Read Moment of Weakness: One Moment, Book 1 Online

Authors: Toni J. Strawn

Tags: #business;office romance;tax consultant;temp;erotic

Moment of Weakness: One Moment, Book 1 (10 page)

BOOK: Moment of Weakness: One Moment, Book 1
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The sweet heat of victory rolled over him when Abby pressed herself closer and tilted her mouth upward in silent invitation.

He swayed toward her. Then stopped. All he had to do was get over the next hurdle. Drawing down to the darkest depths of his self-control, Marcus barely held himself back from fucking her mouth with his tongue.

“Not here.” His lips brushed against hers as he breathed out the words.

“Where?” Her voice was a sultry whisper, a silken caress on his skin. Marcus couldn’t help flexing his hips against her. His cock pushed into her belly as his chest rested against the soft fullness of her breasts. She was such a sweet temptation. It was only the knowledge that she’d soon be his that kept Marcus in check.

“Six o’clock.” One last thrust and Marcus ripped himself away while he still could.

Abby waited for the door to close before slithering into a puddle on the floor.

What had she gotten herself into? And why wasn’t she more worried about it? Abby examined her feelings about the most recent turn of events. Anxiety…panic…abject terror? Nope. Surprisingly, the only emotions on her radar were lust and excitement. She almost laughed out loud. In inventing his little game, Marcus had just handed Abby the key to getting involved for more than one night.

It was a game. Games weren’t real. Abby could compartmentalize everything she felt and treat it like it was no more than a tennis match. She was good at that. Okay, it was a Grand Slam Open tournament and she was pitting herself against a master, but it was still just a game. And as long as Abby kept that thought uppermost in her mind, she could get through this. Enjoy it. And walk away. There were no feelings involved, no other outcome than playing hard and winning.

All she had to do now was get through to six o’clock.

Marcus didn’t make it easy on her. She hadn’t expected him to. He did his damnedest to stay in her sight all afternoon, but out of reach. Just tantalizing glimpses that turned the tingle of expectation into the dull roar of unfulfilled hunger.

“This has been the most fun ever.” Cole dropped by late in the afternoon to say goodbye. “Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it. I’ve never seen Marcus so unstitched.”

Abby stared him down with a sardonic look. “Oh, and you had nothing to do with pushing him?”

“I do what I must.”

Abby assured Cole there was a special place in Hell for people like him.

Then waited some more. At five thirty, she thought if Marcus didn’t come and get her soon, she would seriously explode into one gigantic orgasmic ball. It was pathetic how desperate she was to see Marcus by the time he finally did show up at her door. He leaned lazily against the doorframe, coming no further than the threshold. Abby let her gaze sweep him slowly, devouring every lovely spare inch of him. Her gaze fixed on the bulge in his pants that even excellent tailoring couldn’t hide and her pulse tripped into double time.

“Food first?” he queried, looking for all the world like he had nothing better to do than grab a bite to eat.

Food was the last thing on Abby’s mind. But she nodded, knowing it would drive him just as crazy if she played the game his way. Marcus smiled and extended his hand. As she took it, he curled his fingers around hers and squeezed for a moment before leading her upstairs.

“I have a small apartment I hang out in,” he explained, opening a door at the top of the landing on the second floor. “The rest of the house is for show. But this…this is mine.”

Lust momentarily took a back seat to curiosity as Abby glanced around Marcus’s inner sanctum. The apartment was just like any normal, modern living space—apart from the fact it sat smack-bang in the middle of a majestic old mansion. Comfy leather couches, books stacked untidily on the coffee table…the room looked much lived in, evidence Marcus spent most of his time here. French doors led to a small patio where steps zigzagged down to the lawn and the wide, lazy river.

“Make yourself comfortable,” Marcus said. He moved to the kitchen and opened the fridge.

Abby stared for a moment, not quite believing he was going through with his threat of dinner. So it was going to be like that, was it? This was Marcus playing the game. Next he’d be asking her how her day had gone.

“So, how are you finding the work so far? Not too taxing?” He mocked her from behind the counter as he got busy slicing tomato and cucumber into a bowl.

Abby swept aside the pang of disappointment when he did exactly what she’d predicted. She snorted. She’d come here for one thing, and that was the only thing she expected Marcus to deliver on tonight. A smile creased her lips.

