Moms Night Out (26 page)

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Authors: Tricia Goyer

Tags: #science

BOOK: Moms Night Out
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The kiss was both charged and sweet, just like her husband. Just like her life.

Then, just when Allyson was sure the moment is perfect another voice broke through.

“Guys,” Bridget said. “No, hey, guys, that’s gross.”

Allyson didn’t have to open her eyes and look up to know that Bridget stood over her, wearing a bowling shirt, and carrying a tray of drinks in her hand.

“Ew,” Bridget continued. “Don’t do that in here. You’re really way too old.”

Allyson pulled back from Sean’s kiss, but just slightly. She allowed him to embrace her with his gaze.

As they sat at the table, cuddled up and watching their kids, Izzy and Marco walked by.

Marco had more confidence than Allyson had seen in a while. He carried a boy on each arm.

“You know.” He turned to Izzy, balancing his load. “I totally feel I’m made for this . . . I’m made for two.”

“Marco,” Izzy’s voice squeaked out, just barely louder than the crashing of pins . . . “I’m pregnant.”

Sean jumped to his feet and grabbed the boys from Marco’s arms. Marco swayed and Allyson was sure he was going to topple, just like one of the bowling pins.

Allyson looked up at Izzy, surprise on her gaze. “Another one?” Izzy’s eyes widened, and she shook her head. “I just went to the doctor today and . . .” She let her voice trail off, and she lifted up her hand, putting down all her fingers but TWO.

“Two?” Laughter spilled from Allyson’s lips. Wonderful laughter.

And, just when Allyson thought things couldn’t get any better the black lights flashed on and the DJ called out, “Dance Cam!” Sean put down the twins and stretched out a hand to her. It was a night to celebrate—to dance with family and friends. To celebrate life . . . together!

Their wonderful, multiplying with goodness, life.



The house was quiet, too quiet. Allyson was up early again. She hurried downstairs and thought she heard someone in the kitchen. Was it one of the kids—getting into something? Allyson stepped over, and that’s when she saw him . . . Sean down on all fours, trying to clean under the refrigerator. He was sweaty. He was gross. He was . . . gorgeous.

She paused at the threshold of the kitchen, placed her hands on the countertop and peered down.

Sensing her gaze, Sean looked up. “Oh, hey.” He sat up, cleaning rags in hand.

Allyson’s heart started to pound wildly, and she couldn’t help but smile. She bit her lower lip and started to feel warm all over. “You are so hot right now . . .” she told him.

“I know it’s disgusting. I need to take a shower.”

She shook her head and narrowed her gaze on him. “That’s not what I’m talking about,” she whispered.

“Oh.” Sean’s mouth curled into a circle, and then his eyes flashed, understanding.

She rushed toward him, and fell into his arms. He wrapped them around her, but just as he bent out to kiss her he let out a moan . . . a moan of pain.

“Oh, no. What did I do? What did I do, honey?” She tried to pull back from where she was laying against him.

“It’s just the shoulder. Just the shoulder.”


Sean didn’t seem to mind, and he pulled her closer to him, kissing her again. “Don’t move.”

“Okay,” she said, snuggling closer and kissing him again.

“What are you doing?” It was Bailey’s voice, interrupting. They looked up, frozen in each other’s arms.

There Bailey sat on the kitchen counter, looking down at them.

“Uh, just giving Daddy a little cuddle. A little cuddle.” Allyson patted Sean’s cheek. Sean leaned down and kissed Allyson’s temple.

“Mornin’, baby,” Allyson said. Then she pulled back from his embrace, and Sean sat straighter, holding himself awkwardly.

“Just give me a minute.” He moaned, louder.

“Okay,” she said.

He got onto his knees and moved to the kitchen counter. “Don’t be scared.”

Then, before her eyes, he slammed into the cabinet.

“Ah!” he cried out in pain. Then he pulled back and straightened. “Whoo!” he said. “Then he spread out his arms. “But then it’s good.”

“It’s all good.”



1. Allyson is a mom who loves her kids and loves her life, yet she wonders why she’s not happy. Why do you think Allyson feels this way? When have you felt this way?

2. Sondra is a pastor’s wife who does her best to “hold everything together” at church and home. Why do you think Sondra works so hard to put on a good show? In what ways have you struggled to put on a “good show” for others?

3. Bridget is a young mom who has many challenges as she tries to balance her roles. What are some of Bridget’s biggest challenges? What things do young women like Bridget need most?

4. Both Allyson and Sondra find themselves “addicted” to watching the Ustream of a mama eagle caring for her baby. Why do you think they were both drawn to the eagle and her baby? How can you relate?

5. Izzy is faced with an unplanned pregnancy, and her thoughts bounce between denial, worry, and feigned excitement. What stood out to you the most about how Izzy handled the news? Does anything have you anxious or worried in your season of life?

6. Who was your favorite character in the book? What did you like most about this character?

7. Allyson’s plans go crashing down when she arrives at the restaurant and discovers she’d made reservations for
Saturday, instead of
Saturday. Why did Allyson take this so hard? Was there ever a time in your life when your response to a “little inconvenience” highlighted a deeper issue within your heart?

8. While the moms are handling their challenges the dads are having their own adventures with the kids. How did the fathers handle their challenges differently than their wives? What differences do you see in the way you and your spouse handle your children?

9. How do you think
Moms’ Night Out
shared the importance of the roles of both parents?

10. Allyson sees Kevin—Sean’s best friend—as someone who never grew up. How do you see Kevin? Have you ever judged someone and later discovered he or she was different than you thought?

11. When Bridget and Allyson discover that baby Phoenix is in the care of Bones—at the tattoo parlor—everyone’s plans change. What worried you most during their search for baby Phoenix? Why?

12. Bones becomes an unlikely advisor and hero in the book. Out of all the things he told Allyson at the police station what stood out to you the most? How did his words resonate within you?

13. All of us have things we try to hide from others. What type of freedom did Sondra experience after the truth of her tattoo came out? Was there ever a time in your life when a hidden truth, that you dared to share, set you free?

14. Sitting in the jail cell Bridget asked Ally, “You must think I’m a horrible mom, don’t you?” How did these two women’s worries about “not measuring up” change throughout the book? Do you ever find yourself comparing yourself to other moms? What has God said to you about this?

15. At the end of the book unlikely forces gather to help find baby Phoenix. How do you imagine things playing out within the community after this night? What changes would you like to see happen in your own church and community?

16. Have you seen the movie too? What things did you like about the movie? What things did you like about the book?

17. Who would you like to share this story with? How do you think this story will impact him or her?

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