Monroe, Marla - The Edge of Night [The Protectors 3](Siren Publishing Classic) (3 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - The Edge of Night [The Protectors 3](Siren Publishing Classic)
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Morgan shook his head and huffed out a breath. He grabbed his things and escaped to the bathroom. He was in so much trouble. She was too young for him. Even if she was telling the truth about her age, he was close to thirty-eight. That was ten years’ difference.

His cock ached from tip to balls to bury himself so far inside her she wouldn’t know where he stopped and she began. He turned on the shower and was rewarded with a steady stream of hot water, but without a kick that would beat his naughty thoughts into submission. He had no right to even think about her like that. She was bad news—running from something or someone. He didn’t need to get caught up in her mess.

He scrubbed up and rinsed off, but still his balls tightened and his dick throbbed. Shit, he couldn’t go out there with a freaking hard-on. She’d take one look and scream. Morgan took his cock in one hand and began pumping it. He tried to bring up the face of one of the few women he’d had of late. Until recently, he’d been celibate.

Instead of the last woman’s face he remembered sucking his cock, he couldn’t get Amanda’s delectable mouth out of his mind. He tried bringing up the last ass he’d fucked and couldn’t get past Amanda’s generous globes just outside the bathroom door. Finally, he gave up and let his mind have her despite knowing he couldn’t possibly in real life.

He tightened his grip and began tugging on his cock at a brutal pace. He needed to come and then get her out of his head. It seemed the faster he pulled and the harder he thought about her, the more elusive his climax became. Disgusted, Morgan stopped and banged his head against the back of the shower stall. Then he started over and thought about how good it would feel to sink his dick between her plump lips and fuck her face slow and deep.

He reached between his legs and fingered his balls. They were already hot and tingling. He massaged them as he thought about her tongue licking him there, maybe even taking them into her mouth. Would she be able to handle it, or was her mouth too small to hold even one of his balls? Morgan groaned at the thought of her tongue racing around the mushroom cap. When she finally deep-throated him, he came, shooting cum up on his belly as he squeezed his balls.

It took him a few minutes to catch his breath before he could rinse off and step out of the shower. The water had already turned cold by that time. There wouldn’t be any steam to herald his emergence from the bathroom.

Morgan quickly dried off and pulled on fresh boxers. He had no intentions of sleeping in his jeans. They were already molded to his skin from wearing them so long. She would have to deal with boxers. When he emerged from the bathroom, it was to find that she’d piled up on the love seat with a pillow and a blanket. She didn’t fit it at all, so he held little doubt that he would.

He started to yell at her to get back in bed, but found she was fast asleep. Damn, if she could sleep like that, yelling at her probably wouldn’t wake her up at this point. He threw caution to the wind and picked her up in his arms. She weighed little or nothing. He gently laid her in the bed and pulled the cover back over her. Then he retrieved the pillow and blanket and got on top of the covers on the other side of the bed. He pulled the cover over him and turned on his side to go to sleep. It didn’t take long. He’d had very little sleep in the last few days.

Morgan had been helping a friend keep his woman safe from her crazy ex-husband and hadn’t gotten much rest. He planned to visit Dodge up north and figured to get some rest then. It looked like his plans had changed again, though. He had a woman to get to safety, wherever that turned out to be. With that thought, he fell into a restless sleep.

Chapter Three

Amanda felt comfortable and wasn’t really in any hurry to wake up, but she needed to go to the bathroom. She cracked one eyelid and realized she was back on the bed. No wonder she’d slept so well. Then she realized her pillow was moving. Both eyes flew open, and she nearly screamed. She was lying with her head on Morgan’s chest and her arms around his waist. Dear God, she was almost on top of him.

Panic threw her into action. She backed off of him and in the process managed to elbow him in the groin. He woke up and threw her beneath him to the bed, pinning her with his superior strength and weight.

“What in the hell?” he began.

“Get off of me,” she yelped, trying to free her hands.

Morgan slowly backed off her and stood up by the side of the bed. She rolled off the other side and hit the floor on her ass.

“What were you doing on the bed with me?” she demanded.

“I was on top of the covers, and you were under them. I didn’t think it would be that big a deal, and we both needed to sleep.”

“Well that’s not how we ended up,” she complained.

“Hey, don’t look at me. I wasn’t the one who climbed on top of me,” he groused.

Amanda’s face heated up at the implication. She’d been the one to breach the covers. If he’d just left her on the love seat. Then something else punched through her outrage.

“What’s that noise?” she asked.

Morgan groaned and crossed the room to pull aside the curtain. It was raining. Not just raining, but it was pouring buckets.

“Does this mean we can’t go anywhere?” she asked.

“Yeah, it means we’re stuck here until it blows over. A little rain won’t hurt, but trying to ride a bike in a deluge like that would only get us killed.” Morgan shoved his hands onto his hips.

Then he seemed to realize he was all but naked and grabbed his jeans and disappeared into the bathroom, leaving her alone in the room. She took advantage of the alone time and pulled her jeans back on. She debated on trying to put her bra on, but was afraid he would walk out when she was half dressed.

