, and I quickly turned away from him to hide them.  I never cried in front of anyone. 

I blinked hard, willing the stinging at the corners of my eyes to dissipate.

“Claudia?”  His voice was suddenly gentle, soothing.  And that curious lilt as he said my name so sweetly made something quiver inside me.

But I didn’t answer; I knew that if I spoke the quaver in my voice would give me away.

“Shit,” he cursed softly.  “Claudia, I-”

The sound of the lock clicking back cut him off, and Bradley burst into the room.  He advanced on me.

“I thought I warned you not to upset him,” he said angrily.  His strong hands were on my shoulders, shoving me harshly.  My back hit the wall, my head cracking against it.  The world spun as pain spiked through my skull, the shock of impact reverberating through my brain.  Bradley’s furious visage filled my vision, and I tried to shrink away from him.  But the wall at my back prevented me from doing so, and I found myself trapped against it, pinned there by his strong hands on my shoulders and his cold, dark brown stare.

“Bradley!”  Sean’s voice was sharp, jabbing at the tension between us but not quite penetrating it.

When Bradley spoke, his voice was low and dangerous.  “Apologize,” he said, a threat in his tone.

I hesitated, still disoriented by the pain in my head.  But he shook me ruthlessly, doubling my discomfort as the sudden movement made the fast-growing lump at the back of my head throb.

“Apologize!”  He said again, more harshly this time.

“I…”  I gasped for air, struggling against the sudden tightness in my chest.  “I’m sorry.”

“Bradley, that’s enough,” this time it was Sean’s voice that held a dangerous edge.  I tore my gaze from my tormenter, and I was shocked to find the same furious expression that had been focused on me only moments before now turned against his best friend.

Although Bradley’s back was to Sean, he still seemed to sense his ire.  With a scowl, he released me and rounded on him.  I had to focus to keep my footing.

Sean was still glaring at Bradley.  “What is wrong with you?  Stop fucking doing that.  She’s not hurting me.  We just had a little disagreement, that’s all.  I can fight my own battles.  And I won’t allow you to abuse her.  Not after she saved my life.”

Bradley’s mouth was hardened into a grim line, but after a moment he nodded jerkily.  “Fine,” he said curtly.  “She’s your responsibility then.  You’re the one who wants to keep her here, so you’re going to have to keep her in line.”

“I’m pretty sure I can handle her,” Sean said coldly.

They stared at one another for a long moment, neither backing down.  Then the tense moment was broken suddenly when Sean’s stomach growled loudly.  Bradley’s hard expression melted instantly.  “You should eat something.  I’ll get you some food.”

But Sean’s face was still twisted down in a frown.  “Get something for Claudia too,” he demanded.

Bradley’s glare returned.  “I thought I just said she was your responsibility.”

“Well,” Sean began, his tone tight with suppressed frustration, “I can’t exactly take care of myself right now, so I’d appreciate it if you could help me out.”

Bradley’s scowl deepened, but he gave another short nod before turning on his heel and leaving the room.  For the first time, he left the door open.  I breathed a sigh of relief.  Maybe he truly had given up on “being responsible” for me.  I knew that I would face much better treatment at Sean’s hands.  And maybe this meant that I might be able to explore the apartment on my own, perhaps get to the fire escape?

I knew that I would have to bide my time, earn Sean’s trust.  And make sure that Bradley was out of the apartment.

I could hear the clatter of dishes in the kitchen, and my own stomach growled as I suddenly realized how hungry I was.  I had been running on adrenaline, but now that I was slightly more relaxed with my situation I became acutely aware of my physical needs again.  And right now I could really use some food and water.

So I waited for my jailor to bring me a meal, like I was in prison.  I grimaced at the thought that I was now completely dependent on these two men to survive.  How long would I be at their mercy?  How long until I could escape?

A few minutes later, Bradley appeared in the doorway, carrying two sandwiches and two glasses of water on a tray.  Sean sat up in bed, wincing at the movement but otherwise making no sound of discomfort.

“You should take some more pain killers after you eat,” I told him.

He rolled his eyes at me.  “Yes, doc,” he said, but his voice was mocking rather than meekly compliant.  His disrespectful tone and insistence on using the diminutive nickname when Bradley was around pissed me off to no end.  But I bit my tongue.

Be nice.  Build trust.

Still, I couldn’t bring myself to thank Bradley as he proffered me my sandwich.  I noticed that Sean’s looked much more appetizing than mine.  His was piled high with ham, while mine had one slice of cheese between two cold slices of bread.

Prison food is probably better,
I thought darkly.  But it turned out that it tasted fairly good; I was that hungry.  I gulped down the water, thirstier than I had ever been in my life.

We ate in silence, the tension between Sean and his friend still lingering in the air as Bradley leaned back against the wall, arms folded over his chest as he watched me disdainfully.  I pretended not to notice, schooling my face to nonchalance as I forced myself not to wolf down my food.  Even so, I was finished in all of three minutes.

Once my hunger and thirst were sated, I again became aware of how uncomfortable I was physically; I hadn’t had a shower since the day I had been taken.

Ummm…”  I began, worried about making another request of Bradley.  So instead I turned my gaze on Sean as I spoke.  “Can I take a shower?”  I hated myself a little bit for asking permission.  Like a child.

Sean’s face softened as he met my eye. 
“Of course.  Sorry, I should have thought of that.”  He looked me up and down, again taking in the fact that I wore his clothes.  The corner of his mouth quirked upward, as though he couldn’t help it.  I felt myself blush under his scrutiny.  “I guess you’ll be needing new clothes, too,” he said after a moment.

I wanted to say snidely. 
I would love an orange jumpsuit.  Or maybe some old-school black and white stripes.  Orange isn’t really my color.

But I held it back.  I really did want some fresh clothes, and the way that Sean looked at me while I was wearing his made me distinctly uncomfortable.

“Yeah,” I replied instead, “that would be nice.”  But it didn’t feel nice.  My stomach twisted as I realized that getting a new wardrobe meant that I was definitely staying here for a while.  I felt like Belle in
Beauty and the Beast.
  I wouldn’t be surprised if the chest of drawers turned anthropomorphic, bursting into song as it proffered me eighteenth-century French dresses, telling me, “You’ll look ravishing in this one!”

BOOK: Monster (Impossible #1)
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