Time to do exactly as Marcus had suggested and make herself comfortable.

Chapter Ten

Abby fixed M
arcus with a polite smile and took off her jacket to lay it across the arm of the sofa. She sat, sliding her hands down her calves to unbuckle her shoes. She slipped them off.

Marcus threw furtive glances her way, but whenever Abby looked up, he seemed content enough to keep chopping carrots. She stood and raised her arms in a stretch, lifting herself onto the balls of her feet. When she was fairly confident she had his full attention, Abby began unbuttoning her shirt. Slowly. It slid easily off one shoulder, then the other, to join her jacket.

Abby tapped her finger against her lips.
Hmm, skirt or bra next?
He did seem to like her skirt rucked up around her hips, but as she didn’t have her fuck-me shoes on the end result wouldn’t be nearly as effective. Shrugging, Abby eased the zip down on her skirt and let it slither down her legs.

“Ow. Shit.”

She glanced up. Marcus sucked his finger into his mouth. He waved her on with his other hand.

“Just a nick. Keep…ah…going.”

Hiding her smile, Abby stepped out of the skirt and put it with the rest of her clothes. She wandered casually over to the counter opposite Marcus.

“Do you need a hand?” she asked, unclasping her bra as she spoke.

Her breasts came free of the cups and she let the straps slide down her arms, toying with the material as it slithered past her fingertips. Cool air hit her nipples and they puckered into taut points.

Marcus cleared his throat. “It looks like it’s you who could use some help.” He put his knife down to come around the counter.

“No, no.” Abby backed away and put up her hands. “You’re obviously busy. I can take care of myself.”

Her words stopped Marcus. His eyes flicked over her as if trying to divine her meaning. Slowly he retreated and picked up the knife again.

“Are you sure you want to be handling that?” Abby teased. She let her hands skim from her hips up her torso and paused for a moment to squeeze her breasts together. Then she hooked her fingers in the side of her panties and drew them down. She turned sideways, bending to pick them up, the tug on her breasts a delicious weight as they swung free. She added the last of her underwear to the growing pile of clothes.

Marcus put the knife down carefully, giving up all pretense of doing anything except watching Abby. His gaze brushed her face, her breasts, travelling along her legs from hip to toe. She could feel every inch of skin that his eyes lit on, her body hot and eager, tingling with awareness under his appreciative stare.

Her legs trembled and she sat, choosing the armchair opposite where Marcus stood. Cool leather hit her fevered skin and she wriggled, enjoying the conflicting sensations of hot and cold. She leaned back into the seat. Her legs were restricted by the arms of the chair, but Abby opened them as much as she could, at the same time cupping her breasts and pushing them together. Grazing her thumbs across the tops of her nipples, she moaned, closing her eyes as her belly tightened. Over her own heavy breathing, she heard Marcus rasp out her name.

While she alternated between each breast, pinching and rolling her aching nubs, her other hand inched down her belly and eased between her legs. She was wet, her fingers skating between her lips to draw moisture up and over her clitoris. The little mound of nerves was swollen and ready and she fought against the urge to pet it more.

“Put your leg over the arm,” Marcus growled roughly. His hands gripped the bench as if he was scared to let go.

Abby did as he asked, hooking her right leg over the chair arm and widening her position. Marcus’s eyes flared and he leaned forward to fasten his gaze on her glistening pussy. She drew some of the creamy liquid onto her fingertip and painted it across one nipple. Then the other.

Distracted for a moment by the pleasure, she paused to roll the slippery buds between her fingertips. Then the throb of her clit grabbed her attention again and Abby’s hand delved back through her curls, seeking relief. Back arching, she pressed two fingers into herself as she pushed her hips forward.

“Argh. This. Feels. Good.” Her eyes closed, her head rolling back against the chair. Ripples of pleasure radiated outward and her body flushed with heat. She was close. So close.

“No. Open your eyes.” Abby cracked her lids to find Marcus moving against the counter, his hands still caught in a death-grip on the bench top. “Finish it,” he hissed.

She didn’t need any further encouragement. Pressing against her clit, Abby moved her hand in small circles, while she played her fingers over the sensitive opening of her sex. Her hips bucked, sweat beading on her brow as pressure built, licking at her skin, contracting her muscles.