Resigned to being braless for the time being, Amanda gathered the bedding and made the bed. No need to leave it mussed up. They were going to be there a while and didn’t need the added reminders of their sleeping together. Unfortunately, she could still feel the strength of his chest beneath her, as well as the tickle of chest hairs against her cheek.

A few minutes after, the shower shut off, and Morgan emerged from the bathroom dressed in jeans but no shirt. His hair was still damp. A single drop of water rolled lazily down his chest to disappear into the waistband of his jeans. Amanda swallowed hard around the knot forming in her throat. He was by far the most handsome man she’d ever seen.

“Just as soon as this rain lets up, we’re out of here, so make sure you have everything packed.”

“I’ll be ready,” she assured him.

She grabbed her pack and headed for the bathroom at the same time he turned around to return to it. They touched chest to hip in the doorway. At his quick indrawn breath, she knew he felt that she wasn’t wearing a bra.

Morgan’s hands grabbed her shoulders to steady her as she stumbled. The heat from them seared a path from her shoulders to her nipples. Why was he affecting her this way? It had to be hormones.

For all of an instant, she thought he would kiss her. He even seemed to lean in toward her, but something stopped him, almost as if he remembered something. He stepped back out of the doorway and turned his back on her.

Amanda let out a breath and hurried inside the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She needed to get her bra on and be ready the minute the rain stopped. She wasn’t so sure he wouldn’t leave her behind given half the chance.

When she walked back out of the bathroom fifteen minutes later, she was fully clothed, armored up against the attraction she was beginning to feel toward Morgan. Why now, when everything hinged on his helping her get away from Guy, did this have to happen?

“So, are you going to tell me where you’re headed so we can cut the trip short and get you there ASAP or not?” Morgan sat on the love seat with his long legs stretched out in front of him.

“Just take me wherever you’re going, and drop me off at the closest motel there. I’m not picky. I’m not heading anywhere in particular.” Amanda licked her lips and looked around the room for somewhere other than the bed to sit. There was nowhere else.

“Then tell me who you’re running from.”

Amanda jerked. “What makes you think I’m running from someone?”

“You have that look about you,” he said.

“What look?” She furrowed her brows.

“You’re always looking around, making sure there’s no one you know around you. You constantly look back when we’re riding. You’re running from someone. Are you in trouble with the law?” Morgan asked.

“No. I’m not in any trouble. I swear to you.” She stood up.

If he refused to take her any farther, she would be in trouble in this little backwoods town. She didn’t think there was even a bus stop there.

“Please, you have to believe me. I’m not going to be any trouble. I…I was seeing someone and found out he had a fiancée. I just want to get as far away from him as I can. That’s all.” She wrung her hands, pleading with him with her eyes.

“Shit.” He stood up and walked over to the window where he’d pulled the drapes back to reveal the pouring rain.

Amanda glanced at the clock by the bed. It was nearly noon and checkout time. What would he do? He turned around and switched on the TV, flipping channels until he found The Weather Channel. They spent the next fifteen minutes listening for the local weather. When the
Local on the 8s
came on, Amanda nearly cried. The radar showed heavy rain for at least the next several hours.

“I guess we’re stuck here for another night,” Morgan fussed. He switched off the TV and picked up the phone. “I’ll make sure we still have this room and get another room if they have one open.”

Amanda moved over to the love seat while he took over the bed and made the phone call. From the sound of things, there still wasn’t another room.

“We can stay here one more night, but they have a family reunion coming to town tomorrow, so we’re SOL after that.” He ran a hand through his hair and groaned.

“Um, do you think they have anything in the office worth eating? I’m sort of hungry,” Amanda said.

“Don’t know. Guess we need to find out before everyone else gets the same idea and cleans them out.”

They slipped out of the room, staying close to the building to avoid as much of the rain as possible. Still, by the time they made it to the office, they were both damp. Morgan’s shirt stuck to his body and outlined every contour of his muscular chest and tight abdomen. She licked her lips and suppressed a moan.

They were in luck, and the office had plenty of snacks available at an inflated price. She raided the drink machine while Morgan negotiated chips, cookies, and even a honey bun from the clerk manning the desk. He even produced a plastic bag for them to carry their stash back to the room. Morgan took both the drinks and the bag, leaving her with nothing to hold. She really needed something to occupy her empty hands with his delectable body so close to her and her hormones kicking up.

They started back toward the room, only this time they were facing into the wind. Morgan blocked much of the spray that would have probably blinded her. She kept one hand against his back as much for comfort as to keep up with him. When he suddenly stopped, she ran right into him and had to grab his waist with both hands to keep from falling backward. She looked around him to see why he’d stopped, only to see that someone had walked outside their door, right in front of him, and startled him.

“Uh, sorry. Didn’t see you, man,” Morgan told the man.

He merely grunted and disappeared back inside the room, but not before she caught a good look at his face—Mike, one of Guy’s goons. Shit. They’d followed her. What was she going to do now?

Amanda all but hugged Morgan’s body the rest of the way back to the room, and when he opened the door, she managed to make it inside before he even had the door all the way open.

“What in the hell is wrong with you?” he demanded, dropping the bags to the bed.

“Sorry, have to go to the bathroom.” She hurried to the bathroom and slammed the door behind her.

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