Abby followed Marcus’s gruff orders, every nerve ending on alert, her body coiling in on itself as she writhed against the leather. Her breath stuttered, caught between low, hard pants and a deep guttural moan that seemed to rise from the bottom of her stomach.

“I’m going to…come.” The last word left her mouth as a shout, her sheath tightening around her fingers as she pressed hard against her spasming clit. Abby rode out the orgasm, ripple after ripple of luscious pleasure, until she fell back limply.

The itch was momentarily soothed, but the deep ache inside her was far from satisfied. Her eyes flicked to Marcus. He looked pained, the outline of his muscles standing out under his shirt. Abby stood and stretched, loose limbed and ready for more.

“Now I’ll come and help you,” she said.

As soon as she stepped in reach, Marcus caught her in his arms. His mouth ground down on hers, hands skating over her naked body as though he didn’t know where to touch her first.

Desire blossomed back to life. Abby’s body reacted to Marcus like a match igniting and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing against him, his kiss a stormy invasion, lips and teeth clashing. A growl reverberated up through his chest as his hands cemented her hips to him.

“Let me take care of you,” she said, when he allowed her up for air. She unbuckled his pants and wriggled from his grip to slide to her knees. The scent of his need hit Abby’s senses and her mouth watered. The tip of his cock glistened with precome. Hungrily, she licked around it to suck him into her mouth.


Marcus’s hands fisted in her hair. She curled one hand around his girth and guided him past her lips, taking him halfway before sliding back again. Another luscious lick around the bulb, then Abby dug her fingers into his ass, encouraging him to fuck her mouth.

His movements stuttered for a moment before he found his pace. His hips drove forward and back, pushing in and out of her lips, hitting the back of her throat. The sweet, salty taste of him filled her and she urged him on, her fingers clawing at his buttocks, pushing him into her harder and faster. She fondled his balls, gently cupping and pulling the tissue-soft skin as his cock thickened, impossibly hard.

His grip in her hair tightened and Marcus pulled her head back, his movements slowing as Abby rolled her eyes up to look up at him. His face was flushed with pleasure, mouth falling open, breath slewing past his lips.

“Ahhh. Abby. I’m…”

His hips thrust erratically. Out of sync. Out of control. Abby flattened her tongue to suction up his length as her hand pumped faster. With a roar, Marcus lurched forward and let go, filling the back of her throat with hot jets of come. His hand convulsed in her hair—then, as if he realized he might be hurting her, he loosened his hold to stroke the curls back around her ears.

Marcus lifted Abby to her feet and rested his head on her shoulder. His body was soft with satisfaction as he kissed along her collarbone, working his way up her neck, along her jawline to finally find her mouth. Abby shuddered, surrendering to the sweetness. The kiss became fierce, fire once more licking the air between them.

Marcus pulled back. “Your turn again.”

He didn’t wait for her answer. He swept aside the half-chopped vegetables and lifted her onto the bench. Her ass hit the cold marble and she let out a gasp. Marcus ignored her protest, too busy running his hands up the insides of her thighs, spreading her legs. Abby hooked them over his shoulders as he sank to his knees.

“Perfect,” he rumbled as his mouth came forward to taste her.

As with everything he did, Marcus left no inch of her untouched by his lips, his tongue, his fingers. He’d forgotten nothing. Lingering at the sensitive crease in her hips, he laid long lavish licks along her pussy, before sliding two fingers inside her as he sucked at her clit.

Abby writhed on the counter, her heels digging into Marcus’s back while her hands twisted in the soft tufts of his hair. Her body was thrown into exquisite chaos and he kept her right on the edge of tipping into perfect ecstasy. By the time Abby exploded into her second orgasm, there was nothing left of the tension between them—and nothing left on the bench but a few bruised lettuce leaves. The rest had landed in the sink to clog up the waste disposal.

Marcus helped her down from the counter. “I can give you so much more.” He smacked his lips with satisfaction as she wobbled on her feet. “Just say the word and you can have all of me as often as you like.”

Abby grimaced at his not so subtle reminder of the game. In the heat of the moment, she’d forgotten all about it. Which was dangerous. And stupid.

“Are you saying you’re ready to give up on your ridiculous conditions?” She came back at him quickly. “Are you willing to admit sex is more than enough between us?”

“Never.” Marcus shook his head, looking slightly less smug. “That was just the appetizer. So, how about a truce over a couple of steak sandwiches?” he suggested, waggling his brows. “I have a feeling we’ll need the energy boost.”

He was right. Damn it. Abby thought that last orgasm might have done the trick, but already her heartbeat quickened just from watching Marcus bend to grab the steaks from the fridge. He stepped out of his pants and she caught glimpses of his tight, tanned butt beneath his shirt.
Abby stepped behind him to brush against his back.

Why couldn’t she stop touching him? Trailing her fingers across the tops of his thighs, she plucked at the bottom of his shirt.

“It hardly seems fair you’ve got clothes on while I’m completely naked,” she grumbled.

Marcus turned and spread his arms wide, his hands loaded with meat and bread. “I kind of have my hands full.” He smirked.

Abby grinned. “Here, let me.”

She undid his buttons one by one, exploring every fresh inch of flesh as it was revealed. First with her fingers. Then with her mouth. As the material split farther apart, Abby lapped at his nipples, reaching down to cup his balls.

Bread and steak hit the floor simultaneously and the next moment Marcus’s hands were on her. He stroked her breasts, lightly kneading, plucking a harmonious tune over her nipples. Frissons of pleasure shot through Abby’s belly, coiling low. She wrenched the last of his buttons loose and yanked the shirt off his shoulders so it gathered around the cuffs.

“This isn’t going to work.” Marcus proffered up a wrist for her to undo the buttons.

Abby shook her head, her eyes already latched on his swollen cock. She fisted it, running her thumb across the tip of his head. He growled, scrabbling at his cuff. Abby kept up the pressure, lightly massaging his tightening balls, while stroking and caressing his rapidly growing shaft.

“Fuck, Abby. Stop,” Marcus cried out, but his hips kept moving to the feverish rhythm she’d set.

She trembled, the force building low in her belly even though he wasn’t laying a finger on her. The power he gave her, watching his uncontrolled reaction to her touch was enough to send Abby into a spin. She bit her lip. Trying to maintain a tempo fast enough to keep him off balance.


A tearing sound and all of a sudden Marcus’s hands were free, the shirt rent apart and hanging off one arm. She caught his fiery look. Then he found her and pushed one finger into her wet, aching core. With a groan, Abby widened her legs, riding his hand, stroking him faster. Two fingers scissored inside her, hitting her sweet spot while he massaged her clit.

Her legs shook, flickering sensations trembling over her, each one more powerful than the last. She reached out to steady herself, hitting a rigid wall of muscled chest. Abby’s fingers curled, her eyes darting downwards to catch the erotic scene of Marcus’s hand buried between her thighs, while she pumped his cock in and out of her fist. Her eyes locked on his. Whatever she’d felt previously increased tenfold as their stare detonated a sensory explosion. Limbs locked and gasping for air, they came together, hard and fast.

This time, it took them longer to catch their breath. Marcus stumbled as he warily moved out of Abby’s reach.

“At least we still have the steaks.” Abby ducked from his gaze to pick up the cling-wrapped pack from the floor.

“Yes, although if you really want to eat, it might help if you get out of the kitchen. Away from me.” Marcus nudged her from behind the counter.

Abby reached back to hook her arms around his neck, twisting to press her mouth against his. He pushed his tongue between her lips and rewarded her with a long, drugging kiss. When her stomach rumbled, he reluctantly slipped out of her hold.

“Seriously. Go.” He poked her in the back.

Abby chuckled, putting an extra kick in her step as she flounced to the other side of the bench. He watched every move with interest as she trailed her fingers over the counter. She climbed onto one of the swivel seats, resting her elbows on the bench top to create a nice view of her ample cleavage.

Marcus licked his lips. “Are you sure you don’t want to put some clothes on?” he asked dryly.

Abby flashed a sinful grin. “Positive.”

He groaned but his gaze didn’t leave her breasts. “We
going to eat,” he tried to warn her.

“Is that a challenge, Marcus?”

“No. Yes. Maybe. Fuck. I don’t know.” He blew out a breath and fumbled about with the other cuff of his shirt before throwing away the ruined remains.

BOOK: Moment of Weakness: One Moment, Book 1
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